Dragonqueen can be really frustrating sometimes. I got Bronze Explorer (which actually netted me an Emeriss, but full mana) and the 3/2 deathrattle Paladin dragon. Was still ahead then enemy Hunter also plays it and gets Ysera Unleashed and Onyxia. The Dream Portals wins him the game even through Emeriss' buff.
"Random" Dragons. This was literally back to back games.
Side Note: THIS is why I frequent the Salty Thread. Stuff like this isn't "random" for me. It's regular. When I play Dragonqueen, I get Faerie Dragons, Azure Explorers, Bronze Explorers, Bronze Heralds, and Scion of Ruin on a non-Galakrond class.
The worst one for me was Mage who went Dragonqueen Alexstrasza into Alexstrasza my face, oh and they also got a 0 mana Kalecgos Which allowed them to use Conjurer's Calling twice on their 9 drop to create 2 King Krush. I had to walk away from the computer after that one, it was such a disgusting way to lose.
I get that RNG is a factor in Hearthstone. It's super frustrating at times, and it sucks when it happens to you. What I am salty about, though, is BACK TO BACK GAMES the exact same outcome from Dragonqueen Alexstrasza. When I'm WAY ahead on board and in health, and my opponent plays Dragonqueen Alexstrasza, he gets 0 mana Ysera, Unleashed and 0 mana Kalecgos into 0 mana Flamestrike to clear my board and I lose. BACK TO BACK GAMES. Both games I was exactly 14 health ahead, too. Do you know the statistical odds of that happening? Pretty much ZERO.
Just now, I was playing against a Highlander Paladin who played Dragonqueen, gets 0 mana Alextrasza and 0 mana Malygos. Next turn, 0 mana Alex's my face, 0 mana Malygos, Consecration, Hammer of Wrath...dead.
It's RNG when it happens *sometimes* like it *appears* to in the HCT Tournaments and other broadcasted events. Well, in my world it's not RNG at all. My opponents draw the nuts in nearly every game, high roll every RNG roll, and I start with all of my 5+ mana cards in my opening hand the first 5 turns. I have friends that have spectated me and have seen this shit first hand. They laugh at how "unlucky" I am and can't believe it either until they see it first hand. I may get salty, but most of the time I still have fun and feel better about my play whenever I win because of my handicap. Feels like I downloaded some *EXTREME* version sometimes.
I'm going to do a bit of inverse salt in this post.
1. Just played a game versus the exact S-tier shaman list from TempoStorm (is it still S-tier? It'd still be tier 1 for sure, but unsure if it's still so good that it's S - though it honestly feels that the nerfed mana costs are a buff thanks to Mutate) at rank 19. Fortunately, was using a heavy control Galakrond priest and despite not getting a Mass Hysteria for the whole game, I was still able to keep things under wraps (though getting two Omega Medic to heal for 18 and nabbing and playing their stage 3 Galakrond before playing my own certainly helped). Basically, I won - and it feels oh so good to win against the top (or at least one-of-the-top since the nerfs) decks in what is an otherwise casual environment.
2. For the people upset at new-Alex - while I agree that it sucks to lose to a high roll from it (especially when they were behind before playing it), it can be glorious to win from one too. I was playing a a super-value/greedy highlander hunter against a pretty decent tempo rogue build. Opponent built a board on their second last turn that I was dead to, with no sufficient answers in hand. I had DQ Alex - but 10 cards in hand, so Alex was only going to get me one free dragon. It basically had to be Deathwing (I think either DW would have worked, but can't recall) or Nozari - with Nozari being a worse option as just being a one-turn bandaid that would also heal my opponent for 16. Of course, I got Deathwing, and despite having to discard 9 cards for it I had lethal on board (12 from DW + hero power) and my opponent couldn't draw into an answer.
Edit: double checked the replay. Nozari wouldn't have helped as my opponent had 29 damage on board (the whole issue with the board and why I couldn't answer it is due to an 18/18 VC they had built via Wondrous Wand + other cards), and warrior DW wouldn't have helped either - it *had* to be OG DW. My opponent ended up getting me down to 1 on their final turn (I was on 8 - they had a Crazed Netherwing off a Dragon Roar which they played, Shadowstepped, played, then hero powered me for 1). Very close game, and yeah, they would have been a bit salty over *my* DQ Alex luck. XD
Why Galakrond priest Hero power is SO SHIT, SHOLY SHET.
