Welcome to probably one of the worst metas ever created between Denathrius, Theotar, Brann and the fucking overpowered druid. Good job as always team 5.
While I understand the frustration (and I do, I stopped playing because of the lack of diversity) and Team 5 is certainly partly to blame, I feel like there’s another culprit here: the players.
To quote the previous message mentioning playing against 8 freeze skeleton Mage in a row. Nobody is forcing them to stick to the same archetype. People don’t have to play Denathrius Druid but they do. Not every Warlock needs to be aggro Imp Lock but they are.
I personally play Warlock (non Imp Lock) and hang around gold and I’d say 95% of other Warlock decks are identical imp locks. *identical*.
There’s very little motivation for players to try their own thing. This could be a chicken or the egg thing but players certainly bear part of the blame in systematically using identical decks.
I personally regret getting past silver and wish we could rollback to previous ranks. Once you’re past a certain point in ranked, there’s no point in making your own deck, they should let you choose between Imp Lock, Demathritus Druid and Skele Mage, the rest of the cards end up being useless.
Okay, I normally don't like insulting people, but wow. Do HS designers have functioning brain cells? What kind of sane person came up with Quest Priest for example? Hey you know what will be good, fun and healthy? A quest that lets you play the game normally and then you can just play a card 'win the game'.
Or Imp Warlock. Turn 3-4, 7/9 + board full of 1/1s. What do you mean unhealthy or unbalanced?
Seriously Blizzard, hire someone with any game sense.
Arena rewards are a fucking joke. That's what you get for a 9-win run? For a 75% winrate, way above average, I get just a little bit more than 2:1 on my investment in total game ressources. I might as well play the lottery. I mean, it's still the only game mode that's fun for me consistently, so I'm gonna play it anyway, but that's not how you motivate people playing that mode.
Arena rewards are a fucking joke. That's what you get for a 9-win run? For a 75% winrate, way above average, I get just a little bit more than 2:1 on my investment in total game ressources. I might as well play the lottery. I mean, it's still the only game mode that's fun for me consistently, so I'm gonna play it anyway, but that's not how you motivate people playing that mode.
Honestly you dont get into arenas and duels for big rewards. You go to get a pack for free with 6-7 wins, or because you just enjoy the experience.
Even at 12 wins the rewards are a joke and always have been (they should give it a look now that you earn a lot more gold outside of them).
This meta is fucking shit. It's either die to Denathrius every game or steal it with Theotar. It honestly feels like 95% of games these days are decided by Theotar. Such thought provoking gameplay. Either steal the broken card or die.
This meta is fucking shit. It's either die to Denathrius every game or steal it with Theotar. It honestly feels like 95% of games these days are decided by Theotar. Such thought provoking gameplay. Either steal the broken card or die.
Agree 100%. I fucking hate that card. Remember when Mind Control Tech was in standard? It was universally despised. And now they've re-created it, in a manner that prevents you from playing around it. Entire games are lost if the opponent gets lucky. You can't even play your own cards.
If anyone wonders why Paladin sucks at the moment: I just had about 10 turns in a row with always 1-3 giant minions on the board, but none of them got a single attack through against the Mage opponent. Location, Location, Flurry, Location, Location, Blizzard, Flurry, Location and so on, and so on.
As long as freeze exits in this ubiquity, board based decks and classes won't stand a chance.
This is really important. Freeze is one of the most hated mechanics this game has ever produced. If you want to play minions, there is nothing more frustrating than being unable to do anything with them.... turn, after turn, after turn. And then your opponent also has "solid alibi" the one turn you can hit them in the face. A greater fun-killer it is hard to imagine.
Get excited about new set, thinking it looks cool. Might come back to standard from BGs...
