Why tf does Blademaster Okani + Cover Artist trigger twice? This interaction makes absolutely no sense. It should follow the same rule set as spellburst and not the rule set of secrets.
Also why is it so hard to find an opponent who doesn't use the game to vent their anger? It's been days since the last time i played against someone who didn't try to piss me off. 9/10 opponents feel the need to play their whole hand before hitting for lethal and i'm not even exaggerating. Sometimes they do it to complete a quest but most of the time their goal is either to drag out the game or to humiliate you and i'm at the point where i don't even want to give them the benefit of the doubt anymore because it's much more likely that they will do this instead of just hitting for lethal.
Blizzard can piss off with the "Are you sure you want to quit? You have a quest!" message. If you're going to screw me by letting me see none of the 9 cards in my deck that cost 1 or 2 so I have to pass for three games in a row despite a full mulligan, I get to quit without being harrassed.
Yeah…if you haven’t made legend yet this meta then I’m sorry mate, you’re not gonna haha. Without a doubt the easiest meta ever. Paladin is so broken a monkey could run it with its eyes shut.
Favorite games to win are against rogues. Such an annoying class when the majority of their game play simply depends on luck. Lots of emoting when they lose :)
Holy fuck it was nice not having Rogue be tier zero for a bit. Just played against someone who made Azurite Scorpion ON TURN THREE.
My favorite is that we’ve given them a charge minion that creates more tempo. Wrapped up in a beautiful package with 4 shadow steps. 2 of which put more stats on the board.
This game has never been more braindead rng based slot machine than now. People play it not because of how good it is but it messes with their reward system so much that they get addicted to it.
It buffles me how people watch World Championship of this game. Really? With the Prison of yogg saron, tendrils, milions of discovers? Hearthstone is a meme because it's not even a card game.
Anyone else having issues against spam DK? I haven't been able to find any list online of this deck yet it is EVERYWHERE right now and I'm getting destroyed playing any class against it
I'm just saying... im still salty about the Sorry emote. I want more emotes and if six is the magic number I want the ability to choose the six I put into my character.
i really wish they would figure out that the fun of this game is interacting with your opponent and pay fucking attention to how cards work together because almost every single expansion as of late has some dumb ass fucking deck where the opponent afks for the first 5-10 turns then draws their entire deck and kills you with 0 effort and no thought process.
Why tf does Blademaster Okani + Cover Artist trigger twice?
This interaction makes absolutely no sense. It should follow the same rule set as spellburst and not the rule set of secrets.
Also why is it so hard to find an opponent who doesn't use the game to vent their anger?
It's been days since the last time i played against someone who didn't try to piss me off.
9/10 opponents feel the need to play their whole hand before hitting for lethal and i'm not even exaggerating.
Sometimes they do it to complete a quest but most of the time their goal is either to drag out the game or to humiliate you and i'm at the point where i don't even want to give them the benefit of the doubt anymore because it's much more likely that they will do this instead of just hitting for lethal.
Blizzard can piss off with the "Are you sure you want to quit? You have a quest!" message. If you're going to screw me by letting me see none of the 9 cards in my deck that cost 1 or 2 so I have to pass for three games in a row despite a full mulligan, I get to quit without being harrassed.
CCGing since '98.
Meta is fucking ugly, everyone is using reno in legend even decks with renathal on curve.
what the fuck that card killed aggro decks, everyone is control now.
Nerf it jesus christ and make this ugly ass fire druid deck die, shit is broken
Just play Mage and otk everyone turn 7
it never ceases to amaze me how badly they fuck this game up lol
now DKs are spamming spells on my face and winning by turn 7 with 0 interactions at all and 0 punish, sweet :)
Yeah…if you haven’t made legend yet this meta then I’m sorry mate, you’re not gonna haha. Without a doubt the easiest meta ever. Paladin is so broken a monkey could run it with its eyes shut.
yep even a paladin who plays badly can still win.
So everyone now plays Blood Ctrl DK. Great job, buffing as always did nothing.
Holy fuck it was nice not having Rogue be tier zero for a bit. Just played against someone who made Azurite Scorpion ON TURN THREE.
Favorite games to win are against rogues. Such an annoying class when the majority of their game play simply depends on luck. Lots of emoting when they lose :)
My favorite is that we’ve given them a charge minion that creates more tempo. Wrapped up in a beautiful package with 4 shadow steps. 2 of which put more stats on the board.
LOL! Alot of salty aggro players that are mad a tier 3 deck stands a fighting chance if high rolling against their Paladin and token/dragon Druid.
This game has never been more braindead rng based slot machine than now. People play it not because of how good it is but it messes with their reward system so much that they get addicted to it.
It buffles me how people watch World Championship of this game. Really? With the Prison of yogg saron, tendrils, milions of discovers? Hearthstone is a meme because it's not even a card game.
Anyone else having issues against spam DK? I haven't been able to find any list online of this deck yet it is EVERYWHERE right now and I'm getting destroyed playing any class against it
I'm just saying... im still salty about the Sorry emote. I want more emotes and if six is the magic number I want the ability to choose the six I put into my character.
i really wish they would figure out that the fun of this game is interacting with your opponent and pay fucking attention to how cards work together because almost every single expansion as of late has some dumb ass fucking deck where the opponent afks for the first 5-10 turns then draws their entire deck and kills you with 0 effort and no thought process.
Who the hell is still playing aggro druid atm? Are these bots?
Lost to a shitty undead DK bot today, literally because of how their Marrowgar buffs got allocated. Grr.
Meta is always worse after nerfs, fucking otk garbage everywhere.
If you bring this make it nearly impossible to otk win on turn 5-7, after 8 sure.
It’s just sad how much the game has turned from skill required to just dumb luck. Making legend or even top legend means nothing anymore