remember the times when we played around cards...? when we predicted plays of our opponents...?
2023 now it's just turn 2 create 4 random spells, turn 3 add 2 random spells FROM THE PAST to your hand turn 5 fill you hand with random spells and then just yeet everything in there.
i've played single player card games where decisions were more important than they are in this sh!t game
How many weeks of the year are lost due to unplayable metas?
I am so sick of this shit. I am very close to quitting the game entirely. The current balance/development team is awful. It has been nothing but "ReLEaSe BROkeN ShIT" over and over again.
Yup, for the vast majority of each expansion in the past 2-3 years i was basically just waiting for the game to get somewhat balanced and playable. And just when things seem to go in the right direction, they release a new expansion and the cycle starts all over again. I mean, i get that people don't want expansions without any real impact like Rastakhan's Rumble but it's almost like the devs have a competition on who can design the most broken cards nowadays. People say "Hey they release way more balance patches these days." but did it actually change anything for the better? For me it seems more like an excuse for the devs to not care as much about card design before release.
I still fail to see how was Rastakhan's Rumble so terrible.
I mean, yeah, I know, a bunch of expansions later nobody plays a single card from it, and it had so many plain terrible cards and whatever, but it had a pretty good meta, completely different from the Boomsday one that happened just before (besides odd paladin and sometimes evenlock), the decks were well rounded and (comparatively) rarely infuriating, and during said meta and some after those cards were actually played with great deal of success. It was an expansion that shaked the game but didn't overstayed its welcome.
Recent expansions do nothing but overstay their welcome. They print so much aggressively umbalanced crap that still gets no play because it gets trampled by synergies that make the game so much worse. Why did they think fucking Thaddius should exist, right after they ruined their own meta for months with all the mana cheats in game? Why is their only good warrior card in this entire expansion a fucking pirate warrior card? Why is Implock of all things buffed? Why do they make an 11-manathirst OP card for druid, are they planning on keeping Guff too? Why is DK the best aggro class in the game, getting more buffs and good stuff? Why is Arthas ruining everything yet the fans will keep talking about him like some sort of messiah?
I've been unable to play for a week, but I'm already considering making it the rest of my lifetime, this is not fine and I'm tired of pretending it will be anytime soon.
I still fail to see how was Rastakhan's Rumble so terrible.
I mean, yeah, I know, a bunch of expansions later nobody plays a single card from it, and it had so many plain terrible cards and whatever, but it had a pretty good meta
I also enjoyed that meta but i still understand why the majority of players expected more from that expansion. The pack opening was not that exciting and for most people that's an important part of the game. A lot of players apparently also like cards which have a huge impact on the game. I personally preferred the time when combo was in a similar spot as pure control is right now. I was really surprised when they decided to do a 180° and combo made this big comeback. And i'm even more surprised that so many players seem to hate control more than combo nowadays even though combo was by far the most hated archetype for a long time. I guess the playerbase changed over time. From what i can see, most players actually seem to prefer this fast pace of the game and the high impact of RNG. I mean, the devs probably also have data that tells them that this is the way to go. Otherwise they wouldn't double down on this design philosophy that alienates players like us.
remember the times when we played around cards...? when we predicted plays of our opponents...?
2023 now it's just turn 2 create 4 random spells, turn 3 add 2 random spells FROM THE PAST to your hand turn 5 fill you hand with random spells and then just yeet everything in there.
i've played single player card games where decisions were more important than they are in this sh!t game
This is true. There was a time way back when where if you were playing Priest, you were careful how to play your favorite minion worried he would use Entomb. Just one example out of countless.
Most annoying decks right now (imo): Evolve Shaman Unholy DK Big Undead Warlock Implock Combo Rogue (albeit not quite consistent but getting otk'd on turn 6 shouldn't even be possible with highroll draws imo)
I wonder how long we'll have to deal with this bs since the last balance patch was released just a few weeks ago. I wish they would adjust expansions before release instead of releasing every expansion in this broken state. They probably lack the staff for that, so i don't blame the devs, but it still sucks that you just have to take a quick glance at the revealed cards and can tell which of them will cause trouble.
