Can you ffs update this ancient game engine Blizzard!!!!??? Losing games because of slow animations, minions switching places and minions bugging out when trying to direct them to attack! FFS, it has a competitive scene. Instead of printing cards, fix game, it's 100 years old!
I own a bunch of other games and consoles that actually make me happy when I play them. But I keep coming back to this shitty excuse of a game which makes me miserable 80% of the times. I tried to sell my account but noone would buy it ( I wonder why ). The amount time and money I have invested in this fucking joke is just so sad in comparison to actual fun or achievements. This is just not worth it anymore guys. Hearthstone has stopped being fun so long ago. The last time I had a real good time was in Karazhan or maybe in some arena runs together with friends. This ladder thing has become a burden for so long now.
Haven't commented in a while, but I used to love reading the Salt Thread when Kaladin was around. He was annoying but at least entertaining.
It seems the whole thread just devolved into 2-3 people jerking each other off by saying the game is rigged. News flash: The game is not rigged. You guys are just not as good as you think you are. The human mind is inclined to remember the unlucky moments rather than the lucky ones. Stop tilting and you will most likely stop misplaying so much, which in turn, will net you more wins. Of course you will get unlucky sometimes and of course you will meet your hard counter. It's a fucking card game for ffs. RNG is a big part of the game.
One guy even said he always knew big bad Blizzard was rigging the game, because they nerfed and buffed some classes in Arena to make them all viable... Get your heads out of your asses please.
Go to sleep. Your shitjob at Blizzard awaits you tomorrow.
I love when hunters deal 15 worth of damage in under 5 turns, it happens soo fast that i cant even deal with the cheer amount of bullsh*t they throw at me. Also some rogues can suck a huge d*ck for generating soo many outside cards that prove to be game changing.
SO what next? play slow deck and loose to hunters or play fast decks and loose to priest. there is no middle ground what so f*cking ever. Obviously not every class is balanced to be good as the other, but for the love of baby jesus it self, there needs to be either more fast healing or tar creeper 2.0
I just assume anyone who plays tier 1 net decks in casual is a pussy that's too afraid to play on ladder. Do you suck so badly at Hearthstone that you need "practice" with your tier 1 net deck? Are you afraid you might reveal to the world just how much of an utter embarrassment of a player you are by de-ranking with a tier 1 deck? Well, I have news for you. We already know you suck, otherwise you wouldn't be playing a tier 1 net deck in casual to begin with.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. People who smurf with competitive lists (tier lists) are one of the worst things about Hearthstone. I just don't see a good reason for it.
* Farm gold? You can do that with a well built, more casual deck, and you don't come across as a jerk that wants to farm newbies with an 99% winrate. You can also get 3 wins pretty easily with a tier deck while laddering up. * Farm portrait wins? Same thing. I get that 1000 wins is a lot, but pretty much the same factors as the above apply here. * Some... other reason? Like just wanting an absurdly high winrate? Well, I mean, I can't say you're 'wrong' if you have an ant-crushing mentality, but it doesn't exactly show much when you beat a casual deck with a tier deck.
I guess it's up to the individual whether they consider it a dick move or not - but I certainly do. Unless the pilot is trash there's no way a tier deck goes sub-15 without insta-conceding, so I wish Blizz would do something about players that have that sort of occurrence showing up (unnaturally pre-turn-2 concede rate).
Haven't commented in a while, but I used to love reading the Salt Thread when Kaladin was around. He was annoying but at least entertaining.
It seems the whole thread just devolved into 2-3 people jerking each other off by saying the game is rigged. News flash: The game is not rigged. You guys are just not as good as you think you are. The human mind is inclined to remember the unlucky moments rather than the lucky ones. Stop tilting and you will most likely stop misplaying so much, which in turn, will net you more wins. Of course you will get unlucky sometimes and of course you will meet your hard counter. It's a fucking card game for ffs. RNG is a big part of the game.
One guy even said he always knew big bad Blizzard was rigging the game, because they nerfed and buffed some classes in Arena to make them all viable... Get your heads out of your asses please.
Go to sleep. Your shitjob at Blizzard awaits you tomorrow.
I'm not surprised by your comeback, considering your post history...
Embiggen Druid is such bullshit. Wow you just played a 7/6 4 mana Faerie Dragon and a bunch of other untargetable bullshit? Also why nerf Wild Growth and just print a waaaaay better version of it. That makes zero sense Blizzard...
