In March of 2024, one class known as paladin has every power strategy in this game: having huge buffed minions, check, minion removal, check, constant value, check, ability to negate damage through constant healing, check, and most importantly, a way to OTK your opponent, also check. I've always been a fan of the Paladin class since the open beta of this game and in the 10th anniversary Team5 has done the impossible: making me hate the fucking class because the balance team, run by brainless apes, does not test how powerful the cards they release are and wait for the player base to feel the consequences of their idiotic behavior. Go fuck yourselves Team5, Activision Blizzard, and everyone involved in this nonsensical charade of a card game.
Is this how it's going to be with this game? Just played a douche ass priest that took 3 turns in a row and wins the game. This is absolute garbage.
Sit there and do absolutely nothing while your opponent can play as many turns as he can set up. How the fuck is this fun? You can't interrupt. You can't do shit!!! And its fucking standard. I can only imagine what anyone can pull off in wild.
I'm over this game now. Thanks blizz for all the years fun, but sadly I get more aggravated over each expansion. I will not be buying anymore expansions for trash like this.
I just died on turn 6 with 30 health against a shaman that had one (I repeat, ONE) magic damage minion on board and 3 (I repeat again, fucking 3) mana remaining. I love childrens card games!
So glad that we nerfed Paladin into the ground to get demon Hunter that has a higher win rate, easier to pilot, and does damage to face you can do nothing about. Hat a pathetic shit game. Every single update it just goes further and further down the drain.
Holy shit, I'm not one to usually bitch but I can't remember the last time a meta shift like this recent nerf made this game so unfun for me. Every single person is sweating so hard with DH, barely anyone is trying to have fun in legend.
They need to fucking remove Brann from this game!!! 3x Tendrils that all double cast the 10dmg mage card!!! 3 mana = 60 dmg… i dont fcking get it.. clown Fiesta of game! Holy shit.. losing cause of some random generated shit! Zero fcking braincells was used by the opponent to win that match! Lucky piece of shit
The game is simply broken. This is what happens when you take the strategy out of a strategy game and let rng rule instead. And everyone who demanded to get rid of archetype strengths and weaknesses back then is directly responsible for the current state of HS. HS would look a lot different today if all those people who didn't know shit about card game design would've just shut up instead of harassing the devs non-stop on twitter and making all these crazy demands that were purely based on negative biases and emotions instead of factual knowledge.
100% - Hearthstone is and has been broken for years now. It's just some sort of bad mobile Casio game wannabe.
The whole point for creating a deck died when discover was introduced which was a big draw for anyone 'liking' the game in the first place.
Another fun aspect was creating homebrew decks that could compete. That died when Blizzard were making pre-built synergy cards that released with every set literally killing any form of player innovation or uniqueness in the game.
Balancing rules such as restricting legendaries to 1 per deck died once they infested the game with discover and other forms of rng which let you have multiple copies of cards with the most powerful effects. Cool right??. No it's not. They should know that if everything is powerful everywhere, all the time...then nothing is.
This stuff could have actually been fixed and balanced years ago, but Blizzard never cared about balance, fun, or game integrity. They only cared about what broken busted stuff they could print every 3 months to generate cheap buzz to sell packs with a plan to nerf it all post purchase.
Now due to the prepackaged 'win' conditions they print each set, everyone is forced to play net decks which beyond being godawfully boring, stale, and repetitive...also makes 90% of the other cards completely useless each expansion. Remember when murlocs were ruining the metas?
As a result, Hearthstone is now so terrible, soulless, unenjoyable, and imbalanced as a strategy card game that there is only one solution....
Sure, I don't mind going from 30 to 0 in one turn, provided it's not direct damage from hand.
In March of 2024, one class known as paladin has every power strategy in this game: having huge buffed minions, check, minion removal, check, constant value, check, ability to negate damage through constant healing, check, and most importantly, a way to OTK your opponent, also check. I've always been a fan of the Paladin class since the open beta of this game and in the 10th anniversary Team5 has done the impossible: making me hate the fucking class because the balance team, run by brainless apes, does not test how powerful the cards they release are and wait for the player base to feel the consequences of their idiotic behavior. Go fuck yourselves Team5, Activision Blizzard, and everyone involved in this nonsensical charade of a card game.
im glad they decided to just double down on paladin after miniset and make it twice as broken
cant wait to get braincancer so i can join the hs dev team by meeting their only requirement
Is this how it's going to be with this game? Just played a douche ass priest that took 3 turns in a row and wins the game. This is absolute garbage.
