PPoison777, every single time you’ve brought up that “everything is rigged”, you’ve been explained how that’s quite simply impossible with pretty simple examples which are undeniably true. I don’t normally pay attention to usernames but I’ve memorised yours and “blackknight” because you’re the (fortunately) only two who are in textbook worthy denial about this. It’s partly fascinating and partly disheartening.
January 7th:
”How to spell rigged? B l i $ $ a r d”
October 27th:
”And you think paying real money doesn’t increase your rng? Lol stop being so naive. You come at me saying getting 35 to the face is a result of me not “knowing the meta” please. I didn’t ask for your shit take and personally I don’t care about it either. This is a salt threat. Not a let’s come in and dunk on people thread like you are making it be. If you think “willing” rng to your side is some kind of skill go right ahead and think that. But I do not care. If you want to make silly arguments and pat yourself on the back go to the appropriate thread boy.”
August 25th:
”Game 100 percent helmet pay2win. The cards, the rng, the heros. Perfect rigged game.”
May 7th:
“Of course unless you pay with real money then you’re excluded from ever being on the losing end of this.”
May 1st:
”The blatantly lying this company does with their bullshit rigged system is just sad. ”
I could go on but you get the idea.
Answer me this:
If the winner is whoever pays “real money”, what happens when two F2P players face each other? It’s always a tie? Really? Come on now, enough with that nonsense, let’s put this insanity to rest once and for all.
What about if a friend who pays money challenges a friend who is F2P? Whoever paid will win regardless of skill? The paying player will just somehow… win? Let’s try it. I’ve paid money before on HS and you haven’t. Let’s play 10 games together and see if I win every single one. I won’t do anything, just skip my turn every time and then I’ll somehow win, right?
Please just stop with the tinfoil conspiracies, it’s Hearthstone could be criticised on just about everything, I mean everything… except that. Don’t be a figurehead for obscurantism, it’s not a good look.
Then tell me this. If I come to a salt thread to you know…say my peace. As this place is meant for. Why do white knight fanboys such as yourself feel the need to come out of the wood work and shill on Blizzards behalf? You come at me with you’re a typical “conspiracy theorist” claims like the broken records you are. Because you have no other counters except label the other as with spooky bad guy labels. Not only that but you go thru my whole history? Lol who cares you people really are maniacs that feel OTheRS mUsT toW dA LiNE ANd ThInk LIke I DOo! Seriously fuck off.
I did research your post history, thinking accusing you to be a conspiracist based on one reply wouldn’t be fair. Speaking of which:
April 28th:
“Is this game suppose to be fun? Does anyone and I mean anyone have anything genuinely nice to say about it? What is fun about a game made and run by fools where the app itself continuously crashes, lags, is slow as fuck. Where every game is decided 100 percent by luck/rng. Where there is no skilled involved whatsoever. Top deck, discover, drawing the nuts, spoon fed everything that is needed. It is in reality the perfect post modern type of game. Where you play and the game does it all win or lose. It’s just fucking pathetic on the utmost highest level. And no one intellectually honest can argue otherwise. It is impossible. And just straight dumb.”
If every game is 100 percent luck, then it’s the opposite of rigged.
Anyways, I think this statement sort of explains where you’re coming from:
”You know what make this a better game? Gee I don’t know maybe take the 95 percent luck rng bs fucking casino garbage which is every deck now out of this game. I never lose to anyone in this game. It’s always the game playing itself for my opponent via top deck, discover, rng, nut hand, runner, runner, runner, runner, runner, runner, runner desperation hail mail that always leads to a drrr I win! You like should’ve just played around it and played better! Wish Microsoft didn’t buy Bli$$ard so this game can be rightfully buried.”
You never lose to anyone? Never? If it weren’t for Blizzard meddling with your games you’d be the best Hearthstone player the world has ever seen planet wise? Can you share some replays to support that fact?
The reason why I find you fascinating is because you’re a fossil from a bygone era. You see wild, malevolent forces instead of questioning your own judgment and reasoning. It’s like going back two thousand years in time, when tribes would worship deities and would complain when the harvest would fail and proceed to blame the gods. Nowadays, people don’t base their farming output on gods in order to succeed, they use things they can rely on.
Your approach to logic and reason is also hostile. “Maybe she isn’t a witch?” “No! Don’t white knight for her! Burn her!”
Finally, do you know a sure fire way you’re on to something when debating with someone? When the losing party relies on Ad Hominem, or rather, when they attempt to discredit who brings argument in hopes that it disqualifies the argument themselves (the whole white knight thing). Speaking of which, if you checked my post history, you’d notice most of my messages revolve around criticism of Hearthstone. Which is why it’s important to research thing.
