Remember when they killed Galakrond, the Nightmare because 0 mana cards were too strong? And yet we still have Relic of Dimensions which is just straight up the same card, but you can play 2 copies of it + how can u be so fucking retarded to keep playing relic DH with 1 new card after new expansion
The Meta is going to be ALL I build an anti-warlock deck. What do I face? Mage, Mage, Mage, Hunter, Rogue, Rogue, Hunter, Mage, Priest, Priest, Priest, Mage.....
FUCK this random match-making.
It’s not the matchmaking. You were just wrong about warlock
Don't even mind the meta at the moment. Just dropped by to say those animated hero portraits are pure cringe. Could we get a deck tracker plug-in that just replaces them with a Pepega emoji if someone actually bought one of those?
PLS PLS remove amorphase slime from the game am sick of facing warlock coining slime on 4 i deal with it + what ever comes in it then they always always have the resurrect card
Climbed to Legend right as the expansion started and god I wish I hadn't, the meta is fucking awful up here
Mage Hunter Shaman Rogue on repeat forever, you can't actually play any fun decks which is usually the reason I try and reach the rank floor ASAP because you either get destroyed by turn 4 by Rogue or Hunter or OTK'd on turn 7-8 by mage or shaman. Reminds me of the Stormwind meta that made me quit for 6 months and I hate it so much.
1HKO Shaman got me to -1 hp and the game would not end until they would discover their card. I pressed the concede button but it did nothing. And of course they roped me.
It's obvious only a week or two into the new expansion that Blizzard did exactly ZERO playtesting with this, or if they did, they simply didn't care that they were once again making a completely broken expansion of "get to your god-mode combo first and you win and lol, there's not a fucking thing the other guy can do about it" decks.
Warlock... permanent 2x 3/2s every turn? And if they player is even halfway competent, those are 3/4 taunts EVERY TURN?
Fuck Blizzard, fuck this game, and fuck any brain dead disciples who still blindly defend it for anything other than what it is... a blind, stupid, cash grab for a company that's pretty famous now for employees grabbing things they're not supposed to...
Mech Rogue sucks. Mage and Shaman OTK'ing you on Turn 7 sucks. Druids filling their boards with treants sucks. Priests wasting 20 minutes of my time because they have an answer to everything sucks.
The RNG is just not in my favour since the Titans expansion dropped and it just fucking SUCKS.
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Cancer mech rogue
The ladder is filled with nothing but Warlock Cheat Decks
They nerfed Druid ( Whomper ) for cheating stats and right after they Release this Loken + location combo
So druid is not allowed to cheat mana but Warlock is fine
Blizzard devs are lost. Another deck they released to nerf it 2 weeks later.
Guess its fine as long as they sell packs in the proccess...
40 cards in the deck and the opponent STILL got Kabal Lackey into Rigged Faire Game on turn 1, you can't make this shit up.
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
DON'T MIND ME 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇 JUST PLAYING MY TURN 2 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 Shadow Essence 😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
I'm so tired of triple molten rune + fireball to face in arena at this point.
How come hunter is best class when it comes to board clears and healing
Fuck off, even in Tavern Brawl people are forcing Mech Rogue.
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
Remember when they killed Galakrond, the Nightmare because 0 mana cards were too strong?
And yet we still have Relic of Dimensions which is just straight up the same card, but you can play 2 copies of it
+ how can u be so fucking retarded to keep playing relic DH with 1 new card after new expansion
Everyday I pray so I gain the will to uninstall this game, but I simply can't. They got me good. Too much time invested to abandon it.
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
Where are people who do not BM everytime they win? Serious question
Duels Update
And.. My very first match opponent plays mechwarper on turn one. Fuck you duels developers
Edit: 2 out of 3 loses were to mechwarpers decks.. Nice blizzard, very nice
It’s not the matchmaking. You were just wrong about warlock
Don't even mind the meta at the moment. Just dropped by to say those animated hero portraits are pure cringe. Could we get a deck tracker plug-in that just replaces them with a Pepega emoji if someone actually bought one of those?
CCGing since '98.
DK in arena is just way to OP!! Playing and discovering “the Scourge” is fucking broken!!! The devs are so freaking retarded
Dude copied my Sargeras, the Destroyer and still lost the game, but not before dragging it for 10 minutes.
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
PLS PLS remove amorphase slime from the game am sick of facing warlock coining slime on 4 i deal with it + what ever comes in it then they always always have the resurrect card
Climbed to Legend right as the expansion started and god I wish I hadn't, the meta is fucking awful up here
Mage Hunter Shaman Rogue on repeat forever, you can't actually play any fun decks which is usually the reason I try and reach the rank floor ASAP because you either get destroyed by turn 4 by Rogue or Hunter or OTK'd on turn 7-8 by mage or shaman. Reminds me of the Stormwind meta that made me quit for 6 months and I hate it so much.
1HKO Shaman got me to -1 hp and the game would not end until they would discover their card. I pressed the concede button but it did nothing. And of course they roped me.
It's obvious only a week or two into the new expansion that Blizzard did exactly ZERO playtesting with this, or if they did, they simply didn't care that they were once again making a completely broken expansion of "get to your god-mode combo first and you win and lol, there's not a fucking thing the other guy can do about it" decks.
Warlock... permanent 2x 3/2s every turn? And if they player is even halfway competent, those are 3/4 taunts EVERY TURN?
Fuck Blizzard, fuck this game, and fuck any brain dead disciples who still blindly defend it for anything other than what it is... a blind, stupid, cash grab for a company that's pretty famous now for employees grabbing things they're not supposed to...
The current meta sucks.
Mech Rogue sucks.
Mage and Shaman OTK'ing you on Turn 7 sucks.
Druids filling their boards with treants sucks.
Priests wasting 20 minutes of my time because they have an answer to everything sucks.
The RNG is just not in my favour since the Titans expansion dropped and it just fucking SUCKS.