There are three types of gamers who play this game: Agro, control, and combo/late game. Unfortunately for all of the Agro style players, Blizzard has been focusing a lot more on the latter two types of players. And it's glorious. When the majority of the gaming population in your product is focused on having FUN, can you blame Blizzard for driving the direction of the game more in the majority 2/3 of the population?
A lot of us got sick of losing on turns 4-6 back when agro was THE meta to fight all they way up through Blackrock. Since then they've heard the voice of wisdom and decided to start slowing the meta. It's a snails pace slow down granted, nothing huge can change it that much over night, but it has been happening gradually. Frankly I was sick of losing before I could play a single card simply because back in the days of pre TGT even all the opponents had to do were build decks using minions that only cost 1-2 mana each.
Slowing the meta down and making the cards more about fun might ACTUALLY make ranking EASIER for not only f2p players, but fun deck players as well, guy. All in all it's probably a good move in the interest of the whole game's health, because once you tick off enough casual players and they ALL stop ranking, how many of you ranking would be left? How toxic would ranking be then?
All in all sometimes Blizzard has to think of the game's health above the needs of the few. Card quality might be bad in YOUR opinion BUT that also depends on what type of gamer you are. IF your one of the more heavily competitive/aggressive (not meaning card cheapness hear but aggressive over all as a gamer), then I suggest you take a step back and take some time for reflection. Are you judging these cards for the good of the community, or for the good of YOU because the cards don't fit your play style?
I've always found control decks way too expensive in the past. things look like they're changing. maybe I can play one of these decks now they don't contain 50% legendary cards.
There are three types of gamers who play this game: Agro, control, and combo/late game. Unfortunately for all of the Agro style players, Blizzard has been focusing a lot more on the latter two types of players. And it's glorious. When the majority of the gaming population in your product is focused on having FUN, can you blame Blizzard for driving the direction of the game more in the majority 2/3 of the population?
A lot of us got sick of losing on turns 4-6 back when agro was THE meta to fight all they way up through Blackrock. Since then they've heard the voice of wisdom and decided to start slowing the meta. It's a snails pace slow down granted, nothing huge can change it that much over night, but it has been happening gradually. Frankly I was sick of losing before I could play a single card simply because back in the days of pre TGT even all the opponents had to do were build decks using minions that only cost 1-2 mana each.
Slowing the meta down and making the cards more about fun might ACTUALLY make ranking EASIER for not only f2p players, but fun deck players as well, guy. All in all it's probably a good move in the interest of the whole game's health, because once you tick off enough casual players and they ALL stop ranking, how many of you ranking would be left? How toxic would ranking be then?
All in all sometimes Blizzard has to think of the game's health above the needs of the few. Card quality might be bad in YOUR opinion BUT that also depends on what type of gamer you are. IF your one of the more heavily competitive/aggressive (not meaning card cheapness hear but aggressive over all as a gamer), then I suggest you take a step back and take some time for reflection. Are you judging these cards for the good of the community, or for the good of YOU because the cards don't fit your play style?
this is a good way to put it. so many players bad/dust it a new card because they don't know how to use it or it goes against how they play the game. In that case its true. a card like jam 5 random spells into your deck might be really fun for a new player opposed to freeze and control your opponent until turn 10 and win.
Well, the power level of this set is definitely higher. Wait on the call on quality.
So many board sweepers. Calling a control meta is always unwise. But the number of hard board clears, plus the addition of the neutral 0 mana 5/4 to follow the board clears makes me think we are entering the age of greedy decks.
But it often seems that way and only takes 1 broken card for aggro to thrive.
Well, the power level of this set is definitely higher. Wait on the call on quality.
So many board sweepers. Calling a control meta is always unwise. But the number of hard board clears, plus the addition of the neutral 0 mana 5/4 to follow the board clears makes me think we are entering the age of greedy decks.
But it often seems that way and only takes 1 broken card for aggro to thrive.
See the thing with greedy decks is that they are usually counter easily but get off easily to other decks. Meaning the greedy person will slowly climb while having fun while the more serious players will be forced to slow down when they lose to them. In a sense i see the goal of K&C is to allow for more experimentation while ultimately slowing the meta down so the experimentation doesn't just flat out lose. This allows for a chance for different things to emerge and suddenly we may have actually really amazing and fun decks. So anything that lets greedy experiment is good because eventually the greedy will turn into a more stable deck that is just fun to play and rests in the meta opposed to im just an op druid ramping to 10 on turn 4.
The problem is that control does not pay off because of all the ridiculous RNG. Real control is grinding to a lock down position. There is so much RNG in the game (and there may even be a catch up mechanism in the RNG), that you can be punished for achieving a dominant position by the game itself. That is why Raza priest is so effective, it is actually a combo deck, not a control deck.
It relies on the blizz RNG in the card draw to answer each play until it achieves it's combo and then it is GG. Because there is not forcing discard from the other player, you cant punish a player for drawing or for holding combo pieces, so until discard is a thing, you are stuck playing aggro or combo.
The game becomes more and more luck based, perhaps the average player does find that fun, I am finding it less so.
The problem is that control does not pay off because of all the ridiculous RNG. Real control is grinding to a lock down position. There is so much RNG in the game (and there may even be a catch up mechanism in the RNG), that you can be punished for achieving a dominant position by the game itself. That is why Raza priest is so effective, it is actually a combo deck, not a control deck.
