Then there is Queen Azshara into Horn of Ancients which leads to a cheap Colossal minion being played really early like Xhilag of the Abyss. I kill the stupid thing and the Rogue just plays Contraband Stash to resummon the damn thing while also playing the other generated BS.
RNG is fine in a game but you should not be consistently rewarded for getting it AKA being able to cheat out the cards.
I know that I'll lose some games but it feels so BS to lose to a Rogue that just so happened to constantly generate so much value while making them cheaper. Like you really can't outplay that and you'd have to hope that they get unusable garbage.
Hearthstone feels more like a slot machine simulator than an actual card game these days. The behavior of many players (myself included) actually reflects this development. I see it all the time on forums like Hearthpwn, reddit, Blizzard forums: constant frustration, anger issues and many other signs of gambling addiction. I think that playing Hearthstone unknowingly became a really bad habit for a lot of us.
I pretty much concede whenever an opponent gets a board of 10/10s before or on Turn 5.
Congrats, you high rolled into a good board.
Congrats, you managed to summon a 10 mana 12/12 minion for 4 mana.
Just congrats, you forced me into a situation where even my cheap removal specifically to counter said occurrence is a loss of tempo for me.
Update#1: Anyone playing Shockspitter Hunter is a real piece of work. Especially if all they do is just keep hitting face with their weapons. Real fun to survive all that face damage only to get Brann + Shockspitter in the face.
Update#2: You can literally play so much disruption against Rogue and they can still generate a way to save themselves. I burn their Tess and Astalor yet they generate a Frostwyrm's Fury that lets them have lethal on board.
Update #3: Why am I even playing Triple Blood DK? If you're wondering why people are playing Frost DK, it's to kill people before they pull this off.
I was leaving hearthstone a few times but this time I am doing it for good. I don't enjoy it anymore. Standard is a dead mode with tons of unbalanced cards that are not interesting to me. The Arena is a discover fiesta - if you don't draft enough discovers you might as well retire because you're gonna get a painful experience. Battlegrounds was fun 2 years ago, I cant find myself enjoying it anymore.
Right now the only card game Im playing is Marvel Snap. It isnt perfect but at least I kinda enjoy it. I cant say the same about Hearthstone and thats the problem. I realized that the only thing that made me come back is nostalgia and it's not enough to keep me playing it. It's time to move on and keep my good memories of Hearthstone. 2015 was the best year in this game and I loved it. It wont come back. I just need to accept it.
I’ve also stopped Hearthstone and don’t see myself coming back to it in the foreseeable future. I’d blame the developers but the constant prowl for the most broken interactions is something deeply ingrained in the community. There’s very little deck diversity. Maybe card games can’t really be balanced.
Hopefully they’ll find new ways to encourage people to build their own decks and experiment so that facing a Druid doesn’t mean interacting with *two* deck varieties (or most classes come to think of it). I just don’t see it happening. Next mini-set/expansion, there’ll be some super unbalanced idea (Denathtrius, Astalor) which will then be proudly abused by the user base and generate frustration and resentment. It’ll then take a while for some nerf to kill the new idea entirely until a new one comes up to create new ways to frustrate the players. It’s the Hearthstone circle of life and it’s not pretty.
Like xD I really have soft heart. I did accept invite from 2 BIG PRIESTS ( i was their only friend ) And i got beated because 5-6 mana cards on turns 1-2 aren't fair. Ye sure, fuck you dogs
Is there any way to win BG without undead? Is there ant way to PLAY BG without undead? They´re cool and all, but if there is only one way to play BG now, whats the point? The 4 other classes is dead when undead is still in the pool.
What the F... is up with that freaking Frost DK. Such a bullshit deck. No interaction with the board. Thats just bullshit. You cant do shit against that.
I’ve also stopped Hearthstone and don’t see myself coming back to it in the foreseeable future. I’d blame the developers but the constant prowl for the most broken interactions is something deeply ingrained in the community. There’s very little deck diversity. Maybe card games can’t really be balanced.
Hopefully they’ll find new ways to encourage people to build their own decks and experiment so that facing a Druid doesn’t mean interacting with *two* deck varieties (or most classes come to think of it). I just don’t see it happening. Next mini-set/expansion, there’ll be some super unbalanced idea (Denathtrius, Astalor) which will then be proudly abused by the user base and generate frustration and resentment. It’ll then take a while for some nerf to kill the new idea entirely until a new one comes up to create new ways to frustrate the players. It’s the Hearthstone circle of life and it’s not pretty.
