Having a whole golden Mill Rogue deck is probably the highest level of being a pussy I've yet encountered in this game. Emoting Wow after both of my Snowfury Giant got burnt, while being stupid and juvenile, can really add nothing to a freaking golden Mill Rogue.
how does special needs big spell dragon priest who is running pain, shadow madness, dragonfire and death somehow only hit free from amber off of spiteful and archivist hits mind control?? obviously when i try that braindead deck i draw all my spells before summoner
Inner fire priest so interactive! even more in wild ! Jesus cancerous shit ppl are playing ! and secrets mages too i both format ! So fun to play against ! Being dead so fast
Was trying to play with dragon spellstone paladin in casual and of course encountered a spiteful priest who overextended his board twice into equality consecration. I almost won but then he played spiteful bullcrap into Tyrantus with 3 cards left in his deck. I couldn't answer to that and was waiting for lethal. Instead of just finishing the game though, he used that "happy new year" emote like 5 times and then finally hit me in the face when the rope started running.
What was he thinking, I wonder? "In your face, tier 82931900 unplayable meme deck player. That'll teach you how to try being creative in casual!"? Or what? Why BM against a meme deck? lol
I am suuupper annoyed by inkeeper in brawl he keeps blocking my vision all the time i don't like him.Time to hire an employee,did you hear me innkeeper.
i used quest warlock for fun in ranked at rank 17.found a cubelock with 2 defile 2 hellfire 2 doom 2blackholes. this was by far the most cancerogenous match i had in a while.As a result i am hoping that you will get what you are spreading,but for real.
I just started a smurf account because i'm a F2P player and i like more than 1 class so i started this new F2P account...rank 25,cubelock,aggro paladin,dude paladin,azarilock,big priest
I have Deathwing in hand as a last resort card; and he has lethal on board with Alex.
I draw Prophet Velen the next turn, but I thought, "Oh well, if I don't play Deathwing, I'm dead anyway. Besides, there are still two Mind Blasts in my deck. Spiteful Priest doesn't run Greater Healing Potion, so UNLESS HE HAS THE SECOND MIND CONTROL, I win.".
He top decks Mind Control out of the 15 remaining cards.
0-0 arena match with a pretty bad warlock deck where I got offered trash cards (i.e. treachery 4 or 5 times), up against a mage. They do Barnes into bone drake on turn 4, then an activate kazakus, then another activated kazakus, with plenty of removal (blizzard, fireballs, flamestrike and firelands).
I thought they nerfed arena decks? How is my trash deck getting matched against a deck that in the right hands could/should go 12 wins?
If you play Paladin in Wild that is either aggro,murloc,dude,secret,anyfin then there is a special place in hell for you. You have no right to complain about any deck and about any other card or decks that beats you. You are not a human, you are a pathetic form of being that is insecure and lacks any sort of inteligence, meaning of life and any other abbilities that defines a inteligent form of life. Even when Im winning agaisnt you, I feel angry and bad. Im so fucking tired of your stupid conceding on turn 6 after I Renoed and then adding me just to insult me because that is "broken card". Your stupid curve deck with shitton of broken cards and sticky minions that vomits minions until it it runs out of cards is surely skillfull. Fuck you. I cant even remeber any meta that is worse than now because of you Paladins. And that is just because 3 stupid cards which are Call to Arms, Divine Favor and Sunkeeper Tarim.
So I decided to watch Danehearth's stream again, because I hadn't in a while. Secret paladin- aggro shaman - murloc paladin. Is this what wild is? A bunch of losers pathetic enough to use decks for retards to get wild legend, because they can't even hit it in standard? How can you be such subhuman filth to enjoy those decks and/or to feel accomplished when you win with them?
I guess this is what I get for playing spell hunter in casual...
*Cries about meta decks in casual.
*Proceeds to play one himself
I have limited time in the morning to play Hearthstone. I don't play meta decks in casual when I actually have time to sit down and play. I had a Hunter quest and didn't have another deck ready to go. Also, he was playing aggro secret mage.
karma maybe. but what are you doing here in the salt thread trying to push people's buttons?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination.
As if secret mage wasn't retarded enough, this motherfucker plays deck of wonders off of primordial glyph. Does he get punished? Of fucking course not. Gather Your Party into that 5/5, dinosize on his 2/3, and mind control to seal the deal when I had lethal on board. Fuck this stupid ass game.
Hey Hearthstone, stop fucking me in the ass. This game isn't even enjoyable anymore. I used to love playing Wild at least because of the deck diversity, now there's none. No light at the end of that tunnel either. Blizzard dumping gasoline on the already raging dumpster fire that is the Wild meta. Nothing but non-interactive, degenerate cancer that can be piloted to legend by a bot.
Game feels rigged, matchmaking feels fixed, constantly laddering against opponents 1-2 ranks above me with perfect draws, while I not only get the worthless cards I just mulliganed away, but then proceed to draw their doubles over the next three turns when the game inevitably ends on turn 5 or 6.