Whenever I play Blood DK, I get steam-rolled by Implocks.
So I try to play Frost DK to try to kill them before they kill me. I fight against Evolve Shaman.
Look at this, he summoned a 12/12 Deathwing on TURN TWO.
IT'S TURN FOUR AND I'M ALREADY NEAR DEATH AGAINST A "NON-AGGRO" DECK, EVOLVE SHOULD NOT BE THIS CONSISTENT. Just add a shitty 11 mana giant minion, it's still good but not exactly game-ending. An 8/8 is still relatively killable in the early turns compared to a 12/12 or a 11/11 taunt that lets you cheat out more BS.
I mean this with all of my heart, Team 5. THINK AND TEST STUFF BEFORE YOU RELEASE THEM. I know mana cheating allows for fun games but it also makes it hard to play around it because some of us actually want to win without dying to random BS consistently.
Fuck Shaman. Actually no.
This is the 3rd time in a row that I posted in this thread. I have to take a break from this game, I'm halfway through to getting the golden Death Knight portrait and I'm livid at the card designers for creating such a high-roll meta because it's an actual pain to have fun in a game in which you can die on Turn 2. I'm going to release all of my anger in this rant and take at least a week off from this game designed by Hearthstone "players" whom I assume don't even play their own game to test cards.
Implocks: This deck is already good enough from spawning so many imp tokens as well as buffing those imps to be massive in the early game. It can refill its board efficiently as well as having insanely good card draw to keep the pressure going. HOW IN HELL IS IT ABLE TO LAST UNTIL FATIGUE? Why did they give Warlock curses? There is barely any interaction for this mechanic besides the player having to hold as much cards as possible and getting milled in the process. Warlocks can easily spam the stupid curse cards so that the player is practically taking fatigue damage. Now, they are able to contend with Control decks even if their swarm of respawning imps don't manage to kill them.
Evolve Shaman: You can spawn an 11/11 Taunt that lets you cheat out other cards if left alive as early as Turn 2. Even if you "low-roll", you get an 8/8 minion early on the board and you can create more threats later in the game. The pool of late-game minions is small that practically any result is good enough. The supposed drawback of evolving minions is that you'll get random crap that could be worse than what you've got on board. I'm dumbfounded that you made Evolve Shaman so consistent in Standard. I'm not even talking about the new evolve card since they can just play the location as well and get a decent result. HIGH ROLLS SHOULD NOT BE CONSISTENT AND BE DONE SO EARLY. Even Big Priest had to wait for a few turns and they could whiff too on their shit.
I would talk about the other classes but a lot of the issues come from Mana Cheat and the LACK OF RISK from playing certain cards. This may sound blasphemous but very powerful cards should have a steep cost to playing them. I don't know why Rune of the Archmage was printed, it's a BS card. You should be punished for playing a card that cheats out 20 mana worth of MAGE SPELLS. There should be a risk to playing a card like that such as getting Pyroblast'd in your own face.
Random stuff can be fun and good, but when you make it consistently rewarding for players, it takes away the magic. I am not impressed by your ability to summon Thaddius, Monstrosity on Turn 2 because there was no special risk in it. You were practically guaranteed a good outcome whether RNG wanted you to have him or a Raid Boss Onyxia.
Do I blame the players? No, not necessarily since they were dealt those cards. I'm more upset at Team 5 for designing this meta. Sure, you guys initially didn't expect Evolve Shaman to be so effective. Yes, you guys probably could not have seen how Implocks would have incorporated Curses to contend with Control decks.
