Given that Blizzard themselves identified the lack of interactivity in oppressive decks as a leading cause of unfun interactions it escapes me that no changes have come for Freeze Mage, Seed Lock and other dipshit decks that cycle through stall mechanics and 'single-player' solitaire crap. See you when (/if) some meaningful changes come--time to uninstall this mundane trash game.
Four fucking Tsunami’s in a row! That is NOT OKAY!!
zero cost tsunami -> into Conniving Conman -> into Conniving Conman -> into hard cast Tsunami ..
super fun and Interactive! Shitty developer team.. the game is all about BSM or Dummy warrior .. Blizzard is a bunch of shitheads!! They even fucked us big time with the D4 expansion! Greedy ass Company who fail big time! Damn i miss the days when they cared about the players! Fcking losers
How can you outplay that goddamn double battlecry control cancer reno warrior? Can remove anything against aggro, destroying deck against control, with 1208893 armor of course.
It is amazing that after all this time they still haven't fixed that the game constantly freezes. Happens on every computer and I have zero problems with ANY other game. Been like this for.... 4 years now? Do they even have game developers?
How many Zilliaxes can a reno Druid have? I'm confused. I just faced a dude who played that fucking unkilliax x4 times! No photograph either, straight from hand. Like what the fuck, so many games are Zilliaz focused, it's nuts. Makes me really angry (probably more than it should).
Renethal back in standard? Absolutely atrocious decision.
Zilliax - Gotta be one of the single worst cards ever made. Lifesteal is beyond a joke when you got multiple of them every game rescuing 20-30 hp per turn.
If you play any of this dogshit warrior reno renethal decks you are a bad player. You suck at the game and are a fucking clueless noob. Play some other deck instead of this braindead shit which seeks to drag every game out for hours and generates 20 armor per turn and has 1 billion board clears. Seriously, fuck every warrior rght now you are all straight bad.
Such great game design, where control warrior never has to to ANY damage or build a board to win. They can just fatigue you with braindead bot play using consistently using 4 brawls a game and filling your deck with 6 bombs that wipe out your hand board and deck.
Wow, i totally missed they brought Renaethal to standard.
Really good decision, now those boring ass Warriors even can start with more hp. I guess the armor generating/removing type wasnt already boring and easy enough to play...
Standard feels like wild right now with how many broken combos and mana cheating a board of big minions early there are. This hand buffing rogue deck needs to be rung in asap. I hope they take a look at Shadowstep and decide to HOF it, because so long as that card is in standard rogue will be unbalanced. Like look at the rogue decks now and in the past-they look so janky but it's because of Shadowstep that these decks work and create broken interactions.
Re: rogue deck: What I find the most annoying is waiting for the spellburst to trigger 20 times in a row. The deck is still less toxic than BSM was however (which has apparently vanished overnight).
The game is crashing like crazy. I lost a game where I couldn't even reconnect, it just plainly crashed.
BG duos I've been having the freezing problem for months.
Game freezes up before the first minion attacks sometimes which is fine but if it happens for more than a second at any later stage of the game then it's time to quit and reload the app.
And if it happens turn 2 (where your turn is like 40 seconds) then I'm skipping that turn (and conceding and losing 40 rank as a penalty).
And if it happens later at the end of a long death rattle game or it's a trinket turn then I might be skipping that turn (and maybe not conceding because that sucks a bit for my duos partner).
And sometimes at the hero select screen I get a "Disconnected/Reconnecting" message which means that game's over and I've lost. Either I wait and after a few seconds it tells me to relaunch Hearthstone, or I instantly quit and no matter how quick I'm back in the game it won't reconnected and either way it's a recorded loss.
I don't care about rank, second one doesn't bother me, first one's a pain if the game's going well.
I cannot a match. It has to be prolonged thanks to Spectral Cutlass, Excavate and INFINITE DISCOVERY OF ALL OF EVERYTHING!
I am just beyond sick of all the classes having so much lifesteal and so much recovery all the freaking time! I understand it's necessary but it also feels a bit much. Especially for my little aggro decks. I don't expect to win them all but this is just ridiculous. The constant discovery of lifesteal and treasures is too much, man. It's just too much.