Tired of all these brown-nosing fan boi jackasses that scream tin foil hat, at the mention of RNG manipulation while they emote spam in game circlejerking the same -20 IQ netdecks. Content to shovel whatever bullshit into their grubby mouths as long as it carries the Blizzard brand.
Tired of a new meta of counter decks materializing out of fucking nowhere every time I switch to a new deck.
Tired of Team 5's weak ass lies and explanations in response to the community in regards to ANYTHING.
More deckslots too confusing.
Don't want to support data tracking because clean UI (totally not so people have concrete proof that the game is rigged)
Can't provide balance changes until the meta has been hemorrhaging for at least a year.
Can't buff cards.
Can't add new game modes.
Auto-squelch too hard to implement.
Fuck this shit, it's not okay. What's worse is how complacent everyone is to just accept this is the best it can be.
This game is trash, Activision/Blizzard should be held accountable for what a shameful display of greed this game has become. Bunch of shady profiteering fucks, and shame on us for just taking it lying down.
agreed with the above, except for auto-squelch which doesn't actually matter. Especially the "tinfoil hat" bit. People always use the argument that "if games are rigged against you they are extremely favorable for someone else" but that doesn't prove anything - when I get the fifth counter to my deck in a row, that doesn't mean the people who beat me won their last 5 games. Sometimes you get tossed a bone and get a solid matchup and you win. It is blatantly forcing people toward a 50% WR, either through matchup or draw manipulation. There is always still a chance to win because obviously a lot of people have winrates of over 50%, but the higher you get the stronger it will lean toward total rigging.
Accepting "nuh uh" as a response from the game company is naive as hell.
I still enjoy this game but I swear to god this community has became so fucking toxic. Trying to do the 75 murloc daily so I figuered hey play shaman, don’t attack anyone, they’ll get the gist and let me play this out. Nope, although that might have been true at one point not anymore. Game after game ppl went for lethal when I had either very little board presence or none at all and well past the point that it was obvious I wasn’t trying to win. Tried adding a few to ask why, only 2 answered, one answered “because I can”. The other was a guy with the name “Fartknocker” who when asked told me to “fuck off kid” ironic since only a shithead kid would think a screen name like that is funny.
Having a whole golden Mill Rogue deck is probably the highest level of being a pussy I've yet encountered in this game. Emoting Wow after both of my Snowfury Giant got burnt, while being stupid and juvenile, can really add nothing to a freaking golden Mill Rogue.
how does special needs big spell dragon priest who is running pain, shadow madness, dragonfire and death somehow only hit free from amber off of spiteful and archivist hits mind control?? obviously when i try that braindead deck i draw all my spells before summoner
Inner fire priest so interactive! even more in wild ! Jesus cancerous shit ppl are playing !
and secrets mages too i both format ! So fun to play against ! Being dead so fast
Be yourself, everyone else is already taken..
Can't say I'm salty about this, but still: wtf?
Was trying to play with dragon spellstone paladin in casual and of course encountered a spiteful priest who overextended his board twice into equality consecration. I almost won but then he played spiteful bullcrap into Tyrantus with 3 cards left in his deck. I couldn't answer to that and was waiting for lethal. Instead of just finishing the game though, he used that "happy new year" emote like 5 times and then finally hit me in the face when the rope started running.
What was he thinking, I wonder? "In your face, tier 82931900 unplayable meme deck player. That'll teach you how to try being creative in casual!"? Or what? Why BM against a meme deck? lol
I am suuupper annoyed by inkeeper in brawl he keeps blocking my vision all the time i don't like him.Time to hire an employee,did you hear me innkeeper.
Miracle miracle miracle...
i used quest warlock for fun in ranked at rank 17.found a cubelock with 2 defile 2 hellfire 2 doom 2blackholes. this was by far the most cancerogenous match i had in a while.As a result i am hoping that you will get what you are spreading,but for real.
Best quotes:
"Casual is perfectly fine"
"warlock is not overpowered"
"Playing odd paladin just to test it"
I just started a smurf account because i'm a F2P player and i like more than 1 class so i started this new F2P account...rank 25,cubelock,aggro paladin,dude paladin,azarilock,big priest
I guess this is what I get for playing spell hunter in casual...
Kaladin's RoS Set Review
Join me at Out of Cards!
May aswell just rename this game to Paladins, yes another game called Paladins cause it's all these little scrubs play.
Edit: Oh and a sprinkle of Mage on the side.
Playing against Spiteful Priest with my Mind Blast Priest.
Uses one Mind Control on my Alexstrasza from one turn before.
I have Deathwing in hand as a last resort card; and he has lethal on board with Alex.
I draw Prophet Velen the next turn, but I thought, "Oh well, if I don't play Deathwing, I'm dead anyway. Besides, there are still two Mind Blasts in my deck. Spiteful Priest doesn't run Greater Healing Potion, so UNLESS HE HAS THE SECOND MIND CONTROL, I win.".
