This game has never been more braindead rng based slot machine than now. People play it not because of how good it is but it messes with their reward system so much that they get addicted to it.
It buffles me how people watch World Championship of this game. Really? With the Prison of yogg saron, tendrils, milions of discovers? Hearthstone is a meme because it's not even a card game.
Couldn’t agree more. Has nothing to do with skill anymore.
Are the weird colourword names bots? They are always DKs, yet don't follow the same scripted pattern of playing instantly like the SSD, ASSD, SSF bots did but still make super weird plays? Unlike those these actually concede the second they've lost before my turn starts again, as if they're manually maned.
In bronze I never saw them; silver/gold they were a few here and there but it was mostly paladins still, plat 10-5 was similar; but then come plat 5-1 and it was a nightmare for the deck I was using, from 2 in 10 it became 8 in 10 playing the exact same deck, same playstyle and priorities, same strange colourword names. I had to change to one of Unholys hard counter that I could afford as last ditch attempt...and I hate druid so that sucks.
I know they said they got rid of almost a quarter million bots this year but they are clearly not doing enough. They must be like pythons: for every one you see in the Everglades they are at least 500 more.
Stick Up has a secret high% of showing you cards from your opponents class or something? I find crazy that after playing 7 or more times against Rogues testing my Priest deck they ALWAYS get the priest quickdraw card, like ALWAYS its seems crazy.
I just lost to the spells from a Prison of Yogg-Saron my opponent got from a Murloc Holmes they got from an Azurite discover card. They played the Holmes on 3 and guessed 3-for-3 through pure luck.
My own idea ultra-legendary with new shining in each rainbow colour gem for card rarity, which forces palyer who puts in a deck to contain only 1 CARD, whenever we manage to find opponent who not put it in his deck one who plays it haS to pick one of 3 decks from random classes <spoiler>where 2 are counters to the player player matched against and the third has 50/50 chances so it it fair<spoiler> so they all are going to pay for perfect prduct they already received from development team, - could come bundled with really real printed card of your own DC/FB/IG photo and custom name shipped to your's address, so i could sent it to my fave pres./
Despite card possibly forcing us to play archetype that we would never like to play for situations where we would not be sure which mage(?) we got matched against this time.
for extra 50 bucks we would also receive feet photos from RANDOM HS developer
for extra proof(picture/video/description/[presciption]) that we jerked/got off to this pic we would receive DUTY bonus which would replace each of card we had in said random deck, replaced by minion ? cost card with ?/? stats or spell. working like the Zephrys the Great
whil;e such card would look DISGUSTING on itself with so many drawbacks, I'm sure there would be some redundants whou would include its on their lists, since it truelly would allow us to pick against which teck we accept to lose.
opakky Paladin can only do 6 dmg to board minins ass his spell is weak and not hits face -> for 5 mana is still enough to beat Zephrys the Great 'A.i;' fueled effect.
TL;DR Twin concept for when paladin gets the COIN
and fuck paladin-bots
ome i had to concede to make 10 in a row, worth it
HS devs: We felt Sludges weren't taking off so we buffed the package a little.
Warlock: Now has a consistent turn 5 kill combo.
HS devs: We felt the Excavate Rogue package wasn't working out so we changed it.
Rogue: Now one of the most frustrating decks in the world and also has a 3 mana 3/6 charge that wins the game if your opponent doesn't kill it instantly.
HS devs: We felt Sludges weren't taking off so we buffed the package a little.
Warlock: Now has a consistent turn 5 kill combo.
HS devs: We felt the Excavate Rogue package wasn't working out so we changed it.
Rogue: Now one of the most frustrating decks in the world and also has a 3 mana 3/6 charge that wins the game if your opponent doesn't kill it instantly.
Rogue is the worst. It's common sense for design that any deck that generates wide-range RNG cannot be good or it ruins the integrity of the game. But the balance team is thoroughly incompetent so here's where we are.
Stop complaining about non-existing classes like Warlock pls. Hearthstone contains 3-4 classes, DK, Rogue, Druid and sometimes Paladin, no sense complaining about the others.
I don't know why any mech rogue runs gear shift– from my own games (losing horribly) with it to playing against it (winning delightfully), it might as well not exist.
I don't even see the point of running either dredge/combo draw spell or Velarok since he's 9 times out of 10 the bottom 5th card anyways.
Wishing Wells either never get drawn or I only draw them and none of my coin generation; in which games I can only pray that I went second, then at least I'll have one coin to play.
I’m so glad that hearthstone will never have a healthy meta again. Idc what anyone says, this is without a doubt the worst meta on the history of the game. It’s turned into just dumb luck that is requiring 0 skill. No way to play around it. Just luck.
For the first time since release, finally putting down hearthstone. The game is just beyond repair. Every single class is beyond help and just relies on luck. The days of having to have any amount of intelligence to play and make legend is gone. To bad. Game use to be something. They’ve just catered to the masses that can’t get past d5. Disappointing.
One is mage and one is paladin, so pretty rare to even ever see this interaction...
You can’t be replying to me? Have you seen rogue? Even warrior has its excavate legendary that is random legendaries. The entire excavate package is based on RNG.
35 euro for 2 cards and 5 packs and then that's the special. Now see how beyond tiny that percentage is from 1 expansion collection. And then there is 4-6 expansions and minisets for standard. What a joke.
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Couldn’t agree more. Has nothing to do with skill anymore.
