Warrior infested metas tend to be the most boring ones
Honestly the most boring games I play are against Totems, Mechs, and Sludge boys. Majority of what I play is designed to fight the majority of the decks I see. Then every once in awhile here comes these decks. SMOrc my face. I can easily handle Warrior with my Priesty Boy I got cooking. I'm not a fan of somethings you can't truly do anything about. There isnt a "cards cant be shuffled into deck" card. But there is one that destroys them which helps sludge soooo idk man. I do think the meta overall is boring big time. Hope the next expansion will make it more enjoyable for me.
It’s really annoying that Plague death knight isn’t rotating out. It’s one of the most brain dead decks to pilot and destroys an entire play style, not through skill but just being an idiot, and finally it relies mostly on luck. What a great deck. Definitely one of the worst designs ever added to the game.
Let me guess: CodyShaman = highlander warrior. If that's the case, plague DK is probably the only deck preventing 80% of the userbase from playing the warrior deck and up playing mirror matches. Consider yourself lucky.
Cards like Jailer, Tony, Thaddius, and now Brann just shouldn't exist. Which is why the first three now essentially don't. There is really no QA on design to say "No". Not always for OP crap, lest we forget anomalies.
Remember when the Arena wasn't just overpowered, random generated spells/minions, random effects, and endless value decks? Remember when it was more of a hey lets make good value trades and actually think about what my opponent might play next? Remember when it took some skill instead of being decided by randomness?
They must add a "Zzz" emote to the game. The Warrior "deck" that is a meme is insufferable. It takes 20 minutes; it has 20 board clears; when you make a board so insufferably OP at least make it quick you incompetent Devs.
Boggles my mind how all of a sudden for some fucking reason shockspitter Hunter is a thing again when there is nothing the deck gained since then and spell hunter-an actual meta deck- is way fucking better. I'm guessing some fucking 10 viewer streamer out there is piloting the deck and their brain dead sheep follow.
been playing hearthstone since the beginning and never ranted in this thread or elsewhere.
but this is the first week EVER where i will not be able to get the 5 weekly wins for the quest.
this is the worst game experience "meta" i have ever had. nothing but warriors and plague DKs with unlimited board clears. i see no way to win with any of my decks against these. and i am lacking key cards to play them myself (not sure i want to anyway).
if you know a counter with at least SOME winning chance against warrior or plague DK, tell me please. tried aggro paladin and aggro DH from the "meta" decks but no way you win against these decks (yes yes skill issue, i know).
Yeah the warrior is just pure oppression at this point. It's not just that they have 20 counters; it's not just that they have 20 soft-deck-clears; it's also that they take 20 darn minutes to even "win" ..by practically fatigue more or less. OK sure it's more oppressive against a minion class like most variants of paladin; but the big picture keeps it oppressive; that's because the "point" of warrior was to counter the sludge locks but now they are oppressive against most decks and at least the locks only took ~8min to do their thing.
this shit game will never be fun while Reno and Theotar are in Standard, what's the counterplay? don't have good minions on the field? don't draw your good cards? whoever designed those two cards in specific needs to get their kneecaps smashed with a lead pipe in Minecraft. should have played around it by not having kneecaps!
The amount of bots in arena is still ridiculous. Losing to someone with literally #2296348 in their name with a god tier arena deck that is basically a constructed deck feels disgusting.
Can´t convince me someone with a name like this is just a regular player instead of a re-rolling bot player buying accounts.
Tell us how you can "handle easily" warrior as priest because they must suck some major dongers.
Le dot
It’s really annoying that Plague death knight isn’t rotating out. It’s one of the most brain dead decks to pilot and destroys an entire play style, not through skill but just being an idiot, and finally it relies mostly on luck. What a great deck. Definitely one of the worst designs ever added to the game.
Let me guess: CodyShaman = highlander warrior. If that's the case, plague DK is probably the only deck preventing 80% of the userbase from playing the warrior deck and up playing mirror matches. Consider yourself lucky.
Cards like Jailer, Tony, Thaddius, and now Brann just shouldn't exist. Which is why the first three now essentially don't. There is really no QA on design to say "No". Not always for OP crap, lest we forget anomalies.
CCGing since '98.
Face it boys Hearthstone is just a bad game now, and has been for years
Every player ive invited new to this game hated it, in addition to it being way too expensive.
Just accept it along with the fact that it will only get worse from here
Just fucking nerf the warrior already fuckin christ
The endless synergy, endless damage AND RETARDED PROOF HP
it's the definition of toxic and overpowered
Armor also need a nerf it's superior to healing in every single ways except for lifesteal.
plague dks I hope you get dysentery
Jobs where you can always be wrong and keep your job: weatherman, Hearthstone balancer.
Seriously, when every. single. balance patch actually makes the game worse, that's a special kind of incompetence.
CCGing since '98.
Fourth highlander warrior in a row.
No, you're right, the meta is in a healthy state right now.
And no, the Brann + Astalor combo does not need to be addressed.
Nerf Bran: The first battlecry is doubled every turn.
Still wouldn’t solve the Astalor problem
Remember when the Arena wasn't just overpowered, random generated spells/minions, random effects, and endless value decks? Remember when it was more of a hey lets make good value trades and actually think about what my opponent might play next? Remember when it took some skill instead of being decided by randomness?
Yeah I member...
Unplayable garbage format now. Thanks, devs.
They must add a "Zzz" emote to the game. The Warrior "deck" that is a meme is insufferable. It takes 20 minutes; it has 20 board clears; when you make a board so insufferably OP at least make it quick you incompetent Devs.
Boggles my mind how all of a sudden for some fucking reason shockspitter Hunter is a thing again when there is nothing the deck gained since then and spell hunter-an actual meta deck- is way fucking better. I'm guessing some fucking 10 viewer streamer out there is piloting the deck and their brain dead sheep follow.
yay. shuttertrash meta is back, *uninstalls until next year*
been playing hearthstone since the beginning and never ranted in this thread or elsewhere.
but this is the first week EVER where i will not be able to get the 5 weekly wins for the quest.
this is the worst game experience "meta" i have ever had. nothing but warriors and plague DKs with unlimited board clears. i see no way to win with any of my decks against these. and i am lacking key cards to play them myself (not sure i want to anyway).
if you know a counter with at least SOME winning chance against warrior or plague DK, tell me please. tried aggro paladin and aggro DH from the "meta" decks but no way you win against these decks (yes yes skill issue, i know).
Yeah the warrior is just pure oppression at this point. It's not just that they have 20 counters; it's not just that they have 20 soft-deck-clears; it's also that they take 20 darn minutes to even "win" ..by practically fatigue more or less. OK sure it's more oppressive against a minion class like most variants of paladin; but the big picture keeps it oppressive; that's because the "point" of warrior was to counter the sludge locks but now they are oppressive against most decks and at least the locks only took ~8min to do their thing.
this shit game will never be fun while Reno and Theotar are in Standard, what's the counterplay? don't have good minions on the field? don't draw your good cards? whoever designed those two cards in specific needs to get their kneecaps smashed with a lead pipe in Minecraft. should have played around it by not having kneecaps!
The amount of bots in arena is still ridiculous. Losing to someone with literally #2296348 in their name with a god tier arena deck that is basically a constructed deck feels disgusting.
Can´t convince me someone with a name like this is just a regular player instead of a re-rolling bot player buying accounts.