Okay, but I hated aggro decks and now there's a card that gives us 40 HP which I thought would have been huge... >Blizzard still favoring aggro decks Played a game where I had a card on curve, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - enemy turn 5 I was dead from 40hp to 0 while playing on curve
Me: There's no way he's coming back from this. I have a huge board and he's at 3 hp. I also have dmg from hand, so even if he manages to... My opponent: Remove the board, heal back to full, gain huge amounts of armor and build a lethal threatening board in one single turn? Done. Now what?
The funny part is that everyone knows exactly which class i'm talking about without me even mentioning it.
Me: There's no way he's coming back from this. I have a huge board and he's at 3 hp. I also have dmg from hand, so even if he manages to... My opponent: Remove the board, heal back to full, gain huge amounts of armor and build a lethal threatening board in one single turn? Done. Now what?
The funny part is that everyone knows exactly which class i'm talking about without me even mentioning it.
Druids be like "now that Guff is 6 mana druid is dead".
So in addition to awful, awful game design this patch. Which legitimately, for the umpteenth time, makes Blizzard unworthy of our money.
In addition to all that.
Two of my weeklies are just fucking canceled, no recompense whatsoever, not even a fucking "sorry to inconvenience you" in the damn patch notes.
Great way to add insult to injury Blizzard.
Old Blizz would have not only given us the XP instantly to begin with, they'd probably add in a small bonus for the inconvenience and robbing us the chance to finish our quest as intended. This new Blizz just gives zero fucks. I had long since decided to never give them money in HS until they majorly change their ways. Now? Now I expand that policy to all Blizzard products.
They'd have to make a fucking phenomenal game for me to ever give them a cent again. And we all know that is beyond them now.
[Added 8/30] The team is aware that any existing Battlegrounds-only Weekly Quests players had prior to the 24.2 patch were deleted when 24.2 went live. It is intended that these Weekly Quests will not be offered going forward, but it is not intended that those players already had would be deleted went the patch went live. Those deleted Weekly Quests will be returned to affected players in an update coming soon.
It will be fixed :)
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If you see a bad post on the forum use the report function under it, so I or someone else of the moderation team can take care of it!
To everyone that thinks playing aggro druid makes you more of a human being than a ramp druid... you're playing druid, it's clear you aren't worth squat.
I hit legend for my 2nd time two days ago and now Im going into the ranked wild having fun, 1st match was tryhard Mech Mage (I won) and right now my 2nd game is against Big Priest.... Neptulon needs a nerf! Make his arms have 2 attack instead of 4!
Only way to have a good chance of winning is playing Shaman or Mage with a lot of transform effects......
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While I understand the frustration (and I do, I stopped playing because of the lack of diversity) and Team 5 is certainly partly to blame, I feel like there’s another culprit here: the players.
To quote the previous message mentioning playing against 8 freeze skeleton Mage in a row. Nobody is forcing them to stick to the same archetype. People don’t have to play Denathrius Druid but they do. Not every Warlock needs to be aggro Imp Lock but they are.
I personally play Warlock (non Imp Lock) and hang around gold and I’d say 95% of other Warlock decks are identical imp locks. *identical*.
There’s very little motivation for players to try their own thing. This could be a chicken or the egg thing but players certainly bear part of the blame in systematically using identical decks.
I personally regret getting past silver and wish we could rollback to previous ranks. Once you’re past a certain point in ranked, there’s no point in making your own deck, they should let you choose between Imp Lock, Demathritus Druid and Skele Mage, the rest of the cards end up being useless.
Wtf blizzard really got us now they’re introducing “rune stones” currency is hearthstone 🤬
Nothing but ash!
Game 100 percent helmet pay2win. The cards, the rng, the heros. Perfect rigged game.
Good lord when are the next round of nerfs coming??
Imps, Druid, Hunter, and Mage all need major nerfs to some of their cards. This is getting ridiculous.
Okay, I normally don't like insulting people, but wow. Do HS designers have functioning brain cells? What kind of sane person came up with Quest Priest for example? Hey you know what will be good, fun and healthy? A quest that lets you play the game normally and then you can just play a card 'win the game'.
