Thanks for the cancer, folks. Getting enough of it these days... Same feelings, different decks. It doesn't annoy me that one deck or another has a high win rate. It's just boring playing against the latest cancer. So, ummmm..... yeah. Thanks
Had the same thing happen. In my case, had an awful start as tempo rogue, recovered with some Totem + Heistbaron shenanigans (into two Zarogs which I was able to play both of thanks to a heap of coins from the 4 mana 3/3), and had a huge board. Forced them to play the Deathwing that they had discovered earlier - which was a bit of a trap, because I had pinched a Ysera from their hand which would now immediately spawn all the portals as two of my legends were Octasari.
Except I had to deal with the Deathwing first being on 10 life, so I played two Galakrond taunts. Opponent topdecks Crystal Merchant - no dramas. Between the two Galakrond taunts and a Backstab I had played on the DW last turn, and a Kobold Lackey on my next turn, I should also be able to play Ysera and hopefully squeak out the win.
Except that their Crystal Merchant fetched a Portal (I think it was about a 40% chance based on how many cards they had left), which got an 8/8, so I had to stick with damage control as playing Ysera was just suicide with lethal on board. Never ended up getting a chance to play it. If they had just whiffed on that Crystal Merchant draw, or the Crystal Merchant's draw I was in a great spot - but nope, bad start to the game, bad end.
So basically, I play a board that a druid usually can't deal with, they Deathwing discarding about 8 cards, and they still manage to topdeck their way to victory.
So fucking sick of this deathrattle/ handbuff Rogue shit already.
Turn 4 - game over. Oh look, here is a series of 1 mana charge superjacked minions. Plus, here's a 2 mana lifesteal/rush fucker just to piss you off even more.
For good measure, here is Zilliax buffed into immortal status.
So fucking sick of this deathrattle/ handbuff Rogue shit already.
Turn 4 - game over. Oh look, here is a series of 1 mana charge superjacked minions. Plus, here's a 2 mana lifesteal/rush fucker just to piss you off even more.
For good measure, here is Zilliax buffed into immortal status.
I started conceding the moment I see a rogue playing a coin on turn 3, before they even play the apothecary. It's not worth it. Hands down my most hated deck of this expansion.
Uggggggh, so many players in the 18-20 bracket playing tier decks. It's just so damn annoying. Am I getting unlucky and running into legit players just coming back, or is there some reason that players running Galakrond shaman/Galakrond warlock/deathrattle rogue etc don't think they can just keep going and winning games?
I have zero issue if players play these decks, and rank up normally. But anyone that smurfs with a competitive/tier level deck is, IMO, the worst part about Hearthstone.
It doesn't even make much sense for portrait farming. If that's legit all you're playing for, why would you want to use tier decks in mismatches? Seems like a huge waste of time. And if you genuinely just enjoy the feeling of mismatches, that says a lot about your competitive mindset.
Uggggggh, so many players in the 18-20 bracket playing tier decks. It's just so damn annoying. Am I getting unlucky and running into legit players just coming back, or is there some reason that players running Galakrond shaman/Galakrond warlock/deathrattle rogue etc don't think they can just keep going and winning games?
I have zero issue if players play these decks, and rank up normally. But anyone that smurfs with a competitive/tier level deck is, IMO, the worst part about Hearthstone.
It doesn't even make much sense for portrait farming. If that's legit all you're playing for, why would you want to use tier decks in mismatches? Seems like a huge waste of time. And if you genuinely just enjoy the feeling of mismatches, that says a lot about your competitive mindset.
20-18 is populated with the absolutely worst players in the game. What you're running into are those same players trying to rank up with good decka but failing to pilot them properly and thus remaining at 20-18.
They aren't gold or portrait farmers.They tend to stick around 20, go for 2 stars and then concede until 0 to avoid win streak, rinse and repeat.