There is not really one way to bring perfect balance to card games, like there is no real way to do that in RTS, shooters, fight games... and pretty much nothing. The problem with hearhtstone imo is shared by everybody, specially the devs, but the community as well.
As community we have forsaken any and all initiatives and desires of fun casual gameplay. We got a casual mode? Sure, lets use it to train with broken decks. We are in bronze 10 rank? Sure, lets still play top meta decks. Does it cost nothing to be nice to people? Screw it, lets be dicks anyways.
The devs, on the other hand, ceased to pretend to care about class strengths and weaknesses in favor of racing themselves in order to encourage people to buy new expansions. Does lack of removal stops druid from being an oppressive powerhouse? No matter, lets print neutral cards, rush cards, and stuff like Scale of Onyxia that fulfill said removal. Does printing one card that makes for an entire win condition on its own and is easy to abuse lead to a stale and repetitive gameplay? Let's do that twice in a row. Do we take care of developing deck archetypes that aren't working instead of pretending to create another one that we have no intention of giving full support from the rest of the expansion or wont come over ever again i the year? Nah, it'll be fine. Do we make the effort to force the players into creative scenarios where they can shape the game on their own? Kind of... except most of these are no hearthstone at all.
At this point I'm not sure there is much to be done about it. Team 5 changed several times through the years, and it's kind of unfair to expect them to share the originals point of view. However, it is also true many of us, or at least some, have been sticking with this game through those years, and measures should be taken if they pretend to keep up a loyal playerbase, which more often than not is a must in this business.
Eventually, if they keep doing this sort of crap, we can always wait for Microsoft to take over and consider how to handle things. But it gets real sad to compare these last two years with many of the previous ones.
PPoison777, every single time you’ve brought up that “everything is rigged”, you’ve been explained how that’s quite simply impossible with pretty simple examples which are undeniably true. I don’t normally pay attention to usernames but I’ve memorised yours and “blackknight” because you’re the (fortunately) only two who are in textbook worthy denial about this. It’s partly fascinating and partly disheartening.
January 7th:
”How to spell rigged? B l i $ $ a r d”
October 27th:
”And you think paying real money doesn’t increase your rng? Lol stop being so naive. You come at me saying getting 35 to the face is a result of me not “knowing the meta” please. I didn’t ask for your shit take and personally I don’t care about it either. This is a salt threat. Not a let’s come in and dunk on people thread like you are making it be. If you think “willing” rng to your side is some kind of skill go right ahead and think that. But I do not care. If you want to make silly arguments and pat yourself on the back go to the appropriate thread boy.”
August 25th:
”Game 100 percent helmet pay2win. The cards, the rng, the heros. Perfect rigged game.”
May 7th:
“Of course unless you pay with real money then you’re excluded from ever being on the losing end of this.”
May 1st:
”The blatantly lying this company does with their bullshit rigged system is just sad. ”
I could go on but you get the idea.
Answer me this:
If the winner is whoever pays “real money”, what happens when two F2P players face each other? It’s always a tie? Really? Come on now, enough with that nonsense, let’s put this insanity to rest once and for all.
What about if a friend who pays money challenges a friend who is F2P? Whoever paid will win regardless of skill? The paying player will just somehow… win? Let’s try it. I’ve paid money before on HS and you haven’t. Let’s play 10 games together and see if I win every single one. I won’t do anything, just skip my turn every time and then I’ll somehow win, right?
Please just stop with the tinfoil conspiracies, it’s Hearthstone could be criticised on just about everything, I mean everything… except that. Don’t be a figurehead for obscurantism, it’s not a good look.
I hate Shockspitter Hunter and if playing Miracle Rogue keeps them off my back I'll gladly continue playing it until Shockspitter inevitably takes control cause that is exactly who'll come out on top after nerfs.
Do I look like a fuckin charity??? Apparently I am, cause I am giving away free rank points for.. ABSOLUTELY.. NO.. FUCKING.. REASON to WORTLHLESS TRYHARD NOOB KIDZ who achieve NOTHING BESIDE WASTING MY PRECIOUS TIME climbing to Legend like I did several times. So be careful, you UNWORHTY BRATS, to not cross players like me and WASTE MY TIME like you do to your friends and family. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! What tryhard noobs these days, HOLY MOLY!
I might be one of the first ones to complain about this card but Potionmaster Putricide is such a hard counter to Death Knights.
You can play this card on Turn 2 and my early game is just null and void.
I can't kill it easily because it has 4 health. I can't use most of my cards because they require my minions to die. I could also just slam my minions into it while giving the Rogue card advantage. Funny how much mulligan and the draw of the cards can absolutely screw you in some games in which you'd want to have your removal in hand.
