This game might as well change its name to Solitaire... that's all it is anymore. All you do is sit there and watch the other player play endless combos over and over, or you're doing it yourself...
the amount of mage bullshit. it's just so enormously ridiculous. you have your some soso good cards and think like : did I miss a turn ? is this a different game with better cards ? it's just like they make their own rules and you're not allowed to win. duck this shit.
How do you do the Rogue cheat code? You know, the one that lets you always start with the same starting hand? And generate whatever you need at all times?
I have a proposal: eliminate post-expansion balancing entirely. When an expansion releases, that's the meta until the next one. The game always gets worse with every balance patch because the balance team is so terrible, so just relieve them of their duties.
I actually want to know why people think Thaddius Warlock doesn't need a nerf and isn't the most broken control deck ever to exist. Like explain to me how a 5 mana whomper doesn't need a nerf. Explain to me why Thaddius doesn't need a nerf when it actually is being debated by the dev team to nerf yet again because of the explosive turns Thaddius can create with mana cheat on top of OTKs. How this deck has dodged so many nerfs is beyond me.
so a guy right now used a infinite combo with necrium blade and shadestone skulker and the loop continues... so will i get a lose or will other guy get a terminal cancer and die in infinite horrible pain for infinite amount of time ?!?
This mini-set is a "best of" all of of the failures of the past year. Between printing cards literally everyone said were more trouble than they were worth at first sight (Windfury in Paladin), to ensuring a Paladin deck that requires zero thought puts the class to a new highest win rate ever seen outside of emergency in-day nerfs, to another infinite ramp/infinite armor/infinite draw Druid deck. I'm sure they'll adjust the cost of one card from each deck by 1 and call it a day. And probably nerf some more Mage, Shaman, and Hunter cards for no reason alongside it.
And here I thought "play 74 random cards" Rogue and Tree Druid, literally the most boring deck that has ever existed made for an unplayable game.
Fucking retarded piece of shit devs. Fucking braindead paladin kills you if you leave a 1/1 on board with 27 health. Fucking warrior destroys every other control deck just with fucking infinite bran. Fucking druid refills board every turn. Fucking wartlock otk on turn 5. Game is total shitshow. Devs are complete piece of shit morons.
That's Why there mostly just bots playing at every rank.
They have to do this at this point to artificially inflate player count, fake short cue times and trick stakeholders into believing that this game is still somewhat popular.
No real players can tolerate more than a few infuriating, uninteractive rounds of this garbage before logging out to play much better games that are actually fun to play.
Congrats Blizzard, you guys are a joke to the community and have completely made HS a game that is now complete ass.
Does anyone else have terrible luck day-wise? Sometimes, like today, I get steam-rolled 4 games in a row before I can actually start playing the game. Then it gets somewhat better and I somehow end up with a 50/50 or little bit worse winrate...but it's so confusing as why this happens at all & why it's necessary.
It's just super frustrating to watch your opponents win for 4 games straight without being able to do anything. I should really stop playing on these days instead of writing here xD
Eonar not getting hotfix rotated into Wild after the mini-set dropped shows the infinite ineptitude of the Hearthstone team. so fun to play against Mill Druid in STANDARD in THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 2024. keep mill decks in Wild, please. full heal and +20 armor every turn. wincon is Dew Process. what a fucking joke.
Fuck the eternal Brann Warrior bullshit. Somehow every one I face gets turn 6 Brann, then comes Alastor on 7, 8 10 and there’s literally nothing I can do against two 28 point alastors one turn after the other. And that’s just one of the many ridiculous battlecry possibilities that’ll make you want to bash your head into the wall.
I hit diamond right around when the miniset dropped, and thought I could finally reach legend but nope, here comes bullshit warrior…
That's Why there mostly just bots playing at every rank.
They have to do this at this point to artificially inflate player count, fake short cue times and trick stakeholders into believing that this game is still somewhat popular.
No real players can tolerate more than a few infuriating, uninteractive rounds of this garbage before logging out to play much better games that are actually fun to play.
Congrats Blizzard, you guys are a joke to the community and have completely made HS a game that is now complete ass.
Kudos Morons.
I’d say they have done such a good job that you decided to rage on it . Validated for sure
Me trying to playing a nice highlander deck.
Blizzard: Let's put you against a plague DK!
I swear god in my last 10 games, more than 7 are DK
So why are european servers overran by asian characters that are even more bming than european nicks exactly?
This game might as well change its name to Solitaire... that's all it is anymore. All you do is sit there and watch the other player play endless combos over and over, or you're doing it yourself...
