Doesn't really matter in this meta, does it? Just gets shit on by druid which is apparently the only thing people have been playing. I haven't queued into anything else in 3 days. Fucking crazy.
If I had a gun with two bullets, and I was in a room with Hitler, bin-Laden, and a guy who mained druid, I would shoot the dude I knew mained Druid twice
Druid is absolutely broken with Wildheart Guff. It has zero interaction with the opponent and can restore way too many armor in a single turn. Even after the balance I fear the worst.
10 games post-nerfs. 9 out of 10 decks were control. I hope y'all fucking retards are happy. OMG I HAVE NO JOB SOCIAL LIFE FRIENDS OR ANYTHING, BUT THAT MEANS I CAN SPEND 20 MINS ON EVERY SINGLE GAME YAAY IM SOO HAPPY IN MY LIFE :))))))))))))))))))))))))
While im shitting on control players, one of them actually added me and tried to be friends XDD Fucking control warrior XDD Friends left him because he didnt had enough time (Control players issues) and now he is trying to make friends online XDDD AHAHAHAHAAAAA He said cute words to me ,, yo dude i like when people play original decks like you" and i just shit all over him. Seriously, fuck u all control players who just wanna waste other people time. Only because YOU can sit in home all day and play 10 games it doesnt mean other people can or want.
Literally swinging for lethal. BREAKING NEWS! Maintenance! Can’t even log in and I’ll assume I take the L suck my fucking balls you stupid faggot company. Can you do anything right?
Hmmmmmmmmmmm, my opponent has 8 health and a 6 health taunt on board, I have an 8 attack minion, a 5 attack minion with rush on hand and my hero power, which deals 1 damage. Let me take half a turn to figure this one out.
Literally swinging for lethal. BREAKING NEWS! Maintenance! Can’t even log in and I’ll assume I take the L suck my fucking balls you stupid faggot company. Can you do anything right?
Is this game suppose to be fun? Does anyone and I mean anyone have anything genuinely nice to say about it? What is fun about a game made and run by fools where the app itself continuously crashes, lags, is slow as fuck. Where every game is decided 100 percent by luck/rng. Where there is no skilled involved whatsoever. Top deck, discover, drawing the nuts, spoon fed everything that is needed. It is in reality the perfect post modern type of game. Where you play and the game does it all win or lose. It’s just fucking pathetic on the utmost highest level. And no one intellectually honest can argue otherwise. It is impossible. And just straight dumb.
Well. So i played game of Duels :)))))) I highrolled the shit out of my mulligan. I could play Academic Research for 7 mana crystals on turn3. But guess what?? It's bugged :))) 3 mana DO NOTHING. And my opponent was fucking pirate Warrior/Hunter. Guess what he did? BM'ed me of course :))) -150 gold but who cares right? Duels designer knows about this bug and he's making fun of it on twitter :))) VERY FUNNY FUCK YOU ATES TABAYRAK YOU ARE THE WORST DESIGNER & HUMAN BEING ON THIS PLANET. Go ahead ban me again mods because im salty in salty thread.
Well. So i played game of Duels :)))))) I highrolled the shit out of my mulligan. I could play Academic Research for 7 mana crystals on turn3. But guess what?? It's bugged :))) 3 mana DO NOTHING. And my opponent was fucking pirate Warrior/Hunter. Guess what he did? BM'ed me of course :))) -150 gold but who cares right? Duels designer knows about this bug and he's making fun of it on twitter :))) VERY FUNNY FUCK YOU ATES TABAYRAK YOU ARE THE WORST DESIGNER & HUMAN BEING ON THIS PLANET. Go ahead ban me again mods because im salty in salty thread.
Okay, I'm at 6 health and my opponent has 0 cards in hand and 0 minions on board, there's only ONE card among the remaining 14 of his deck that can give him lethal, hmm, I wonder which card he will topdeck next turn....
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
Doesn't really matter in this meta, does it? Just gets shit on by druid which is apparently the only thing people have been playing. I haven't queued into anything else in 3 days. Fucking crazy.
If I had a gun with two bullets, and I was in a room with Hitler, bin-Laden, and a guy who mained druid, I would shoot the dude I knew mained Druid twice
i fucking hate Amalgadon, fucking piece of shit of a card in Battlegrounds.
I don't have much to say other than I just played against pirate decks in wild with the same set up for four games in a row
Oh yay. Hyper aggressive demon hunter is back. My favorite.
No fucking shit this xpact is the first in a LONG ASS TIME I feel the " HOW TO FUCK I DIDNT DRAW THIS CARD YET "
It's so fucking stupid how priest is weak shit in standard and the nerfs will just make it worse.
Hysteria and Renew need to be fucking baseline at this point
That moment you are playing against a thief rogue and you end up losing against Wildheart Guff and an oversized Ivus...
not even when I'm not playing against druid I can escape the druid.
Click to see my Hearthstone projects:
Druid is absolutely broken with Wildheart Guff. It has zero interaction with the opponent and can restore way too many armor in a single turn. Even after the balance I fear the worst.
FCKING NERF MR.SMITE OK?!??!!?!? This card is so fcking busted and broken!!!!!!!! Fck all pirate players! ur shit!
10 games post-nerfs. 9 out of 10 decks were control. I hope y'all fucking retards are happy.
Well i switched to BIG BEAST hunter and now everyone's playing aggro again. Ofc dudeeeee OF FUCKING COURSE
While im shitting on control players, one of them actually added me and tried to be friends XDD
Fucking control warrior XDD Friends left him because he didnt had enough time (Control players issues) and now he is trying to make friends online XDDD AHAHAHAHAAAAA
He said cute words to me ,, yo dude i like when people play original decks like you" and i just shit all over him. Seriously, fuck u all control players who just wanna waste other people time. Only because YOU can sit in home all day and play 10 games it doesnt mean other people can or want.
Literally swinging for lethal. BREAKING NEWS! Maintenance! Can’t even log in and I’ll assume I take the L suck my fucking balls you stupid faggot company. Can you do anything right?
Hmmmmmmmmmmm, my opponent has 8 health and a 6 health taunt on board, I have an 8 attack minion, a 5 attack minion with rush on hand and my hero power, which deals 1 damage. Let me take half a turn to figure this one out.
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
haha happened to me as well :D
also it gave defeat (ofc) xD
Is this game suppose to be fun? Does anyone and I mean anyone have anything genuinely nice to say about it? What is fun about a game made and run by fools where the app itself continuously crashes, lags, is slow as fuck. Where every game is decided 100 percent by luck/rng. Where there is no skilled involved whatsoever. Top deck, discover, drawing the nuts, spoon fed everything that is needed. It is in reality the perfect post modern type of game. Where you play and the game does it all win or lose. It’s just fucking pathetic on the utmost highest level. And no one intellectually honest can argue otherwise. It is impossible. And just straight dumb.
Well. So i played game of Duels :))))))
I highrolled the shit out of my mulligan. I could play Academic Research for 7 mana crystals on turn3.
But guess what?? It's bugged :))) 3 mana DO NOTHING. And my opponent was fucking pirate Warrior/Hunter.
Guess what he did? BM'ed me of course :))) -150 gold but who cares right? Duels designer knows about this bug and he's making fun of it on twitter :))) VERY FUNNY
Go ahead ban me again mods because im salty in salty thread.
are you alrite ? xD
Okay, I'm at 6 health and my opponent has 0 cards in hand and 0 minions on board, there's only ONE card among the remaining 14 of his deck that can give him lethal, hmm, I wonder which card he will topdeck next turn....
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
Selfish Shellfish needs to be bricked down at the bottom of the chasms with no food or gametime.