i might be old but damn. Back in my days Innervate was the biggest mana cheat, and we were using pyroblast as finisher 3, 2 cost minions for 4 mana wasn't too bad either back then(call to arms) And now we have 3 mana cast pyroblast 0 mana yeti's with rush And arcane intelect combined with kazakus potions.
Shockspitter busted af, Astalor played in every single one of the last ten games I've played, class or archetype irrelevant. Such fun.
It was Renethal that was the big problem though. Yeah, that was the card that needed nerfing because there was some actual resistence against face aggro decks.
Idk why but i never noticed before that the dmg of curses actually keeps stacking even if your hand is full. And to be quite frank, that's some absolute bs game design. If i already made the hard decision to sacrifice some of my cards to play around this unfun mechanic i should at least be able to play around it entirely. The fact that it still pays off to play them regardless of your opponent's hand size makes no sense whatsoever.
How can 1 class in this game have both best value ( x4 astalor, endless kazakus potions for 0-3 mana ) and best tempo ( 0 mana 3/5 rush ) It's a fucking mess
Every time I see a Rogue play Shadowstep on their Astalor, the Flamebringer , Queen Azshara , etc multiple times, it just makes my eyes roll so far in the back of my head. Wow, I get to witness you bouncing your win condition back into your hand where I can't interact with it unless I run Theotar, the Mad Duke or pray to RNGesus to snipe it with Patchwerk.
By no means I am saying that Shadowstep deserves a Warsong Commander nerf because it's still a cool card unique to Rogue's class identity. But can we fix some of the mana cheating problems in the game like how Wildpaw Gnoll is basically a Chillwind Yeti with rush that costs 0 mana if you just run Maestra of the Masquerade.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Was friends with Paladin, now Death Knights are my homies.
Every time I see a Rogue play Shadowstep on their Astalor, the Flamebringer , Queen Azshara , etc multiple times, it just makes my eyes roll so far in the back of my head. Wow, I get to witness you bouncing your win condition back into your hand where I can't interact with it unless I run Theotar, the Mad Duke or pray to RNGesus to snipe it with Patchwerk.
By no means I am saying that Shadowstep deserves a Warsong Commander nerf because it's still a cool card unique to Rogue's class identity. But can we fix some of the mana cheating problems in the game like how Wildpaw Gnoll is basically a Chillwind Yeti with rush that costs 0 mana if you just run Maestra of the Masquerade.
Shadowstep should be deleted. It has been in every Rogue deck since inception. I'm so, so sick of it. For the sake of ensuring the game feels "fresh" if nothing else, it is time for it to go.
I hate playing against Rogues, even more than Ramp Druids and Priests who literally just copy your win condition.
Every time I see a non-Rogue player, I get excited just for a few seconds. Then they trade their Blackwater Cutlass on Turn 1 and my disappointment is immeasurable. I know immediately that I won't win this matchup unless they get an absolutely horrendous draw this game.
The concoctions are just so much value for a 3 mana card that is generated into your hand. It is so difficult to make Rogues run out of resources since they can just cheat out so many cards and draw a bunch of cards in a single turn. You can literally make a concoction that draws 4 cards for just 3 mana. I'm not even mentioning how Miracle Rogue can just develop a board with enormous stats early while still having card advantage and perhaps even burst in hand.
Rogue is just so annoyingly efficient with their cards. It's even worse when they emote as you're stuck with dealing with 20/20 worth of stats after they cleared your board and refilled their hand in a single turn.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Was friends with Paladin, now Death Knights are my homies.
I don't know how much I can keep up playing the game long term. Watching people wank on me is not really my passion. If they keep printing mana cheat, this game will eventually turn into a modern Yugioh.
Just got stomped by a Murloc Shaman while playing Blood DK. It was not even close. I'm not mad that my opponent highrolled his draws. Shit happens. I'm mad that it had such a big influence on the outcome of the game.
When i started playing HS it didn't matter nearly as much if your opponent got lucky in an otherwise unfavored matchup because your archetype still had a meaningful advantage which used to be the counterweight to RNG. When people complain about how frustrating HS can be these days compared to just a few years ago, this is why. This is what happens when you deviate from the "rock, paper, scissors" archetype balancing system. People might hate it but it's the only way to balance RNG factors like perfect mulligan, draws, discovered cards, RNG spells like Rune of the Archmage etc.
I stopped playing Hearthstone a few weeks ago, because i was thinking that i dont like video games anymore. I just had no fun in playing this game at all and thats not normal for me by any means. I played this game since 2014 and have nearly every card in the game. Im now only "active" in the Forum and read how much everybody loves/hates this game.