If someone told me that Rogue took skill in Standard, I would think that you'd belong to an insane asylum. The amount of shit that they can discover and cheat out takes away most of the skill required. People shit on Death Knight relying on Discover to win games which is funny because we can also Discover useless garbage like Blood Tap or Unholy Frenzy in our stuff consistently.
Rogue can not only Discover cards that are outside of their class; they can cheat out the cards much faster; they can replay said cards with Tess Greymane and Contraband Stash. I'm glad that they're doing something about Wildpaw Gnoll and Sinstone Graveyard, it should reduce their ability to counter the early game just a little bit.
As soon as I hit 500 Ranked wins as Death Knight, I'm just going to leave and never come back. The grind is even more excruciating with this stupid meta. For Standard, you have to deal with so many Rogues and burn decks. For Wild, you play aggro or die. I hope the buffs AND the Mini-Set make the meta a bit more tolerable. Only 320 more wins to go before I am released from this torment.
PPoison777, every single time you’ve brought up that “everything is rigged”, you’ve been explained how that’s quite simply impossible with pretty simple examples which are undeniably true. I don’t normally pay attention to usernames but I’ve memorised yours and “blackknight” because you’re the (fortunately) only two who are in textbook worthy denial about this. It’s partly fascinating and partly disheartening.
January 7th:
”How to spell rigged? B l i $ $ a r d”
October 27th:
”And you think paying real money doesn’t increase your rng? Lol stop being so naive. You come at me saying getting 35 to the face is a result of me not “knowing the meta” please. I didn’t ask for your shit take and personally I don’t care about it either. This is a salt threat. Not a let’s come in and dunk on people thread like you are making it be. If you think “willing” rng to your side is some kind of skill go right ahead and think that. But I do not care. If you want to make silly arguments and pat yourself on the back go to the appropriate thread boy.”
August 25th:
”Game 100 percent helmet pay2win. The cards, the rng, the heros. Perfect rigged game.”
May 7th:
“Of course unless you pay with real money then you’re excluded from ever being on the losing end of this.”
May 1st:
”The blatantly lying this company does with their bullshit rigged system is just sad. ”
I could go on but you get the idea.
Answer me this:
If the winner is whoever pays “real money”, what happens when two F2P players face each other? It’s always a tie? Really? Come on now, enough with that nonsense, let’s put this insanity to rest once and for all.
What about if a friend who pays money challenges a friend who is F2P? Whoever paid will win regardless of skill? The paying player will just somehow… win? Let’s try it. I’ve paid money before on HS and you haven’t. Let’s play 10 games together and see if I win every single one. I won’t do anything, just skip my turn every time and then I’ll somehow win, right?
Please just stop with the tinfoil conspiracies, it’s Hearthstone could be criticised on just about everything, I mean everything… except that. Don’t be a figurehead for obscurantism, it’s not a good look.
Thief Rogues, you are slightly less degenerate to play against than Miracle Rogue, but you are still incredibly annoying.
Jackpot!, Swiftscale Trickster into some high cost spell like Convoke the Spirits, Rune of the Archmage, etc.
Then there is Queen Azshara into Horn of Ancients which leads to a cheap Colossal minion being played really early like Xhilag of the Abyss. I kill the stupid thing and the Rogue just plays Contraband Stash to resummon the damn thing while also playing the other generated BS.
RNG is fine in a game but you should not be consistently rewarded for getting it AKA being able to cheat out the cards.
I know that I'll lose some games but it feels so BS to lose to a Rogue that just so happened to constantly generate so much value while making them cheaper. Like you really can't outplay that and you'd have to hope that they get unusable garbage.
Was friends with Paladin, now Death Knights are my homies.
The amount of mana cheating is agreed, by far the biggest problem of this trash game with Rogue taking center stage.
It almost feels like amateur designers and developers worked on this garbage.
It's not that hard to balance these game mechanics - these devs are plain idiots.
Hearthstone feels more like a slot machine simulator than an actual card game these days.
The behavior of many players (myself included) actually reflects this development.
I see it all the time on forums like Hearthpwn, reddit, Blizzard forums: constant frustration, anger issues and many other signs of gambling addiction.
I think that playing Hearthstone unknowingly became a really bad habit for a lot of us.
I pretty much concede whenever an opponent gets a board of 10/10s before or on Turn 5.
Congrats, you high rolled into a good board.
Congrats, you managed to summon a 10 mana 12/12 minion for 4 mana.
Just congrats, you forced me into a situation where even my cheap removal specifically to counter said occurrence is a loss of tempo for me.