You won’t admit it but the more astute readers will notice you choose not to refute any of the points I’ve brought up. Why is that? Could it be that, if we were to confront your ideas with practice, they’d collapse like a house of cards?
I don’t think you’ll reply but if you do, pick apart what I’ve said. Who knows, maybe Blizzard *is* monitoring your games and making sure you don’t win but then you’d need to back down on the 100% and 95% rng claim.
I’d like to end with a joke, I’ll let you guess who wrote that message:
”If you have a brain don’t play this game. Meaning the 1 percent that still play for some reason like myself.”
Your ability to generate BS, play it cheaper, and replay those cards is annoying.
Also it's one thing to lose to Hunter but it's another thing to lose to a Hunter who obviously just picked up deck.
I lost to a Questline Hunter who just Brann + Silvermoon Arcanist, thinking that it would double his spell damage and clear my board.
How do I know? Because he hovered over one of the minions that survived the ricochet spell as if he was confused on how it lived. I lost to him shortly afterwards because he pulled some miracle shit and drew his entire hand again.
What I want to know is if two players who have both used money on this game face each other on ladder, who wins? Is it a random coin flip or is the riggedness decided on who has spent more? Or is it written in code that one shall never quee into another paying player so that they always win.
But on the salt or disappointed topic— I wish Astalor wasn't being nerfed. It's not his fault there's druids or rogues that can play him an equivalent of 3 times.... or just play him 3 times.
The problems are really just Brann and Shadowstep. Oh well.
I hate Shockspitter Hunter and if playing Miracle Rogue keeps them off my back I'll gladly continue playing it until Shockspitter inevitably takes control cause that is exactly who'll come out on top after nerfs.
Good news, Shockspitter is getting nerfed again. Hopefully this time they'll understand you can't print a cheap card you can copy and shuffle that lets you deal 8 face damage this time and gets them to damage minions only.
Or they can, more realistically, up the cost (1) more mana. I guess.
I did research your post history, thinking accusing you to be a conspiracist based on one reply wouldn’t be fair. Speaking of which:
April 28th:
“Is this game suppose to be fun? Does anyone and I mean anyone have anything genuinely nice to say about it? What is fun about a game made and run by fools where the app itself continuously crashes, lags, is slow as fuck. Where every game is decided 100 percent by luck/rng. Where there is no skilled involved whatsoever. Top deck, discover, drawing the nuts, spoon fed everything that is needed. It is in reality the perfect post modern type of game. Where you play and the game does it all win or lose. It’s just fucking pathetic on the utmost highest level. And no one intellectually honest can argue otherwise. It is impossible. And just straight dumb.”
If every game is 100 percent luck, then it’s the opposite of rigged.
Anyways, I think this statement sort of explains where you’re coming from:
”You know what make this a better game? Gee I don’t know maybe take the 95 percent luck rng bs fucking casino garbage which is every deck now out of this game. I never lose to anyone in this game. It’s always the game playing itself for my opponent via top deck, discover, rng, nut hand, runner, runner, runner, runner, runner, runner, runner desperation hail mail that always leads to a drrr I win! You like should’ve just played around it and played better! Wish Microsoft didn’t buy Bli$$ard so this game can be rightfully buried.”
You never lose to anyone? Never? If it weren’t for Blizzard meddling with your games you’d be the best Hearthstone player the world has ever seen planet wise? Can you share some replays to support that fact?
The reason why I find you fascinating is because you’re a fossil from a bygone era. You see wild, malevolent forces instead of questioning your own judgment and reasoning. It’s like going back two thousand years in time, when tribes would worship deities and would complain when the harvest would fail and proceed to blame the gods. Nowadays, people don’t base their farming output on gods in order to succeed, they use things they can rely on.
Your approach to logic and reason is also hostile. “Maybe she isn’t a witch?” “No! Don’t white knight for her! Burn her!”
Finally, do you know a sure fire way you’re on to something when debating with someone? When the losing party relies on Ad Hominem, or rather, when they attempt to discredit who brings argument in hopes that it disqualifies the argument themselves (the whole white knight thing). Speaking of which, if you checked my post history, you’d notice most of my messages revolve around criticism of Hearthstone. Which is why it’s important to research thing.
You won’t admit it but the more astute readers will notice you choose not to refute any of the points I’ve brought up. Why is that? Could it be that, if we were to confront your ideas with practice, they’d collapse like a house of cards?
I don’t think you’ll reply but if you do, pick apart what I’ve said. Who knows, maybe Blizzard *is* monitoring your games and making sure you don’t win but then you’d need to back down on the 100% and 95% rng claim.
I’d like to end with a joke, I’ll let you guess who wrote that message:
”If you have a brain don’t play this game. Meaning the 1 percent that still play for some reason like myself.”