He top decks Mind Control out of the 15 remaining cards.
0-0 arena match with a pretty bad warlock deck where I got offered trash cards (i.e. treachery 4 or 5 times), up against a mage. They do Barnes into bone drake on turn 4, then an activate kazakus, then another activated kazakus, with plenty of removal (blizzard, fireballs, flamestrike and firelands).
I thought they nerfed arena decks? How is my trash deck getting matched against a deck that in the right hands could/should go 12 wins?
If you play Paladin in Wild that is either aggro,murloc,dude,secret,anyfin then there is a special place in hell for you. You have no right to complain about any deck and about any other card or decks that beats you. You are not a human, you are a pathetic form of being that is insecure and lacks any sort of inteligence, meaning of life and any other abbilities that defines a inteligent form of life. Even when Im winning agaisnt you, I feel angry and bad. Im so fucking tired of your stupid conceding on turn 6 after I Renoed and then adding me just to insult me because that is "broken card". Your stupid curve deck with shitton of broken cards and sticky minions that vomits minions until it it runs out of cards is surely skillfull. Fuck you. I cant even remeber any meta that is worse than now because of you Paladins. And that is just because 3 stupid cards which are Call to Arms, Divine Favor and Sunkeeper Tarim.
Moving into https://outof.cards/members/firepaladinhs/decks
So I decided to watch Danehearth's stream again, because I hadn't in a while. Secret paladin- aggro shaman - murloc paladin. Is this what wild is? A bunch of losers pathetic enough to use decks for retards to get wild legend, because they can't even hit it in standard? How can you be such subhuman filth to enjoy those decks and/or to feel accomplished when you win with them?
Fuck cubelock
Kaladin's RoS Set Review
Join me at Out of Cards!
As if secret mage wasn't retarded enough, this motherfucker plays deck of wonders off of primordial glyph. Does he get punished? Of fucking course not. Gather Your Party into that 5/5, dinosize on his 2/3, and mind control to seal the deal when I had lethal on board. Fuck this stupid ass game.
Hey Hearthstone, stop fucking me in the ass. This game isn't even enjoyable anymore. I used to love playing Wild at least because of the deck diversity, now there's none. No light at the end of that tunnel either. Blizzard dumping gasoline on the already raging dumpster fire that is the Wild meta. Nothing but non-interactive, degenerate cancer that can be piloted to legend by a bot.
Game feels rigged, matchmaking feels fixed, constantly laddering against opponents 1-2 ranks above me with perfect draws, while I not only get the worthless cards I just mulliganed away, but then proceed to draw their doubles over the next three turns when the game inevitably ends on turn 5 or 6.
Tired of all these brown-nosing fan boi jackasses that scream tin foil hat, at the mention of RNG manipulation while they emote spam in game circlejerking the same -20 IQ netdecks. Content to shovel whatever bullshit into their grubby mouths as long as it carries the Blizzard brand.
Tired of a new meta of counter decks materializing out of fucking nowhere every time I switch to a new deck.
Tired of Team 5's weak ass lies and explanations in response to the community in regards to ANYTHING.
More deckslots too confusing.
Don't want to support data tracking because clean UI (totally not so people have concrete proof that the game is rigged)
Can't provide balance changes until the meta has been hemorrhaging for at least a year.
Can't buff cards.
Can't add new game modes.
Auto-squelch too hard to implement.
Fuck this shit, it's not okay. What's worse is how complacent everyone is to just accept this is the best it can be.
This game is trash, Activision/Blizzard should be held accountable for what a shameful display of greed this game has become. Bunch of shady profiteering fucks, and shame on us for just taking it lying down.
Enjoy Dustwood.
agreed with the above, except for auto-squelch which doesn't actually matter. Especially the "tinfoil hat" bit. People always use the argument that "if games are rigged against you they are extremely favorable for someone else" but that doesn't prove anything - when I get the fifth counter to my deck in a row, that doesn't mean the people who beat me won their last 5 games. Sometimes you get tossed a bone and get a solid matchup and you win. It is blatantly forcing people toward a 50% WR, either through matchup or draw manipulation. There is always still a chance to win because obviously a lot of people have winrates of over 50%, but the higher you get the stronger it will lean toward total rigging.
Accepting "nuh uh" as a response from the game company is naive as hell.
I still enjoy this game but I swear to god this community has became so fucking toxic. Trying to do the 75 murloc daily so I figuered hey play shaman, don’t attack anyone, they’ll get the gist and let me play this out. Nope, although that might have been true at one point not anymore. Game after game ppl went for lethal when I had either very little board presence or none at all and well past the point that it was obvious I wasn’t trying to win. Tried adding a few to ask why, only 2 answered, one answered “because I can”. The other was a guy with the name “Fartknocker” who when asked told me to “fuck off kid” ironic since only a shithead kid would think a screen name like that is funny.
TLDR ppl in this game suck
Still have 80g quest and... trading thread is closed. Just why?
One day this game will stop existing. I can't wait.