HOWEVER, why did you guys not adjust the Mini-Set cards? You had nearly two months to look at the meta and even play it for yourself to rethink about the upcoming cards. Why did you think that Implock would need more support by giving them Nofin's Imp-ossible to give them a sticky board? Why did you print Thaddius that heavily cheats out mana, what made you think that we wanted more mana cheating? I know you guys are capable of readjusting these cards since you guys nerfed Shockspitter almost immediately at the start of the March of the Lich King expansion. Even now you guys just banned Test Subject because players pointed out how it could be abused in Wild.
I hope balancing is faster than last time for all of our mental sakes. Have a nice month, y'all.
This is the 3rd time in a row that I posted in this thread. I have to take a break from this game, I'm halfway through to getting the golden Death Knight portrait and I'm livid at the card designers for creating such a high-roll meta because it's an actual pain to have fun in a game in which you can die on Turn 2. I'm going to release all of my anger in this rant and take at least a week off from this game designed by Hearthstone "players" whom I assume don't even play their own game to test cards.
Implocks: This deck is already good enough from spawning so many imp tokens as well as buffing those imps to be massive in the early game. It can refill its board efficiently as well as having insanely good card draw to keep the pressure going. HOW IN HELL IS IT ABLE TO LAST UNTIL FATIGUE? Why did they give Warlock curses? There is barely any interaction for this mechanic besides the player having to hold as much cards as possible and getting milled in the process. Warlocks can easily spam the stupid curse cards so that the player is practically taking fatigue damage. Now, they are able to contend with Control decks even if their swarm of respawning imps don't manage to kill them.
Evolve Shaman: You can spawn an 11/11 Taunt that lets you cheat out other cards if left alive as early as Turn 2. Even if you "low-roll", you get an 8/8 minion early on the board and you can create more threats later in the game. The pool of late-game minions is small that practically any result is good enough. The supposed drawback of evolving minions is that you'll get random crap that could be worse than what you've got on board. I'm dumbfounded that you made Evolve Shaman so consistent in Standard. I'm not even talking about the new evolve card since they can just play the location as well and get a decent result. HIGH ROLLS SHOULD NOT BE CONSISTENT AND BE DONE SO EARLY. Even Big Priest had to wait for a few turns and they could whiff too on their shit.
I would talk about the other classes but a lot of the issues come from Mana Cheat and the LACK OF RISK from playing certain cards. This may sound blasphemous but very powerful cards should have a steep cost to playing them. I don't know why Rune of the Archmage was printed, it's a BS card. You should be punished for playing a card that cheats out 20 mana worth of MAGE SPELLS. There should be a risk to playing a card like that such as getting Pyroblast'd in your own face.
Random stuff can be fun and good, but when you make it consistently rewarding for players, it takes away the magic. I am not impressed by your ability to summon Thaddius, Monstrosity on Turn 2 because there was no special risk in it. You were practically guaranteed a good outcome whether RNG wanted you to have him or a Raid Boss Onyxia.
Do I blame the players? No, not necessarily since they were dealt those cards. I'm more upset at Team 5 for designing this meta. Sure, you guys initially didn't expect Evolve Shaman to be so effective. Yes, you guys probably could not have seen how Implocks would have incorporated Curses to contend with Control decks.
HOWEVER, why did you guys not adjust the Mini-Set cards? You had nearly two months to look at the meta and even play it for yourself to rethink about the upcoming cards. Why did you think that Implock would need more support by giving them Nofin's Imp-ossible to give them a sticky board? Why did you print Thaddius that heavily cheats out mana, what made you think that we wanted more mana cheating? I know you guys are capable of readjusting these cards since you guys nerfed Shockspitter almost immediately at the start of the March of the Lich King expansion. Even now you guys just banned Test Subject because players pointed out how it could be abused in Wild.
I hope balancing is faster than last time for all of our mental sakes. Have a nice month, y'all.
There's one simple question you have to ask yourself: Why do they continue to make the same "mistakes" again and again despite the backlash from players like us who prefer a slower pace of the game and a more balanced gameplay overall?
It's not like they never listened to players feedback in the past and made drastic changes to please them. They did. The difference is that this feedback came from a much bigger part of the playerbase.