Update#1: Anyone playing Shockspitter Hunter is a real piece of work. Especially if all they do is just keep hitting face with their weapons. Real fun to survive all that face damage only to get Brann + Shockspitter in the face.
Update#2: You can literally play so much disruption against Rogue and they can still generate a way to save themselves. I burn their Tess and Astalor yet they generate a Frostwyrm's Fury that lets them have lethal on board.
Update #3: Why am I even playing Triple Blood DK? If you're wondering why people are playing Frost DK, it's to kill people before they pull this off.
Was friends with Paladin, now Death Knights are my homies.
The first time that I've fought an actual Druid after fighting so many rogues and he manages to pull off the Brann Bronzebeard + Anub'Rekhan + Astalor Bloodsworn combo on me.
I'm switching to Wild. Standard is a mess.
Was friends with Paladin, now Death Knights are my homies.
I was leaving hearthstone a few times but this time I am doing it for good. I don't enjoy it anymore. Standard is a dead mode with tons of unbalanced cards that are not interesting to me. The Arena is a discover fiesta - if you don't draft enough discovers you might as well retire because you're gonna get a painful experience. Battlegrounds was fun 2 years ago, I cant find myself enjoying it anymore.
Right now the only card game Im playing is Marvel Snap. It isnt perfect but at least I kinda enjoy it. I cant say the same about Hearthstone and thats the problem. I realized that the only thing that made me come back is nostalgia and it's not enough to keep me playing it. It's time to move on and keep my good memories of Hearthstone. 2015 was the best year in this game and I loved it. It wont come back. I just need to accept it.
I’ve also stopped Hearthstone and don’t see myself coming back to it in the foreseeable future. I’d blame the developers but the constant prowl for the most broken interactions is something deeply ingrained in the community. There’s very little deck diversity. Maybe card games can’t really be balanced.
Hopefully they’ll find new ways to encourage people to build their own decks and experiment so that facing a Druid doesn’t mean interacting with *two* deck varieties (or most classes come to think of it). I just don’t see it happening. Next mini-set/expansion, there’ll be some super unbalanced idea (Denathtrius, Astalor) which will then be proudly abused by the user base and generate frustration and resentment. It’ll then take a while for some nerf to kill the new idea entirely until a new one comes up to create new ways to frustrate the players. It’s the Hearthstone circle of life and it’s not pretty.
Another shitshow BG Fiesta... so many nerfs needed on undeads like wtf...
The professor putricide is so OP I wish I could see the winrate.
Poison/Dshield is so weak now LOL.
Like xD I really have soft heart. I did accept invite from 2 BIG PRIESTS ( i was their only friend ) And i got beated because 5-6 mana cards on turns 1-2 aren't fair.
Ye sure, fuck you dogs
Is there any way to win BG without undead? Is there ant way to PLAY BG without undead? They´re cool and all, but if there is only one way to play BG now, whats the point? The 4 other classes is dead when undead is still in the pool.
Its never too late to give up...
And one more thing, they need to bring back so you can buy BG pass with gold. DO they really need to bring another microransaction to the table?
Its never too late to give up...
What the F... is up with that freaking Frost DK. Such a bullshit deck. No interaction with the board. Thats just bullshit. You cant do shit against that.
There is not really one way to bring perfect balance to card games, like there is no real way to do that in RTS, shooters, fight games... and pretty much nothing. The problem with hearhtstone imo is shared by everybody, specially the devs, but the community as well.
As community we have forsaken any and all initiatives and desires of fun casual gameplay. We got a casual mode? Sure, lets use it to train with broken decks. We are in bronze 10 rank? Sure, lets still play top meta decks. Does it cost nothing to be nice to people? Screw it, lets be dicks anyways.
The devs, on the other hand, ceased to pretend to care about class strengths and weaknesses in favor of racing themselves in order to encourage people to buy new expansions. Does lack of removal stops druid from being an oppressive powerhouse? No matter, lets print neutral cards, rush cards, and stuff like Scale of Onyxia that fulfill said removal. Does printing one card that makes for an entire win condition on its own and is easy to abuse lead to a stale and repetitive gameplay? Let's do that twice in a row. Do we take care of developing deck archetypes that aren't working instead of pretending to create another one that we have no intention of giving full support from the rest of the expansion or wont come over ever again i the year? Nah, it'll be fine. Do we make the effort to force the players into creative scenarios where they can shape the game on their own? Kind of... except most of these are no hearthstone at all.
At this point I'm not sure there is much to be done about it. Team 5 changed several times through the years, and it's kind of unfair to expect them to share the originals point of view. However, it is also true many of us, or at least some, have been sticking with this game through those years, and measures should be taken if they pretend to keep up a loyal playerbase, which more often than not is a must in this business.
