Control Warlock is probably the only definitive T1 deck right now. Highlander priest might still be, but it depends how many people are teching The Darkness for it. I Still think Spell hunter is going to be the surprise T2 deck. I still love my Big Spell mage deck though. Finally have an excuse to run 2x Pyroblast lol
- A kind of dragon infused priest will be up there pretty sure. - I guess control and tempo warlock have their chances as well. - Will take some time, but I can see a control warrior getting there too. - Tempo rogue gained some ressources so it will keep a big role - Ramp Druid will stick around pretty sure
Just throw Patches, 2x Southsea Captains (maybe a couple other pirates), 2x Scalebane, 2x Bonemare, and 2x Corridor Creeper into any class, add a couple of solid class cards for removal, card draw, buffs, and better minions to help curve out, remove your 2-drops and add Keleseth, and you're done.
Call to arms paladin decks are tearing it up wild with many variants (pirates, secrets, murlocs, midrange, recruits). Is recruit or aggro paladin really not a thing in Standard?
Call to arms seems like it has the most potential in standard especially in conjunction with corridor creeper which shows up in any aggro deck.
everything else, including all Shaman builds seem Tier 3 or lower. Mind you this is a very limited guess as I’ve only played 100-125 games since release. But I’ve watched pros and Trinity series and these seem to be what I’m finding. Also i know people might argue thst Quest Paladin is not tier 2, but the build i have has a positive winrate so I’m sure it’s decent.
Im happy with 8 viable classes, even though most are variations of the top decks from before - and patches and Creeper everywhere.
Just throw Patches, 2x Southsea Captains (maybe a couple other pirates), 2x Scalebane, 2x Bonemare, and 2x Corridor Creeper into any class, add a couple of solid class cards for removal, card draw, buffs, and better minions to help curve out, remove your 2-drops and add Keleseth, and you're done.
I think at least one of the versions of cntrl-lock tbh. maybe high tier 2 if not tier one, but it's certainly good now.
probably the Oakheart/Rin & Medivh/Rin decks. there are so many versions that can be created now though, we will just have to wait and see which is best.
I was actually really into the Rin/Skull/Medivh (or Oakheart) version I was running, but I'm trying to trim it down to add more other cards.
Obviously the decks mentioned above have potential but I faced a control quest warlock today and that shit was scary. Malchezaar was in the deck and he also ran bloodbloom, DOOM, rin and cataclysm.
Basically the question is, which Deck will beat Tempo package in all classes consistantly. So my guess would be Priest or some kind of unexplored warrior deck list.
Obviously the decks mentioned above have potential but I faced a control quest warlock today and that shit was scary. Malchezaar was in the deck and he also ran bloodbloom, DOOM, rin and cataclysm.
I have not faced a single one, but seems a pretty scary concept. Especially if they can draw, clear, and get quest in hand by turn 4!
Obviously the decks mentioned above have potential but I faced a control quest warlock today and that shit was scary. Malchezaar was in the deck and he also ran bloodbloom, DOOM, rin and cataclysm.
I heard about this, also. there are pretty much 3 archetypes for control lock that are probably all tier one right now, then there's the weird skull of the man'ari doomguard/carnivorous cube combo deck as well... this one isn't going to be tier one, but it's an awesome concept.
then you have you "zoom" and "doo, doo" zoo decks as well that use either doom + spiteful summoner or twisting nether + spiteful summoner to summon an 8 or 10 cost minion. not sure if it's the most optimal version of zoo right now, but the demon buff one is very strong.
Obviously the decks mentioned above have potential but I faced a control quest warlock today and that shit was scary. Malchezaar was in the deck and he also ran bloodbloom, DOOM, rin and cataclysm.
I have not faced a single one, but seems a pretty scary concept. Especially if they can draw, clear, and get quest in hand by turn 4!
that sounds awesome TBH, I may have to build a deck like this when I can. Is quest-lock disco based?
Obviously the decks mentioned above have potential but I faced a control quest warlock today and that shit was scary. Malchezaar was in the deck and he also ran bloodbloom, DOOM, rin and cataclysm.
I have not faced a single one, but seems a pretty scary concept. Especially if they can draw, clear, and get quest in hand by turn 4!
I've only faced one but my big spell mage deck rekt it pretty hard
Love that my beloved Control-lock is back in full force and effect. I just added Medivh (sp?) to mine and its working really well. Theres not a single deck that I feel is an "auto-lose" bad match-up. It's great!
