I hate this game. More and more I feel like the only reason I'm still playing is an imagined obligation to do so because of the time and money I've spent on it.
i am glad hearthpwn is going to the dogs. One less place for the majority of this fucking dumb player base to find a net deck from. Honestly I think this game caters to the lowest common denominator, and the majority of you reading this ARE that common denominator, you should be fucking embarrassed.
- some lame retard playing an aggro netdeck like murloc shaman or mech hunter (pathetically sad little fucks)
- some spotty little cunt who starts with "wow" or threaten emotes when they start to think they might win
- completely unwinnable due to something busted on the other side
- some fucking MORON playing a common netdeck that will auto win 60-70% of games if they just move stuff that's green - who plays to rope every turn because they are so fucking dumb they either don't know what to play or think it matters what they do.
At this stage I just like draining Blizzards resources by being free to play and trolling by roping every turn whenever someone uses in game emotes. Can't fucking stand emotes or netdecks.
NEVER waste real money on Hearthstone. So not worth it,
man i hate those magnetic mechs...they are all over the place...galvanizer turn 1 and then insane tempo play. And once you cant remove a single mini mech from replicating menace you are fucked because of some retarded magnetic interaction.
The meta is broken. It was a nice, diverse, meta before byuffs and Sn1p. Now I'm facing like 70% mech decks, either Paladin or Hunter.
I played Mech Paladin to rank 2 yesterday. Then nearly every opponent had silence. I ran into Hunters using ironbeak owl and Warriors using spellbreaker. And of course Shaman is just a guaranteed loss.
so trust me the meta is adapting to the popularity of mechs.
+ Highrolling hunter HERO cards...like dude he was at fatigue (he used basically 4 tracking with hero card) 7 hp and my board just got lost via him playing hero card + after that turn when he had no card left and played 4 tracking... because BEAST TAG he used the 4 MANA cancer that created 3 8-8 rush minion to draw...like holy hell blizz this game is on a whole new level of netdeck cancer...
+Mage be like hmm i'm at 4 hp with NO fckin Board let's just create a wall USING ONLY 2 appreantice +1 giant from hand...
It's bad enough that every deck is mech hunter. Blizzard does not need to manipulate the RNG so heavily on top of that to make each game a perfect draw. Every game is done in 6-7 turns. For fuck's sake knock it off.
Imagine, you've got the perfect shit ready to destroy Heroic act 2. Priest, 1/1 anomaly, double Deathrattle.
Then you see that fucking whore Manastorm. All is going well, until she plays that piece of shit Security Rover. It's fine, I can just yeet its attack to 0 and not worry about it. Then the cunt attaches a Beryllium Nullifier to it, so now it is a threat. She gets my HP really low, but it's fine, I have a fucking Awaken the Makers that went off ages ago.
I start the turn off with some trading, trying to get rid of as much damage as possible. I swing some worthless Lackeys into her stuff so I can clear the board. Then I realise something "Hang on...I have 7 minions now." Immediately I let out a glorious "FUCK!", since I no longer have the space to play Amara, Warden of Hope. I try and recover, I have 12 HP, she can do nothing, her deck is empty. I try as hard as I can to clear as much stuff as possible. Of course, it doesn't work. And the thot hits me with exact lethal ending my great run 6 games in.
If dumb cunt me had been paying attention, I'd probably have beaten the last boss. My deck was broken. But I was a dumb fuck and fucked myself up by filling my board with retarded Lackeys.
No matter what, I can’t beat Archmage Vargoth in Dalaran Heist chapter 5. On NORMAL. I’ve tried with mage and the reduce cost HP. I’ve tried with Token Druid. I’ve tried with buff Paladin. Nothing I do works. I wouldn’t be so tilted except that I have to face 9-10 other bosses before Vargoth every fucking time I do a run. Really un-fun when he starts ahead of you on curve and can generate endless burn spells, meaning your boards can’t stick, and you’re totally reliant on either board clears and massively buffed minions only to lose to endless burn.
People who play meta decks in general are the real problem
Fucking hunter noobs everywhere, playing so bad, pressing random buttons and still win. >50% hunters. Well done blizzard idiots. Were you drunk?
Jepetto hunter mops the floor with bomb warrior
You don't get it. I'm not trying to netdeck against casual netdeckers.
Kaladin's RoS Set Review
Join me at Out of Cards!