That shit need serious buff, I can deal with the RNG bullshit but atleast make the cards generated cost 1 or 2 less fuck. that would be a good start.
Getting stuck with 10 cards in hands is AWFUL at turn 5+, I would take the first version with generated random spells ANY TIME but the dev " Not a good feeling when you can't use the spells without synergy " NO SHIT what about those TRASH minion taking SPACE, basically reducing our handsize by 1-2.
This class is the one that need the most board presence but no lol we get this shitty RNG galakrond while everyone else is getting some tempo plays while we pray to get healing mininons.
How about a ressurect mechanc hero power? I'm sure there's a way to make it balanced.
Actually, funny the last post should be about Shudderwock - I too am going to post about it, though mine is a very light salt, from not getting to use it against my opponent to its full extent.
TLDR - my opponent lost before, as a rogue, I could go infinite with Shudderwock.
Basically, it's a more casual value Galakrond rogue I'm playing, including double Dragon's Hoard (ideally to search for Tekhan and get huge lackeys, but there are a lot of pretty decent class legendaries). I hit Shudderwock with both of them - and given how many battlecries my deck runs (being Galakrond rogue) it was an easy pick.
It was set to get even better though - I also run Faceless Corruptor (good card even at 4/4, especially with 1/1s like lackeys), Barista Lynchen (because of the amount of battlecries I run) and a single Togwaggle's Scheme (for a potentially large amount of Heistbaron's). Having played a Faceless Lackey (spawns a 2 cost minion) and having the Corruptor and Lynchen in the pool (actually multiple Corruptors and Lynchens to boost the odds), a Shudderwock had a better-than-even chance at turning a minion on the board into another Shudderwock, then putting it back into hand via Lynchen. If it ever failed, I could Scheme the Shudderwock for more real ones and more attempts.
I ended up playing the first Shudderwock 'early' as using it on turn 9 allowed me to get my fourth Invocation, which set up for a big tempo turn on turn 10. Then I just never got the chance to play the second Shudderwock - control warrior opponent held on valiantly, but ended up succumbing to a 16/16 VC.
Why Galakrond priest Hero power is SO SHIT, SHOLY SHET.
That shit need serious buff, I can deal with the RNG bullshit but atleast make the cards generated cost 1 or 2 less fuck. that would be a good start.
Getting stuck with 10 cards in hands is AWFUL at turn 5+, I would take the first version with generated random spells ANY TIME but the dev " Not a good feeling when you can't use the spells without synergy " NO SHIT what about those TRASH minion taking SPACE, basically reducing our handsize by 1-2.
This class is the one that need the most board presence but no lol we get this shitty RNG galakrond while everyone else is getting some tempo plays while we pray to get healing mininons.
How about a ressurect mechanc hero power? I'm sure there's a way to make it balanced.
Why are you having 10 cards in hand on turn 5? Galakrond priest should be running 6 invoke cards (the 2 priest class ones, and the 4/5 for 5 neutral). The 2/2 rush invoker is only decent in shaman and warlock, and borderline in warrior - it's not worth it in rogue and priest. Beyond that, from my experience Galakrond priest should be building their early curve to have good tempo and not just relying on a turn 5 Mass Hysteria. Priest actually has some pretty decent minions they can play between 1 and 4, and then from 5 onwards you've got your Mass Hysteria, Invoke-Assassinate, Plague of Death etc. Really it's arguably the best hero power when it comes to late game value - the issue is that we aren't really in a late game meta. Which is why you build your early curve to accept that limitation.
zeprys won't give silence against necrium apothecary feels nice
and before you ask yes i had mana to play earthshock and other silence cards
just weird
Zeph has issues determining the value of deathrattles. Like, he just can't do it at all it seems. So don't hold your breath if you need Zeph to give you an anti-deathrattle option (though if you do, I've found the safest bet is to play him with the last of your mana, as he seems much mroe prone to giving you Silence as it's one of the few 0 cost cards he has access to).
I had him miss a lethal due to this once - playing wild, and my opponent had that 2/3 taunt that deathrattles into a 2/2 non taunt. With my board, either Savage Roar or Bloodlust would've been lethal, but Zeph can't handle deathrattles, so he gave me something like Flamestrike instead (not lethal). Fortunately I still won the next turn, but it turns out that players are sometimes better at wishes than Zeph.