Rogue Wishing Well, DH Naga Sharpshooter, literally anything Mage with endless discover, Priest steal your deck/endless minion replicate, Shaman Totem/Elemental spam...
There's no skill involved at all anymore... it's a shrine to RNGesus.
the amount of mage bullshit. it's just so enormously ridiculous. you have your some soso good cards and think like : did I miss a turn ? is this a different game with better cards ? it's just like they make their own rules and you're not allowed to win. duck this shit.
How do you do the Rogue cheat code? You know, the one that lets you always start with the same starting hand? And generate whatever you need at all times?
I have a proposal: eliminate post-expansion balancing entirely. When an expansion releases, that's the meta until the next one. The game always gets worse with every balance patch because the balance team is so terrible, so just relieve them of their duties.
CCGing since '98.
hahaa. This game is in such a terrible state. I feel bad for Microsoft paying 68 billion for this crap company and their garbage heap of a game.
Worst investment of the decade award goes to those clowns.
I actually want to know why people think Thaddius Warlock doesn't need a nerf and isn't the most broken control deck ever to exist. Like explain to me how a 5 mana whomper doesn't need a nerf. Explain to me why Thaddius doesn't need a nerf when it actually is being debated by the dev team to nerf yet again because of the explosive turns Thaddius can create with mana cheat on top of OTKs. How this deck has dodged so many nerfs is beyond me.
Dead Game.
Full of cheating.
Blizzard, delete this game please.
so a guy right now used a infinite combo with necrium blade and shadestone skulker and the loop continues... so will i get a lose or will other guy get a terminal cancer and die in infinite horrible pain for infinite amount of time ?!?
This mini-set is a "best of" all of of the failures of the past year. Between printing cards literally everyone said were more trouble than they were worth at first sight (Windfury in Paladin), to ensuring a Paladin deck that requires zero thought puts the class to a new highest win rate ever seen outside of emergency in-day nerfs, to another infinite ramp/infinite armor/infinite draw Druid deck. I'm sure they'll adjust the cost of one card from each deck by 1 and call it a day. And probably nerf some more Mage, Shaman, and Hunter cards for no reason alongside it.
And here I thought "play 74 random cards" Rogue and Tree Druid, literally the most boring deck that has ever existed made for an unplayable game.
CCGing since '98.
Game is in an atrocious state. Can't wait for Tues when D4 season 3 starts.
Standard is more off the rails than Wild now.
Fucking retarded piece of shit devs. Fucking braindead paladin kills you if you leave a 1/1 on board with 27 health. Fucking warrior destroys every other control deck just with fucking infinite bran. Fucking druid refills board every turn. Fucking wartlock otk on turn 5. Game is total shitshow. Devs are complete piece of shit morons.
That's Why there mostly just bots playing at every rank.
They have to do this at this point to artificially inflate player count, fake short cue times and trick stakeholders into believing that this game is still somewhat popular.
No real players can tolerate more than a few infuriating, uninteractive rounds of this garbage before logging out to play much better games that are actually fun to play.
Congrats Blizzard, you guys are a joke to the community and have completely made HS a game that is now complete ass.
Kudos Morons.
the dev that decided to give paladin a windfury card should definitely NOT get shot in the head
Does anyone else have terrible luck day-wise? Sometimes, like today, I get steam-rolled 4 games in a row before I can actually start playing the game. Then it gets somewhat better and I somehow end up with a 50/50 or little bit worse winrate...but it's so confusing as why this happens at all & why it's necessary.
It's just super frustrating to watch your opponents win for 4 games straight without being able to do anything. I should really stop playing on these days instead of writing here xD
Eonar not getting hotfix rotated into Wild after the mini-set dropped shows the infinite ineptitude of the Hearthstone team. so fun to play against Mill Druid in STANDARD in THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 2024. keep mill decks in Wild, please. full heal and +20 armor every turn. wincon is Dew Process. what a fucking joke.
Fuck the eternal Brann Warrior bullshit. Somehow every one I face gets turn 6 Brann, then comes Alastor on 7, 8 10 and there’s literally nothing I can do against two 28 point alastors one turn after the other. And that’s just one of the many ridiculous battlecry possibilities that’ll make you want to bash your head into the wall.
I hit diamond right around when the miniset dropped, and thought I could finally reach legend but nope, here comes bullshit warrior…
I’d say they have done such a good job that you decided to rage on it . Validated for sure
i GENUINELY only ever lose if my opponents highroll 3+ times in a row. im so unlucky its absurd.