I hate this game. More and more I feel like the only reason I'm still playing is an imagined obligation to do so because of the time and money I've spent on it.
i am glad hearthpwn is going to the dogs. One less place for the majority of this fucking dumb player base to find a net deck from. Honestly I think this game caters to the lowest common denominator, and the majority of you reading this ARE that common denominator, you should be fucking embarrassed.
because a 2-mana 8/8 is totally fair.
Kaladin's RoS Set Review
Join me at Out of Cards!
How many games on ladder do you get that are NOT
- some lame retard playing an aggro netdeck like murloc shaman or mech hunter (pathetically sad little fucks)
- some spotty little cunt who starts with "wow" or threaten emotes when they start to think they might win
- completely unwinnable due to something busted on the other side
- some fucking MORON playing a common netdeck that will auto win 60-70% of games if they just move stuff that's green - who plays to rope every turn because they are so fucking dumb they either don't know what to play or think it matters what they do.
At this stage I just like draining Blizzards resources by being free to play and trolling by roping every turn whenever someone uses in game emotes. Can't fucking stand emotes or netdecks.
NEVER waste real money on Hearthstone. So not worth it,
man i hate those magnetic mechs...they are all over the place...galvanizer turn 1 and then insane tempo play. And once you cant remove a single mini mech from replicating menace you are fucked because of some retarded magnetic interaction.
I genuinely can't decide which sad little fucks are the lamest - is it the mech hunter cumwads or the murloc shaman wannabes?
I mean I get that the game is played mainly by stupid kids but really? So many sad little fuckers in the world? It amazes me.
Fuck off OTK paladin BS.
I played Mech Paladin to rank 2 yesterday. Then nearly every opponent had silence. I ran into Hunters using ironbeak owl and Warriors using spellbreaker. And of course Shaman is just a guaranteed loss.
so trust me the meta is adapting to the popularity of mechs.
Can't wait to see what Blizzard's answer to this fucking mess is.
Yo babycarrot shaman netdecks are on sale or why this MM loves to troll with me with giving all the control shamans to me?
Is Standard Casual a Hunter-exclusive game mode or am I missing something?
+ Highrolling hunter HERO cards...like dude he was at fatigue (he used basically 4 tracking with hero card) 7 hp and my board just got lost via him playing hero card + after that turn when he had no card left and played 4 tracking... because BEAST TAG he used the 4 MANA cancer that created 3 8-8 rush minion to draw...like holy hell blizz this game is on a whole new level of netdeck cancer...
+Mage be like hmm i'm at 4 hp with NO fckin Board let's just create a wall USING ONLY 2 appreantice +1 giant from hand...
It's bad enough that every deck is mech hunter. Blizzard does not need to manipulate the RNG so heavily on top of that to make each game a perfect draw. Every game is done in 6-7 turns. For fuck's sake knock it off.
Imagine, you've got the perfect shit ready to destroy Heroic act 2. Priest, 1/1 anomaly, double Deathrattle.
Then you see that fucking whore Manastorm. All is going well, until she plays that piece of shit Security Rover. It's fine, I can just yeet its attack to 0 and not worry about it. Then the cunt attaches a Beryllium Nullifier to it, so now it is a threat. She gets my HP really low, but it's fine, I have a fucking Awaken the Makers that went off ages ago.
I start the turn off with some trading, trying to get rid of as much damage as possible. I swing some worthless Lackeys into her stuff so I can clear the board. Then I realise something "Hang on...I have 7 minions now." Immediately I let out a glorious "FUCK!", since I no longer have the space to play Amara, Warden of Hope. I try and recover, I have 12 HP, she can do nothing, her deck is empty. I try as hard as I can to clear as much stuff as possible. Of course, it doesn't work. And the thot hits me with exact lethal ending my great run 6 games in.
If dumb cunt me had been paying attention, I'd probably have beaten the last boss. My deck was broken. But I was a dumb fuck and fucked myself up by filling my board with retarded Lackeys.
(V) (;,,;) (V)
That's it, I quit this game until big priest gets destroyed
No matter what, I can’t beat Archmage Vargoth in Dalaran Heist chapter 5. On NORMAL. I’ve tried with mage and the reduce cost HP. I’ve tried with Token Druid. I’ve tried with buff Paladin. Nothing I do works. I wouldn’t be so tilted except that I have to face 9-10 other bosses before Vargoth every fucking time I do a run. Really un-fun when he starts ahead of you on curve and can generate endless burn spells, meaning your boards can’t stick, and you’re totally reliant on either board clears and massively buffed minions only to lose to endless burn.