They can't even phrase correctly...like IT fckin says PLAY 3 games with that class...doesn't tell us that you must go near turn 10 or wait till he netdeck kills you...cause that is fun HAhaHA .
Edit: Game literally turned out to be a Netdeck an aggro shitlord Meme deck that lets you just have the quest rogue back on steroids...or other face decks...then shaman comes along if you build an anti aggro deck ...and Blizzard just smites you with their:...you conceded too early so you must play another one of these "Fun match" we like to call it nowadays :D
They should just remove casual at this point. It’s not casual. There’s nothing casual there. It isn’t helpful for people just starting out as they would have better match ups in a low rank place. Casual is just a place where people who are too embarrassed of themselves to actually play the game go. If it was for fun experimenting then just wait till you get to rank 15, 10, or 5. Why do we even need casual if it’s not even for the casual experience. Take rewards off casual so I can play this game without some galakrond neck beard pos trying to match up against me when I’m trying to do a silly deck. Casual is such a dumb mode and shouldn’t have existed in the first place.
"Random" Dragons. This was literally back to back games.
Side Note: THIS is why I frequent the Salty Thread. Stuff like this isn't "random" for me. It's regular. When I play Dragonqueen, I get Faerie Dragons, Azure Explorers, Bronze Explorers, Bronze Heralds, and Scion of Ruin on a non-Galakrond class.
The worst one for me was Mage who went Dragonqueen Alexstrasza into Alexstrasza my face, oh and they also got a 0 mana Kalecgos Which allowed them to use Conjurer's Calling twice on their 9 drop to create 2 King Krush. I had to walk away from the computer after that one, it was such a disgusting way to lose.
fuck everyone who plays quest priest in standard. your dad was proud in the maternity hospital when when he found out you are male. little did he know : such a waste.
Fuck I wish they would be perma squelch in this game. A lot of you need to be punched in the face. I probably need one too. Maybe I should go to one Gathering just to see if you shitlords say a word to someone in the room.
Fuck I wish they would be perma squelch in this game. A lot of you need to be punched in the face. I probably need one too. Maybe I should go to one Gathering just to see if you shitlords say a word to someone in the room.
Game 1-20 shit hand and godly hand by my opponents...every play I make good or bad just gets shit on by my opponent. Perfect answer, perfect answer, perfect answer to everything I do. And I have to deal with them emoting to rub it in my face. I wish you you couldn't see your opponent hover over their Hero, even if they are squelched I know that my opponent is emoting me anyways.
Only manage to get out 1 win against a Highlander Hunter but barely and I'm playing all these ez mode meta decks. I kinda have to since any deck I make is not gonna be good enough + my terrible luck so it's a bad idea waiting to happen. I'm forever never getting past rank 5.
Seriously my luck is so bad it's really soul crushing. Maybe I should stream and the world can see the unluckiest person ever in HS, maybe I might become popular. That or I get streamer's good luck.
Like fuck I try so hard I may not be a spectacular player but I think out each of my turn to the best of my ability and make the best use of what I have even if the plays feel bad. But no matter what I do I just get completely wrecked.
Why Galakrond priest Hero power is SO SHIT, SHOLY SHET.
That shit need serious buff, I can deal with the RNG bullshit but atleast make the cards generated cost 1 or 2 less fuck. that would be a good start.
Getting stuck with 10 cards in hands is AWFUL at turn 5+, I would take the first version with generated random spells ANY TIME but the dev " Not a good feeling when you can't use the spells without synergy " NO SHIT what about those TRASH minion taking SPACE, basically reducing our handsize by 1-2.
This class is the one that need the most board presence but no lol we get this shitty RNG galakrond while everyone else is getting some tempo plays while we pray to get healing mininons.
How about a ressurect mechanc hero power? I'm sure there's a way to make it balanced.