I literally just got smurfed by a freaking tempo rogue player. At rank 20. The literal only difference between his list and the Tempostorm one was the 1 mana pirate that battlecries into two more, instead of Pharaoh Cat - and that pirate isn't bad!
Played a lot of matches tonight, and of all my matches two were against OTK paladins. BOTH of them, out of desperation, used Holy Wrath with like 15 cards left in their decks. BOTH of them drew Shirvallah, killing me. That is bull****.
Haven't commented in a while, but I used to love reading the Salt Thread when Kaladin was around. He was annoying but at least entertaining.
It seems the whole thread just devolved into 2-3 people jerking each other off by saying the game is rigged. News flash: The game is not rigged. You guys are just not as good as you think you are. The human mind is inclined to remember the unlucky moments rather than the lucky ones. Stop tilting and you will most likely stop misplaying so much, which in turn, will net you more wins. Of course you will get unlucky sometimes and of course you will meet your hard counter. It's a fucking card game for ffs. RNG is a big part of the game.
One guy even said he always knew big bad Blizzard was rigging the game, because they nerfed and buffed some classes in Arena to make them all viable... Get your heads out of your asses please.
Can I ever face a druid that doesn't have Embiggen, side quest AND breath of dreams WITH A DRAGON before turn 4 for one fucking game? I guess not.
Literally impossible to beat them even with aggro unless you draw godly and the druid draws no ramp. This deck is fucking busted.
I've been playing Dragon Control Paladin, Got some buffs to beef up the dragons and other shit, +2 Shrink Ray, Equality, hell I even sprinkled in a Deathwing..but even teching heavily for it is still not enough to beat the onslaught of ridiculously hard to remove minions.
Honestly don't know why I continue playing this fucking game.
Haven't commented in a while, but I used to love reading the Salt Thread when Kaladin was around. He was annoying but at least entertaining.
It seems the whole thread just devolved into 2-3 people jerking each other off by saying the game is rigged. News flash: The game is not rigged. You guys are just not as good as you think you are. The human mind is inclined to remember the unlucky moments rather than the lucky ones. Stop tilting and you will most likely stop misplaying so much, which in turn, will net you more wins. Of course you will get unlucky sometimes and of course you will meet your hard counter. It's a fucking card game for ffs. RNG is a big part of the game.
One guy even said he always knew big bad Blizzard was rigging the game, because they nerfed and buffed some classes in Arena to make them all viable... Get your heads out of your asses please.
Do a little research before you throw shade. The fact that Blizzard manipulates the RNG is not in question. They have publicly stated so on many occasions (i.e. regulating the appearance of certain cards). There is a huge difference between buffing cards and flat out stating that they are going to increase the win rates of certain classes and decrease others (yes they actually said that). This is all in order to achieve their publicly stated goal of a 50% win rate. This is not a skill game. Anyone that says that they are good at this game might as well claim to be good at playing slot machines. And no I am not new to the game or stuck at rank 15. I have been as high as 3 and have all golden heroes including 3 that have more than 1,000 wins. It's fun to play. It's like professional wrestling. The outcomes are predetermined but people still watch.
Not a great start to the season, as I screw around in low ranks with casual decks (Galakrond control priest).
Game 1: highlander hunter. I suspected that they were at a slightly lower rank before the season changeover, which they confirmed, so that's all good, though still annoying to be playing a casual deck against a high tier one.
Game 2: against a Pogo deck - from my experience that deck can high roll, and boy did he high roll. Despite some misplays, after about turn 5 he was getting at least one Pogo a turn, and eventually I ran out of answers (despite putting up a lot of fight). What's most annoying is that despite my deck running 20/30 1-4 cost cards, I drew *one* by turn 4; so all around it was just a "roll really badly" kind of game for me.
Game 3: I actually won but feel like it should be included anyway - Galakrond rogue, though a low budget/casual version of it (at least judging from Blink Fox and Pickpocket), so that deck at low ranks wasn't annoying. What was annoying was my opponent Sapping a Shield of Galakrond - with the intent to prevent 4 damage, and/or force a single overdraw from me. That overdraw just so happened to be my own Galakrond. >.> Any other card would have been *easily* preferable to that. Given that my opponent had established his own Galakrond (at 1 invoke, mind you, so I guess desperation play?) I knew that long game I wouldn't have the value to win out despite my control cards, and with rogue having no great sweepers (and not really being able to afford the luxury of playing around sweepers anyway) I opted to just go as hard as fast as possible, and ended up getting the lethal before he could stabilize, so all's well that ends well I guess.
