Lost to an opponent at 3-1 who played on turn 10 Omega Assembly into Omega Assembly into Omega Devastator into Omega Devastator (one of which wasn't from either Assembly)
They need to nerf hunter and warrior very soon? Brainless decks should not be that rewarding. Hunter is even worse now than the undertaker version 5 years ago. What a pile of garbage. How can you get any satisfaction out of this game using only 2 braincells..
They need to nerf hunter and warrior very soon? Brainless decks should not be that rewarding. Hunter is even worse now than the undertaker version 5 years ago. What a pile of garbage. How can you get any satisfaction out of this game using only 2 braincells..
Hunter plus mechs in general are the most broken shit we've had in HS ever. I don't recall any mechanic beeing that dominant across classes. Some decks started playing fucking Harvest Golem againg just to ensure they have some mechs onboard to buff up the next turn. And lackeys are not much better. Hugh value for little cost, yeayyyyyy. Somebody remind me, why do we have big legendaries again? Because as I see it, none of them fucking matter anymore.
Why do I gotta be the unlucky sap and get steamrolled by 90% of opponents I face? it's like all the bad luck my opponents have had up until they face me are completely gone and blessed with a perfect hand throughout the entire match. I get that we have our good and bad games, but my bad games are soul crushing and they happen way too fucking often.
I'm the one that frequently has this happen to me by my opponent: OTK'd by Mech Paladin with lots of cheap and buffed magnetic mechs, epic comeback from giants mage, Antonidos OTK'd, Bloodlusted and Alexed to death, Rogue getting perfect curve and leeroy+shadowstep x2 for exact lethal, Barnes on curve, and always lose to Giants Mage and Nomi Priest no matter what deck I play.
Like honestly it feels like I'm not playing the game.
Am I the only one that finds the amount of perfect draws and perfect (alleged) RNG effects disturbing? Every game is a no brainer. Play cards as drawn, empty your hand, top deck the game winner. Repeat. Doesn't matter what deck - it's always the same perfect on curve draw. I can predict what card will be played next with about an 80% accuracy. I posted before it is less like playing a game and more like watching YouTube.
The sad thing is that I remember when this game used to involve strategy and thought. It got me hooked. Now they have abandoned all of that in order to try to make new, short attention span players think that they are good at Hearthstone. Might as well say you are good at flipping a coin.
I might just be Kaladin 2.0 here but I'm losing my mind. So many of my games are losses to some random bullshit and epic comebacks plus the usual having to struggle against opponents with a good hand. Gonna start posting replays of games to show you what I mean. Maybe I should stream to show the world just how fucking unlucky I am.
Finally some good news, Mind Blast is officially being moved to the hall of fame. I called that this would happen, it was just too strong of a card. GG Priests "We’ll be adding Vanish and Mind Blast to the Hall of Fame and replacing them with effects that better speak to their classes’ core fantasies:"
I might just be Kaladin 2.0 here but I'm losing my mind. So many of my games are losses to some random bullshit and epic comebacks plus the usual having to struggle against opponents with a good hand. Gonna start posting replays of games to show you what I mean. Maybe I should stream to show the world just how fucking unlucky I am.
I might just be Kaladin 2.0 here but I'm losing my mind. So many of my games are losses to some random bullshit and epic comebacks plus the usual having to struggle against opponents with a good hand. Gonna start posting replays of games to show you what I mean. Maybe I should stream to show the world just how fucking unlucky I am.
Explodinator is power creep at a whole new level. THREE mechs for 4 mana, with a total of 3/6 in stats plus 4 points of face damage. There is NOT A SINGLE FUCKING CARD in standard that can be played and counter this without the other player getting at least some kind of value (Vanish does result in even more bombs the next turn). Kill all? 4 Damage to face. Silence? Three mechs and therefore buff targets remains in play. It‘s insanity. The whole magnetic mechanic would not be half as strong if it wasnt for cards like this or deathrattle stuff ghat nerds to be killed two or three time.
Created an account here just to express how fucking much I hate the retards playing that braindead turd known as mech hunter. That's how fucking pissed off I am with this shit. Having been BM'd by almost half of these low IQ failed abortions doesn't help my mood, either. It's almost like they enjoy being a cancer and killing the fun in this game.
You play that crap on a basis and spam emotes when drawing RNG wins the game for you? With all my sincerity: eat shit and die. Asshole.
Either THIS...or Mech hunter..(managed to beat paladin and shaman but not this...)
...this game has no future(at least in fun (must tech aganst one of the three main rock-paper-scissors class) and f2p stuff...like how can a deck cost up to 6 legendary??) if they don't do something aganst the rock ,paper, scissors effect that they imply every fucking time with hunter warrior and savage roar decks...(like the playerbase in so many videos shown are plummeting)...(either you tech aganst 1 of the three or you prepare a netdeck to bore yourself to death...)
like when did you last see a warlock? paladin? the other classes that gets the hall of fame again?...
just bad MM and netdecks what i see...
Edit:just the 2nd and 3rd picture happens every 20th game where my cards go in order to my hand and basically i can stall till he just ragequits cause that is what netdeckers do...they autofill bring boredom and if something goes bad they just rage alt-f4....
9 fucking cancer decks in a row.
6 mech hunter, 1 murloc shaman, 2 token druid.