And then they wonder why more people aren't Legend. Because the majority of us value our sanity. It's hard to take any of this as remotely competitive when The Upper Hand is not only taken from you, but you're also staring at lethal in a single turn. Just beyond frustrating. It feels like Spectral Cutlass has been around FOREVER. Send it to Wild where it belongs! AND KEEP IT THERE!
I'll like to make a personal list of cards that are the absolute bane of this game, and that I fucking despise to the core. Starting with:
0 mana freeze your hero to death and make it useless while receiving 9 damage, on repetition? Damn, that's bad design.
3 mana destroy your biggest minion and use it against, more than once? Who was the inbreed behind this card?
The only thing putrid about this shitstorm of a card, is the soul of the one playing this and healing back to full health, with no consequence while destroying your entire fucking board in seconds.
2 mana destroy the entire board with 0 consequences and planning? Extremely skilled gameplay.
3 mana discover this bullshit: so you'll never get to use your hero for anything, while the cunt is constantly healing and smacking your face freely.
0 FUCKING MANA SYLVANAS WINDRUNNER, with Rush. Who is the war fucking criminal who design this breaker of the entire Geneva Convention so it pays in prison for its crimes?
8 mana, destroy your biggest minion while this busted shit of a card, and the one using it turn almost immortal while generating other busted cards from thin air. That's balanced of course.
10 mana clears your entire board, or mind-controlling your biggest minion or Titan against you while unleashing the perfect spells to screw you over. No wonder he earns the title "God of Madness", due to how bat shit insane was the one who created this hideous abomination.
And finally, for the most retarded, braindead, uninteractive card created this entire year 2024, I couldn't leave the spot for the most disgusting card to none other but Reno "I clear your entire board and prevent you from recovering it, just because, I, FUCKING, CAN" Jackson. I'll be the happiest person on Earth when this war criminal who would put Mao, Stalin, or Putin to shame gets deleted from Standard and banned in wild, because of how undeniably stupid this card's design is.
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Given that Blizzard themselves identified the lack of interactivity in oppressive decks as a leading cause of unfun interactions it escapes me that no changes have come for Freeze Mage, Seed Lock and other dipshit decks that cycle through stall mechanics and 'single-player' solitaire crap. See you when (/if) some meaningful changes come--time to uninstall this mundane trash game.
Four fucking Tsunami’s in a row! That is NOT OKAY!!
zero cost tsunami -> into Conniving Conman -> into Conniving Conman -> into hard cast Tsunami ..
super fun and Interactive! Shitty developer team.. the game is all about BSM or Dummy warrior .. Blizzard is a bunch of shitheads!! They even fucked us big time with the D4 expansion! Greedy ass Company who fail big time! Damn i miss the days when they cared about the players! Fcking losers
how can blizzard say this okay... i played against a rogue and when i decided to concede he had played 104 cards, plus Marin had created 33 cards,
Jeebus buddy you were unlucky in that. Thats insane. I never get that kind of generation. its not normal haha.
How can you outplay that goddamn double battlecry control cancer reno warrior? Can remove anything against aggro, destroying deck against control, with 1208893 armor of course.
It is amazing that after all this time they still haven't fixed that the game constantly freezes. Happens on every computer and I have zero problems with ANY other game. Been like this for.... 4 years now? Do they even have game developers?
How many Zilliaxes can a reno Druid have? I'm confused. I just faced a dude who played that fucking unkilliax x4 times! No photograph either, straight from hand. Like what the fuck, so many games are Zilliaz focused, it's nuts. Makes me really angry (probably more than it should).
Hearthstone these days
Renethal back in standard? Absolutely atrocious decision.
Zilliax - Gotta be one of the single worst cards ever made. Lifesteal is beyond a joke when you got multiple of them every game rescuing 20-30 hp per turn.
If you play any of this dogshit warrior reno renethal decks you are a bad player. You suck at the game and are a fucking clueless noob. Play some other deck instead of this braindead shit which seeks to drag every game out for hours and generates 20 armor per turn and has 1 billion board clears. Seriously, fuck every warrior rght now you are all straight bad.
Even in legend Ranks its all about BSM!! Fucking losers!
Such great game design, where control warrior never has to to ANY damage or build a board to win. They can just fatigue you with braindead bot play using consistently using 4 brawls a game and filling your deck with 6 bombs that wipe out your hand board and deck.
