Eventually they'll lose every single player who actually likes playing card games. The only people left will be the ones who like fast games (not card games in particular) and playing crazy op cards every single turn while clinging to the illusion of making meaningful decisions. Heathstone is the only game i know of that managed to replace their whole playerbase with a completely different type of target audience. And even though there's some truth to the statement that even the most successful games get less and less popular with time, i still think Hearthstone would be much more successful, if they didn't try to appeal to these people, who are not anywhere near as loyal and willing to spend money as their old playerbase. There's a saying, "Never change a running system" and it's true.
I literally just came back from a 2 month break and i already feel like i need to take another break again. Hearthstone is definitely on par with League of Legends with how frustrating and exhausting it is to play at this point. I never played LoL but whenever people describe the negative patterns of that game it sounds exactly how i feel about Hearthstone. Almost never actually fun to play (at least nowadays) but still addicting af. Games like these should be banned across the globe imo because they can be just as detrimental to your mental health as hard drugs.
A good friend of mine back then actually quit drugs (pot and alcohol) just because it made him play worse. You might think that's a good thing but shortly after he dropped out of school and isolated himself which completely ruined his life. Before then he was a womanizer, an extremely talented soccer placer and also a good student. See, he didn't quit drugs, he simply switched to a more potent drug. And that drug was a video game (World of Warcraft in his case). Let that sink in.
The answer is not to ban certain games, any more than we would ever ban alcohol to save alcoholics from their addiction. What should have happened is that your friend's counselor or support group should have warned him against taking up ANY potentially addictive hobbies, including certain video games. Your friend has an addictive personality, and that needs to be carefully managed by him and those who are supposed to be helping him stay on track.
Believe me when i say that i tried my best to get him back on track. He was my best friend after all. But unfortunately he didn't have the support system that he needed or any support system for that matter. I also have an addictive personality so i guess i wasn't the right person to talk him out of it to begin with. I also wouldn't call for a ban of anything if those affected had the support system that you described. Unfortunately it's exactly this type of person who gets into these bad situations because they already lack support of their family and grew up in an unhealthy environment etc.
But you're still right. A ban probably won't change anything and only limit the freedom of those who don't deal with these issues. I just hate that corporations can exploit peoples weaknesses and shortcomings legally for profit. Ever since i learned about the nefarious side of marketing psychology i held a grudge against corporations that intentionally use it to manipulate their customers. I get that they need to make money and be competitive but when people get hurt in any way during the process, i'm out.
I dont understand how i can lose to spell mage all the time. When my enemy plays this 8 mana cast 5 spells cards, they always clear my board, summon stuff, buff it, do dmg to my face.
But when i try to play this deck and use that card i get things like draw 10 cards and mill yourself to dead.
I know its rng, but fuck man...
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#23651May 23, 2024(Showdown and Molten Giant Nerfs)
fuck this game,. rigged pos that it is. i have over 14k wins, just lost 5 out of 8 to the most bs i have ever seen in this game and trust me ive seen some bollox! lost to a hunter that drew ever fukin card needed to kill me b4 T6, even as a priest with extra healing, not even 7 cards into his deck he already has perfect cards and leeroy to hit face, fuck off you boring cunt, how can you play that shit hour after hour and not lobotomise youself?
Then a cunty warrior! guy had 12 cards left 6 of which are TNT after i manage to copy his brann and steal his TNT guy, i have 19 cards left and 6 TNT and yes you fuckign guessed it, the cunt doesnt draw any? yet by some fukin miracle i draw every cunty one and they hit my 10 mana battecry weapon that had lifesteal and deal 6 damage. ofc it fucking does, why fucking wouldn't it? when i can use it to heal and win the game, FU , FU ur card game, fuck your scripts and fuck off blizzard you cunts.
stupid shit game!... HOW IS IT POSSIBLE to fucking get 4 x Magtheridons from 4 x shoppers in one game????? SUPER broken and skilless piece of trash game
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#23653May 25, 2024(Showdown and Molten Giant Nerfs)
How much fucking crack had they smoked when they came up with the Death Knight class.
