Wow! Playing in casual mode with a tier1 deck and spamming shitty emotes through the whole game! How fcking retarded are you? Born with the ass first? The playerbase has turned into a clown circus! And if you run DK on ladder, you 100% moms little patty booooy! :-)
Rogue doing nothing but drawing, then playing 4 8/8 for less than 5 mana and then shuffling 20 damage with Incindius, its the most retarded thing ever.
I Think the ladder is garbage at the moment. Tried climbing with different classes, hunter, priest, DK - You Just get fucked in the ass by a fucking 1 mana 10/10 DS taunt, followed up by a Leeroy with so much Coke up his ass hes fuming. OR, you get a druid That literally AFKs until 5 turn then he pops 4 space whales out of his ass and becomes a 40/40. All That is Playable is a fuckin elemental mage which is unfun because all you can do is Just facefuck the opponent or gather spells until you can OTK with Saruun + copy cunt combo. Managed to hit diamond & switched to casual because im exhausted, GG.
I Think the ladder is garbage at the moment. Tried climbing with different classes, hunter, priest, DK - You Just get fucked in the ass by a fucking 1 mana 10/10 DS taunt, followed up by a Leeroy with so much Coke up his ass hes fuming. OR, you get a druid That literally AFKs until 5 turn then he pops 4 space whales out of his ass and becomes a 40/40. All That is Playable is a fuckin elemental mage which is unfun because all you can do is Just facefuck the opponent or gather spells until you can OTK with Saruun + copy cunt combo. Managed to hit diamond & switched to casual because im exhausted, GG.
The game is total shit atm and the streamers are happy to promote those decks that you are mentioning! - and all the zombie-like trash players are just following their precious streamboys ! The decks are broken and the players are shit.. :-) the whole game need a huge fix, but they devs are so lost and all they care about is the overpriced shit that they try to sell at the shop! :-)
its nothing but Druid, DK and Shaman on ladder! So fcking boring! The devs need to come out of their caves! Basement dwellers!!
all hope is gone for this game! Its glorious days are long gone.. sadly
its so fuckkng nuts how much random shit mage can generate in arena! Overpowered piece of shit class! Filling a whole hand with 1 cost fire spells is clearly a red flag! Pathetic trash devs! Unbelievable that you still have a job
Its been awhile since both Standard and Wild have been this bloody boring. Standard feels like wild and Wild feels like 2-3 decks that repeat over and over... the only time I find anything "new" in wild is when I run into a bot playing priest or rogue (and by "new" I mean not someone playing Paladin)...
This Meta is SOOOO bad right now... how fun it is to sit there and watch Druid hit 16 Mana, 60 armor and draw his entire deck only to make a portal. Or sit back and watch Shaman hit you for over 100 damage over the course of 5 turns (I played an armor priest and got myself up to over 50 armor only to watch it dwindle down to 0 in 2 turns. HEARTHSTONE IS SUPPOSED TO BE INTERACTIVE... I can understand this shit in wild because its WILD... but standard? The power creep is supposed to be balanced and you're at least supposed to be able to take your turn and counter some of this shit... to just sit and watch as your opponent murders you with nothing you can do... its maddening and just ruining the game.
They better bring back Steamcleaner for standard... at least then you have SOMETHING you can do when the guy shoves 30 rocks into his deck... because right now this shit is ruining the game for me and I've been playing for 10 years now.
For years, I've been a "make my own fun" kind of player. I'll pick a class or two each expansion and just played what I wanted. Even if I was losing, I was having fun. Mostly because other people were playing things that were fun to play against.
Then came that first wave of Death Knight bots. A deck so braindead that literal bots could pilot it. BUT it was bad.
Then Blizzard doubled down on that "so dumb, an actual bot could pilot it" design philosophy. And now, no one is playing anything that is fun to play against. Losing isn't fun. Winning isn't even fun, because you either win or you lose. There is no clawing back a game from the jaws of defeat The games are decided within a few turns.
If you'd told me 10 years ago that I'd be quitting hearthstone just as Starcraft cards were being added, I would have laughed in your face. But here we are.
I'm saying this, because I need to say this as I step away from the game for a bit.
I wish we could have the option to disable highlighting and card movement in the hand when cursor over cards. It's so annoying and distracting when they're moving their cursor constantly like some hyperactive child.
Wow! Playing in casual mode with a tier1 deck and spamming shitty emotes through the whole game! How fcking retarded are you? Born with the ass first? The playerbase has turned into a clown circus! And if you run DK on ladder, you 100% moms little patty booooy! :-)
Rogue doing nothing but drawing, then playing 4 8/8 for less than 5 mana and then shuffling 20 damage with Incindius, its the most retarded thing ever.
