Ofc that one time when I have a really great warlock dungeon run draft (captured flag + cloak of invisibility) I get stomped on by the penultimate boss Chronomancer Inara bc she uses her "summon a random legendary minion" and gets a f***ing Y'Shaarj on turn 1.....
I finally get why it is called "Rage Unbound", that's exactly how I feel -.-'
Holy shit Applebough boss is overpowered bordering on unbeatable. He is more powerful than most of the last bosses. His hero power is literally the best boss hero power in the entire adventure, AND he is second-third boss! Its the fucking Loti-disaster all over again, releasing an incredibly overtuned boss who is capable of completely shitting of every possible deck with his 2-mana-clear-whole-board and op-druid cards. And for some reason I've met him FIVE FUCKING RUNS IN A FUCKING ROW.
Lost to him a couple of times too, but you just need to avoid playing 2 health minions unless part of the plan is to waste one of his turns and then go face as much as possible.
This game is so fucking bullshit. Blizzard should be fucking ashamed of themselves for putting out such an unpolished piece of shit rng brawl that will consistantly give the opponent 5+ mana discounts on literally every fucking card they play.
A 5 cost, 7 cost, and 8 cost card all "RANDOMLY" get reduced to 1 mana all on the same fucking turn. Yeah blizzard I'm having so much fun playing against this, such a well constructed brawl.
I really hope that Blizzard will pay more attention to the wild format, since right now tempo mage is ruining wild. As mage gets so many crazy 1-cost spells and combo them with cards like Sorcerer's Apprentice and Flamewaker, it is very easy to deal 20+ damage in one turn. To be honest, this is not fun at all.
One possible way to deal with this problem is to change Sorcerer's Apprentice into "your spells cost one less but no less than 1" just like the way they nerf Reckless Experimenter. However, I really doubt Blizzard will do it. If they want to do it, they might just move Sorcerer's Apprentice into hall of fame. Yet we all know, this does not solve the problem in wild.
I wish Blizzard will someday realize that wild format is not the place to dump everything. When a person makes a mistake, he has to correct it. When designers make a mistake in designing a card, they need to fix it. But they are not. They are making the situation worse, which makes me very upset.
I've been playing Hearthstone since 2014 and have witnessed most of the changes. Before Boomsday Project was released, I was literally trying to sell my account to someone else as I felt like I lost all my faith in this game. But after a while, I changed my mind, and continued playing till now.
In fact, Hearthstone just keeps making me more and more disappointed, mostly due to card/meta balancing and RNG. And you may ask me why I have kept playing for such a long time despite all the disappointing decisions that Blizzard have made?
The answer is: I really don't know.
Perhaps this game is already a part of my life, although the time I spend on it has significantly decreased as I am a college student right now. Or, perhaps I still have a little bit faith in the game that someday it might be made into a great game again. Yet it is extremely hard for me to come up with a solid answer.
The only thing I know is that, my faith in Hearthstone keeps decreasing.
With the upcoming arrival of SN1P-SN4P, the wild format will be surely suffering from a huge impact. More and more broken combos that cannot be played in standard will become available in wild. I don't know how many people will be forced to quit Hearthstone because of this (Designers' insight: by adding SN1P-SN4P, we have successfully fixed a bug that results into too many wild players kappa). I just hope that the designers will realize the problems as soon as possible and fix them as quickly as possible.
RNG= Skill, right?
Its a clownfiesta
Dont you want a balloon, Georgie?
Ofc that one time when I have a really great warlock dungeon run draft (captured flag + cloak of invisibility) I get stomped on by the penultimate boss Chronomancer Inara bc she uses her "summon a random legendary minion" and gets a f***ing Y'Shaarj on turn 1.....
I finally get why it is called "Rage Unbound", that's exactly how I feel -.-'
Lost to him a couple of times too, but you just need to avoid playing 2 health minions unless part of the plan is to waste one of his turns and then go face as much as possible.