I haven't played in a while but they came up with a class with no weaknesses? It just does everything? What the actual fuck. If you play DK and you're not at least Legend you must have the IQ of a fucking peanut.
How much fucking crack had they smoked when they came up with the Death Knight class.
I haven't played in a while but they came up with a class with no weaknesses? It just does everything? What the actual fuck. If you play DK and you're not at least Legend you must have the IQ of a fucking peanut.
I guess im stupid then. I tried to play DK since its the only class i havent reached legend yet. Rainbow DK, Buff DK, Plague DK.
Warrior and Paladin are auto loss. Last time i had 24 plagues in the warriors deckband he had 31 cards. I still list cause i draw all the tnt and he draw like plagues dont exist.
Then some RNG losses against Warlock , Spell Mage and Hunter and im just stuck with my rank. I wish i could make some DK deck work.
Maybe im just stipid.
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#23659Jun 2, 2024(Showdown and Molten Giant Nerfs)
Wait, so you no longer get a notification if conceding won't make progress on a certain quest? When did they change this? And why the hell would they remove one of the few features that was actually helpful out of the blue? I just wanted to complete at least one of my weekly quests before reset and basically wasted around 30 mins just because i thought i waited long enough before conceding. What's wrong with Blizzard? It actually feels like they're running the company into the ground on purpose at this point.
Awesome. The brain dead dev’s brought back twist and it’s just another failed piece of garbage. Jesus, these simpletons just can’t do anything right. Hearthstone back to the uninstalled pile again lol.
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#23663Jun 4, 2024(Showdown and Molten Giant Nerfs)
People who play Reno decks are seriously bad at this game.. holy moly! They need to undo the buff they did to Reno!. it fucking deserves to be shit and to get pwned by Plague DK... !! Trash Reno, ugly ass cowboy wannabe kinda type.
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#23664Jun 4, 2024(Showdown and Molten Giant Nerfs)
I can't wait until excavate is gone. I'm so fucking tired of excavate rogue who just play random bullshit cards for 1 mana and act like they are good because they drew drilly and had a bunch of bounce effects in hand.
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#23667Jun 6, 2024(Showdown and Molten Giant Nerfs)
A lot of people say HS was boring when we still used to trade a lot on board and played vanilla minions. But despite the abundance of RNG and shiny over the top op cards we play these days, i never felt more bored with the game tbh. I'm just getting more and more desensitized at this point.
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Eventually they'll lose every single player who actually likes playing card games.
The only people left will be the ones who like fast games (not card games in particular) and playing crazy op cards every single turn while clinging to the illusion of making meaningful decisions.
Heathstone is the only game i know of that managed to replace their whole playerbase with a completely different type of target audience.
And even though there's some truth to the statement that even the most successful games get less and less popular with time, i still think Hearthstone would be much more successful, if they didn't try to appeal to these people, who are not anywhere near as loyal and willing to spend money as their old playerbase.
There's a saying, "Never change a running system" and it's true.
Believe me when i say that i tried my best to get him back on track. He was my best friend after all.
But unfortunately he didn't have the support system that he needed or any support system for that matter. I also have an addictive personality so i guess i wasn't the right person to talk him out of it to begin with.
I also wouldn't call for a ban of anything if those affected had the support system that you described.
Unfortunately it's exactly this type of person who gets into these bad situations because they already lack support of their family and grew up in an unhealthy environment etc.
But you're still right. A ban probably won't change anything and only limit the freedom of those who don't deal with these issues.
I just hate that corporations can exploit peoples weaknesses and shortcomings legally for profit. Ever since i learned about the nefarious side of marketing psychology i held a grudge against corporations that intentionally use it to manipulate their customers. I get that they need to make money and be competitive but when people get hurt in any way during the process, i'm out.
there is way too much lifesteal and healing, enough of all of these bullshit second chance cards like Zilliax Deluxe and Tiger Plushie
I dont understand how i can lose to spell mage all the time. When my enemy plays this 8 mana cast 5 spells cards, they always clear my board, summon stuff, buff it, do dmg to my face.