Guess what all these players demanded. Shorter games. They also expressed their hate for attrition type control decks in general and demanded to get rid of them. Players were actually just fed up with Dr.Boom Mech Warrior (understandably) and overreacted but the devs simply couldn't ignore this mass of unsatisfied players (some of them even being huge content creators back then) and so they changed their game design approach according to these players preferences. Ever wondered why the few viable pure control decks that popped up in the past few years got immediately nerfed into the ground while other much more powerful decks just got a slap on the wrist? This is why.
This is not some sort of conspiracy or the result of mistakes made by the devs. They simply do whatever is necessary to please the majority of players. If their current game design would actually hurt their business, they would've listened to our criticism and changed the game design long ago.
This is the 3rd time in a row that I posted in this thread. I have to take a break from this game, I'm halfway through to getting the golden Death Knight portrait and I'm livid at the card designers for creating such a high-roll meta because it's an actual pain to have fun in a game in which you can die on Turn 2. I'm going to release all of my anger in this rant and take at least a week off from this game designed by Hearthstone "players" whom I assume don't even play their own game to test cards.
Implocks: This deck is already good enough from spawning so many imp tokens as well as buffing those imps to be massive in the early game. It can refill its board efficiently as well as having insanely good card draw to keep the pressure going. HOW IN HELL IS IT ABLE TO LAST UNTIL FATIGUE? Why did they give Warlock curses? There is barely any interaction for this mechanic besides the player having to hold as much cards as possible and getting milled in the process. Warlocks can easily spam the stupid curse cards so that the player is practically taking fatigue damage. Now, they are able to contend with Control decks even if their swarm of respawning imps don't manage to kill them.
Evolve Shaman: You can spawn an 11/11 Taunt that lets you cheat out other cards if left alive as early as Turn 2. Even if you "low-roll", you get an 8/8 minion early on the board and you can create more threats later in the game. The pool of late-game minions is small that practically any result is good enough. The supposed drawback of evolving minions is that you'll get random crap that could be worse than what you've got on board. I'm dumbfounded that you made Evolve Shaman so consistent in Standard. I'm not even talking about the new evolve card since they can just play the location as well and get a decent result. HIGH ROLLS SHOULD NOT BE CONSISTENT AND BE DONE SO EARLY. Even Big Priest had to wait for a few turns and they could whiff too on their shit.
I would talk about the other classes but a lot of the issues come from Mana Cheat and the LACK OF RISK from playing certain cards. This may sound blasphemous but very powerful cards should have a steep cost to playing them. I don't know why Rune of the Archmage was printed, it's a BS card. You should be punished for playing a card that cheats out 20 mana worth of MAGE SPELLS. There should be a risk to playing a card like that such as getting Pyroblast'd in your own face.
Random stuff can be fun and good, but when you make it consistently rewarding for players, it takes away the magic. I am not impressed by your ability to summon Thaddius, Monstrosity on Turn 2 because there was no special risk in it. You were practically guaranteed a good outcome whether RNG wanted you to have him or a Raid Boss Onyxia.
Do I blame the players? No, not necessarily since they were dealt those cards. I'm more upset at Team 5 for designing this meta. Sure, you guys initially didn't expect Evolve Shaman to be so effective. Yes, you guys probably could not have seen how Implocks would have incorporated Curses to contend with Control decks.
HOWEVER, why did you guys not adjust the Mini-Set cards? You had nearly two months to look at the meta and even play it for yourself to rethink about the upcoming cards. Why did you think that Implock would need more support by giving them Nofin's Imp-ossible to give them a sticky board? Why did you print Thaddius that heavily cheats out mana, what made you think that we wanted more mana cheating? I know you guys are capable of readjusting these cards since you guys nerfed Shockspitter almost immediately at the start of the March of the Lich King expansion. Even now you guys just banned Test Subject because players pointed out how it could be abused in Wild.