Wow, i totally missed they brought Renaethal to standard.
Really good decision, now those boring ass Warriors even can start with more hp. I guess the armor generating/removing type wasnt already boring and easy enough to play...
Zzzzz indeed...
Standard feels like wild right now with how many broken combos and mana cheating a board of big minions early there are. This hand buffing rogue deck needs to be rung in asap. I hope they take a look at Shadowstep and decide to HOF it, because so long as that card is in standard rogue will be unbalanced. Like look at the rogue decks now and in the past-they look so janky but it's because of Shadowstep that these decks work and create broken interactions.
anyone else game crashing/freezing like crazy last couple of days ? cant even reconnect back sometimes , my internet is not problem
Re: rogue deck: What I find the most annoying is waiting for the spellburst to trigger 20 times in a row. The deck is still less toxic than BSM was however (which has apparently vanished overnight).
The game is crashing like crazy. I lost a game where I couldn't even reconnect, it just plainly crashed.
BG duos I've been having the freezing problem for months.
Game freezes up before the first minion attacks sometimes which is fine but if it happens for more than a second at any later stage of the game then it's time to quit and reload the app.
And if it happens turn 2 (where your turn is like 40 seconds) then I'm skipping that turn (and conceding and losing 40 rank as a penalty).
And if it happens later at the end of a long death rattle game or it's a trinket turn then I might be skipping that turn (and maybe not conceding because that sucks a bit for my duos partner).
And sometimes at the hero select screen I get a "Disconnected/Reconnecting" message which means that game's over and I've lost. Either I wait and after a few seconds it tells me to relaunch Hearthstone, or I instantly quit and no matter how quick I'm back in the game it won't reconnected and either way it's a recorded loss.
I don't care about rank, second one doesn't bother me, first one's a pain if the game's going well.
Should probably have been fixed by now.
I cannot a match. It has to be prolonged thanks to Spectral Cutlass, Excavate and INFINITE DISCOVERY OF ALL OF EVERYTHING!
I am just beyond sick of all the classes having so much lifesteal and so much recovery all the freaking time! I understand it's necessary but it also feels a bit much. Especially for my little aggro decks. I don't expect to win them all but this is just ridiculous. The constant discovery of lifesteal and treasures is too much, man. It's just too much.
And then they wonder why more people aren't Legend. Because the majority of us value our sanity. It's hard to take any of this as remotely competitive when The Upper Hand is not only taken from you, but you're also staring at lethal in a single turn. Just beyond frustrating. It feels like Spectral Cutlass has been around FOREVER. Send it to Wild where it belongs! AND KEEP IT THERE!
Rock On!
I'll like to make a personal list of cards that are the absolute bane of this game, and that I fucking despise to the core. Starting with:

0 mana freeze your hero to death and make it useless while receiving 9 damage, on repetition? Damn, that's bad design.
3 mana destroy your biggest minion and use it against, more than once? Who was the inbreed behind this card?
The only thing putrid about this shitstorm of a card, is the soul of the one playing this and healing back to full health, with no consequence while destroying your entire fucking board in seconds.
2 mana destroy the entire board with 0 consequences and planning? Extremely skilled gameplay.
3 mana discover this bullshit:
so you'll never get to use your hero for anything, while the cunt is constantly healing and smacking your face freely.

0 FUCKING MANA SYLVANAS WINDRUNNER, with Rush. Who is the war fucking criminal who design this breaker of the entire Geneva Convention so it pays in prison for its crimes?
8 mana, destroy your biggest minion while this busted shit of a card, and the one using it turn almost immortal while generating other busted cards from thin air. That's balanced of course.
10 mana clears your entire board, or mind-controlling your biggest minion or Titan against you while unleashing the perfect spells to screw you over. No wonder he earns the title "God of Madness", due to how bat shit insane was the one who created this hideous abomination.
And finally, for the most retarded, braindead, uninteractive card created this entire year 2024, I couldn't leave the spot for the most disgusting card to none other but Reno "I clear your entire board and prevent you from recovering it, just because, I, FUCKING, CAN" Jackson. I'll be the happiest person on Earth when this war criminal who would put Mao, Stalin, or Putin to shame gets deleted from Standard and banned in wild, because of how undeniably stupid this card's design is.