Why are you having 10 cards in hand on turn 5? Galakrond priest should be running 6 invoke cards (the 2 priest class ones, and the 4/5 for 5 neutral). The 2/2 rush invoker is only decent in shaman and warlock, and borderline in warrior - it's not worth it in rogue and priest. Beyond that, from my experience Galakrond priest should be building their early curve to have good tempo and not just relying on a turn 5 Mass Hysteria. Priest actually has some pretty decent minions they can play between 1 and 4, and then from 5 onwards you've got your Mass Hysteria, Invoke-Assassinate, Plague of Death etc. Really it's arguably the best hero power when it comes to late game value - the issue is that we aren't really in a late game meta. Which is why you build your early curve to accept that limitation.
zeprys won't give silence against necrium apothecary feels nice
and before you ask yes i had mana to play earthshock and other silence cards
just weird
Zeph has issues determining the value of deathrattles. Like, he just can't do it at all it seems. So don't hold your breath if you need Zeph to give you an anti-deathrattle option (though if you do, I've found the safest bet is to play him with the last of your mana, as he seems much mroe prone to giving you Silence as it's one of the few 0 cost cards he has access to).
I had him miss a lethal due to this once - playing wild, and my opponent had that 2/3 taunt that deathrattles into a 2/2 non taunt. With my board, either Savage Roar or Bloodlust would've been lethal, but Zeph can't handle deathrattles, so he gave me something like Flamestrike instead (not lethal). Fortunately I still won the next turn, but it turns out that players are sometimes better at wishes than Zeph.
Are you even questioning why you have 10 cards past turn 5, its common with the coin in mirror and vs other control deck + running full invoke package is trash for priest you don't want those random minions from the invoke cards.
+1 Good Card >>> Invoke shit except Time Rip decent vs control but trash vs everything else.
Don't come at me with a "it's good on paper lol just play it to generate worthle$$ value late game" but on some very rare occasion generate average at best plays.
Maybe if we could somehow have the Quest and Galakrond synergy late game would be scarier, but right now it's a joke of RNG easy to deal with.
Most game end near turn 6-8 after that if you survived I sure do want to rely on GOOD CARDS instead of the random invoke shit to win the game and pretty often wished to have my +2hp healing other Galakrond doesn't have this issue it's always better than nothing.
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Yes, he did spam emotes a lot too.
"Minion to minion the basic of all combats, only a fool trusts his win to an OTK"
Dragonqueen can be really frustrating sometimes. I got Bronze Explorer (which actually netted me an Emeriss, but full mana) and the 3/2 deathrattle Paladin dragon. Was still ahead then enemy Hunter also plays it and gets Ysera Unleashed and Onyxia. The Dream Portals wins him the game even through Emeriss' buff.
I get that RNG is a factor in Hearthstone. It's super frustrating at times, and it sucks when it happens to you. What I am salty about, though, is BACK TO BACK GAMES the exact same outcome from Dragonqueen Alexstrasza. When I'm WAY ahead on board and in health, and my opponent plays Dragonqueen Alexstrasza, he gets 0 mana Ysera, Unleashed and 0 mana Kalecgos into 0 mana Flamestrike to clear my board and I lose. BACK TO BACK GAMES. Both games I was exactly 14 health ahead, too. Do you know the statistical odds of that happening? Pretty much ZERO.
Just now, I was playing against a Highlander Paladin who played Dragonqueen, gets 0 mana Alextrasza and 0 mana Malygos. Next turn, 0 mana Alex's my face, 0 mana Malygos, Consecration, Hammer of Wrath...dead.
It's RNG when it happens *sometimes* like it *appears* to in the HCT Tournaments and other broadcasted events. Well, in my world it's not RNG at all. My opponents draw the nuts in nearly every game, high roll every RNG roll, and I start with all of my 5+ mana cards in my opening hand the first 5 turns. I have friends that have spectated me and have seen this shit first hand. They laugh at how "unlucky" I am and can't believe it either until they see it first hand. I may get salty, but most of the time I still have fun and feel better about my play whenever I win because of my handicap. Feels like I downloaded some *EXTREME* version sometimes.
Still sad that my shaman was nerfed :(
I'm going to do a bit of inverse salt in this post.
1. Just played a game versus the exact S-tier shaman list from TempoStorm (is it still S-tier? It'd still be tier 1 for sure, but unsure if it's still so good that it's S - though it honestly feels that the nerfed mana costs are a buff thanks to Mutate) at rank 19. Fortunately, was using a heavy control Galakrond priest and despite not getting a Mass Hysteria for the whole game, I was still able to keep things under wraps (though getting two Omega Medic to heal for 18 and nabbing and playing their stage 3 Galakrond before playing my own certainly helped). Basically, I won - and it feels oh so good to win against the top (or at least one-of-the-top since the nerfs) decks in what is an otherwise casual environment.