Or Imp Warlock. Turn 3-4, 7/9 + board full of 1/1s. What do you mean unhealthy or unbalanced?
Seriously Blizzard, hire someone with any game sense.
Arena rewards are a fucking joke. That's what you get for a 9-win run? For a 75% winrate, way above average, I get just a little bit more than 2:1 on my investment in total game ressources. I might as well play the lottery.
I mean, it's still the only game mode that's fun for me consistently, so I'm gonna play it anyway, but that's not how you motivate people playing that mode.
Ceterum censeo classum magi esse delendam.
Honestly you dont get into arenas and duels for big rewards. You go to get a pack for free with 6-7 wins, or because you just enjoy the experience.
Even at 12 wins the rewards are a joke and always have been (they should give it a look now that you earn a lot more gold outside of them).
Click to see my Hearthstone projects:
This meta is fucking shit. It's either die to Denathrius every game or steal it with Theotar. It honestly feels like 95% of games these days are decided by Theotar. Such thought provoking gameplay. Either steal the broken card or die.
Agree 100%. I fucking hate that card. Remember when Mind Control Tech was in standard? It was universally despised. And now they've re-created it, in a manner that prevents you from playing around it. Entire games are lost if the opponent gets lucky. You can't even play your own cards.
This is really important. Freeze is one of the most hated mechanics this game has ever produced. If you want to play minions, there is nothing more frustrating than being unable to do anything with them.... turn, after turn, after turn. And then your opponent also has "solid alibi" the one turn you can hit them in the face. A greater fun-killer it is hard to imagine.
Get excited about new set, thinking it looks cool.
Might come back to standard from BGs...
Okay, but I hated aggro decks and now there's a card that gives us 40 HP which I thought would have been huge...
>Blizzard still favoring aggro decks
Played a game where I had a card on curve, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - enemy turn 5 I was dead from 40hp to 0 while playing on curve
... k ...
So fun to play against Theotar who in a hand of 10 cards, steals your win condition
Me: There's no way he's coming back from this. I have a huge board and he's at 3 hp. I also have dmg from hand, so even if he manages to...
My opponent: Remove the board, heal back to full, gain huge amounts of armor and build a lethal threatening board in one single turn? Done. Now what?
The funny part is that everyone knows exactly which class i'm talking about without me even mentioning it.
Druids be like "now that Guff is 6 mana druid is dead".
Click to see my Hearthstone projects:
So in addition to awful, awful game design this patch. Which legitimately, for the umpteenth time, makes Blizzard unworthy of our money.
In addition to all that.
Two of my weeklies are just fucking canceled, no recompense whatsoever, not even a fucking "sorry to inconvenience you" in the damn patch notes.
Great way to add insult to injury Blizzard.
Old Blizz would have not only given us the XP instantly to begin with, they'd probably add in a small bonus for the inconvenience and robbing us the chance to finish our quest as intended. This new Blizz just gives zero fucks. I had long since decided to never give them money in HS until they majorly change their ways. Now? Now I expand that policy to all Blizzard products.
They'd have to make a fucking phenomenal game for me to ever give them a cent again. And we all know that is beyond them now.
It will be fixed :)
If you see a bad post on the forum use the report function under it, so I or someone else of the moderation team can take care of it!
Ive played 6 games today 5 of them were against Druid....
They really need to Nerf the F'n Druid decks... its been overpowered for over 6 months now... its getting crazy and killing the meta.
To everyone that thinks playing aggro druid makes you more of a human being than a ramp druid... you're playing druid, it's clear you aren't worth squat.
Click to see my Hearthstone projects:
I hit legend for my 2nd time two days ago and now Im going into the ranked wild having fun, 1st match was tryhard Mech Mage (I won) and right now my 2nd game is against Big Priest.... Neptulon needs a nerf! Make his arms have 2 attack instead of 4!
Only way to have a good chance of winning is playing Shaman or Mage with a lot of transform effects......