Sit there and do absolutely nothing while your opponent can play as many turns as he can set up. How the fuck is this fun? You can't interrupt. You can't do shit!!! And its fucking standard. I can only imagine what anyone can pull off in wild.
I'm over this game now. Thanks blizz for all the years fun, but sadly I get more aggravated over each expansion. I will not be buying anymore expansions for trash like this.
Fuck this game!
4 reelz!
What pally deck has a DR that summons a minion and it keeps getting bigger the more it happens? Just lost and it was awesome.
How is pally just allowed to have a 90% winrate every single season? I just don't get it.
I just died on turn 6 with 30 health against a shaman that had one (I repeat, ONE) magic damage minion on board and 3 (I repeat again, fucking 3) mana remaining. I love childrens card games!
Oh great, we are back to plague-stone
DH is insane. Nothing beats it. It is so overturned. The only deck holding it back was pre-nerf paladin.
Again, nerfs make the game unplayable shit.
So glad that we nerfed Paladin into the ground to get demon Hunter that has a higher win rate, easier to pilot, and does damage to face you can do nothing about. Hat a pathetic shit game. Every single update it just goes further and further down the drain.
Honestly there really isn’t any hope left for the game. It’s just to far gone at this point. It’s to bad.
Nah deleting this game now. I don't remember the last time the game was fun. The designers since Ben Brode left are so incompetent.
Holy shit, I'm not one to usually bitch but I can't remember the last time a meta shift like this recent nerf made this game so unfun for me. Every single person is sweating so hard with DH, barely anyone is trying to have fun in legend.
When your opponent has lethal:

Doubt you actually delete it... See you again tomorrow friend
They need to fucking remove Brann from this game!!! 3x Tendrils that all double cast the 10dmg mage card!!! 3 mana = 60 dmg… i dont fcking get it.. clown Fiesta of game! Holy shit.. losing cause of some random generated shit! Zero fcking braincells was used by the opponent to win that match! Lucky piece of shit
The game is simply broken.
This is what happens when you take the strategy out of a strategy game and let rng rule instead.
And everyone who demanded to get rid of archetype strengths and weaknesses back then is directly responsible for the current state of HS.
HS would look a lot different today if all those people who didn't know shit about card game design would've just shut up instead of harassing the devs non-stop on twitter and making all these crazy demands that were purely based on negative biases and emotions instead of factual knowledge.
100% - Hearthstone is and has been broken for years now. It's just some sort of bad mobile Casio game wannabe.
The whole point for creating a deck died when discover was introduced which was a big draw for anyone 'liking' the game in the first place.
Another fun aspect was creating homebrew decks that could compete. That died when Blizzard were making pre-built synergy cards that released with every set literally killing any form of player innovation or uniqueness in the game.
Balancing rules such as restricting legendaries to 1 per deck died once they infested the game with discover and other forms of rng which let you have multiple copies of cards with the most powerful effects. Cool right??. No it's not. They should know that if everything is powerful everywhere, all the time...then nothing is.
This stuff could have actually been fixed and balanced years ago, but Blizzard never cared about balance, fun, or game integrity. They only cared about what broken busted stuff they could print every 3 months to generate cheap buzz to sell packs with a plan to nerf it all post purchase.
Now due to the prepackaged 'win' conditions they print each set, everyone is forced to play net decks which beyond being godawfully boring, stale, and repetitive...also makes 90% of the other cards completely useless each expansion. Remember when murlocs were ruining the metas?
As a result, Hearthstone is now so terrible, soulless, unenjoyable, and imbalanced as a strategy card game that there is only one solution....
"Nuke it from orbit"
Why is Frost Lich Jaina back in arena? (rhethorical question, I know technically why it's back)
Still, it is so powerful with so much elementals offered in the buckets too. If not for that card, it would have been a game I 100% would have won.
Its all fucking aggro demon hunter.
Cant play the game at all.