Fucking Blizzard can eat a dick with their bullshit Zayle Silence Trash Garbage Priest joke of a deck. Bought the fucking adventure just to get Zayle today and 7 out of 8 games so far I got the most idiotic pile of trash cards you can't even call a deck that is their Concede version of Silence Priest. Jesus fucking christ, even my Silence Priest from when Purify first came out had better win-rate than this retarded made by dickheads "deck". Fuckin hell...
i'm pretty salty because i spent the last week or so playing token druid and big shaman and bounced around rank 1 to rank 3, before dropping to rank 4 because warriors ruining my day. I usually only play just a couple ranked games a day.
I had a good chunk of dust and nothing to really spend it on so I said fuck it i'll craft bomb warrior (warrior is the only class I don't have everything for) and then i'll see the grass isn't always greener on the other side...
but what THE FUCK. shit is SO green over here. I went 11-2 to rank 1. People on here and reddit are always saying "yea but warrior takes skill", no the fuck it doesn't. you have answers to everything and out value everything. The only time you lose is nightmare matchups and highrolls. I'm not even losing to mech hunters and that is supposed to be a counter deck, lol. Just stomped a miracle mage who had giant on 4 and another giant+coin+conjurer's on 5.
Guess i'll just ride this bullshit to legend. This should be pepper but it's really just salt. It shouldn't be this easy. Warrior is the easiest deck in standard.
Why do players have to be super obnoxious? Yeah ok you are playing mec'thun drood in casual (already...) but you don't have to rope the last turn just before playing your naturalize. It just shows you are a frustrated piece of crap that's all it accomplishes. But hey if they make them hard, why not?
EDIT: Note that I'm dicking around with a clunky Control Shammy in wild, not playing some big priest or anything.
Just ran into a Druid deck who played 6 Jade cards by turn 6. IN FUCKING ARENA. This was a 6-2 match by the way. This guy lost 2 games with that deck. Let that sink in...
Agreed it never needed a nerf - never had a problem with it.
Excuse me: how a 3 mana draw 3 specific cards is not a problem? Given that it allows you to set up an insanely powerful turn 4 (Waggle Pick + at least 1 Dread Corsair), it was one of the core cards of Lackey Rogue.
We can agree that Raiding Party was not a problem before Waggle Pick's arrival (at least in Standard: Wild Kingsbane Rogue is Tier 1), but it was just a matter of time.
I'm not saying it needed to be bumped to 6 mana but 4 mana draw 3 or, given the contemporary Preparation nerf, 2 mana draw 3 is still a pretty decent tool in my opinion.
Agreed it never needed a nerf - never had a problem with it.
Excuse me: how a 3 mana draw 3 specific cards is not a problem? Given that it allows you to set up an insanely powerful turn 4 (Waggle Pick + at least 1 Dread Corsair), it was one of the core cards of Lackey Rogue.
We can agree that Raiding Party was not a problem before Waggle Pick's arrival (at least in Standard: Wild Kingsbane Rogue is Tier 1), but it was just a matter of time.
I'm not saying it needed to be bumped to 6 mana but 4 mana draw 3 or, given the contemporary Preparation nerf, 2 mana draw 3 is still a pretty decent tool in my opinion.
Also in Wild, turn 1 Prep + Raiding means you'll get raped by Kingsbane from that turn on. Thank god it's getting nerfed.
Agreed it never needed a nerf - never had a problem with it.
Excuse me: how a 3 mana draw 3 specific cards is not a problem? Given that it allows you to set up an insanely powerful turn 4 (Waggle Pick + at least 1 Dread Corsair), it was one of the core cards of Lackey Rogue.
We can agree that Raiding Party was not a problem before Waggle Pick's arrival (at least in Standard: Wild Kingsbane Rogue is Tier 1), but it was just a matter of time.
I'm not saying it needed to be bumped to 6 mana but 4 mana draw 3 or, given the contemporary Preparation nerf, 2 mana draw 3 is still a pretty decent tool in my opinion.
