What nonsense is it with these warlocks ? They have the most powerful titan, the symphony of sins 6 movement with OP cards (goodbye 6 of my cards, most of the time essential ones), Darkan (sometimes double on board on reborn. It's just pathetic ! Most of the time I resign immediately at the start, no use in wasting 10 minutes of my time. And no, I refuse to play these decks which I hate so much.
It bothers me how there's 5 wild rogue decks and if u mulligan against 1, you lose against 3 others on turns 3-4 (exception being yogg rogue who never wins lul) Decks i have in mind are Mech rogue - keep starfish Pirate rogue - starfish being useless, buy you need early removals like bladestorm, which is bad vs mech rogue Kingsbane rogue - Hard mulligan for weapon tech, removals/starfish u kept vs 2 decks above are useless Miracle rogue - You need removals for 8/8 giants on t3-t5 so if u kept weapon tech/starfish you are fucked. Decks diversity is great. But the fact that all of the above decks kills you on t3-t5 if u dont guess correctly at the start of the game is ridiculous
I return from my anomaly boycott with three observations:
Even at 25%, anomalies are a stupid idea.
Yogg is another terribly designed card.
Blizzard should actually hire someone with 20 years of CCG design experience instead of laying off people with 5 and promoting junior people with two years of experience to save money.
You'd think the first qualification of balancing would be having "if, then" thinking, but Druid is basically playing a Tavern Brawl where all cards cost 0 and they can draw 5 cards and gain 10 armor per turn. But congrats to Blizzard on making it 6 balance patches in a row where the meta is actually made worse.
its just sad state of the game ... all i do i complete my weekly quests and every third day i complete daily quests i dont even know why i still do this tbh :D
Tired of = have to play Meta decks or gtfo
no fun just Playing like a BOT one or two decks and not having fun
If you’re playing Druid in order to fill the board on turn 6/7 with 4/6 treats taunt… I wonder what tue fun is. It’s always the same dumb thing, over and over again. There’s no adapting to anything, just follow the motion. What’s the fun in that. No challenge, nothing. I’m surprised bots don’t use that script, it’s so simple.
Odyn warriors, you are fucking shit at this game.. it just shows that HS doesn't require you to have a functional brain. A freaking monkey with several brain damage can win with that deck.
Ignis, another card designed for Reddit to fawn over, but terrible for any serious CCG player. If high variance discovering is neat, go outside and touch the ground. If might be cement, it might be dog crap, of if you're lucky you might finally touch grass.
Standard is a clownfiesta.
Det är bättre med en fågel i hand, än tiger i träd!
Druid played 24 cards on turn 4. He still lost but the level of interactiveness was mind blowing.
What nonsense is it with these warlocks ? They have the most powerful titan, the symphony of sins 6 movement with OP cards (goodbye 6 of my cards, most of the time essential ones), Darkan (sometimes double on board on reborn. It's just pathetic ! Most of the time I resign immediately at the start, no use in wasting 10 minutes of my time.
And no, I refuse to play these decks which I hate so much.
It bothers me how there's 5 wild rogue decks and if u mulligan against 1, you lose against 3 others on turns 3-4 (exception being yogg rogue who never wins lul)
Decks i have in mind are
Mech rogue - keep starfish
Pirate rogue - starfish being useless, buy you need early removals like bladestorm, which is bad vs mech rogue
Kingsbane rogue - Hard mulligan for weapon tech, removals/starfish u kept vs 2 decks above are useless
Miracle rogue - You need removals for 8/8 giants on t3-t5 so if u kept weapon tech/starfish you are fucked.
Decks diversity is great. But the fact that all of the above decks kills you on t3-t5 if u dont guess correctly at the start of the game is ridiculous
Warrior players, you all freaking sucks so hard! Unbelievable! Low skilled players!
whoever playing huntard is cringe af zero brain kids
Whose fucking dick did every pieced of shit dicolock suck to get perfect rng every single game?
nice meta boys 30 matches 27 warriors what a enjoyable experience
I return from my anomaly boycott with three observations:
CCGing since '98.
You'd think the first qualification of balancing would be having "if, then" thinking, but Druid is basically playing a Tavern Brawl where all cards cost 0 and they can draw 5 cards and gain 10 armor per turn. But congrats to Blizzard on making it 6 balance patches in a row where the meta is actually made worse.
CCGing since '98.
its just sad state of the game ... all i do i complete my weekly quests and every third day i complete daily quests i dont even know why i still do this tbh :D
Tired of = have to play Meta decks or gtfo
no fun just Playing like a BOT one or two decks and not having fun
This meta sucks leather elephant cock.
If you’re playing Druid in order to fill the board on turn 6/7 with 4/6 treats taunt… I wonder what tue fun is. It’s always the same dumb thing, over and over again. There’s no adapting to anything, just follow the motion. What’s the fun in that. No challenge, nothing. I’m surprised bots don’t use that script, it’s so simple.
Odyn warriors, you are fucking shit at this game.. it just shows that HS doesn't require you to have a functional brain. A freaking monkey with several brain damage can win with that deck.
Face it. Hearthstone is 100% assjuice.
Been dead for years now, which is why bots are everywhere...very low active players nowadays.
Ignis, another card designed for Reddit to fawn over, but terrible for any serious CCG player. If high variance discovering is neat, go outside and touch the ground. If might be cement, it might be dog crap, of if you're lucky you might finally touch grass.
CCGing since '98.
Any card you play is for your opponent to take and bash your face with.
Druid players are clearly:
When can we expect the Warlock nerf ? Sargeras is patheticly OP, Sins of symphony is a card that have never should have been printed
Pro Tip - Druid players are BAD and suck at the game. Facts.