So this stupid fucking weapon hunter deck is going to get nerfed, right? I've had double digit games against it now where they do 50+ damage from hand on turn 9.. seems way too consistent and not really anything you can do about it
Seriously to all the people who need to bm, get yourself help. If you need to bm in a virtual card GAME you really have an underlying problem within your head, which sinceriously needs to be adressed before it gets out of hand and ruins your life entirely.
So this stupid fucking weapon hunter deck is going to get nerfed, right? I've had double digit games against it now where they do 50+ damage from hand on turn 9.. seems way too consistent and not really anything you can do about it
At least you made it to turn 9. I was killed on turn 5 with 28 damage from hand. Absolutely fucking stupid. I am just about ready to quit for good.
so does every single rogue always have full combo on turn 4? i cant count the number of times i face a 15/15 or higher on turn 4, often with a draka too to kill you on turn 5 from 30hp. like how the fuck do you deal with that? you cant kill a huge stealth minion that early and they hit you for all your hp over 2 turns anyways even if you do somehow manage it..
Why the fuck does every fucking expansion give me fucking epics from fucking the 2 classes I hardly ever play?!?!!? Fucking druid and fucking demon hunter, every fucking expansion.
I don't believe people with actual brains are designing cards for this game. By the looks of it, Blizzard looks for the dumbest people possible. Normal gameplay doesn't exist - combo into combo, OTK, swarming the board for 2 mana from 1 card...
Has anyone in the history of this game ever seen a Druid come up as their opponent and not immediately rolled their eyes? Jesus fucking Christ that class has been out of control since the beginning of the game with broken shit.
Highroll or get highrolled... That's how every single match feels like these days. Every decision both players make during the game immediately loses all significance once one of them gets their big turn. Idk why they had to dumb down the game like this. It was already super casual player friendly from the beginning compared to other card games. It just sucks that you often times don't feel like you have even the slightest amount of control over the outcome of a game. Might as well add an autoplay button like in these cookie cutter mobile games while you're at it.
I haven't posted before on this website and I've tolerated a lot before (big priest in wild) I eventually took a hiatus sometime in 2019.
I returned to Hearthstone because I wanted to try out the death knight and it's a blast until I played against Druid. I thought people were exaggerating about how Druid can pull off some crazy stuff but wow I was wrong.
I played a triple Unholy Renathal deck because I wanted to try it out without getting out-aggro'd myself. I will admit that having 40 cards did impact my consistency but I was having insane tempo against this druid. I had him at literally 2 health but then he makes a major comeback after practically doing nothing in the early turns.
So what did this druid player do? Well, he played Guff which barely saved him by the teeth of his skin thanks to the 5 additional armor. The real problem was that it led to him being able to play Celestial Alignment. I thought it was no real big deal at the time then he pulls out the Lady Anacondra and he magically regained 25 armor and cleared my board. I lost in the end and I'm a bit salty.
I hope you folks have a nice day and don't be afraid to take a break from Hearthstone, it'll keep you sane.
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Was friends with Paladin, now Death Knights are my homies.
What a joke of a meta. Nerf f'ing rogues so that people can have a chance to play the game beyond turn 2-4. DK can barely survive to make a 50% winrate deck. So much for introducing a new class.
There's one principle in Hearthstone which always holds true (as long as you disregard your confirmation bias). If you face a thief deck (especially Thief Priest), you have to assume that they're one of these few lucky bastards who always get what they want. I don't think i've ever face a thief priest in standard or wild who didn't highrolled the sh** out of me.
Is there a worse feeling than seeing the orange legendary in a pack and then realizing your pity timer was just reset on a worthless legendary? I just got the bad Druid beetle. Bummer. I'd have preferred just about any other legendary.
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So this stupid fucking weapon hunter deck is going to get nerfed, right? I've had double digit games against it now where they do 50+ damage from hand on turn 9.. seems way too consistent and not really anything you can do about it
Seriously to all the people who need to bm, get yourself help. If you need to bm in a virtual card GAME you really have an underlying problem within your head, which sinceriously needs to be adressed before it gets out of hand and ruins your life entirely.