It's not a 3 mana draw 3 specific cards at all, it's a 3 mana draw 2 cards of one tribe; combo for the extra one. The Rogue nerfs are ridiculous pandering. You could argue that they're fair changes if you consider each card in a vacuum, but they don't exist in a vacuum.
Agreed it never needed a nerf - never had a problem with it.
Excuse me: how a 3 mana draw 3 specific cards is not a problem? Given that it allows you to set up an insanely powerful turn 4 (Waggle Pick + at least 1 Dread Corsair), it was one of the core cards of Lackey Rogue.
We can agree that Raiding Party was not a problem before Waggle Pick's arrival (at least in Standard: Wild Kingsbane Rogue is Tier 1), but it was just a matter of time.
I'm not saying it needed to be bumped to 6 mana but 4 mana draw 3 or, given the contemporary Preparation nerf, 2 mana draw 3 is still a pretty decent tool in my opinion.
It's not a 3 mana draw 3 specific cards at all, it's a 3 mana draw 2 cards of one tribe; combo for the extra one. The Rogue nerfs are ridiculous pandering. You could argue that they're fair changes if you consider each card in a vacuum, but they don't exist in a vacuum.
Man let's not cover our eyes in front of reality: you put certain cards in your deck in order to tutor them out. You would be right if Raiding Party said "Add two random Pirates to your hand", but that's not the case. It's like Miracle Mage where you play Sandbinder for Mana Cyclone: you can't say "it just draws an Elemental" lol.
Moreover, they're fair changes exactly because you don't consider those cards separately, but put all together in a deck (Lackey Rogue indeed): Raiding Party is strong if taken by itself (3 mana draw 3 or 0 mana draw 3 with Preparation), but it enables dumb shit when it gives you a 4/2 weapon with an upside and some random 0 mana 3/3 taunts.
No respect for any ROGUE MAIN... ( literally in wild /cause standard is like a printer just scanning and printing netdecks) spamming all the valeria shadow hero and lifesteal giant blade + stole class card deck...gets another hero card(guldan demon summon(gets 2 doomguard and 3 taunt...))...and after i survive with my meme deck(Darkest hour ELYSIA deck) he still manage with 3 yogg POSITIVE outcome (INSANE LUCK)...he then just never dies with the cancer blade and at the end finishes me off without Yogg...how ungrateful ,childish ,twat can you be to play yogg for your statistics in a game...like yogg helps you and you put him on a leash...
(this is why hs will never be the same...people forget how great of a card was yogg before the 'after death nerf'...)
being upset and all : you sir may yogg lose you all your BM -ing games...
Cancerstone is now golden for me...like enemy cards all golden and netdeck...thanks for your wealthy netdecking i really like when people not just lucky incompetent/uncreative but wealthy as well...
Agreed it never needed a nerf - never had a problem with it.
Excuse me: how a 3 mana draw 3 specific cards is not a problem? Given that it allows you to set up an insanely powerful turn 4 (Waggle Pick + at least 1 Dread Corsair), it was one of the core cards of Lackey Rogue.
We can agree that Raiding Party was not a problem before Waggle Pick's arrival (at least in Standard: Wild Kingsbane Rogue is Tier 1), but it was just a matter of time.
I'm not saying it needed to be bumped to 6 mana but 4 mana draw 3 or, given the contemporary Preparation nerf, 2 mana draw 3 is still a pretty decent tool in my opinion.
It's not a 3 mana draw 3 specific cards at all, it's a 3 mana draw 2 cards of one tribe; combo for the extra one. The Rogue nerfs are ridiculous pandering. You could argue that they're fair changes if you consider each card in a vacuum, but they don't exist in a vacuum.
Man let's not cover our eyes in front of reality: you put certain cards in your deck in order to tutor them out. You would be right if Raiding Party said "Add two random Pirates to your hand", but that's not the case. It's like Miracle Mage where you play Sandbinder for Mana Cyclone: you can't say "it just draws an Elemental" lol.
