This expansion has become most tiresome. The only logical thing to do is to stay away until the meta settles. Looking forward to a few Hearthstone-free days.
I now have a four month sample of playing against Priest at 2.5x the rate the data says I should at the ranks I am playing at. Perhaps the devs could spend the effort they waste on rigging matchmaking on improving their game.
Not really salty. Just disappointed. It's really sad to see Hearthstone at its current state. There is no strategy and planning. You just have to copy-paste the strongest deck which currently is Dragon Druid and voilà! Enjoy your efortless wins!
Big thumb down to the balancing team for releasing these cards.
Not really salty. Just disappointed. It's really sad to see Hearthstone at its current state. There is no strategy and planning. You just have to copy-paste the strongest deck which currently is Dragon Druid and voilà! Enjoy your efortless wins!
Big thumb down to the balancing team for releasing these cards.
100% this. These devs have destroyed what could have been a potentially engaging and fun one of a kind digital strategy game by totally infesting it with nothing but degenerate rulebreaking, cancerous, annoying, and highly irritating rng elements.
Just like Overwatch and Diablo, they have completely driven away all fans and it is now absolutely nothing but a casino coin flip.
No wonder over 90% of the streamers, content creators, and E-sport communities that supported it have jumped ship.
Not really salty. Just disappointed. It's really sad to see Hearthstone at its current state. There is no strategy and planning. You just have to copy-paste the strongest deck which currently is Dragon Druid and voilà! Enjoy your efortless wins!
Big thumb down to the balancing team for releasing these cards.
This is the game Hearthstone has always been. I’m not defending it but to pretend it ever used to be different is absurd. This thread alone goes back half a decade. Secret Paladin, Pirate Warrior, Jade Druid, Cubelock, it’s an endless infinite loop. It won’t ever change because this literally is the game.
Blindeye Sharpshooter God i hope this card gets nerfed to the ground in the next patch. Seriously, what were they thinking when designing this card? Everything about this card is absolutely broken on first glance and especially in the Demon Hunter class because they have so many cheap spells.
this aggro shit is so annoying im wishing for the fucking azure snake back lol. this is absurd. im not that mad about DH since its been trash for so long, but the pally deck is nearly unbeatable even when you draw well. sickening.
I tried playing battlegrounds for the first time in over a year. Surprisingly, anomalies are as stupid there as they were in standard. About 1 in 10 is interesting, while the rest are an even split between "die on turn 7" and "there's no point in continuing since someone has a board full of 300/300 units on turn 9".
Officially it is one of the worst standard meta in the history of Hearthstone, currently it is horrible that it consists of countering the aggressive classes by playing Control Warrior and DK Blood or you join in forming the hateful classes by playing Paladin Aggro, Hunter and DH Nagas
You have no choice, you play aggro to lose against control or you play control for an eternal 40 minute fight and waste time only to lose because you have less value than your rival
It's better to rotate the expansions from now on because it's quite frustrating, tedious, boring and disappointing with the current state of standard, I'll just give standard one more chance so as not to get more angry
So how to win against paladin on curve? I guess they are always on curve since 2 in a row is a bit too much stressfully.... and of course always with coin so that they can coin 3 cost summon 2 with taunt then follow it with 1/3 weapon and dudes and then aura. While i wait for aoe with my highest cost cards in hand... Cant wait for nerfs
This expansion has become most tiresome. The only logical thing to do is to stay away until the meta settles. Looking forward to a few Hearthstone-free days.
I now have a four month sample of playing against Priest at 2.5x the rate the data says I should at the ranks I am playing at. Perhaps the devs could spend the effort they waste on rigging matchmaking on improving their game.
CCGing since '98.
Why? Priest is almost the weakest class, enjoy.
back after some time, There are so many op cards that swarm the board with rush taunt windfury all for 6 mana BS.
Not really salty. Just disappointed. It's really sad to see Hearthstone at its current state. There is no strategy and planning. You just have to copy-paste the strongest deck which currently is Dragon Druid and voilà! Enjoy your efortless wins!
Big thumb down to the balancing team for releasing these cards.
100% this. These devs have destroyed what could have been a potentially engaging and fun one of a kind digital strategy game by totally infesting it with nothing but degenerate rulebreaking, cancerous, annoying, and highly irritating rng elements.
Just like Overwatch and Diablo, they have completely driven away all fans and it is now absolutely nothing but a casino coin flip.
No wonder over 90% of the streamers, content creators, and E-sport communities that supported it have jumped ship.
Imagine the stupid people over at blizzard thought it was a GREAT idea to create a deck(Hunter) where you get punished for playing minions...
Im salty. Real Salty.
That new DH Naga really needs some nerfhammering. It should not draw a card.
This is the game Hearthstone has always been. I’m not defending it but to pretend it ever used to be different is absurd. This thread alone goes back half a decade. Secret Paladin, Pirate Warrior, Jade Druid, Cubelock, it’s an endless infinite loop. It won’t ever change because this literally is the game.
seek mental help.
Blindeye Sharpshooter
God i hope this card gets nerfed to the ground in the next patch.
Seriously, what were they thinking when designing this card?
Everything about this card is absolutely broken on first glance and especially in the Demon Hunter class because they have so many cheap spells.
Fuck Druid, worse noob class ever!!!
this aggro shit is so annoying im wishing for the fucking azure snake back lol. this is absurd. im not that mad about DH since its been trash for so long, but the pally deck is nearly unbeatable even when you draw well. sickening.
I tried playing battlegrounds for the first time in over a year. Surprisingly, anomalies are as stupid there as they were in standard. About 1 in 10 is interesting, while the rest are an even split between "die on turn 7" and "there's no point in continuing since someone has a board full of 300/300 units on turn 9".
CCGing since '98.
Officially it is one of the worst standard meta in the history of Hearthstone, currently it is horrible that it consists of countering the aggressive classes by playing Control Warrior and DK Blood or you join in forming the hateful classes by playing Paladin Aggro, Hunter and DH Nagas
You have no choice, you play aggro to lose against control or you play control for an eternal 40 minute fight and waste time only to lose because you have less value than your rival
It's better to rotate the expansions from now on because it's quite frustrating, tedious, boring and disappointing with the current state of standard, I'll just give standard one more chance so as not to get more angry
Always get kicked put against a druid and then punished becouse i didnt made it in time. Fuck blizzard son of bitches.
shit game for shitheads
Rage-added someone for the first time tonight. Limited myself to a vague "ggwp" just in time.
This fucking game. So many scammed losses tonight.
So how to win against paladin on curve? I guess they are always on curve since 2 in a row is a bit too much stressfully.... and of course always with coin so that they can coin 3 cost summon 2 with taunt then follow it with 1/3 weapon and dudes and then aura. While i wait for aoe with my highest cost cards in hand... Cant wait for nerfs
Repeating this. Playing a priest deck with the money-grab class is no better than playing priest itself.
CCGing since '98.