I will never understand why dudes still carry on their love affair with big Priest in casual.
Whenever I want to try out something different, or play out a deck that helps me complete my dailies faster, here comes the Big Priests clogging up games.
I sit and wonder just how much of a chickenshit my opponent is to lurk in casual running a deck that gets stomped on ladder. Just so they can milk XP against sub optimal jank.
That’s why I love when a broken OTK deck is in play. It cuts down on these dweebs running slow decks.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Grammar is the difference between knowing your crap, and knowing you’re crap.
Boy howdy do I love facing the same exact cookie cutter quest hunter deck a hundred billion times in a row on ladder. What a fun and interactive gameplay experience do those games provide.
So tired of only seeing Naga DH or Quest Hunter. 6 DH’s in a row really sucks the life out of you. Hope they come with some nerfs and buffs. Any other decks feels unplayable.
Maybe I'm just done with this game, but I absolutely fucking hate it right now.
It's cheese match up after cheese match up. Endless tempo-resource-mage vs fuck-you from-nowhere pirate burst vs. play-your-whole-deck-in-one-turn druid vs. me-go-face hunter/DH vs. unlimited mana mage.
I don't understand the rationale that the Devs are using to design their cards. It has no bearing on the statements of intent that they've made for the game in the past. It clearly isn't based on the idea that mana cost = power, because so many high mana cards are shit, and many low mana cost cards are aboslutley busted. You are consistently more than half dead by turn 4/5. Can't answer my 10 mana worth of stats on turn 3/4 - I guess you're fucked.
They can't even fix the fucking game breaking Nellie bugs but you cant bet money if we were getting extra dust every few games that would be fixed in a shot.
it's just disgusting. I have zero desire to play anymore.
Maybe I'm just done with this game, but I absolutely fucking hate it right now.
It's cheese match up after cheese match up. Endless tempo-resource-mage vs fuck-you from-nowhere pirate burst vs. play-your-whole-deck-in-one-turn druid vs. me-go-face hunter/DH vs. unlimited mana mage.
I don't understand the rationale that the Devs are using to design their cards. It has no bearing on the statements of intent that they've made for the game in the past. It clearly isn't based on the idea that mana cost = power, because so many high mana cards are shit, and many low mana cost cards are aboslutley busted. You are consistently more than half dead by turn 4/5. Can't answer my 10 mana worth of stats on turn 3/4 - I guess you're fucked.
They can't even fix the fucking game breaking Nellie bugs but you cant bet money if we were getting extra dust every few games that would be fixed in a shot.
it's just disgusting. I have zero desire to play anymore.
A game that just comes down to algorithm now. Win too much? Time to lose. Top deck, discover, sack, the nuts that’s all this game is now. Of course unless you pay with real money then you’re excluded from ever being on the losing end of this. The game plays itself for you in every way possible. This is “gaming” and “competitive” in 2022
I came by the forums to check out what’s going on, but haven’t played in over two weeks now, nor do I have a desire to. The whole game is now a rock-paper-scissors composition with too many decks that can play solitaire on their own, or cheese a win in the first couple of turns. I found each match, even the ones I won, were maddeningly frustrating and simply just unenjoyable.
I got Legend, which is what I set out to do, so not a wasted journey by any means, but I doubt I’m ever coming back unless something drastically changes.
The worse part for me is the feeling that Blizz has designed the good decks, not the player base. It's been this way for a while, but has been made worse by the last set of quests.
Take pirate warrior - it was a decent deck even before the new pirates. It somestimes ran out of steam just as the Juggernaut was going down which made it a winnable contest for control decks post juggernaut.
Now they have pirates that generate pirates, a colossal which generates pirates which can basically be played for free and huge reliable burst from hand with Mr Smite (and all the aforementioned pirates).
Likewise for quest hunter. They've given them even more face damage and even more draw and don't get me started on Dragonbane Shot. Really - they released that card while the quest is still in standard?. Oh look -resources don't matter anymore...
The colosalls themselves are also (for the most part) objectively OP on stats alone, and when you factor in the effects they're stupidly overpowered. Look at the colosalls that get played:
Gaia, the Techtonic - 9/13 stats + 2 rush + consecration (generally at a minimum) excellent mech synergy with a deck which already has excellent mech synergy. Can easily be discovered 3 or 4 times a game.
Nellie, the Great Thresher - 7/11 of stats + taunt + suberb value (and probably burst) excellent pirate synergy. Also has a sneaky disconnect feature if you're not paying attention.
The Leviathan - 8/7 stats, divine shield, rush, dredge, draw (excellent mech syngery). I think this one is almost fair in practice.
Even the ones that don't see play still have excellent total stats for the mana cost but their effects are generally rubbish or they belong to classes blizz has decided don't deserve a functioning deck:
Blackwater Behemoth - 9/14 stats (pretty good for the mana), lifesteal and a wierd uncontrolled taunt bypassing psuedo-rush. Beast synergy - in priest.... Compare with Walking Fountain (a solid card that featured in many control shaman decks) - same heal potential but you can control the rush (and have two in deck) and had elemental synergy with the decks it featured in.