Everyone and their mother is playing pillager rogue and quest mage. Fuck you pathetic pricks who don't have the IQ to interact with the board but think you're Einsteins for hiding behind ice blocks or evasions all game (I mean all 5 rounds). Where the fuck are all the pirate rogues and even shamans anyway?
So fun to play even DK and still lose to some bad pirate rogue player that gets rewarded for coining Cannon (ofc I don't have the 3 damage spell in hand) and then passage into 1 mana pirate and double 2/2 (and ofc mfking Patches).
I'm glad everyone else is enjoying their new patch experience. I mean, it's what we've all been asking for right? Nerfs to the two classes that keep Mage and Druid at bay. Yay!! 5 druids and 3 mages before I went to BGs...How fun!! The mages especially had the most skill. They played Rune on turn 6 (Because for some reason they can always coin Balinda on turn five for a 9/10 minion), clear my board while casting these two really special secrets....
Does anyone else feel that the nerf to Astalor Bloodsworn was pretty weird?
Like no one had a problem with the first two manathirst effect, it was mostly the final stage that people really hated. Now that they nerfed the first two stage's effects, you are pretty much even more tempted to play the cards on curve to get to the Flamebringer guy quicker. The nerf to the final stage is still good.
So why am I bringing this up?
Because Ramp Druid, that pretty much beats any other slow deck, still plays this card since they can still kill you with their dumb combo. Like can we just stop printing neutral cards that help Druids by providing removal or just a win con.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Was friends with Paladin, now Death Knights are my homies.
They announced some "spicy changes" but didn't even bother to open up the meta for pure control or any pure archetypes for that matter. Why play Implock when you can play Curse-Implock and gain additional favorable matchups? Why play any pure control deck when you can play stuff like Ramp Druid? These overtuned hybrid decks are by far the biggest offender to the balance of this game and the devs keep ignoring it. Read some of the tweets from AlexoGereco(especially his thread regarding powercreep in mid January) and you'll realize just how incredibly flawed their balance design philosophy is. It almost seems like nobody in their team knows about the most basic rules of card game balancing. That would at least explain why they always act so surprised by the outcome of their equally flawed card design.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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Zizka: Trying to make PPoison777 understand, that his reasoning is wrong and asking him questions.
PPoison777: Hur dur you´re just white knight fanboys *keeps playing a rigged game of the company he hates*
Everybody in their super sexy white knight armor: Thats fucking stupid
PPoison777: You people are maniacs, because you want me to think (like you do.)
Knackig wie Würste, würzig wie Würste und zart wie Würste
Slow down now. Let’s take things one by one.
I did research your post history, thinking accusing you to be a conspiracist based on one reply wouldn’t be fair. Speaking of which:
April 28th:
“Is this game suppose to be fun? Does anyone and I mean anyone have anything genuinely nice to say about it? What is fun about a game made and run by fools where the app itself continuously crashes, lags, is slow as fuck. Where every game is decided 100 percent by luck/rng. Where there is no skilled involved whatsoever. Top deck, discover, drawing the nuts, spoon fed everything that is needed. It is in reality the perfect post modern type of game. Where you play and the game does it all win or lose. It’s just fucking pathetic on the utmost highest level. And no one intellectually honest can argue otherwise. It is impossible. And just straight dumb.”
If every game is 100 percent luck, then it’s the opposite of rigged.
Anyways, I think this statement sort of explains where you’re coming from:
”You know what make this a better game? Gee I don’t know maybe take the 95 percent luck rng bs fucking casino garbage which is every deck now out of this game. I never lose to anyone in this game. It’s always the game playing itself for my opponent via top deck, discover, rng, nut hand, runner, runner, runner, runner, runner, runner, runner desperation hail mail that always leads to a drrr I win! You like should’ve just played around it and played better! Wish Microsoft didn’t buy Bli$$ard so this game can be rightfully buried.”
You never lose to anyone? Never? If it weren’t for Blizzard meddling with your games you’d be the best Hearthstone player the world has ever seen planet wise? Can you share some replays to support that fact?
The reason why I find you fascinating is because you’re a fossil from a bygone era. You see wild, malevolent forces instead of questioning your own judgment and reasoning. It’s like going back two thousand years in time, when tribes would worship deities and would complain when the harvest would fail and proceed to blame the gods. Nowadays, people don’t base their farming output on gods in order to succeed, they use things they can rely on.
Your approach to logic and reason is also hostile. “Maybe she isn’t a witch?” “No! Don’t white knight for her! Burn her!”
Finally, do you know a sure fire way you’re on to something when debating with someone? When the losing party relies on Ad Hominem, or rather, when they attempt to discredit who brings argument in hopes that it disqualifies the argument themselves (the whole white knight thing). Speaking of which, if you checked my post history, you’d notice most of my messages revolve around criticism of Hearthstone. Which is why it’s important to research thing.