I was annoyed the moment i clicked play and saw ANY class, because i knew which deck they would play and my chance to win. there are like 5000 cards, but i see only ~50 per class. (even in wild there are only like 10 Decks which make 50% auf the ladder)
If you are a f2p player, than you need to play the game nearly every day, because otherwise you wont have the gold for the next expansion... thats how they get you to play every day. I will have a break for some week or months now. I will not have the gold for the next expansion when/if i come back and i will absolutly not pay a cent on this game at this point, so i most likely have to drop the game.
The probelm is not only the devs, but the players who just copy paste every deck with high winrates.
I dont wanna end this on a bad note, because i used to love this game, but fuck everyone of you, who spam emotes, only uses netdecks, ropes every turn.
I wish for everybody else that you still have fun playing the game.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Knackig wie Würste, würzig wie Würste und zart wie Würste
^This pretty much. The HS mgmt team have literally ruined this game. It's probably the least fun you can have currently playing a game. Everything is POWERCREPT to the point of insanity which makes the game stressful, uninteractive, annoying and most importantly UNFUN to play.
9 of 10 games is the same exact net deck we have played over and over and over and over and over and most games don't go past round 7.
Who is the idiot that thought Barbaric Sorceress and Swiftscale Trickster were good enough to release to the two classes (Mage and Rogue) that have high cost spells or can generate them easily. They really think that people enjoy their opponents just play a 9 or 8 mana cost card on turn 4 or having their spells become nearly unplayable.
I hope the next expansion is like The Grand Tournament, we need an expansion that doesn't encourage so much Mana Cheating. Just don't reprint cards like Rune of the Archmage which is already a card that cheats out value in itself while averting the risk of Pyroblast hitting yourself. Not only that but the card itself can be cheated out so easily.
Mana cheat in general needs to be heavily toned down. It plays such a big part in HS nowadays and i don't get why the devs keep promoting it even though it always causes so many balance issues. This is the type of mechanic that should be super limited and only be usable in the late game to prevent non games. It's crazy how many of these non games i had in the past weeks against Pure Paladin, Burgle Rogue, Miracle Rogue, DH and even Evolve Shaman. Almost no deck has an answer to an early blowout turn from any of these decks. And the few decks which could handle this situation don't see any play because they would lose to these decks regardless.
i might be old but damn.
Back in my days Innervate was the biggest mana cheat, and we were using pyroblast as finisher
3, 2 cost minions for 4 mana wasn't too bad either back then(call to arms)
And now we have 3 mana cast pyroblast
0 mana yeti's with rush
And arcane intelect combined with kazakus potions.
Shockspitter busted af, Astalor played in every single one of the last ten games I've played, class or archetype irrelevant. Such fun.
It was Renethal that was the big problem though. Yeah, that was the card that needed nerfing because there was some actual resistence against face aggro decks.
Idk why but i never noticed before that the dmg of curses actually keeps stacking even if your hand is full.
And to be quite frank, that's some absolute bs game design.
If i already made the hard decision to sacrifice some of my cards to play around this unfun mechanic i should at least be able to play around it entirely.
The fact that it still pays off to play them regardless of your opponent's hand size makes no sense whatsoever.
How can 1 class in this game have both best value ( x4 astalor, endless kazakus potions for 0-3 mana ) and best tempo ( 0 mana 3/5 rush )
It's a fucking mess
I'm not going to lie.
Every time I see a Rogue play Shadowstep on their Astalor, the Flamebringer , Queen Azshara , etc multiple times, it just makes my eyes roll so far in the back of my head. Wow, I get to witness you bouncing your win condition back into your hand where I can't interact with it unless I run Theotar, the Mad Duke or pray to RNGesus to snipe it with Patchwerk.
By no means I am saying that Shadowstep deserves a Warsong Commander nerf because it's still a cool card unique to Rogue's class identity. But can we fix some of the mana cheating problems in the game like how Wildpaw Gnoll is basically a Chillwind Yeti with rush that costs 0 mana if you just run Maestra of the Masquerade.
Was friends with Paladin, now Death Knights are my homies.
Amazing how you gotta queue wild casual for actual casual experience. Standard players are sweating even in casual. Hydralodon turn 5 cause why not.
How to spell rigged? B l i $ $ a r d
Shadowstep should be deleted. It has been in every Rogue deck since inception. I'm so, so sick of it. For the sake of ensuring the game feels "fresh" if nothing else, it is time for it to go.
Cant remember the last time I logged on and had a positive experience playing Standard. Thanks again for ruining a game I used to love, devs.
I hate playing against Rogues, even more than Ramp Druids and Priests who literally just copy your win condition.
Every time I see a non-Rogue player, I get excited just for a few seconds. Then they trade their Blackwater Cutlass on Turn 1 and my disappointment is immeasurable. I know immediately that I won't win this matchup unless they get an absolutely horrendous draw this game.