Colaque - really? This guy is just terrible. They could at least have given him rush so he has a chance to attack while immune (or given the shell + 1 attack so that it has some impact on the board state. Sure, the shell gives a psuedo 16 health, but in reality that's one or two turns stall at most for a card that hasn't impacted the board state at all.
Glugg the Gulper - this guy actually has some potential. If only there were a shaman deck which didn't suck. He's still 9/11 in stats for 7 mana (arguably more if you cant silence or kill him over the taunts).
I'm just sad for the game. There always seems to be one or two busted decks which ruin a meta. I don't mean decks that are tier 1, I mean polarising "oh well I might as well concede" type match-ups. Cards like Drek'Thar don't help though. Oh look - he drew a card by turn 4. I lose.
Also, for a minion based game, having minions on board sure is a liability these days.
Mage in duels is a hate crime. Played against one of those recently and ended up like this:
-Casts Arcane Infinite (or whatever that spell that destroys your deck is)
-Cast infinite freeze spells and Varden (plus, has a treasure that summons water elementals when casting frost spells)
-Play Dawngrasp hero card and (somehow) Zephrys.
-Play more Dawngrasp hero cards and Zephrys.
-Get my druid locked for like 30 turns in endless freeze spells, hero powers that become pyroblasts, infinite perfect cards, infinite cards in hand because Arcane Inifnite kept getting cast by Dawngrasp hero cards, thus discovering multiple cards each turn, infinite AoEs, infinite everything.
Look, I get it, whoever you are. You hate humanity. Can I not have a soul crushing opponent next time?
Kalecgos into Rune of the Archmage into Drakefire Amulet into Deathwing the Destroyer and another Kalecgos, plus a billion freeze spells that only affect my board. It seems the devs haven't learned anything about the problems with spell pool consistency in Standard from the whole Deck of Lunacy fiasco from months ago.
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
Can someone please explain to me how can i NOT draw Cariel 6 games in a row while going trough 50+ cards? 6 games in a row not even in the mulligan.
I will never understand why dudes still carry on their love affair with big Priest in casual.
Whenever I want to try out something different, or play out a deck that helps me complete my dailies faster, here comes the Big Priests clogging up games.
I sit and wonder just how much of a chickenshit my opponent is to lurk in casual running a deck that gets stomped on ladder. Just so they can milk XP against sub optimal jank.
That’s why I love when a broken OTK deck is in play. It cuts down on these dweebs running slow decks.
Grammar is the difference between knowing your crap, and knowing you’re crap.
A .gif is worth a thousand words.
I don't believe there's people crying about Amulet Mage LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Anyway, Alignment Druid becoming meta. Please god help us.
Boy howdy do I love facing the same exact cookie cutter quest hunter deck a hundred billion times in a row on ladder. What a fun and interactive gameplay experience do those games provide.
I fkn got bored of playing against hunter that goes face all the time seriously stupid class.
If anything, Big Mage isn't powerful enough. We need 8-cost spells in Standard.
So tired of only seeing Naga DH or Quest Hunter. 6 DH’s in a row really sucks the life out of you. Hope they come with some nerfs and buffs. Any other decks feels unplayable.
Wild is actually more fair to play than Standard at the moment, what the fuck
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
Maybe I'm just done with this game, but I absolutely fucking hate it right now.
It's cheese match up after cheese match up. Endless tempo-resource-mage vs fuck-you from-nowhere pirate burst vs. play-your-whole-deck-in-one-turn druid vs. me-go-face hunter/DH vs. unlimited mana mage.
I don't understand the rationale that the Devs are using to design their cards. It has no bearing on the statements of intent that they've made for the game in the past. It clearly isn't based on the idea that mana cost = power, because so many high mana cards are shit, and many low mana cost cards are aboslutley busted. You are consistently more than half dead by turn 4/5. Can't answer my 10 mana worth of stats on turn 3/4 - I guess you're fucked.
They can't even fix the fucking game breaking Nellie bugs but you cant bet money if we were getting extra dust every few games that would be fixed in a shot.
it's just disgusting. I have zero desire to play anymore.
A game that just comes down to algorithm now. Win too much? Time to lose. Top deck, discover, sack, the nuts that’s all this game is now. Of course unless you pay with real money then you’re excluded from ever being on the losing end of this. The game plays itself for you in every way possible. This is “gaming” and “competitive” in 2022
Replying to LV426:
I came by the forums to check out what’s going on, but haven’t played in over two weeks now, nor do I have a desire to. The whole game is now a rock-paper-scissors composition with too many decks that can play solitaire on their own, or cheese a win in the first couple of turns. I found each match, even the ones I won, were maddeningly frustrating and simply just unenjoyable.