But when i try to play this deck and use that card i get things like draw 10 cards and mill yourself to dead.
I know its rng, but fuck man...
fuck this game,. rigged pos that it is. i have over 14k wins, just lost 5 out of 8 to the most bs i have ever seen in this game and trust me ive seen some bollox! lost to a hunter that drew ever fukin card needed to kill me b4 T6, even as a priest with extra healing, not even 7 cards into his deck he already has perfect cards and leeroy to hit face, fuck off you boring cunt, how can you play that shit hour after hour and not lobotomise youself?
Then a cunty warrior! guy had 12 cards left 6 of which are TNT after i manage to copy his brann and steal his TNT guy, i have 19 cards left and 6 TNT and yes you fuckign guessed it, the cunt doesnt draw any? yet by some fukin miracle i draw every cunty one and they hit my 10 mana battecry weapon that had lifesteal and deal 6 damage. ofc it fucking does, why fucking wouldn't it? when i can use it to heal and win the game, FU , FU ur card game, fuck your scripts and fuck off blizzard you cunts.
stupid shit game!... HOW IS IT POSSIBLE to fucking get 4 x Magtheridons from 4 x shoppers in one game????? SUPER broken and skilless piece of trash game
Safety Goggles + Part Scrapper = Containment Unit on turn 3.
Next turn my opponent had Crimson Expanse ready to make a copy.
First game in 3 days. I conceded and immediately closed the app. What a great game.
FUCK RENO!!! Such a fcking noob card! l2p, whoever plays Reno decks.. you suck!
So now everyone who played Reno Warrior plays Reno Priest... And it's much more annoying...
Palastone!! standard is nothing but paladins... game is so shit atm.
How much fucking crack had they smoked when they came up with the Death Knight class.
I haven't played in a while but they came up with a class with no weaknesses? It just does everything? What the actual fuck. If you play DK and you're not at least Legend you must have the IQ of a fucking peanut.
I guess im stupid then. I tried to play DK since its the only class i havent reached legend yet. Rainbow DK, Buff DK, Plague DK.
Warrior and Paladin are auto loss. Last time i had 24 plagues in the warriors deckband he had 31 cards. I still list cause i draw all the tnt and he draw like plagues dont exist.
Then some RNG losses against Warlock , Spell Mage and Hunter and im just stuck with my rank. I wish i could make some DK deck work.
Maybe im just stipid.
Fun and interactive gameplay
Well it's actually funny with my winrate, but why I'm almost always second https://ibb.co/fFQgCXL

Wait, so you no longer get a notification if conceding won't make progress on a certain quest?
When did they change this? And why the hell would they remove one of the few features that was actually helpful out of the blue?
I just wanted to complete at least one of my weekly quests before reset and basically wasted around 30 mins just because i thought i waited long enough before conceding.
What's wrong with Blizzard? It actually feels like they're running the company into the ground on purpose at this point.
Awesome. The brain dead dev’s brought back twist and it’s just another failed piece of garbage. Jesus, these simpletons just can’t do anything right. Hearthstone back to the uninstalled pile again lol.
People who play Reno decks are seriously bad at this game.. holy moly! They need to undo the buff they did to Reno!. it fucking deserves to be shit and to get pwned by Plague DK... !! Trash Reno, ugly ass cowboy wannabe kinda type.
Sadly Reno Shaman stil unplayable garbage over D5
I lost last month's (and my first time) legend to a reno deck.
I just wanted to say fuck this card's designer and the ones who approved it to be in the game.
I can't wait until excavate is gone. I'm so fucking tired of excavate rogue who just play random bullshit cards for 1 mana and act like they are good because they drew drilly and had a bunch of bounce effects in hand.
A lot of people say HS was boring when we still used to trade a lot on board and played vanilla minions.
But despite the abundance of RNG and shiny over the top op cards we play these days, i never felt more bored with the game tbh.
I'm just getting more and more desensitized at this point.