It relies on the blizz RNG in the card draw to answer each play until it achieves it's combo and then it is GG. Because there is not forcing discard from the other player, you cant punish a player for drawing or for holding combo pieces, so until discard is a thing, you are stuck playing aggro or combo.
The game becomes more and more luck based, perhaps the average player does find that fun, I am finding it less so.
I think perhaps a slightly better way of putting it is that it isn't just randomness, there is a lot randomness with decent chances of highrolling.
So if you play a slow deck, opponents will on average have more chances to highroll you. And you can't fight that.
Last game I played with CW, a face hunter killed me with my own N'zoth and direhorn hatchlings. If I had played pirate warrior, his highrolls would have been completely irrelevant. And these days almost all competitive decks have plenty of highroll capability.
This looks like it could be the worst expansion yet, I looks like blizzard has learned little from their past mistakes.
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Saying RNG isn't detracting from skill in hearthstone, won't convince anyone it's a good idea. It just shows your too stupid to understand the basics principles of good game design.
Honestly card strength isn't as important as fun imo, after all, alot of people (mostly casuals like me) play for fun not for competitiveness...
Let me just say it now, quests were a major failure, where they got it wrong the DK cards got it right, and because of that the DK cards will continue to be played almost 100% of the time and will most likely be used for other expansions, of course not as Death Knights...
And quests aren't played since the quest rouge nerf, which was pretty much the only good quest (too good), so quests are already played 0% of the time.
That's why I feel like Blizz have gotten alot better since KFC not Un'goro, however there are still very fun and unique cards in all expansions, for example one of my favorite legendaries in the game is Raza
Raza is bad. He is almost as bad as Justicar, not quite as bad as Reno. And what about Exodia Mage? Have you not played ladder?
Raza is NOT bad, espeically not with Andiun DK, "not quite as bad as reno" dude, reno is very strong, and exodia mage? Well, fuck that deck, it's not bad, it' not good, it's just bullshit, no counterplay...
And when I said Raza is one of my favorite legendaries I meant in a fun and cool way, imo his battlecry is really cool and fun, never said I think he's one of the strongest
Raza is NOT bad, espeically not with Andiun DK, "not quite as bad as reno" dude, reno is very strong, and exodia mage? Well, fuck that deck, it's not bad, it' not good, it's just bullshit, no counterplay...
And when I said Raza is one of my favorite legendaries I meant in a fun and cool way, imo his battlecry is really cool and fun, never said I think he's one of the strongest
It's a problem when you can do 30 damage in one turn. Ask Worgen OTK combo.
I have to say i much prefer the shift in the majority of legendaries being class cards. Not only does it help with class identity, but it allows them to make legendaries more powerful since they only need to be balanced for one class.
Raza is NOT bad, espeically not with Andiun DK, "not quite as bad as reno" dude, reno is very strong, and exodia mage? Well, fuck that deck, it's not bad, it' not good, it's just bullshit, no counterplay...
And when I said Raza is one of my favorite legendaries I meant in a fun and cool way, imo his battlecry is really cool and fun, never said I think he's one of the strongest
Raza is NOT bad, espeically not with Andiun DK, "not quite as bad as reno" dude, reno is very strong, and exodia mage? Well, fuck that deck, it's not bad, it' not good, it's just bullshit, no counterplay...
And when I said Raza is one of my favorite legendaries I meant in a fun and cool way, imo his battlecry is really cool and fun, never said I think he's one of the strongest
It's a problem when you can do 30 damage in one turn. Ask Worgen OTK combo.
OTk worgen was fun.. I mean if you got the cards to pull it off at least.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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Well, the power level of this set is definitely higher. Wait on the call on quality.
So many board sweepers. Calling a control meta is always unwise. But the number of hard board clears, plus the addition of the neutral 0 mana 5/4 to follow the board clears makes me think we are entering the age of greedy decks.
But it often seems that way and only takes 1 broken card for aggro to thrive.
The problem is that control does not pay off because of all the ridiculous RNG. Real control is grinding to a lock down position. There is so much RNG in the game (and there may even be a catch up mechanism in the RNG), that you can be punished for achieving a dominant position by the game itself. That is why Raza priest is so effective, it is actually a combo deck, not a control deck.
It relies on the blizz RNG in the card draw to answer each play until it achieves it's combo and then it is GG. Because there is not forcing discard from the other player, you cant punish a player for drawing or for holding combo pieces, so until discard is a thing, you are stuck playing aggro or combo.
The game becomes more and more luck based, perhaps the average player does find that fun, I am finding it less so.
Latest expansion seems to be pretty much "let big shiny things happen randomly".
This looks like it could be the worst expansion yet, I looks like blizzard has learned little from their past mistakes.
Saying RNG isn't detracting from skill in hearthstone, won't convince anyone it's a good idea. It just shows your too stupid to understand the basics principles of good game design.
Raza is NOT bad, espeically not with Andiun DK, "not quite as bad as reno" dude, reno is very strong, and exodia mage? Well, fuck that deck, it's not bad, it' not good, it's just bullshit, no counterplay...
And when I said Raza is one of my favorite legendaries I meant in a fun and cool way, imo his battlecry is really cool and fun, never said I think he's one of the strongest
Don't mind me just passing by
I have to say i much prefer the shift in the majority of legendaries being class cards. Not only does it help with class identity, but it allows them to make legendaries more powerful since they only need to be balanced for one class.