I got Legend, which is what I set out to do, so not a wasted journey by any means, but I doubt I’m ever coming back unless something drastically changes.
The worse part for me is the feeling that Blizz has designed the good decks, not the player base. It's been this way for a while, but has been made worse by the last set of quests.
Take pirate warrior - it was a decent deck even before the new pirates. It somestimes ran out of steam just as the Juggernaut was going down which made it a winnable contest for control decks post juggernaut.
Now they have pirates that generate pirates, a colossal which generates pirates which can basically be played for free and huge reliable burst from hand with Mr Smite (and all the aforementioned pirates).
Likewise for quest hunter. They've given them even more face damage and even more draw and don't get me started on Dragonbane Shot. Really - they released that card while the quest is still in standard?. Oh look -resources don't matter anymore...
The colosalls themselves are also (for the most part) objectively OP on stats alone, and when you factor in the effects they're stupidly overpowered. Look at the colosalls that get played:
Gaia, the Techtonic - 9/13 stats + 2 rush + consecration (generally at a minimum) excellent mech synergy with a deck which already has excellent mech synergy. Can easily be discovered 3 or 4 times a game.
Nellie, the Great Thresher - 7/11 of stats + taunt + suberb value (and probably burst) excellent pirate synergy. Also has a sneaky disconnect feature if you're not paying attention.
The Leviathan - 8/7 stats, divine shield, rush, dredge, draw (excellent mech syngery). I think this one is almost fair in practice.
Even the ones that don't see play still have excellent total stats for the mana cost but their effects are generally rubbish or they belong to classes blizz has decided don't deserve a functioning deck:
Blackwater Behemoth - 9/14 stats (pretty good for the mana), lifesteal and a wierd uncontrolled taunt bypassing psuedo-rush. Beast synergy - in priest.... Compare with Walking Fountain (a solid card that featured in many control shaman decks) - same heal potential but you can control the rush (and have two in deck) and had elemental synergy with the decks it featured in.
Colaque - really? This guy is just terrible. They could at least have given him rush so he has a chance to attack while immune (or given the shell + 1 attack so that it has some impact on the board state. Sure, the shell gives a psuedo 16 health, but in reality that's one or two turns stall at most for a card that hasn't impacted the board state at all.
Glugg the Gulper - this guy actually has some potential. If only there were a shaman deck which didn't suck. He's still 9/11 in stats for 7 mana (arguably more if you cant silence or kill him over the taunts).
I'm just sad for the game. There always seems to be one or two busted decks which ruin a meta. I don't mean decks that are tier 1, I mean polarising "oh well I might as well concede" type match-ups. Cards like Drek'Thar don't help though. Oh look - he drew a card by turn 4. I lose.
Also, for a minion based game, having minions on board sure is a liability these days.
Mage in duels is a hate crime. Played against one of those recently and ended up like this:
-Casts Arcane Infinite (or whatever that spell that destroys your deck is)
-Cast infinite freeze spells and Varden (plus, has a treasure that summons water elementals when casting frost spells)
-Play Dawngrasp hero card and (somehow) Zephrys.
-Play more Dawngrasp hero cards and Zephrys.
-Get my druid locked for like 30 turns in endless freeze spells, hero powers that become pyroblasts, infinite perfect cards, infinite cards in hand because Arcane Inifnite kept getting cast by Dawngrasp hero cards, thus discovering multiple cards each turn, infinite AoEs, infinite everything.
Look, I get it, whoever you are. You hate humanity. Can I not have a soul crushing opponent next time?
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I have not missed Reno Jackson. Really wish he had stayed in Wild 😭
What kind of fucking idiots designed and balanced this shit? Like seriously. I thought the last meta was bad, but this is BY FAR worse.
Ladder is fucking lame and boring af to play.
Just about every opponent is uninteractive or BARELY interactive, or have some kind of unstoppable/unlimited end game.
DH? LOL don't do shit except go face
Huntard? LOL don't do shit except wait for you to play minions or go face
Pirate war? LOL don't do shit except go face
Control war? LOL don't do shit except armor up and clear the board till end game dragons
Ramp druid? LOL don't do shit except ramp into their big cost plays
Mech mage? LOL BARELY interactive until they go into unlimited resources mode or 20 dmg mech shark in 1 turn
Naga mage? LOL BARELY interactive until they play solitaire on their unlimited mana turn
Mech pally? An actual pretty fair deck. You'll fight 1 of these every 15 games.
Shaman? LOL WHAT Shaman?
Warlock? LOL WHAT Warlock?
Rogue? LOL WHAT Rogue?
Priest? LMFAO
this ^^ you nailed it
Fucking dh everywhere, already miss face hunter
Best card in HS? Mastercard.
Pirate warriors = retards…..
Come on. give the body Rush. whats wrong with you, did you want to print the most useless card in the world or wut
also turtles can attack with their tail wtf is this card. shell 1/8 , body rush. thats my last offer
and nerf raid boss. ffs this card makes no sense.