So many fucking aggro decks. Doesn't matter how anti-aggro your deck is, no just get killed t5-6 by 10/10 0 mana minions from rogue. Oh here's Face Hunter with 8 leper gnomes, goodluck healing +15, they'll still smorc your for 50 damage.
So far in the last games I had to face Pirate Warrior (ye olde aids deck), DR Aggro Rogue, Face Hunter, Galakrond Shaman, Face hunter. Wtf is wrong with this game and why tf do I keep playing it after all these years. It seems every year Blizzard finds a new way to get ppl drawn back in for 1 week, only to have the meta settle as a boring ass aggro shitfest. Fuck off.
Wha t a fuckshit expansion so far. Now everything is full of aggro IQ40 goatfucker decks, arena rotation is completely bullshit and dragons way too strong..... thanks blizz for catering the goatfuckers and low iq bastards.
"Random" Dragons. This was literally back to back games.
Side Note: THIS is why I frequent the Salty Thread. Stuff like this isn't "random" for me. It's regular. When I play Dragonqueen, I get Faerie Dragons, Azure Explorers, Bronze Explorers, Bronze Heralds, and Scion of Ruin on a non-Galakrond class.
yay another wallet copy paste...yay another malygos warlock...aggro no one plays shaman just 20 damage burst luck factor omegalul decks that cost like almost a month to grind or like a paycheck cash...
Bleh. There I thought they'd changed the battlegrounds rating stuff that was huge swings of rating. Nope. -50 for 5th (which was literally three lost combats). That's 2-3 2nd place finishes wiped out!
"Random" Dragons. This was literally back to back games.
Side Note: THIS is why I frequent the Salty Thread. Stuff like this isn't "random" for me. It's regular. When I play Dragonqueen, I get Faerie Dragons, Azure Explorers, Bronze Explorers, Bronze Heralds, and Scion of Ruin on a non-Galakrond class.
The worst one for me was Mage who went Dragonqueen Alexstrasza into Alexstrasza my face, oh and they also got a 0 mana Kalecgos Which allowed them to use Conjurer's Calling twice on their 9 drop to create 2 King Krush. I had to walk away from the computer after that one, it was such a disgusting way to lose.
I lost to fucking dragon druid.
Actually want to kill myself
imagine playing handbuff rogue, control warrior and galakrond shaman in casual. you must have a really sad life.
Thanks for the cancer, folks. Getting enough of it these days... Same feelings, different decks. It doesn't annoy me that one deck or another has a high win rate. It's just boring playing against the latest cancer. So, ummmm..... yeah. Thanks
Had the same thing happen. In my case, had an awful start as tempo rogue, recovered with some Totem + Heistbaron shenanigans (into two Zarogs which I was able to play both of thanks to a heap of coins from the 4 mana 3/3), and had a huge board. Forced them to play the Deathwing that they had discovered earlier - which was a bit of a trap, because I had pinched a Ysera from their hand which would now immediately spawn all the portals as two of my legends were Octasari.
Except I had to deal with the Deathwing first being on 10 life, so I played two Galakrond taunts. Opponent topdecks Crystal Merchant - no dramas. Between the two Galakrond taunts and a Backstab I had played on the DW last turn, and a Kobold Lackey on my next turn, I should also be able to play Ysera and hopefully squeak out the win.
Except that their Crystal Merchant fetched a Portal (I think it was about a 40% chance based on how many cards they had left), which got an 8/8, so I had to stick with damage control as playing Ysera was just suicide with lethal on board. Never ended up getting a chance to play it. If they had just whiffed on that Crystal Merchant draw, or the Crystal Merchant's draw I was in a great spot - but nope, bad start to the game, bad end.
So basically, I play a board that a druid usually can't deal with, they Deathwing discarding about 8 cards, and they still manage to topdeck their way to victory.
So fucking sick of this deathrattle/ handbuff Rogue shit already.