2. For the people upset at new-Alex - while I agree that it sucks to lose to a high roll from it (especially when they were behind before playing it), it can be glorious to win from one too. I was playing a a super-value/greedy highlander hunter against a pretty decent tempo rogue build. Opponent built a board on their second last turn that I was dead to, with no sufficient answers in hand. I had DQ Alex - but 10 cards in hand, so Alex was only going to get me one free dragon. It basically had to be Deathwing (I think either DW would have worked, but can't recall) or Nozari - with Nozari being a worse option as just being a one-turn bandaid that would also heal my opponent for 16. Of course, I got Deathwing, and despite having to discard 9 cards for it I had lethal on board (12 from DW + hero power) and my opponent couldn't draw into an answer.
Edit: double checked the replay. Nozari wouldn't have helped as my opponent had 29 damage on board (the whole issue with the board and why I couldn't answer it is due to an 18/18 VC they had built via Wondrous Wand + other cards), and warrior DW wouldn't have helped either - it *had* to be OG DW. My opponent ended up getting me down to 1 on their final turn (I was on 8 - they had a Crazed Netherwing off a Dragon Roar which they played, Shadowstepped, played, then hero powered me for 1). Very close game, and yeah, they would have been a bit salty over *my* DQ Alex luck. XD
Why Galakrond priest Hero power is SO SHIT, SHOLY SHET.
That shit need serious buff, I can deal with the RNG bullshit but atleast make the cards generated cost 1 or 2 less fuck. that would be a good start.
Getting stuck with 10 cards in hands is AWFUL at turn 5+, I would take the first version with generated random spells ANY TIME but the dev " Not a good feeling when you can't use the spells without synergy " NO SHIT what about those TRASH minion taking SPACE, basically reducing our handsize by 1-2.
This class is the one that need the most board presence but no lol we get this shitty RNG galakrond while everyone else is getting some tempo plays while we pray to get healing mininons.
How about a ressurect mechanc hero power? I'm sure there's a way to make it balanced.
zeprys won't give silence against necrium apothecary feels nice
and before you ask yes i had mana to play earthshock and other silence cards
just weird
HoF shudderwock already you fucking morons the card is busted and has been busted since the day of its release.
Actually, funny the last post should be about Shudderwock - I too am going to post about it, though mine is a very light salt, from not getting to use it against my opponent to its full extent.
TLDR - my opponent lost before, as a rogue, I could go infinite with Shudderwock.
Basically, it's a more casual value Galakrond rogue I'm playing, including double Dragon's Hoard (ideally to search for Tekhan and get huge lackeys, but there are a lot of pretty decent class legendaries). I hit Shudderwock with both of them - and given how many battlecries my deck runs (being Galakrond rogue) it was an easy pick.
It was set to get even better though - I also run Faceless Corruptor (good card even at 4/4, especially with 1/1s like lackeys), Barista Lynchen (because of the amount of battlecries I run) and a single Togwaggle's Scheme (for a potentially large amount of Heistbaron's). Having played a Faceless Lackey (spawns a 2 cost minion) and having the Corruptor and Lynchen in the pool (actually multiple Corruptors and Lynchens to boost the odds), a Shudderwock had a better-than-even chance at turning a minion on the board into another Shudderwock, then putting it back into hand via Lynchen. If it ever failed, I could Scheme the Shudderwock for more real ones and more attempts.
I ended up playing the first Shudderwock 'early' as using it on turn 9 allowed me to get my fourth Invocation, which set up for a big tempo turn on turn 10. Then I just never got the chance to play the second Shudderwock - control warrior opponent held on valiantly, but ended up succumbing to a 16/16 VC.
Why are you having 10 cards in hand on turn 5? Galakrond priest should be running 6 invoke cards (the 2 priest class ones, and the 4/5 for 5 neutral). The 2/2 rush invoker is only decent in shaman and warlock, and borderline in warrior - it's not worth it in rogue and priest. Beyond that, from my experience Galakrond priest should be building their early curve to have good tempo and not just relying on a turn 5 Mass Hysteria. Priest actually has some pretty decent minions they can play between 1 and 4, and then from 5 onwards you've got your Mass Hysteria, Invoke-Assassinate, Plague of Death etc. Really it's arguably the best hero power when it comes to late game value - the issue is that we aren't really in a late game meta. Which is why you build your early curve to accept that limitation.