Cancer Druid opponent "played" a TOTAL of 10 cards:
Embiggen, Breath of Dreams, Breath of Dreams, Strength in Numbers, 3 Mana Scalerider + 7 Mana 6/10 Emerald Explorer (on curve) = Quest complete, drawing FREE 5/8 Dragonmaw Scorcher, Ysera, Unleashed (on curve), Swipe, Swipe. Game over.
I must admit... that was the most fun and interactive game of Hearthstone I've ever played! Thanks, Blizzard!
I still don't think Druid is powerful enough though. I think they need more ways to generate extra copies of Ysera, Unleashed. That way they'll get multiple chances to prevent their opponent's turn with a randomly generated Nozdormu. Or maybe let's give them cards that both draw AND give them extra mana for only 2 mana. Nah. Still not strong enough. Let's give them a gigantic reborn taunt that can't be targeted by spells!
Can you ffs update this ancient game engine Blizzard!!!!??? Losing games because of slow animations, minions switching places and minions bugging out when trying to direct them to attack! FFS, it has a competitive scene. Instead of printing cards, fix game, it's 100 years old!
“Boards don't hit back.” - Bruce Jun Fan Lee
I own a bunch of other games and consoles that actually make me happy when I play them. But I keep coming back to this shitty excuse of a game which makes me miserable 80% of the times. I tried to sell my account but noone would buy it ( I wonder why ). The amount time and money I have invested in this fucking joke is just so sad in comparison to actual fun or achievements. This is just not worth it anymore guys. Hearthstone has stopped being fun so long ago. The last time I had a real good time was in Karazhan or maybe in some arena runs together with friends. This ladder thing has become a burden for so long now.
Fuck warriors.
Go to sleep. Your shitjob at Blizzard awaits you tomorrow.
I love when hunters deal 15 worth of damage in under 5 turns, it happens soo fast that i cant even deal with the cheer amount of bullsh*t they throw at me. Also some rogues can suck a huge d*ck for generating soo many outside cards that prove to be game changing.
SO what next? play slow deck and loose to hunters or play fast decks and loose to priest. there is no middle ground what so f*cking ever.
Obviously not every class is balanced to be good as the other, but for the love of baby jesus it self, there needs to be either more fast healing or tar creeper 2.0
I just assume anyone who plays tier 1 net decks in casual is a pussy that's too afraid to play on ladder. Do you suck so badly at Hearthstone that you need "practice" with your tier 1 net deck? Are you afraid you might reveal to the world just how much of an utter embarrassment of a player you are by de-ranking with a tier 1 deck? Well, I have news for you. We already know you suck, otherwise you wouldn't be playing a tier 1 net deck in casual to begin with.
Was playing arena and just lost because my opponent got a Dragonqueen Alexstrasza off a Bone Drake. I feel like throwing my computer out the window.
AMD Ryzen 5 3600 / Gigabyte GTX 1050-Ti / G.SKILL F4 DDR4 3600 C16 2x8GB / Crucial MX500 2TB / WD Blue 1TB (2010)
Add me on some other sites; I want friends.
Anilist | RateYourMusic | Steam
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. People who smurf with competitive lists (tier lists) are one of the worst things about Hearthstone. I just don't see a good reason for it.
* Farm gold? You can do that with a well built, more casual deck, and you don't come across as a jerk that wants to farm newbies with an 99% winrate. You can also get 3 wins pretty easily with a tier deck while laddering up.
* Farm portrait wins? Same thing. I get that 1000 wins is a lot, but pretty much the same factors as the above apply here.
* Some... other reason? Like just wanting an absurdly high winrate? Well, I mean, I can't say you're 'wrong' if you have an ant-crushing mentality, but it doesn't exactly show much when you beat a casual deck with a tier deck.
I guess it's up to the individual whether they consider it a dick move or not - but I certainly do. Unless the pilot is trash there's no way a tier deck goes sub-15 without insta-conceding, so I wish Blizz would do something about players that have that sort of occurrence showing up (unnaturally pre-turn-2 concede rate).
I'm not surprised by your comeback, considering your post history...
Keep getting your shit pushed in by Warriors <3
Embiggen Druid is such bullshit. Wow you just played a 7/6 4 mana Faerie Dragon and a bunch of other untargetable bullshit? Also why nerf Wild Growth and just print a waaaaay better version of it. That makes zero sense Blizzard...
I have shame for playing the same game as you, fucking brainless mech player. Go get some brain so you can talk with normal humans, piece of shit.