Jesus Christ, sire denathrius is not getting a nerf ever, is he? EVERY GAME I LOSE IS BECAUSE OF HIM
At least you made it to turn 9. I was killed on turn 5 with 28 damage from hand. Absolutely fucking stupid. I am just about ready to quit for good.
One word - Shockspitter.
Congrats. Designers showed again they have no brains.
so does every single rogue always have full combo on turn 4? i cant count the number of times i face a 15/15 or higher on turn 4, often with a draka too to kill you on turn 5 from 30hp. like how the fuck do you deal with that? you cant kill a huge stealth minion that early and they hit you for all your hp over 2 turns anyways even if you do somehow manage it..
Why the fuck does every fucking expansion give me fucking epics from fucking the 2 classes I hardly ever play?!?!!? Fucking druid and fucking demon hunter, every fucking expansion.
Druid, hunter and rogue. Enough said I guess.
Fucking triple galakrond demon hunter
Draw 4 cards, they cost 0
draw 4 cards, they cost 0
draw 4 cards, they cost 0
Oh my God, you killed me by using two 11/11 stealth minions? Damn, such smart gameplay should be praised......
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
Holy shit, Death Knight is totally TRASH!!! Wow! Well played Blizztard! Making such a cool class into a pile of shit !!! Fail company!!
I don't believe people with actual brains are designing cards for this game. By the looks of it, Blizzard looks for the dumbest people possible. Normal gameplay doesn't exist - combo into combo, OTK, swarming the board for 2 mana from 1 card...
Has anyone in the history of this game ever seen a Druid come up as their opponent and not immediately rolled their eyes? Jesus fucking Christ that class has been out of control since the beginning of the game with broken shit.
Highroll or get highrolled...
That's how every single match feels like these days.
Every decision both players make during the game immediately loses all significance once one of them gets their big turn.
Idk why they had to dumb down the game like this.
It was already super casual player friendly from the beginning compared to other card games.
It just sucks that you often times don't feel like you have even the slightest amount of control over the outcome of a game.
Might as well add an autoplay button like in these cookie cutter mobile games while you're at it.
That quest 'spend 500 mana' is a cruel bleeping joke for anyone who plays Wild.
That is all.
I haven't posted before on this website and I've tolerated a lot before (big priest in wild) I eventually took a hiatus sometime in 2019.
I returned to Hearthstone because I wanted to try out the death knight and it's a blast until I played against Druid. I thought people were exaggerating about how Druid can pull off some crazy stuff but wow I was wrong.
I played a triple Unholy Renathal deck because I wanted to try it out without getting out-aggro'd myself. I will admit that having 40 cards did impact my consistency but I was having insane tempo against this druid. I had him at literally 2 health but then he makes a major comeback after practically doing nothing in the early turns.
So what did this druid player do? Well, he played Guff which barely saved him by the teeth of his skin thanks to the 5 additional armor. The real problem was that it led to him being able to play Celestial Alignment. I thought it was no real big deal at the time then he pulls out the Lady Anacondra and he magically regained 25 armor and cleared my board. I lost in the end and I'm a bit salty.
I hope you folks have a nice day and don't be afraid to take a break from Hearthstone, it'll keep you sane.
Was friends with Paladin, now Death Knights are my homies.
What a joke of a meta. Nerf f'ing rogues so that people can have a chance to play the game beyond turn 2-4.
DK can barely survive to make a 50% winrate deck. So much for introducing a new class.
There's one principle in Hearthstone which always holds true (as long as you disregard your confirmation bias).
If you face a thief deck (especially Thief Priest), you have to assume that they're one of these few lucky bastards who always get what they want.
I don't think i've ever face a thief priest in standard or wild who didn't highrolled the sh** out of me.
Is there a worse feeling than seeing the orange legendary in a pack and then realizing your pity timer was just reset on a worthless legendary? I just got the bad Druid beetle. Bummer. I'd have preferred just about any other legendary.