Zeph has issues determining the value of deathrattles. Like, he just can't do it at all it seems. So don't hold your breath if you need Zeph to give you an anti-deathrattle option (though if you do, I've found the safest bet is to play him with the last of your mana, as he seems much mroe prone to giving you Silence as it's one of the few 0 cost cards he has access to).
I had him miss a lethal due to this once - playing wild, and my opponent had that 2/3 taunt that deathrattles into a 2/2 non taunt. With my board, either Savage Roar or Bloodlust would've been lethal, but Zeph can't handle deathrattles, so he gave me something like Flamestrike instead (not lethal). Fortunately I still won the next turn, but it turns out that players are sometimes better at wishes than Zeph.
They can't even phrase correctly...like IT fckin says PLAY 3 games with that class...doesn't tell us that you must go near turn 10 or wait till he netdeck kills you...cause that is fun HAhaHA .
Edit: Game literally turned out to be a Netdeck an aggro shitlord Meme deck that lets you just have the quest rogue back on steroids...or other face decks...then shaman comes along if you build an anti aggro deck ...and Blizzard just smites you with their:...you conceded too early so you must play another one of these "Fun match" we like to call it nowadays :D
They should just remove casual at this point. It’s not casual. There’s nothing casual there. It isn’t helpful for people just starting out as they would have better match ups in a low rank place. Casual is just a place where people who are too embarrassed of themselves to actually play the game go. If it was for fun experimenting then just wait till you get to rank 15, 10, or 5. Why do we even need casual if it’s not even for the casual experience. Take rewards off casual so I can play this game without some galakrond neck beard pos trying to match up against me when I’m trying to do a silly deck. Casual is such a dumb mode and shouldn’t have existed in the first place.
Lol I think i was the other guy
Click here to see my custom pirate adventure, The Treasures of VanCleef! https://www.hearthpwn.com/forums/hearthstone-general/fan-creations/240766-expansion-competition-the-treasures-of-vancleef
fuck everyone who plays quest priest in standard. your dad was proud in the maternity hospital when when he found out you are male. little did he know : such a waste.
Fuck I wish they would be perma squelch in this game. A lot of you need to be punched in the face. I probably need one too. Maybe I should go to one Gathering just to see if you shitlords say a word to someone in the room.
I wish cancer to every face hunter player and enjoy every minute of rope, fucktards.
Install autosquelch addon for decktracker.
Game 1-20 shit hand and godly hand by my opponents...every play I make good or bad just gets shit on by my opponent. Perfect answer, perfect answer, perfect answer to everything I do. And I have to deal with them emoting to rub it in my face. I wish you you couldn't see your opponent hover over their Hero, even if they are squelched I know that my opponent is emoting me anyways.
Only manage to get out 1 win against a Highlander Hunter but barely and I'm playing all these ez mode meta decks. I kinda have to since any deck I make is not gonna be good enough + my terrible luck so it's a bad idea waiting to happen. I'm forever never getting past rank 5.
Seriously my luck is so bad it's really soul crushing. Maybe I should stream and the world can see the unluckiest person ever in HS, maybe I might become popular. That or I get streamer's good luck.
Like fuck I try so hard I may not be a spectacular player but I think out each of my turn to the best of my ability and make the best use of what I have even if the plays feel bad. But no matter what I do I just get completely wrecked.
Are you even questioning why you have 10 cards past turn 5, its common with the coin in mirror and vs other control deck + running full invoke package is trash for priest you don't want those random minions from the invoke cards.
+1 Good Card >>> Invoke shit except Time Rip decent vs control but trash vs everything else.
Don't come at me with a "it's good on paper lol just play it to generate worthle$$ value late game" but on some very rare occasion generate average at best plays.
Maybe if we could somehow have the Quest and Galakrond synergy late game would be scarier, but right now it's a joke of RNG easy to deal with.
Most game end near turn 6-8 after that if you survived I sure do want to rely on GOOD CARDS instead of the random invoke shit to win the game and pretty often wished to have my +2hp healing other Galakrond doesn't have this issue it's always better than nothing.