Eventually, if they keep doing this sort of crap, we can always wait for Microsoft to take over and consider how to handle things. But it gets real sad to compare these last two years with many of the previous ones.
Click to see my Hearthstone projects:
Can anyone imagine a game that wasn’t manipulated in every way possible? I can’t either.
PPoison777, every single time you’ve brought up that “everything is rigged”, you’ve been explained how that’s quite simply impossible with pretty simple examples which are undeniably true. I don’t normally pay attention to usernames but I’ve memorised yours and “blackknight” because you’re the (fortunately) only two who are in textbook worthy denial about this. It’s partly fascinating and partly disheartening.
January 7th:
”How to spell rigged? B l i $ $ a r d”
October 27th:
”And you think paying real money doesn’t increase your rng? Lol stop being so naive. You come at me saying getting 35 to the face is a result of me not “knowing the meta” please. I didn’t ask for your shit take and personally I don’t care about it either. This is a salt threat. Not a let’s come in and dunk on people thread like you are making it be. If you think “willing” rng to your side is some kind of skill go right ahead and think that. But I do not care. If you want to make silly arguments and pat yourself on the back go to the appropriate thread boy.”
August 25th:
”Game 100 percent helmet pay2win. The cards, the rng, the heros. Perfect rigged game.”
May 7th:
“Of course unless you pay with real money then you’re excluded from ever being on the losing end of this.”
May 1st:
”The blatantly lying this company does with their bullshit rigged system is just sad. ”
I could go on but you get the idea.
Answer me this:
If the winner is whoever pays “real money”, what happens when two F2P players face each other? It’s always a tie? Really? Come on now, enough with that nonsense, let’s put this insanity to rest once and for all.
What about if a friend who pays money challenges a friend who is F2P? Whoever paid will win regardless of skill? The paying player will just somehow… win? Let’s try it. I’ve paid money before on HS and you haven’t. Let’s play 10 games together and see if I win every single one. I won’t do anything, just skip my turn every time and then I’ll somehow win, right?
Please just stop with the tinfoil conspiracies, it’s Hearthstone could be criticised on just about everything, I mean everything… except that. Don’t be a figurehead for obscurantism, it’s not a good look.
Don't try to reason with someone who is playing a game which they think is rigged for years.
I just clicked on his profil and he is doing this for over 2 years now. You might as well talk with a stone.
Knackig wie Würste, würzig wie Würste und zart wie Würste
I hate Shockspitter Hunter and if playing Miracle Rogue keeps them off my back I'll gladly continue playing it until Shockspitter inevitably takes control cause that is exactly who'll come out on top after nerfs.
Do I look like a fuckin charity??? Apparently I am, cause I am giving away free rank points for.. ABSOLUTELY.. NO.. FUCKING.. REASON to WORTLHLESS TRYHARD NOOB KIDZ who achieve NOTHING BESIDE WASTING MY PRECIOUS TIME climbing to Legend like I did several times. So be careful, you UNWORHTY BRATS, to not cross players like me and WASTE MY TIME like you do to your friends and family. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! What tryhard noobs these days, HOLY MOLY!
I might be one of the first ones to complain about this card but Potionmaster Putricide is such a hard counter to Death Knights.
You can play this card on Turn 2 and my early game is just null and void.
I can't kill it easily because it has 4 health. I can't use most of my cards because they require my minions to die. I could also just slam my minions into it while giving the Rogue card advantage. Funny how much mulligan and the draw of the cards can absolutely screw you in some games in which you'd want to have your removal in hand.
If someone told me that Rogue took skill in Standard, I would think that you'd belong to an insane asylum. The amount of shit that they can discover and cheat out takes away most of the skill required. People shit on Death Knight relying on Discover to win games which is funny because we can also Discover useless garbage like Blood Tap or Unholy Frenzy in our stuff consistently.
Rogue can not only Discover cards that are outside of their class; they can cheat out the cards much faster; they can replay said cards with Tess Greymane and Contraband Stash. I'm glad that they're doing something about Wildpaw Gnoll and Sinstone Graveyard, it should reduce their ability to counter the early game just a little bit.
As soon as I hit 500 Ranked wins as Death Knight, I'm just going to leave and never come back. The grind is even more excruciating with this stupid meta. For Standard, you have to deal with so many Rogues and burn decks. For Wild, you play aggro or die. I hope the buffs AND the Mini-Set make the meta a bit more tolerable. Only 320 more wins to go before I am released from this torment.
Was friends with Paladin, now Death Knights are my homies.