Came back after 3 years, and had to unnistal again due to state of meta, absurd amount of op cards and agressive monetization. Seems like they also decreased legendary drop rates from boosters. Too bad, it was fun game years back.
Mill Rogue and Blood Death Knight are the two decks in Hearthstone history that only obese neckbeards enjoy playing.
Repeating this. Playing a priest deck with the money-grab class is no better than playing priest itself.
I've been matched against these priest players with not enough self-esteem to play priest in 8 of my last 10 games. Again, Blizzard rigging matchmaking to get more of matches that I concede as soon as I see the stupid Renethal animation.
I agree it is dumb, however since inquisitive is a mage only card and deputization is pally only the chances of them being played together are pretty slim. So rest in the fact you should hardly ever get destroyed by it at least.
I wish my opponents would stop hovering over every obscure card I play and their hero, I can tell they're thinking "Why is that in your deck?" and emoting me like crazy even though I have them on squelch, Idk why it bothers me so much but it is distracting. I wish we had the option to remove hovering highlights, I remember the bug when hovering highlights were not working and that was the most stress free I've had playing this game.
Takes this rart entire turn timer to decide how to find 3 damage from his hand for lethal, but will instantly bm when I concede asap when I see it.
@above: agreed, should be able to remove hover animations, add insta squelch. People have been asking for squelch toggle since the game came out, technology still not there.
Glad drooling idiot Paladin escaped nerfs again. Wouldn't want the 40 IQ peasants who don't spend money on the game to have to find a new deck that plays itself to win 70% of the time.
Yeah, it is. Losing the game to a single random holy spell is honestly one of the worst feelings in Standard right now, but it's thankfully rare because there are so many crap holy spells.
This game has remained most tiresome since the new season started. If it weren’t for bots, I’m bored enough that I probably would still be in Silver. Let’s see what the new year brings. Time to log out and enjoy the coming holidays.
Seriously guys. WTF is this Paladinstone again??????? It can do anything!! Clearing the board with preserving its fucking 124/80 buffed divinie shield minions. Why it isnt nerfed yet???
3 turns in a row, a shitty druid noob fills his board with dragon golems!! What a stupid broken card!! Druid players are absoluty trash
Came back after 3 years, and had to unnistal again due to state of meta, absurd amount of op cards and agressive monetization. Seems like they also decreased legendary drop rates from boosters. Too bad, it was fun game years back.
Tought i would try Heartstone again... how about some fun duels?! Got a ticket after all!
Ye... FU Blizzard, and fuck your game so far up the ass... nope. Would rather starve than play this bullshit for one more second...
I've been matched against these priest players with not enough self-esteem to play priest in 8 of my last 10 games. Again, Blizzard rigging matchmaking to get more of matches that I concede as soon as I see the stupid Renethal animation.
CCGing since '98.
I just love how Reno decks are much more consistent than decks that play 2 copies of a card...
why the fuck does a battlecry of Inquisitive Creation work with Deputization Aura.. zero skill, full clear heal to full. so dumb.
Yep. Accept it.
This game has gone beyond retarded.
Ignis is still the stupidest card they designed this year. That includes broken Yogg and original Snake.
CCGing since '98.
I agree it is dumb, however since inquisitive is a mage only card and deputization is pally only the chances of them being played together are pretty slim. So rest in the fact you should hardly ever get destroyed by it at least.
I wish my opponents would stop hovering over every obscure card I play and their hero, I can tell they're thinking "Why is that in your deck?" and emoting me like crazy even though I have them on squelch, Idk why it bothers me so much but it is distracting. I wish we had the option to remove hovering highlights, I remember the bug when hovering highlights were not working and that was the most stress free I've had playing this game.
Takes this rart entire turn timer to decide how to find 3 damage from his hand for lethal, but will instantly bm when I concede asap when I see it.
@above: agreed, should be able to remove hover animations, add insta squelch. People have been asking for squelch toggle since the game came out, technology still not there.
Glad drooling idiot Paladin escaped nerfs again. Wouldn't want the 40 IQ peasants who don't spend money on the game to have to find a new deck that plays itself to win 70% of the time.
CCGing since '98.
Yeah, it is. Losing the game to a single random holy spell is honestly one of the worst feelings in Standard right now, but it's thankfully rare because there are so many crap holy spells.
Paladin would be balanced if it didn’t have Countess. Thoughts?
control decks have such a hard time against Paladin ONLY because they easily pull OTKs from countess.
Apparently I hurt peoples feelings so let’s try again haha.
If you play on computer and you still can’t make legend you have to face the facts. You’re better off sticking to battlegrounds 😂
This game has remained most tiresome since the new season started. If it weren’t for bots, I’m bored enough that I probably would still be in Silver. Let’s see what the new year brings. Time to log out and enjoy the coming holidays.
I am baffled by how under the radar Thaddius Warlock has been. Feels like playing against old Cubelock but much more broken.
holy shit. is aggro paladin ever going to get nerfed?? im tired of dying turn 5 even though ive killed 6 of their minions already
Seriously guys. WTF is this Paladinstone again??????? It can do anything!! Clearing the board with preserving its fucking 124/80 buffed divinie shield minions. Why it isnt nerfed yet???
If you consider playing Ress priest as havin fun, your life must be fucking ridiculous and sad! Wow!