I just want one year without any fucking huntards on ladder. Fuck this class!
I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally don't get why playing tier one decks in casual. Oh and HP gonna close so where am I supposed to rage now?
Thanks for the good times guys, see you on outofcards.
at least some people get to enjoy casual.
Kaladin's RoS Set Review
Join me at Out of Cards!
at least some people get to enjoy casual pt 2
Kaladin's RoS Set Review
Join me at Out of Cards!
I love and hate this game I try sooo hard to win and create a deck but I'm just trash
I'm so garbage at hearthstone
I will miss this thread and your salty posts, Kaladin
Also salty that we won't be able to share our saltiness with each other anymore. :(
Fuck corporate!
How is it possible that Priests (in Wild) always have Barnes in their hand on turn 4 (or turn 3 when they have the coin)?!
Fucking idiots still playing 2 ooze
Just played against the luckiest fucker i've ever met in arena
Every RNG was in his favour. Fucking stupid mage not playing any fucking card and getting all the answers from cards not even from it's fucking deck.
Also i should have gone face earlier on that fucker so maybe it's a bit my fault
This game is so fucking bullshit. Blizzard should be fucking ashamed of themselves for putting out such an unpolished piece of shit rng brawl that will consistantly give the opponent 5+ mana discounts on literally every fucking card they play.
A 5 cost, 7 cost, and 8 cost card all "RANDOMLY" get reduced to 1 mana all on the same fucking turn. Yeah blizzard I'm having so much fun playing against this, such a well constructed brawl.
SERIOUSLY. Match vs Rez priest. 7 Bombs in his 10 cards deck... OF COURSE he draws the Inner Fire he was missing.
Please please please get rid of the Giants in standard.
100% deserve to kill myself IRL. i want to die more than anything right now.
mf'er had NO cards in hand. topdeck tracking into zuljin.
Kaladin's RoS Set Review
Join me at Out of Cards!
I really hope that Blizzard will pay more attention to the wild format, since right now tempo mage is ruining wild. As mage gets so many crazy 1-cost spells and combo them with cards like Sorcerer's Apprentice and Flamewaker, it is very easy to deal 20+ damage in one turn. To be honest, this is not fun at all.
One possible way to deal with this problem is to change Sorcerer's Apprentice into "your spells cost one less but no less than 1" just like the way they nerf Reckless Experimenter. However, I really doubt Blizzard will do it. If they want to do it, they might just move Sorcerer's Apprentice into hall of fame. Yet we all know, this does not solve the problem in wild.
I wish Blizzard will someday realize that wild format is not the place to dump everything. When a person makes a mistake, he has to correct it. When designers make a mistake in designing a card, they need to fix it. But they are not. They are making the situation worse, which makes me very upset.
I've been playing Hearthstone since 2014 and have witnessed most of the changes. Before Boomsday Project was released, I was literally trying to sell my account to someone else as I felt like I lost all my faith in this game. But after a while, I changed my mind, and continued playing till now.
In fact, Hearthstone just keeps making me more and more disappointed, mostly due to card/meta balancing and RNG. And you may ask me why I have kept playing for such a long time despite all the disappointing decisions that Blizzard have made?
The answer is: I really don't know.
Perhaps this game is already a part of my life, although the time I spend on it has significantly decreased as I am a college student right now. Or, perhaps I still have a little bit faith in the game that someday it might be made into a great game again. Yet it is extremely hard for me to come up with a solid answer.
The only thing I know is that, my faith in Hearthstone keeps decreasing.
With the upcoming arrival of SN1P-SN4P, the wild format will be surely suffering from a huge impact. More and more broken combos that cannot be played in standard will become available in wild. I don't know how many people will be forced to quit Hearthstone because of this (Designers' insight: by adding SN1P-SN4P, we have successfully fixed a bug that results into too many wild players kappa). I just hope that the designers will realize the problems as soon as possible and fix them as quickly as possible.
But we have no idea about what they will do next.