The concoctions are just so much value for a 3 mana card that is generated into your hand. It is so difficult to make Rogues run out of resources since they can just cheat out so many cards and draw a bunch of cards in a single turn. You can literally make a concoction that draws 4 cards for just 3 mana. I'm not even mentioning how Miracle Rogue can just develop a board with enormous stats early while still having card advantage and perhaps even burst in hand.
Rogue is just so annoyingly efficient with their cards. It's even worse when they emote as you're stuck with dealing with 20/20 worth of stats after they cleared your board and refilled their hand in a single turn.
Was friends with Paladin, now Death Knights are my homies.
This goes out to all of you druid noobs.. FUCK YOU!
I am tired of playing against the same 3 classes (Demon Hunter, Hunter and Rogue).
I don't know how much I can keep up playing the game long term. Watching people wank on me is not really my passion. If they keep printing mana cheat, this game will eventually turn into a modern Yugioh.
Just got stomped by a Murloc Shaman while playing Blood DK.
It was not even close.
I'm not mad that my opponent highrolled his draws. Shit happens.
I'm mad that it had such a big influence on the outcome of the game.
When i started playing HS it didn't matter nearly as much if your opponent got lucky in an otherwise unfavored matchup because your archetype still had a meaningful advantage which used to be the counterweight to RNG.
When people complain about how frustrating HS can be these days compared to just a few years ago, this is why.
This is what happens when you deviate from the "rock, paper, scissors" archetype balancing system.
People might hate it but it's the only way to balance RNG factors like perfect mulligan, draws, discovered cards, RNG spells like Rune of the Archmage etc.
I stopped playing Hearthstone a few weeks ago, because i was thinking that i dont like video games anymore. I just had no fun in playing this game at all and thats not normal for me by any means. I played this game since 2014 and have nearly every card in the game. Im now only "active" in the Forum and read how much everybody loves/hates this game.
I was annoyed the moment i clicked play and saw ANY class, because i knew which deck they would play and my chance to win. there are like 5000 cards, but i see only ~50 per class. (even in wild there are only like 10 Decks which make 50% auf the ladder)
If you are a f2p player, than you need to play the game nearly every day, because otherwise you wont have the gold for the next expansion... thats how they get you to play every day. I will have a break for some week or months now. I will not have the gold for the next expansion when/if i come back and i will absolutly not pay a cent on this game at this point, so i most likely have to drop the game.
The probelm is not only the devs, but the players who just copy paste every deck with high winrates.
I dont wanna end this on a bad note, because i used to love this game, but fuck everyone of you, who spam emotes, only uses netdecks, ropes every turn.
I wish for everybody else that you still have fun playing the game.
Knackig wie Würste, würzig wie Würste und zart wie Würste
^This pretty much. The HS mgmt team have literally ruined this game. It's probably the least fun you can have currently playing a game. Everything is POWERCREPT to the point of insanity which makes the game stressful, uninteractive, annoying and most importantly UNFUN to play.
9 of 10 games is the same exact net deck we have played over and over and over and over and over and most games don't go past round 7.
The game sucks.
Who is the idiot that thought Barbaric Sorceress and Swiftscale Trickster were good enough to release to the two classes (Mage and Rogue) that have high cost spells or can generate them easily. They really think that people enjoy their opponents just play a 9 or 8 mana cost card on turn 4 or having their spells become nearly unplayable.
I hope the next expansion is like The Grand Tournament, we need an expansion that doesn't encourage so much Mana Cheating. Just don't reprint cards like Rune of the Archmage which is already a card that cheats out value in itself while averting the risk of Pyroblast hitting yourself. Not only that but the card itself can be cheated out so easily.
I'm sick of this high roll BS.
Was friends with Paladin, now Death Knights are my homies.
I am so tired of Rogues.
Thief Rogues, Miracle Rogues, and Deathrattle Rogues. What do they all have in common?
Mana Cheat and Draw.
This also applies to Demon Hunters but whenever I fight one, they just so happen to play Potion Belt and reveal themselves as Rogue.
Was friends with Paladin, now Death Knights are my homies.
Mana cheat in general needs to be heavily toned down.
It plays such a big part in HS nowadays and i don't get why the devs keep promoting it even though it always causes so many balance issues.
This is the type of mechanic that should be super limited and only be usable in the late game to prevent non games.
It's crazy how many of these non games i had in the past weeks against Pure Paladin, Burgle Rogue, Miracle Rogue, DH and even Evolve Shaman.
Almost no deck has an answer to an early blowout turn from any of these decks.
And the few decks which could handle this situation don't see any play because they would lose to these decks regardless.
Fuck secret mage, fuck shadow priest, fuck even shaman. Fuck every deck that only goes face and gets perfect hand every single game.