I'm sorry for my bad english :D
Lost to an opponent at 3-1 who played on turn 10 Omega Assembly into Omega Assembly into Omega Devastator into Omega Devastator (one of which wasn't from either Assembly)
I've played Tuskarr Jouster 8 arena games in a row and I lost EVERY SINGLE JOUST
They need to nerf hunter and warrior very soon? Brainless decks should not be that rewarding. Hunter is even worse now than the undertaker version 5 years ago. What a pile of garbage. How can you get any satisfaction out of this game using only 2 braincells..
Hunter plus mechs in general are the most broken shit we've had in HS ever. I don't recall any mechanic beeing that dominant across classes. Some decks started playing fucking Harvest Golem againg just to ensure they have some mechs onboard to buff up the next turn. And lackeys are not much better. Hugh value for little cost, yeayyyyyy. Somebody remind me, why do we have big legendaries again? Because as I see it, none of them fucking matter anymore.
Why do I gotta be the unlucky sap and get steamrolled by 90% of opponents I face? it's like all the bad luck my opponents have had up until they face me are completely gone and blessed with a perfect hand throughout the entire match. I get that we have our good and bad games, but my bad games are soul crushing and they happen way too fucking often.
I'm the one that frequently has this happen to me by my opponent: OTK'd by Mech Paladin with lots of cheap and buffed magnetic mechs, epic comeback from giants mage, Antonidos OTK'd, Bloodlusted and Alexed to death, Rogue getting perfect curve and leeroy+shadowstep x2 for exact lethal, Barnes on curve, and always lose to Giants Mage and Nomi Priest no matter what deck I play.
Like honestly it feels like I'm not playing the game.
haro setting sun
Am I the only one that finds the amount of perfect draws and perfect (alleged) RNG effects disturbing? Every game is a no brainer. Play cards as drawn, empty your hand, top deck the game winner. Repeat. Doesn't matter what deck - it's always the same perfect on curve draw. I can predict what card will be played next with about an 80% accuracy. I posted before it is less like playing a game and more like watching YouTube.
The sad thing is that I remember when this game used to involve strategy and thought. It got me hooked. Now they have abandoned all of that in order to try to make new, short attention span players think that they are good at Hearthstone. Might as well say you are good at flipping a coin.
Can I have just one. One fucking game where my opponent doesn't do an explosive tempo turn out of nowhere from either lucky draws or card generation?
I might just be Kaladin 2.0 here but I'm losing my mind. So many of my games are losses to some random bullshit and epic comebacks plus the usual having to struggle against opponents with a good hand. Gonna start posting replays of games to show you what I mean. Maybe I should stream to show the world just how fucking unlucky I am.
Finally some good news, Mind Blast is officially being moved to the hall of fame. I called that this would happen, it was just too strong of a card. GG Priests "We’ll be adding Vanish and Mind Blast to the Hall of Fame and replacing them with effects that better speak to their classes’ core fantasies:"
this. Stupid shaman has 2 totems, play The Storm Bringer and gets a 9/6 and 10/10 on turn 6. Well played
That was after a 30 minutes games against the idiot OP warrior with his 29+ removal cards and Dr. boom. Goodby lunchbreak.
this... ladder decks in casuals... and from legend player.... it is a lot worse
Explodinator is power creep at a whole new level. THREE mechs for 4 mana, with a total of 3/6 in stats plus 4 points of face damage. There is NOT A SINGLE FUCKING CARD in standard that can be played and counter this without the other player getting at least some kind of value (Vanish does result in even more bombs the next turn). Kill all? 4 Damage to face. Silence? Three mechs and therefore buff targets remains in play. It‘s insanity. The whole magnetic mechanic would not be half as strong if it wasnt for cards like this or deathrattle stuff ghat nerds to be killed two or three time.
Created an account here just to express how fucking much I hate the retards playing that braindead turd known as mech hunter. That's how fucking pissed off I am with this shit. Having been BM'd by almost half of these low IQ failed abortions doesn't help my mood, either. It's almost like they enjoy being a cancer and killing the fun in this game.
You play that crap on a basis and spam emotes when drawing RNG wins the game for you? With all my sincerity: eat shit and die. Asshole.
Either THIS...or Mech hunter..(managed to beat paladin and shaman but not this...)
...this game has no future(at least in fun (must tech aganst one of the three main rock-paper-scissors class) and f2p stuff...like how can a deck cost up to 6 legendary??) if they don't do something aganst the rock ,paper, scissors effect that they imply every fucking time with hunter warrior and savage roar decks...(like the playerbase in so many videos shown are plummeting)...(either you tech aganst 1 of the three or you prepare a netdeck to bore yourself to death...)
like when did you last see a warlock? paladin? the other classes that gets the hall of fame again?...
just bad MM and netdecks what i see...
Edit:just the 2nd and 3rd picture happens every 20th game where my cards go in order to my hand and basically i can stall till he just ragequits cause that is what netdeckers do...they autofill bring boredom and if something goes bad they just rage alt-f4....
warriors and hunters are stupidly OP, they need to be nerfed soon or I am out. Most oppressive meta ever. Idiot proof decks for spam emoting kids
I think I'm pregnant again.
The matchmaking is ridiculous. Decks never see before on ladder, appears magically to counter one of yours.