I'm sorry for my bad english :D
I literally just got smurfed by a freaking tempo rogue player. At rank 20. The literal only difference between his list and the Tempostorm one was the 1 mana pirate that battlecries into two more, instead of Pharaoh Cat - and that pirate isn't bad!
Worst players in Hearthstone IMO.
Played a lot of matches tonight, and of all my matches two were against OTK paladins. BOTH of them, out of desperation, used Holy Wrath with like 15 cards left in their decks. BOTH of them drew Shirvallah, killing me. That is bull****.
You seem to be missing the point of this thread.
AMD Ryzen 5 3600 / Gigabyte GTX 1050-Ti / G.SKILL F4 DDR4 3600 C16 2x8GB / Crucial MX500 2TB / WD Blue 1TB (2010)
Add me on some other sites; I want friends.
Anilist | RateYourMusic | Steam
Can I ever face a druid that doesn't have Embiggen, side quest AND breath of dreams WITH A DRAGON before turn 4 for one fucking game? I guess not.
Literally impossible to beat them even with aggro unless you draw godly and the druid draws no ramp. This deck is fucking busted.
I've been playing Dragon Control Paladin, Got some buffs to beef up the dragons and other shit, +2 Shrink Ray, Equality, hell I even sprinkled in a Deathwing..but even teching heavily for it is still not enough to beat the onslaught of ridiculously hard to remove minions.
Honestly don't know why I continue playing this fucking game.
Let's nerf shaman and think the rest of the classes are healthy.
Good job Blizztard
Do a little research before you throw shade. The fact that Blizzard manipulates the RNG is not in question. They have publicly stated so on many occasions (i.e. regulating the appearance of certain cards). There is a huge difference between buffing cards and flat out stating that they are going to increase the win rates of certain classes and decrease others (yes they actually said that). This is all in order to achieve their publicly stated goal of a 50% win rate. This is not a skill game. Anyone that says that they are good at this game might as well claim to be good at playing slot machines. And no I am not new to the game or stuck at rank 15. I have been as high as 3 and have all golden heroes including 3 that have more than 1,000 wins. It's fun to play. It's like professional wrestling. The outcomes are predetermined but people still watch.
Three Reno gatekeepers in a row. Three Renos one turn from defeat, three gates kept. Well played, "rng".
Not a great start to the season, as I screw around in low ranks with casual decks (Galakrond control priest).
Game 1: highlander hunter. I suspected that they were at a slightly lower rank before the season changeover, which they confirmed, so that's all good, though still annoying to be playing a casual deck against a high tier one.
Game 2: against a Pogo deck - from my experience that deck can high roll, and boy did he high roll. Despite some misplays, after about turn 5 he was getting at least one Pogo a turn, and eventually I ran out of answers (despite putting up a lot of fight). What's most annoying is that despite my deck running 20/30 1-4 cost cards, I drew *one* by turn 4; so all around it was just a "roll really badly" kind of game for me.
Game 3: I actually won but feel like it should be included anyway - Galakrond rogue, though a low budget/casual version of it (at least judging from Blink Fox and Pickpocket), so that deck at low ranks wasn't annoying. What was annoying was my opponent Sapping a Shield of Galakrond - with the intent to prevent 4 damage, and/or force a single overdraw from me. That overdraw just so happened to be my own Galakrond. >.> Any other card would have been *easily* preferable to that. Given that my opponent had established his own Galakrond (at 1 invoke, mind you, so I guess desperation play?) I knew that long game I wouldn't have the value to win out despite my control cards, and with rogue having no great sweepers (and not really being able to afford the luxury of playing around sweepers anyway) I opted to just go as hard as fast as possible, and ended up getting the lethal before he could stabilize, so all's well that ends well I guess.
Cancer Druid opponent "played" a TOTAL of 10 cards:
Embiggen, Breath of Dreams, Breath of Dreams, Strength in Numbers, 3 Mana Scalerider + 7 Mana 6/10 Emerald Explorer (on curve) = Quest complete, drawing FREE 5/8 Dragonmaw Scorcher, Ysera, Unleashed (on curve), Swipe, Swipe. Game over.
I must admit... that was the most fun and interactive game of Hearthstone I've ever played! Thanks, Blizzard!
I still don't think Druid is powerful enough though. I think they need more ways to generate extra copies of Ysera, Unleashed. That way they'll get multiple chances to prevent their opponent's turn with a randomly generated Nozdormu. Or maybe let's give them cards that both draw AND give them extra mana for only 2 mana. Nah. Still not strong enough. Let's give them a gigantic reborn taunt that can't be targeted by spells!