I hope balancing is faster than last time for all of our mental sakes. Have a nice month, y'all.
There's one simple question you have to ask yourself: Why do they continue to make the same "mistakes" again and again despite the backlash from players like us who prefer a slower pace of the game and a more balanced gameplay overall?
It's not like they never listened to players feedback in the past and made drastic changes to please them. They did. The difference is that this feedback came from a much bigger part of the playerbase.
Guess what all these players demanded. Shorter games. They also expressed their hate for attrition type control decks in general and demanded to get rid of them. Players were actually just fed up with Dr.Boom Mech Warrior (understandably) and overreacted but the devs simply couldn't ignore this mass of unsatisfied players (some of them even being huge content creators back then) and so they changed their game design approach according to these players preferences. Ever wondered why the few viable pure control decks that popped up in the past few years got immediately nerfed into the ground while other much more powerful decks just got a slap on the wrist? This is why.
This is not some sort of conspiracy or the result of mistakes made by the devs. They simply do whatever is necessary to please the majority of players. If their current game design would actually hurt their business, they would've listened to our criticism and changed the game design long ago.
I think you are right.... which really saddens me. It means this game is just not for me anymore.
I agree with all the broken decks people have been discussing on here. They are all awful to face.
Now, I'm in dumpster legend, and it's nothing but Frost DK v. Blook Dk. I hate them both, for different reasons, and am sick of the game.
Again. Time to move on. Any news on Arclight Rumble?
How can people be so bad at deckbuilding? They're just copy-pasting and playing the day 1 list with Necromancer and Marrowgar in even DK and still winning the mirror somehow, because their draw is always fucking insane. Beats me how people can be so clueless and still have golden DK and get wins. Must be nice to be a dumbfuck and have good results nonetheless.
I’m so tired of playing against DKs. It is so boring.
remember the times when we played around cards...? when we predicted plays of our opponents...?
2023 now it's just turn 2 create 4 random spells, turn 3 add 2 random spells FROM THE PAST to your hand turn 5 fill you hand with random spells and then just yeet everything in there.
i've played single player card games where decisions were more important than they are in this sh!t game
I still fail to see how was Rastakhan's Rumble so terrible.
I mean, yeah, I know, a bunch of expansions later nobody plays a single card from it, and it had so many plain terrible cards and whatever, but it had a pretty good meta, completely different from the Boomsday one that happened just before (besides odd paladin and sometimes evenlock), the decks were well rounded and (comparatively) rarely infuriating, and during said meta and some after those cards were actually played with great deal of success. It was an expansion that shaked the game but didn't overstayed its welcome.
Recent expansions do nothing but overstay their welcome. They print so much aggressively umbalanced crap that still gets no play because it gets trampled by synergies that make the game so much worse. Why did they think fucking Thaddius should exist, right after they ruined their own meta for months with all the mana cheats in game? Why is their only good warrior card in this entire expansion a fucking pirate warrior card? Why is Implock of all things buffed? Why do they make an 11-manathirst OP card for druid, are they planning on keeping Guff too? Why is DK the best aggro class in the game, getting more buffs and good stuff? Why is Arthas ruining everything yet the fans will keep talking about him like some sort of messiah?
I've been unable to play for a week, but I'm already considering making it the rest of my lifetime, this is not fine and I'm tired of pretending it will be anytime soon.
Click to see my Hearthstone projects:
I also enjoyed that meta but i still understand why the majority of players expected more from that expansion. The pack opening was not that exciting and for most people that's an important part of the game. A lot of players apparently also like cards which have a huge impact on the game. I personally preferred the time when combo was in a similar spot as pure control is right now. I was really surprised when they decided to do a 180° and combo made this big comeback. And i'm even more surprised that so many players seem to hate control more than combo nowadays even though combo was by far the most hated archetype for a long time. I guess the playerbase changed over time. From what i can see, most players actually seem to prefer this fast pace of the game and the high impact of RNG. I mean, the devs probably also have data that tells them that this is the way to go. Otherwise they wouldn't double down on this design philosophy that alienates players like us.
