Death knight with the Zerg package is beyond broken in arena atm! well played, stupid dev team! your so fcking shit, but it can surprise anyone any longer....
if it was just the minions then I could somehow accept it, but the fact that it also goes face is beyond ridicolous
and how easy it is to fucking play it, I just had a mage play it for 1 mana, so for 1 mana you clear the board, deal 20 dmg to the face and you still can play some minions to your board so no loss of tempo
in no other game it feels so bad to lose
edit: I so hope it gets nerfed to the ground in the same fashion as Lamplighter was; who would've thought that scaling the damage depending on cards played would be fucking op
if it was just the minions then I could somehow accept it, but the fact that it also goes face is beyond ridicolous
and how easy it is to fucking play it, I just had a mage play it for 1 mana, so for 1 mana you clear the board, deal 20 dmg to the face and you still can play some minions to your board so no loss of tempo
in no other game it feels so bad to lose
edit: I so hope it gets nerfed to the ground in the same fashion as Lamplighter was; who would've thought that scaling the damage depending on cards played would be fucking op
Just got nuked by a 30 dmg colossus and the same happened on the following turn.. so basically 60 dmg over two turns.. The devs are a bunch of clowns and they are so freaking lost.. trash company...
When the expansion with starship came out, i thought it's boring. Then it got even more boring with the armor stacking decks. Now it's just retarded. Vomit random stuff on boatd and trigger multiple times starships.
When the expansion with starship came out, i thought it's boring. Then it got even more boring with the armor stacking decks. Now it's just ********. Vomit random stuff on boatd and trigger multiple times starships.
Yeah! But does it surprise you? The developer team is operating from the petting zoo! They are a bunch of clueless clowns! The game has been total shit for years now and with every expansion we hope for better days, but they always fail..
Will they ever adress the problem with beasts in bgs? Its even worse in duos. I mean, it's like a 100% chance to win going with beasts. Except some opponent makes wven a stronger warband with beasts.
Maybe my observation is not objective. But i feel like i can win pretty much all the time by picking beasts. I would like to play other stuff, but it's a certain loss in the end against beasts.
The problem is, that the low hp minions elimiate most of your strong aspects (poison, divine shield...) and then you lose against 300 stats beetles.
Wow, Zerg DK with reborn minions to full health is sth sh*thead I had ever known. WL Dev team. You f*ck up the 15 years.
Reborn is an ability that causes a minion to be resummoned with 1 Health the first time it's destroyed
Minions reborn always has 1 health.... 1 health , and with Zerg DK now it is minus 1 health not 1 health. F*ck this bug.
Not a bug. When the deathrattle from Infestor triggers, it sets up a permanent aura giving the buff to Zerg minions. When the minion is reborn its health is set to one before the aura is applied. So the final result is that the reborn minion's health is one plus whatever value the aura is currently at. Effectively this means Zerglings and Banelings will be reborn to full health and all other minions are reborn with health showing as damaged by one less than their starting health.
Absolutely ridiculous how imbalanced DK is in arena atm. Goes to show they don't give a damn about arena. Watch them not do anything at all with arena. They don't even care about all the other game modes besides standard constructed. Bunch of lazy and ignorant people working at Hearthstone's branch.
Wow, Zerg DK with reborn minions to full health is sth sh*thead I had ever known. WL Dev team. You f*ck up the 15 years.
Reborn is an ability that causes a minion to be resummoned with 1 Health the first time it's destroyed
Minions reborn always has 1 health.... 1 health , and with Zerg DK now it is minus 1 health not 1 health. F*ck this bug.
Not a bug. When the deathrattle from Infestor triggers, it sets up a permanent aura giving the buff to Zerg minions. When the minion is reborn its health is set to one before the aura is applied. So the final result is that the reborn minion's health is one plus whatever value the aura is currently at. Effectively this means Zerglings and Banelings will be reborn to full health and all other minions are reborn with health showing as damaged by one less than their starting health.
That aura is so fucked up because you can't change that at all, amazing that my card that reads 'change the health of a minion to 1' does nothing, shouldn't there be a fucking order of buffs and shit
the game is in the dumbest state it has ever been, and I've played through aggro shamans, secret paladins and all the other bullshit decks that had to be nerfed over the years
right now, it feels like you don't have any control over the game, it's all about if you draw your shit or your opponent does, then you don't even need to think if you have basic understanding of the game
edit: oh and I forgot about the stupid ass event with stupid ass quests, that basically lock you out of trying other factions for 3 weeks, I chose terran so to finish the quests I literally can't play anything but terran... what a dumb idea (and I know that for people that play for a few hours a day that's not a problem, but I'm a gamer, not a Hearthstone player, HS is just one of the games I play(not for long though))
Who was the genius that had the brilliant idea to give mage armour gain?
