why the flying fuck is buffs from Lore'Themar Theron disappearing if you are putting the cards from hand to bottom with cards like Sir Finley? Makes no fucking sense. These developers man... This used to be a fun game...
Play curve, fill the board with overpowered board fills, clear the board with overpowered board clears. Or play solitaire and wait for exodia. 3/10 game atm.
I've played several times today from morning till night, being on the verge of going to Diamond 5 only to hit several losses in a row (sometimes dropping several levels, not just stars), work my way back to Diamond 6, only to repeat this process.
Matchmaking is rigged. It is the only logical conclusion.
Plague death night has to be the laziest design and crap deck ever. Imagine building a deck that 100% destroys an entire package of cards you release in your new rotation. Jesus these devs are as dumb as a box of rocks.
The game has grown so aggravatingly tiresome that I have uninstalled. There's so little worthwhile left in the experience. My opinions on the sorry state of the game:
1. Frequent nerfs and buffs for "player agency" that only shift those complaints to the next deck to rise to the top. If Blizzard actually cared about this, they would admit colossal mistakes like Reno and ban those cards.
2. The matchmaking in Standard definitely appears rigged to force a 50% win rate. Legend players must somehow do better, but it must be in force at Platinum and Diamond, I've tracked my last 100 games or so in Diamond 10 - 6. Every time I got a streak going and got to rank 6, I got matched into hard counters and "luckier" players. The loss streak dropped me typically two or more levels until I was just under 50%. Like literally 2 more losses than wins.
3. The more fun and interesting modes keep going away or morphing into something that's much less interesting and fun then go away.
4. Tavern brawl has become a tiresome random time waster just to get a pack.
I'll check the forums in the new season to see if anything has changed. But I predict it won't.
When do the motherfucking bots go away on Ranked? I'm a former legend player returning to ranked after a break and I'm playing against fucking AIs playing Chillwind Yeti, Abusive Sergeant, and Stranglethorn Tigers.
I've never had less fun on ranked ladder in my life. Every game is the exact fucking same thing.
I enjoy losing once in awhile to actual good decks
Replacing unplayable meta with unplayable meta. Play 785 random cards Rogue is back, and adding play cards without any thought Warlock because moron in charge of balancing buffs cards that should never be buffed.
That's Why there mostly just bots playing at every rank.
They have to do this at this point to artificially inflate player count, fake short cue times and trick stakeholders into believing that this game is still somewhat popular.
No real players can tolerate more than a few infuriating, uninteractive rounds of this garbage before logging out to play much better games that are actually fun to play.
Congrats Blizzard, you guys are a joke to the community and have completely made HS a game that is now complete ass.
Kudos Morons.
I’d say they have done such a good job that you decided to rage on it . Validated for sure
Did I hit a nerve? To clarify, I'm neither raging nor angry. Just stating facts about the steaming pile of shit experience that Blizzard has devolved this once fun game into.
why bother playing any deck that isn't moron brann warrior or infinite HP druid. even the aggro decks have completely fallen off
I can't think of a meta where druid wasn't doing degenerate shit.
The meta before this
why the flying fuck is buffs from Lore'Themar Theron disappearing if you are putting the cards from hand to bottom with cards like Sir Finley? Makes no fucking sense. These developers man... This used to be a fun game...
Legend Rank and last 10 games were some braindead version of Reno decks...
Play curve, fill the board with overpowered board fills, clear the board with overpowered board clears. Or play solitaire and wait for exodia. 3/10 game atm.
Kinda tired of paladins Bad Manners towards me, they are the easiest deck to play, no need to rope every turn.
Oh well.
I've played several times today from morning till night, being on the verge of going to Diamond 5 only to hit several losses in a row (sometimes dropping several levels, not just stars), work my way back to Diamond 6, only to repeat this process.
Matchmaking is rigged. It is the only logical conclusion.
Ugly ass brann warrior wtf the dev are stupid as fuck to create that stupid shit, the card would still see play at 10 mana.
welcome to the Clan lol
can we please delete druid? token Druid is such a big fcking joke! worse piece of noob deck ever...
Glad they didn't nerf Bran warrior with this patch.
this crap is srsly the most broken we had in a while and I'm not dirty enough to play plague dk just to counter it.
So, no packs at all for the event? This is the first time ever, right? Now they just give out cosmetics? Booooo!
I wish Microsoft would have laid off the entire hearthstone developer team. They destroyed this game.
Plague death night has to be the laziest design and crap deck ever. Imagine building a deck that 100% destroys an entire package of cards you release in your new rotation. Jesus these devs are as dumb as a box of rocks.
The game has grown so aggravatingly tiresome that I have uninstalled. There's so little worthwhile left in the experience. My opinions on the sorry state of the game:
1. Frequent nerfs and buffs for "player agency" that only shift those complaints to the next deck to rise to the top. If Blizzard actually cared about this, they would admit colossal mistakes like Reno and ban those cards.
2. The matchmaking in Standard definitely appears rigged to force a 50% win rate. Legend players must somehow do better, but it must be in force at Platinum and Diamond, I've tracked my last 100 games or so in Diamond 10 - 6. Every time I got a streak going and got to rank 6, I got matched into hard counters and "luckier" players. The loss streak dropped me typically two or more levels until I was just under 50%. Like literally 2 more losses than wins.
3. The more fun and interesting modes keep going away or morphing into something that's much less interesting and fun then go away.
4. Tavern brawl has become a tiresome random time waster just to get a pack.
I'll check the forums in the new season to see if anything has changed. But I predict it won't.
When do the motherfucking bots go away on Ranked? I'm a former legend player returning to ranked after a break and I'm playing against fucking AIs playing Chillwind Yeti, Abusive Sergeant, and Stranglethorn Tigers.
I've never had less fun on ranked ladder in my life. Every game is the exact fucking same thing.
I enjoy losing once in awhile to actual good decks
I don't give a fuck about winrate, bran warrior is broken wankers dev fix this shit ASAP.
Replacing unplayable meta with unplayable meta. Play 785 random cards Rogue is back, and adding play cards without any thought Warlock because moron in charge of balancing buffs cards that should never be buffed.
CCGing since '98.
Did I hit a nerve? To clarify, I'm neither raging nor angry. Just stating facts about the steaming pile of shit experience that Blizzard has devolved this once fun game into.