The buff to Implock is mind blowing. I wish they’d do a AMA so they can be interviewed about that decision.
This is true. There was a time way back when where if you were playing Priest, you were careful how to play your favorite minion worried he would use Entomb. Just one example out of countless.
Thanks Team 5, remember how we complained about having to fight early 10/10s on Turn 3?
Well thanks for giving Shaman even more consistency in evolving the stupid gnoll into an annoying threat.
It's stupid how I practically concede as soon as the Shaman plays the dumb piranha card on turn 1 and I don't have a cheap hard removal in my hand.
Was friends with Paladin, now Death Knights are my homies.
Most annoying decks right now (imo):
Evolve Shaman
Unholy DK
Big Undead Warlock
Combo Rogue (albeit not quite consistent but getting otk'd on turn 6 shouldn't even be possible with highroll draws imo)
I wonder how long we'll have to deal with this bs since the last balance patch was released just a few weeks ago.
I wish they would adjust expansions before release instead of releasing every expansion in this broken state.
They probably lack the staff for that, so i don't blame the devs, but it still sucks that you just have to take a quick glance at the revealed cards and can tell which of them will cause trouble.
I hate this game.
Whenever I play Blood DK, I get steam-rolled by Implocks.
So I try to play Frost DK to try to kill them before they kill me. I fight against Evolve Shaman.
Look at this, he summoned a 12/12 Deathwing on TURN TWO.
IT'S TURN FOUR AND I'M ALREADY NEAR DEATH AGAINST A "NON-AGGRO" DECK, EVOLVE SHOULD NOT BE THIS CONSISTENT. Just add a shitty 11 mana giant minion, it's still good but not exactly game-ending. An 8/8 is still relatively killable in the early turns compared to a 12/12 or a 11/11 taunt that lets you cheat out more BS.
I mean this with all of my heart, Team 5. THINK AND TEST STUFF BEFORE YOU RELEASE THEM. I know mana cheating allows for fun games but it also makes it hard to play around it because some of us actually want to win without dying to random BS consistently.
Fuck Shaman. Actually no.
Was friends with Paladin, now Death Knights are my homies.
Was friends with Paladin, now Death Knights are my homies.
This is the 3rd time in a row that I posted in this thread. I have to take a break from this game, I'm halfway through to getting the golden Death Knight portrait and I'm livid at the card designers for creating such a high-roll meta because it's an actual pain to have fun in a game in which you can die on Turn 2. I'm going to release all of my anger in this rant and take at least a week off from this game designed by Hearthstone "players" whom I assume don't even play their own game to test cards.
Implocks: This deck is already good enough from spawning so many imp tokens as well as buffing those imps to be massive in the early game. It can refill its board efficiently as well as having insanely good card draw to keep the pressure going. HOW IN HELL IS IT ABLE TO LAST UNTIL FATIGUE? Why did they give Warlock curses? There is barely any interaction for this mechanic besides the player having to hold as much cards as possible and getting milled in the process. Warlocks can easily spam the stupid curse cards so that the player is practically taking fatigue damage. Now, they are able to contend with Control decks even if their swarm of respawning imps don't manage to kill them.
Evolve Shaman: You can spawn an 11/11 Taunt that lets you cheat out other cards if left alive as early as Turn 2. Even if you "low-roll", you get an 8/8 minion early on the board and you can create more threats later in the game. The pool of late-game minions is small that practically any result is good enough. The supposed drawback of evolving minions is that you'll get random crap that could be worse than what you've got on board. I'm dumbfounded that you made Evolve Shaman so consistent in Standard. I'm not even talking about the new evolve card since they can just play the location as well and get a decent result. HIGH ROLLS SHOULD NOT BE CONSISTENT AND BE DONE SO EARLY. Even Big Priest had to wait for a few turns and they could whiff too on their shit.