Moreover, they're fair changes exactly because you don't consider those cards separately, but put all together in a deck (Lackey Rogue indeed): Raiding Party is strong if taken by itself (3 mana draw 3 or 0 mana draw 3 with Preparation), but it enables dumb shit when it gives you a 4/2 weapon with an upside and some random 0 mana 3/3 taunts.
EDIT: misspelled a card's name
I'm afraid you and I will have to agree to disagree on this.
Does being a build around card make it immune to nerfs? No.
Rogue typically struggles with card advantage and card draw. In other words, if you can simply hold off their early attacks, you usually can stabilize a board as a control deck around turns 5 - 8. Because of cards like Raiding Party and Myras (which I'm kind of surprised dodged the nerfs), going all in early doesn't really matter anymore. You aren't punished for going hard and fast in early turns because you can simply refill your hand via Prep + Raiding Party and cards like EVIL Miscreant.
Pre-nerf Lackey Rogue doesn't exactly have any one build around card per se (like if you nerf *just* Waggle Pick or *just* Leeroy* or *just* Myras or *just* Raiding Party, the deck is probably still very strong). It's just that the deck as a whole was too strong and easily steam-roll-able; something has to be targeted, and I think the way they went about it was best (for instance, nerfing a single card harder would have been worse than nerfing multiple cards but not as strongly).
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination.
I'm dicking around with a clunky deck in casual, and I agree that casual has only the name. Only tier 1 decks there. I don't really mind as it allows me to try my deck and see if it is competitive, but for people who wanna have fun, they might as well play something else entirely.
Fucking Blizzard can eat a dick with their bullshit Zayle Silence Trash Garbage Priest joke of a deck. Bought the fucking adventure just to get Zayle today and 7 out of 8 games so far I got the most idiotic pile of trash cards you can't even call a deck that is their Concede version of Silence Priest. Jesus fucking christ, even my Silence Priest from when Purify first came out had better win-rate than this retarded made by dickheads "deck". Fuckin hell...
i'm pretty salty because i spent the last week or so playing token druid and big shaman and bounced around rank 1 to rank 3, before dropping to rank 4 because warriors ruining my day. I usually only play just a couple ranked games a day.
I had a good chunk of dust and nothing to really spend it on so I said fuck it i'll craft bomb warrior (warrior is the only class I don't have everything for) and then i'll see the grass isn't always greener on the other side...
but what THE FUCK. shit is SO green over here. I went 11-2 to rank 1. People on here and reddit are always saying "yea but warrior takes skill", no the fuck it doesn't. you have answers to everything and out value everything. The only time you lose is nightmare matchups and highrolls. I'm not even losing to mech hunters and that is supposed to be a counter deck, lol. Just stomped a miracle mage who had giant on 4 and another giant+coin+conjurer's on 5.
Guess i'll just ride this bullshit to legend. This should be pepper but it's really just salt. It shouldn't be this easy. Warrior is the easiest deck in standard.
there are 5 bombs in this deck.....
Kaladin's RoS Set Review
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Why do players have to be super obnoxious? Yeah ok you are playing mec'thun drood in casual (already...) but you don't have to rope the last turn just before playing your naturalize. It just shows you are a frustrated piece of crap that's all it accomplishes. But hey if they make them hard, why not?
EDIT: Note that I'm dicking around with a clunky Control Shammy in wild, not playing some big priest or anything.
Just ran into a Druid deck who played 6 Jade cards by turn 6. IN FUCKING ARENA. This was a 6-2 match by the way. This guy lost 2 games with that deck. Let that sink in...
lol Kaladin hypocrisy at its finest :)
Excuse me: how a 3 mana draw 3 specific cards is not a problem? Given that it allows you to set up an insanely powerful turn 4 (Waggle Pick + at least 1 Dread Corsair), it was one of the core cards of Lackey Rogue.
We can agree that Raiding Party was not a problem before Waggle Pick's arrival (at least in Standard: Wild Kingsbane Rogue is Tier 1), but it was just a matter of time.