Also 7 mana deal 24 damage with Colossus!
Its so fun to see those retarded Shaman players that can't read Shudderblock's text and wanting Siege Tank to deal damage to enemy.
Death knight with the Zerg package is beyond broken in arena atm! well played, stupid dev team! your so fcking shit, but it can surprise anyone any longer....
srsly fuck Colossus
if it was just the minions then I could somehow accept it, but the fact that it also goes face is beyond ridicolous
and how easy it is to fucking play it, I just had a mage play it for 1 mana, so for 1 mana you clear the board, deal 20 dmg to the face and you still can play some minions to your board so no loss of tempo
in no other game it feels so bad to lose
edit: I so hope it gets nerfed to the ground in the same fashion as Lamplighter was;
who would've thought that scaling the damage depending on cards played would be fucking op
Just got nuked by a 30 dmg colossus and the same happened on the following turn.. so basically 60 dmg over two turns.. The devs are a bunch of clowns and they are so freaking lost.. trash company...
Yea, why not make non-legendary and cheaper Ceaseless. That also kills opponent...
When the expansion with starship came out, i thought it's boring. Then it got even more boring with the armor stacking decks. Now it's just retarded. Vomit random stuff on boatd and trigger multiple times starships.
I hope the handbuff paladins suffer horribly
Yeah! But does it surprise you? The developer team is operating from the petting zoo! They are a bunch of clueless clowns! The game has been total shit for years now and with every expansion we hope for better days, but they always fail..
LOL sure, randomly give their spaceship Poisonous so the one damage AOE effect kills my entire board for free, why the fuck not
Will they ever adress the problem with beasts in bgs? Its even worse in duos. I mean, it's like a 100% chance to win going with beasts. Except some opponent makes wven a stronger warband with beasts.
Maybe my observation is not objective. But i feel like i can win pretty much all the time by picking beasts. I would like to play other stuff, but it's a certain loss in the end against beasts.
The problem is, that the low hp minions elimiate most of your strong aspects (poison, divine shield...) and then you lose against 300 stats beetles.
Wow, Zerg DK with reborn minions to full health is sth sh*thead I had ever known. WL Dev team. You f*ck up the 15 years.
Minions reborn always has 1 health.... 1 health , and with Zerg DK now it is minus 1 health not 1 health. F*ck this bug.
Fuck Zerg and everyone who plays that overtuned shit!! Stupid ass devs
Unless DK Zerg is nerfed, I'm quitting Hearthstone for good tomorrow, once the season resets and I get my legendary rewards.
Not a bug. When the deathrattle from Infestor triggers, it sets up a permanent aura giving the buff to Zerg minions. When the minion is reborn its health is set to one before the aura is applied. So the final result is that the reborn minion's health is one plus whatever value the aura is currently at. Effectively this means Zerglings and Banelings will be reborn to full health and all other minions are reborn with health showing as damaged by one less than their starting health.
Standard is utter dogshit right now. Just constant Terran Shaman and Zerg DK. 11 classes in the game and so few of them actually matter.
Absolutely ridiculous how imbalanced DK is in arena atm. Goes to show they don't give a damn about arena. Watch them not do anything at all with arena. They don't even care about all the other game modes besides standard constructed. Bunch of lazy and ignorant people working at Hearthstone's branch.
From bronze to legend only zerg dk. And that viper minion is stupid af...why does it need to give also reborn.
That aura is so fucked up because you can't change that at all, amazing that my card that reads 'change the health of a minion to 1' does nothing, shouldn't there be a fucking order of buffs and shit
the game is in the dumbest state it has ever been, and I've played through aggro shamans, secret paladins and all the other bullshit decks that had to be nerfed over the years
right now, it feels like you don't have any control over the game, it's all about if you draw your shit or your opponent does, then you don't even need to think if you have basic understanding of the game
edit: oh and I forgot about the stupid ass event with stupid ass quests, that basically lock you out of trying other factions for 3 weeks, I chose terran so to finish the quests I literally can't play anything but terran... what a dumb idea (and I know that for people that play for a few hours a day that's not a problem, but I'm a gamer, not a Hearthstone player, HS is just one of the games I play(not for long though))
I will never play the Arena again. It is a complete shit show compared to what it once was. Totally ruined format. Fuck the devs.