So i'm playing druid against a shaman who played T1 schooling, T4 i have around 6 cards in hand, theotar yoink denatrius gives me a swarmer, considers conceding but plays list with 2 devourers and an onyxia, maybe that's enough, later i even get an extra devourer with moonlit, he plays my denathrius to heal and clear my board, i play a devourer to eat it, brann, bolner clownfish mutanus, i have like 5 minions in hand 2 are devourers, nope snipes both. he literally took/ate all my wincons.
Ughhh, I certainly hope mage gets an irreparable smackin' with the nerf hammer. Non-stop freezing, Hero Power that deals 4+ damage, Mordresh. It's all so broken...
Since they appear to be nerfing based on "feel" nowadays, how can it be that one of the most toxic decks ever, Questline Hunter, is allowed to dodge the nerf hammer again?
Seriously, something should be done about Denathrius. He is in practically every deck and essentially he punishes you for contesting the board AND there's no way to stop him from being played other than Theotar and even then you have to get lucky. It's like pretty much every class got the Priest quest, only it's actually easier to pull off! There should be a limit to the damage he can do or the damage should only be spread among minions and not affect the opposing hero. The thought that this guy will be around for the next couple of years, is very concerning
Lady Prestor should be nerf to 8-10 mana or have a different effect. Its is so unfun to play against a Druid that gets Kazakusan/Brasswing/Topior out of Lady Prestor.
I've fucking had it with Renathal, with Cariel, with the 40 efficient removal cards, with Insatiable Devourer, with Scale of Onyxia, with Flipper Friends, with Rampant Growth, with Raid Boss Onyxia. The whole game is never fixing any of this.
I don't hate it, but I'm sick of Blizzard not fixing all these issues after *years*.
So i'm playing druid against a shaman who played T1 schooling, T4 i have around 6 cards in hand, theotar yoink denatrius gives me a swarmer, considers conceding but plays list with 2 devourers and an onyxia, maybe that's enough, later i even get an extra devourer with moonlit, he plays my denathrius to heal and clear my board, i play a devourer to eat it, brann, bolner clownfish mutanus, i have like 5 minions in hand 2 are devourers, nope snipes both. he literally took/ate all my wincons.
You are playing a toxic deck yourself? No hard feelings, bro! But come on!! Druid is also a freaking broken deck……
FOR FUC%ING SAKE NERF THIS SHITTY BRAINDEAD IMP DECK! 8 turns freezing it and you still lose to a one turn big hit... Might be the second expansion on Hearthstone that i leave for 4 months till someone change the meta...
So i'm playing druid against a shaman who played T1 schooling, T4 i have around 6 cards in hand, theotar yoink denatrius gives me a swarmer, considers conceding but plays list with 2 devourers and an onyxia, maybe that's enough, later i even get an extra devourer with moonlit, he plays my denathrius to heal and clear my board, i play a devourer to eat it, brann, bolner clownfish mutanus, i have like 5 minions in hand 2 are devourers, nope snipes both. he literally took/ate all my wincons.
1 drop btw
Turn 3 btw
Ughhh, I certainly hope mage gets an irreparable smackin' with the nerf hammer. Non-stop freezing, Hero Power that deals 4+ damage, Mordresh. It's all so broken...
Since they appear to be nerfing based on "feel" nowadays, how can it be that one of the most toxic decks ever, Questline Hunter, is allowed to dodge the nerf hammer again?
Ceterum censeo classum magi esse delendam.
Denathrius :)
I really hate how toxic the opponents are with there "greetings" and stuff when they win.
Also nobody ever let people stage, its so frustrating being rank 6 and just loosing due to luck. Just the a littler worse as at rank 10..
Really let people get to stage if u see they're just about to get there..
Seriously, something should be done about Denathrius. He is in practically every deck and essentially he punishes you for contesting the board AND there's no way to stop him from being played other than Theotar and even then you have to get lucky. It's like pretty much every class got the Priest quest, only it's actually easier to pull off! There should be a limit to the damage he can do or the damage should only be spread among minions and not affect the opposing hero. The thought that this guy will be around for the next couple of years, is very concerning
I packed a gold Hunter quest so I am actually praying that it gets nerfed...
Warrior 'buffs' did nothing.. Warlock 'Nerfs; were useless. Just hit 4 imp warlocks in a row.
Everything is awful n_n
Fuck Daddy D !!! Joke of a card, Seriously!!
Lady Prestor should be nerf to 8-10 mana or have a different effect. Its is so unfun to play against a Druid that gets Kazakusan/Brasswing/Topior out of Lady Prestor.
I present to you this...
Of course, druid is already being druid and denying everything and everyone to enjoy life.
Ban Guff, we already know he'll never be nerfed.
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Happens, especially if you have a wooden pc like me. HS deck tracker is crashing way more often though
Warrior buffs didn't do fucking shit. Meanwhile that disgusting shit archetype of questline hunter is allowed to continue. Preposterous.
I've fucking had it with Renathal, with Cariel, with the 40 efficient removal cards, with Insatiable Devourer, with Scale of Onyxia, with Flipper Friends, with Rampant Growth, with Raid Boss Onyxia. The whole game is never fixing any of this.
I don't hate it, but I'm sick of Blizzard not fixing all these issues after *years*.
You are playing a toxic deck yourself? No hard feelings, bro! But come on!! Druid is also a freaking broken deck……
FOR FUC%ING SAKE NERF THIS SHITTY BRAINDEAD IMP DECK! 8 turns freezing it and you still lose to a one turn big hit... Might be the second expansion on Hearthstone that i leave for 4 months till someone change the meta...
FFS so stupid
And one more time, fuck imps!