Control Warlock is probably the only definitive T1 deck right now. Highlander priest might still be, but it depends how many people are teching The Darkness for it. I Still think Spell hunter is going to be the surprise T2 deck. I still love my Big Spell mage deck though. Finally have an excuse to run 2x Pyroblast lol
I think Drazakus (if this is the name for the Dragon-Razakus) is really basically traded traded some awkward spells and crazy boardclear combos for some overstated minions, two solid one-card boardclears and flamestrike with 5 dmg for 6 Mana. Seemed like a fair deal =)
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So what are your conclusions about this meta and decks? What decks you meet on your ranks? Which of them seems to be the strongest atm?
IMO Aggro Druid, Tempo Mage and Highlander Priest are the best now. So old good decks are still Tier 1.
Control Warlock is probably the only definitive T1 deck right now. Highlander priest might still be, but it depends how many people are teching The Darkness for it. I Still think Spell hunter is going to be the surprise T2 deck. I still love my Big Spell mage deck though. Finally have an excuse to run 2x Pyroblast lol
- A kind of dragon infused priest will be up there pretty sure.
- I guess control and tempo warlock have their chances as well.
- Will take some time, but I can see a control warrior getting there too.
- Tempo rogue gained some ressources so it will keep a big role
- Ramp Druid will stick around pretty sure
Any deck with the neutral tempo package.
Just throw Patches, 2x Southsea Captains (maybe a couple other pirates), 2x Scalebane, 2x Bonemare, and 2x Corridor Creeper into any class, add a couple of solid class cards for removal, card draw, buffs, and better minions to help curve out, remove your 2-drops and add Keleseth, and you're done.
Kaladin's RoS Set Review
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Wild player here.
Call to arms paladin decks are tearing it up wild with many variants (pirates, secrets, murlocs, midrange, recruits). Is recruit or aggro paladin really not a thing in Standard?
Call to arms seems like it has the most potential in standard especially in conjunction with corridor creeper which shows up in any aggro deck.
Decks I’ve seen that are decent:
Tempo Mage (T1), Razakus Priest (T1), Control Warlock (T1), Zoolock (T1), Tempo Rogue (T1).
Spell/Midrange Hunter (T2), Big/Dragon Priest (T2), Control/TTK Mage (Tier 2), Weapon Rogue (Tier 2), Quest/Midrange Paladin (Tier 2), Big Warrior (T2), Jade/Big Druid (T2).
everything else, including all Shaman builds seem Tier 3 or lower. Mind you this is a very limited guess as I’ve only played 100-125 games since release. But I’ve watched pros and Trinity series and these seem to be what I’m finding. Also i know people might argue thst Quest Paladin is not tier 2, but the build i have has a positive winrate so I’m sure it’s decent.
Im happy with 8 viable classes, even though most are variations of the top decks from before - and patches and Creeper everywhere.
Recruit warrior could be good.
probably the Oakheart/Rin & Medivh/Rin decks. there are so many versions that can be created now though, we will just have to wait and see which is best.
I was actually really into the Rin/Skull/Medivh (or Oakheart) version I was running, but I'm trying to trim it down to add more other cards.
Other than this, not entirely sure.
Obviously the decks mentioned above have potential but I faced a control quest warlock today and that shit was scary. Malchezaar was in the deck and he also ran bloodbloom, DOOM, rin and cataclysm.
Pirate package tempo decks.
Basically the question is, which Deck will beat Tempo package in all classes consistantly. So my guess would be Priest or some kind of unexplored warrior deck list.
then you have you "zoom" and "doo, doo" zoo decks as well that use either doom + spiteful summoner or twisting nether + spiteful summoner to summon an 8 or 10 cost minion. not sure if it's the most optimal version of zoo right now, but the demon buff one is very strong.
Personally, Secret Mage and Control Warlock.
I’m loving this skull > doomguard > carn cube Cmbo... def gonna try thatout!!!
Love that my beloved Control-lock is back in full force and effect. I just added Medivh (sp?) to mine and its working really well. Theres not a single deck that I feel is an "auto-lose" bad match-up. It's great!
I think Drazakus (if this is the name for the Dragon-Razakus) is really basically traded traded some awkward spells and crazy boardclear combos for some overstated minions, two solid one-card boardclears and flamestrike with 5 dmg for 6 Mana. Seemed like a fair deal =)