I would talk about the other classes but a lot of the issues come from Mana Cheat and the LACK OF RISK from playing certain cards. This may sound blasphemous but very powerful cards should have a steep cost to playing them. I don't know why Rune of the Archmage was printed, it's a BS card. You should be punished for playing a card that cheats out 20 mana worth of MAGE SPELLS. There should be a risk to playing a card like that such as getting Pyroblast'd in your own face.
Random stuff can be fun and good, but when you make it consistently rewarding for players, it takes away the magic. I am not impressed by your ability to summon Thaddius, Monstrosity on Turn 2 because there was no special risk in it. You were practically guaranteed a good outcome whether RNG wanted you to have him or a Raid Boss Onyxia.
Do I blame the players? No, not necessarily since they were dealt those cards. I'm more upset at Team 5 for designing this meta. Sure, you guys initially didn't expect Evolve Shaman to be so effective. Yes, you guys probably could not have seen how Implocks would have incorporated Curses to contend with Control decks.
HOWEVER, why did you guys not adjust the Mini-Set cards? You had nearly two months to look at the meta and even play it for yourself to rethink about the upcoming cards. Why did you think that Implock would need more support by giving them Nofin's Imp-ossible to give them a sticky board? Why did you print Thaddius that heavily cheats out mana, what made you think that we wanted more mana cheating? I know you guys are capable of readjusting these cards since you guys nerfed Shockspitter almost immediately at the start of the March of the Lich King expansion. Even now you guys just banned Test Subject because players pointed out how it could be abused in Wild.
I hope balancing is faster than last time for all of our mental sakes. Have a nice month, y'all.
Was friends with Paladin, now Death Knights are my homies.
There's one simple question you have to ask yourself:
Why do they continue to make the same "mistakes" again and again despite the backlash from players like us who prefer a slower pace of the game and a more balanced gameplay overall?
It's not like they never listened to players feedback in the past and made drastic changes to please them.
They did. The difference is that this feedback came from a much bigger part of the playerbase.
Guess what all these players demanded. Shorter games.
They also expressed their hate for attrition type control decks in general and demanded to get rid of them.
Players were actually just fed up with Dr.Boom Mech Warrior (understandably) and overreacted but the devs simply couldn't ignore this mass of unsatisfied players (some of them even being huge content creators back then) and so they changed their game design approach according to these players preferences.
Ever wondered why the few viable pure control decks that popped up in the past few years got immediately nerfed into the ground while other much more powerful decks just got a slap on the wrist?
This is why.
This is not some sort of conspiracy or the result of mistakes made by the devs.
They simply do whatever is necessary to please the majority of players.
If their current game design would actually hurt their business, they would've listened to our criticism and changed the game design long ago.
I won't be playing this shit anymore until they nerf Implock, Frostwyrm bullshit, DK location, Gnoll and evolving shenanigans and Rogue Tadius combo.
I think you are right.... which really saddens me. It means this game is just not for me anymore.
I agree with all the broken decks people have been discussing on here. They are all awful to face.
Now, I'm in dumpster legend, and it's nothing but Frost DK v. Blook Dk. I hate them both, for different reasons, and am sick of the game.
Again. Time to move on. Any news on Arclight Rumble?
My opponent plays a deck: Perfect draw, perfect RNG, always getting what needs.
Me playing the same deck: Losing all games, terrible draw.
It is so infuriating!
Blizzard, if you let Druids have over 10 mana into next expansion, I'm done.
Mill druid players are wankers.
I like how every day of Hearthstone must start with 5 straight losses to the most nutty highrolls possible on the opponent's deck.
How can people be so bad at deckbuilding? They're just copy-pasting and playing the day 1 list with Necromancer and Marrowgar in even DK and still winning the mirror somehow, because their draw is always fucking insane. Beats me how people can be so clueless and still have golden DK and get wins. Must be nice to be a dumbfuck and have good results nonetheless.
Max crystal gain for everyone up to 15 from 10