I Think the ladder is garbage at the moment. Tried climbing with different classes, hunter, priest, DK - You Just get fucked in the ass by a fucking 1 mana 10/10 DS taunt, followed up by a Leeroy with so much Coke up his ass hes fuming. OR, you get a druid That literally AFKs until 5 turn then he pops 4 space whales out of his ass and becomes a 40/40. All That is Playable is a fuckin elemental mage which is unfun because all you can do is Just facefuck the opponent or gather spells until you can OTK with Saruun + copy cunt combo. Managed to hit diamond & switched to casual because im exhausted, GG.
The game is total shit atm and the streamers are happy to promote those decks that you are mentioning! - and all the zombie-like trash players are just following their precious streamboys ! The decks are broken and the players are shit.. :-) the whole game need a huge fix, but they devs are so lost and all they care about is the overpriced shit that they try to sell at the shop! :-)
its nothing but Druid, DK and Shaman on ladder! So fcking boring! The devs need to come out of their caves! Basement dwellers!!
all hope is gone for this game! Its glorious days are long gone.. sadly
Every deck feels the same. Just stealing your cards each turn. Very fun.
Wheel warlock can blow a ragged hole through their pygmy sized genitals with a 10 ga shotgun.
Elemental Mage is legitimately brain dead design.
Blazing Accretion is shitty design.
There is no fucking downside, because no one is putting that card in anything besides fire elemental mage.
its so fuckkng nuts how much random shit mage can generate in arena! Overpowered piece of shit class! Filling a whole hand with 1 cost fire spells is clearly a red flag! Pathetic trash devs! Unbelievable that you still have a job
Degenerated meta where everyone just plays 10/7 ziliax turn 3
How can it be a good game design, that the only mechanic to play bgs in late game is to close and open the game so you can skip combats???
They cant be serious about this. I mean, they must be aware of the fact that combats take so long, that it skips entire tavern turns.
What stink sis when your BG teammate doesnt know you can do this and they don't come back in time to work with you
Fuck Big Shaman. Ancestral call on turn 4 every fckin time. And if youre able to clear then Muckmorpher on turn 5. Every single fucking time...
Its been awhile since both Standard and Wild have been this bloody boring. Standard feels like wild and Wild feels like 2-3 decks that repeat over and over... the only time I find anything "new" in wild is when I run into a bot playing priest or rogue (and by "new" I mean not someone playing Paladin)...
This Meta is SOOOO bad right now... how fun it is to sit there and watch Druid hit 16 Mana, 60 armor and draw his entire deck only to make a portal. Or sit back and watch Shaman hit you for over 100 damage over the course of 5 turns (I played an armor priest and got myself up to over 50 armor only to watch it dwindle down to 0 in 2 turns. HEARTHSTONE IS SUPPOSED TO BE INTERACTIVE... I can understand this shit in wild because its WILD... but standard? The power creep is supposed to be balanced and you're at least supposed to be able to take your turn and counter some of this shit... to just sit and watch as your opponent murders you with nothing you can do... its maddening and just ruining the game.
They better bring back Steamcleaner for standard... at least then you have SOMETHING you can do when the guy shoves 30 rocks into his deck... because right now this shit is ruining the game for me and I've been playing for 10 years now.
Is there any honor in hitting Legend anymore? Honestly, the game is just overpowered randomness now.
What the purpose of a loser playing Asteroid Shaman in Casual? Go ruining some other people's game in Ranked, or you are just bad to ramp up?
I think this meta might be the last straw for me.
Plagues, TNT, asteroids, elemental mage.
For years, I've been a "make my own fun" kind of player.
I'll pick a class or two each expansion and just played what I wanted.
Even if I was losing, I was having fun.
Mostly because other people were playing things that were fun to play against.
Then came that first wave of Death Knight bots.
A deck so braindead that literal bots could pilot it.
BUT it was bad.
Then Blizzard doubled down on that "so dumb, an actual bot could pilot it" design philosophy.
And now, no one is playing anything that is fun to play against.
Losing isn't fun.
Winning isn't even fun, because you either win or you lose.
There is no clawing back a game from the jaws of defeat
The games are decided within a few turns.
If you'd told me 10 years ago that I'd be quitting hearthstone just as Starcraft cards were being added, I would have laughed in your face. But here we are.
I'm saying this, because I need to say this as I step away from the game for a bit.
Cause their life sucks and this is their way to bully others and to get their revenge :-)
To my past 5 teammates in battlegrounds duos. Go away. Nobody wants to play with you. Leave the game and do something else, away from humanity.
Mini-set is out and now the game is filled with these buff hunters.... Thanks blizzard.
I wish we could have the option to disable highlighting and card movement in the hand when cursor over cards. It's so annoying and distracting when they're moving their cursor constantly like some hyperactive child.