Turn 4 - game over. Oh look, here is a series of 1 mana charge superjacked minions. Plus, here's a 2 mana lifesteal/rush fucker just to piss you off even more.
For good measure, here is Zilliax buffed into immortal status.
I started conceding the moment I see a rogue playing a coin on turn 3, before they even play the apothecary. It's not worth it. Hands down my most hated deck of this expansion.
Be me, play against 3 different classes and get killed by Leeroy Jenkins at the end of each game.
Uggggggh, so many players in the 18-20 bracket playing tier decks. It's just so damn annoying. Am I getting unlucky and running into legit players just coming back, or is there some reason that players running Galakrond shaman/Galakrond warlock/deathrattle rogue etc don't think they can just keep going and winning games?
I have zero issue if players play these decks, and rank up normally. But anyone that smurfs with a competitive/tier level deck is, IMO, the worst part about Hearthstone.
It doesn't even make much sense for portrait farming. If that's legit all you're playing for, why would you want to use tier decks in mismatches? Seems like a huge waste of time. And if you genuinely just enjoy the feeling of mismatches, that says a lot about your competitive mindset.
20-18 is populated with the absolutely worst players in the game. What you're running into are those same players trying to rank up with good decka but failing to pilot them properly and thus remaining at 20-18.
They aren't gold or portrait farmers.They tend to stick around 20, go for 2 stars and then concede until 0 to avoid win streak, rinse and repeat.
Fuck Blizzard and fuck their fkn idiotic mogu flesh shaper nerf! fucking morons now everytime I face shaman have to dealt with 10 mana drop
So many fucking aggro decks. Doesn't matter how anti-aggro your deck is, no just get killed t5-6 by 10/10 0 mana minions from rogue. Oh here's Face Hunter with 8 leper gnomes, goodluck healing +15, they'll still smorc your for 50 damage.
So far in the last games I had to face Pirate Warrior (ye olde aids deck), DR Aggro Rogue, Face Hunter, Galakrond Shaman, Face hunter. Wtf is wrong with this game and why tf do I keep playing it after all these years. It seems every year Blizzard finds a new way to get ppl drawn back in for 1 week, only to have the meta settle as a boring ass aggro shitfest. Fuck off.
Wha t a fuckshit expansion so far. Now everything is full of aggro IQ40 goatfucker decks, arena rotation is completely bullshit and dragons way too strong..... thanks blizz for catering the goatfuckers and low iq bastards.
These fucking noob nerfs didn't help shit!!!!!
Had to create a new profile because "something" went wrong with Hearthpwn!! Lost all my shit and they couldn't fix it they say!
Shame on you Heartpwn in these digital days!!
Oh yeah.….and FUCK Brainless Aggro
"Random" Dragons. This was literally back to back games.
Side Note: THIS is why I frequent the Salty Thread. Stuff like this isn't "random" for me. It's regular. When I play Dragonqueen, I get Faerie Dragons, Azure Explorers, Bronze Explorers, Bronze Heralds, and Scion of Ruin on a non-Galakrond class.
I'm sad to say this but this expansion is even worse than goblins 'n' gnomes
yay another wallet copy paste...yay another malygos warlock...aggro no one plays shaman just 20 damage burst luck factor omegalul decks that cost like almost a month to grind or like a paycheck cash...
Piece of trash shit game.
Just enjoy the Little indie company 's luck factor aganst full wallet copy paste (highlander Mage).
I fuckin love how idiotic a Yogg box can turn this Match into...
Bleh. There I thought they'd changed the battlegrounds rating stuff that was huge swings of rating. Nope. -50 for 5th (which was literally three lost combats). That's 2-3 2nd place finishes wiped out!
The worst one for me was Mage who went Dragonqueen Alexstrasza into Alexstrasza my face, oh and they also got a 0 mana Kalecgos Which allowed them to use Conjurer's Calling twice on their 9 drop to create 2 King Krush. I had to walk away from the computer after that one, it was such a disgusting way to lose.