Are the weird colourword names bots? They are always DKs, yet don't follow the same scripted pattern of playing instantly like the SSD, ASSD, SSF bots did but still make super weird plays? Unlike those these actually concede the second they've lost before my turn starts again, as if they're manually maned.
In bronze I never saw them; silver/gold they were a few here and there but it was mostly paladins still, plat 10-5 was similar; but then come plat 5-1 and it was a nightmare for the deck I was using, from 2 in 10 it became 8 in 10 playing the exact same deck, same playstyle and priorities, same strange colourword names. I had to change to one of Unholys hard counter that I could afford as last ditch attempt...and I hate druid so that sucks.
I know they said they got rid of almost a quarter million bots this year but they are clearly not doing enough. They must be like pythons: for every one you see in the Everglades they are at least 500 more.
Stick Up has a secret high% of showing you cards from your opponents class or something? I find crazy that after playing 7 or more times against Rogues testing my Priest deck they ALWAYS get the priest quickdraw card, like ALWAYS its seems crazy.
I just lost to the spells from a Prison of Yogg-Saron my opponent got from a Murloc Holmes they got from an Azurite discover card. They played the Holmes on 3 and guessed 3-for-3 through pure luck.
Just so mind-numbingly infuriating.
Am i the only one that constantly draws drilly the kid? One time i even shuffled it back with the 1 drop rogue spell, just to draw it again -.-
So annoying, to the point im considering cutting the deathrattle package
Hate how aggro is so powerful because they got 0 cost +5/+5 for paladin or 0 mana +14/+14 for druid.
I just want it to be fair like it was a few expansions ago when the mana cost would have been 4 mana Blessing of Kings or Branching Paths.
At least back then I'd have a chance.
My own idea ultra-legendary with new shining in each rainbow colour gem for card rarity, which forces palyer who puts in a deck to contain only 1 CARD, whenever we manage to find opponent who not put it in his deck one who plays it haS to pick one of 3 decks from random classes <spoiler>where 2 are counters to the player player matched against and the third has 50/50 chances so it it fair<spoiler> so they all are going to pay for perfect prduct they already received from development team, - could come bundled with really real printed card of your own DC/FB/IG photo and custom name shipped to your's address, so i could sent it to my fave pres./
Despite card possibly forcing us to play archetype that we would never like to play for situations where we would not be sure which mage(?) we got matched against this time.
for extra 50 bucks we would also receive feet photos from RANDOM HS developer
for extra proof(picture/video/description/[presciption]) that we jerked/got off to this pic we would receive DUTY bonus which would replace each of card we had in said random deck, replaced by minion ? cost card with ?/? stats or spell.
working like the Zephrys the Great
whil;e such card would look DISGUSTING on itself with so many drawbacks, I'm sure there would be some redundants whou would include its on their lists, since it truelly would allow us to pick against which teck we accept to lose.
opakky Paladin can only do 6 dmg to board minins ass his spell is weak and not hits face -> for 5 mana is still enough to beat Zephrys the Great 'A.i;' fueled effect.
TL;DR Twin concept for when paladin gets the COIN
and fuck paladin-botsAlso please, make another ultra-legendary, which simply forces game client to find yours opponent to be xact same class as you do play.
Would solve anyone trap-toughts on why whould it be amazing if game was able t let us pick 1 class to ban///
HS devs: We felt Sludges weren't taking off so we buffed the package a little.
Warlock: Now has a consistent turn 5 kill combo.
HS devs: We felt the Excavate Rogue package wasn't working out so we changed it.
Rogue: Now one of the most frustrating decks in the world and also has a 3 mana 3/6 charge that wins the game if your opponent doesn't kill it instantly.
Rogue is the worst. It's common sense for design that any deck that generates wide-range RNG cannot be good or it ruins the integrity of the game. But the balance team is thoroughly incompetent so here's where we are.
CCGing since '98.
Stop complaining about non-existing classes like Warlock pls. Hearthstone contains 3-4 classes, DK, Rogue, Druid and sometimes Paladin, no sense complaining about the others.
I don't know why any mech rogue runs gear shift– from my own games (losing horribly) with it to playing against it (winning delightfully), it might as well not exist.
I don't even see the point of running either dredge/combo draw spell or Velarok since he's 9 times out of 10 the bottom 5th card anyways.
Wishing Wells either never get drawn or I only draw them and none of my coin generation; in which games I can only pray that I went second, then at least I'll have one coin to play.
I’m so glad that hearthstone will never have a healthy meta again. Idc what anyone says, this is without a doubt the worst meta on the history of the game. It’s turned into just dumb luck that is requiring 0 skill. No way to play around it. Just luck.
For the first time since release, finally putting down hearthstone. The game is just beyond repair. Every single class is beyond help and just relies on luck. The days of having to have any amount of intelligence to play and make legend is gone. To bad. Game use to be something. They’ve just catered to the masses that can’t get past d5. Disappointing.
One is mage and one is paladin, so pretty rare to even ever see this interaction...
You can’t be replying to me? Have you seen rogue? Even warrior has its excavate legendary that is random legendaries. The entire excavate package is based on RNG.
Reminder that this is not a discussion thread but a vent thread. Starting an argument about someone being wrong is not what this thread is for.
If you see a bad post on the forum use the report function under it, so I or someone else of the moderation team can take care of it!
I just roll my eyes when I see Frozen Touch being played. I know mage isn't good rn but my lord is the card tedious.
35 euro for 2 cards and 5 packs and then that's the special. Now see how beyond tiny that percentage is from 1 expansion collection. And then there is 4-6 expansions and minisets for standard. What a joke.