You won’t admit it but the more astute readers will notice you choose not to refute any of the points I’ve brought up. Why is that? Could it be that, if we were to confront your ideas with practice, they’d collapse like a house of cards?
I don’t think you’ll reply but if you do, pick apart what I’ve said. Who knows, maybe Blizzard *is* monitoring your games and making sure you don’t win but then you’d need to back down on the 100% and 95% rng claim.
I’d like to end with a joke, I’ll let you guess who wrote that message:
”If you have a brain don’t play this game. Meaning the 1 percent that still play for some reason like myself.”
Okay let's bring it back to the salt.
I despise you Rogues. Thief or Miracle.
Your ability to generate BS, play it cheaper, and replay those cards is annoying.
Also it's one thing to lose to Hunter but it's another thing to lose to a Hunter who obviously just picked up deck.
I lost to a Questline Hunter who just Brann + Silvermoon Arcanist, thinking that it would double his spell damage and clear my board.
How do I know? Because he hovered over one of the minions that survived the ricochet spell as if he was confused on how it lived. I lost to him shortly afterwards because he pulled some miracle shit and drew his entire hand again.
At least, it wasn't a Rogue.
Was friends with Paladin, now Death Knights are my homies.
What I want to know is if two players who have both used money on this game face each other on ladder, who wins? Is it a random coin flip or is the riggedness decided on who has spent more? Or is it written in code that one shall never quee into another paying player so that they always win.
But on the salt or disappointed topic— I wish Astalor wasn't being nerfed. It's not his fault there's druids or rogues that can play him an equivalent of 3 times.... or just play him 3 times.
The problems are really just Brann and Shadowstep. Oh well.
Good news, Shockspitter is getting nerfed again. Hopefully this time they'll understand you can't print a cheap card you can copy and shuffle that lets you deal 8 face damage this time and gets them to damage minions only.
Or they can, more realistically, up the cost (1) more mana. I guess.
Click to see my Hearthstone projects:
Game sucks right now.
Don’t care didn’t read. G’day :)
Went from providing irrational arguments to refusing to read altogether. The Earth is flat because I feel like it should be. One of a kind.
Everyone and their mother is playing pillager rogue and quest mage. Fuck you pathetic pricks who don't have the IQ to interact with the board but think you're Einsteins for hiding behind ice blocks or evasions all game (I mean all 5 rounds). Where the fuck are all the pirate rogues and even shamans anyway?
So fun to play even DK and still lose to some bad pirate rogue player that gets rewarded for coining Cannon (ofc I don't have the 3 damage spell in hand) and then passage into 1 mana pirate and double 2/2 (and ofc mfking Patches).
Fuck Rune of the Archmage. It's the ultimate form of casual easy win.
Drakefire Amulet is such a bs card why this hasn't be nerfed yet?
I'm glad everyone else is enjoying their new patch experience. I mean, it's what we've all been asking for right? Nerfs to the two classes that keep Mage and Druid at bay. Yay!! 5 druids and 3 mages before I went to BGs...How fun!! The mages especially had the most skill. They played Rune on turn 6 (Because for some reason they can always coin Balinda on turn five for a 9/10 minion), clear my board while casting these two really special secrets....
I dont like broccoli i thought it is vitaal everyone knows it.
There is a thing called an uninstall button. Nobody cares that you are quitting Heathstone
It's the salt thread.
Does anyone else feel that the nerf to Astalor Bloodsworn was pretty weird?
Like no one had a problem with the first two manathirst effect, it was mostly the final stage that people really hated. Now that they nerfed the first two stage's effects, you are pretty much even more tempted to play the cards on curve to get to the Flamebringer guy quicker. The nerf to the final stage is still good.
So why am I bringing this up?
Because Ramp Druid, that pretty much beats any other slow deck, still plays this card since they can still kill you with their dumb combo. Like can we just stop printing neutral cards that help Druids by providing removal or just a win con.
Was friends with Paladin, now Death Knights are my homies.
Also to whomever made Rune of the Archmage, please stop doing drugs.
Was friends with Paladin, now Death Knights are my homies.
They announced some "spicy changes" but didn't even bother to open up the meta for pure control or any pure archetypes for that matter.
Why play Implock when you can play Curse-Implock and gain additional favorable matchups?
Why play any pure control deck when you can play stuff like Ramp Druid?
These overtuned hybrid decks are by far the biggest offender to the balance of this game and the devs keep ignoring it.
Read some of the tweets from AlexoGereco(especially his thread regarding powercreep in mid January) and you'll realize just how incredibly flawed their balance design philosophy is.
It almost seems like nobody in their team knows about the most basic rules of card game balancing.
That would at least explain why they always act so surprised by the outcome of their equally flawed card design.