I'm not saying it needed to be bumped to 6 mana but 4 mana draw 3 or, given the contemporary Preparation nerf, 2 mana draw 3 is still a pretty decent tool in my opinion.
Also in Wild, turn 1 Prep + Raiding means you'll get raped by Kingsbane from that turn on. Thank god it's getting nerfed.
It's not a 3 mana draw 3 specific cards at all, it's a 3 mana draw 2 cards of one tribe; combo for the extra one. The Rogue nerfs are ridiculous pandering. You could argue that they're fair changes if you consider each card in a vacuum, but they don't exist in a vacuum.
Man let's not cover our eyes in front of reality: you put certain cards in your deck in order to tutor them out. You would be right if Raiding Party said "Add two random Pirates to your hand", but that's not the case. It's like Miracle Mage where you play Sandbinder for Mana Cyclone: you can't say "it just draws an Elemental" lol.
Moreover, they're fair changes exactly because you don't consider those cards separately, but put all together in a deck (Lackey Rogue indeed): Raiding Party is strong if taken by itself (3 mana draw 3 or 0 mana draw 3 with Preparation), but it enables dumb shit when it gives you a 4/2 weapon with an upside and some random 0 mana 3/3 taunts.
EDIT: misspelled a card's name
No respect for any ROGUE MAIN... ( literally in wild /cause standard is like a printer just scanning and printing netdecks) spamming all the valeria shadow hero and lifesteal giant blade + stole class card deck...gets another hero card(guldan demon summon(gets 2 doomguard and 3 taunt...))...and after i survive with my meme deck(Darkest hour ELYSIA deck) he still manage with 3 yogg POSITIVE outcome (INSANE LUCK)...he then just never dies with the cancer blade and at the end finishes me off without Yogg...how ungrateful ,childish ,twat can you be to play yogg for your statistics in a game...like yogg helps you and you put him on a leash...
(this is why hs will never be the same...people forget how great of a card was yogg before the 'after death nerf'...)
being upset and all : you sir may yogg lose you all your BM -ing games...
well yeah it could have been just that (can't remember what he was playing) was still annoyed By Blizz Matchmaking RNG
I'm afraid you and I will have to agree to disagree on this.
Raiding Party nerf was definitely needed. Try playing the deck without it and see how you do.
Kaladin's RoS Set Review
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That logic is kinda flawed. Try playing any deck without one of its key cards. Should we nerf all build around cards?
I personally have no problem with these kind of tempo cards, it's bullshit like OTK combos and res mechanics I have a problem with. Opinions, right.
Should you nerf all build around cards? No.
Does being a build around card make it immune to nerfs? No.
Rogue typically struggles with card advantage and card draw. In other words, if you can simply hold off their early attacks, you usually can stabilize a board as a control deck around turns 5 - 8. Because of cards like Raiding Party and Myras (which I'm kind of surprised dodged the nerfs), going all in early doesn't really matter anymore. You aren't punished for going hard and fast in early turns because you can simply refill your hand via Prep + Raiding Party and cards like EVIL Miscreant.
Pre-nerf Lackey Rogue doesn't exactly have any one build around card per se (like if you nerf *just* Waggle Pick or *just* Leeroy* or *just* Myras or *just* Raiding Party, the deck is probably still very strong). It's just that the deck as a whole was too strong and easily steam-roll-able; something has to be targeted, and I think the way they went about it was best (for instance, nerfing a single card harder would have been worse than nerfing multiple cards but not as strongly).
Kaladin's RoS Set Review
Join me at Out of Cards!
I'm dicking around with a clunky deck in casual, and I agree that casual has only the name. Only tier 1 decks there. I don't really mind as it allows me to try my deck and see if it is competitive, but for people who wanna have fun, they might as well play something else entirely.
Anyone ever play a murloc shaman that didn't have sludge slurper in their opening hand?
Me neither.
Of course no dust refunds. Thank you, Blissard.