I see a lot of people complaing about Ultimate Infestation, and it actually befuddles me, we finally have a 10 mana card that doesn't suck balls while being stand-alone instead of build-around and is not dependant on the card pool, just think of it, the reason people never played high mana win conditions on the past since the Yogg nerf is because all of them have sucked monkey balls, N'zoth doesn't revive any high quality deathrattle in standard because there aren't any, nzoth decks haven' been competitive in forever, c'thun is actually very unreliable, and y'shaarj is as likely to pull a taunt or a doomsayer because of random, while aggro kept getting broken 1 and 3 drops and bitttertide hydra and massively powerful murloc and pirate sinergy which peaks at 4 mana .
Just think about it people no longer play aggro just because it's cheap, in fact unless you count token shamman, it's been long since aggro has been cheap, token druid, Pirate warrior and murloc Paladin use a hefty amount of epics and legendaries, so why did people craft those aggro decks if their cost was similar to some control decks anyways?, the answer is easy, the ladder system rewards aggro, and the high mana win conditions are almost non-existant, people didn't craft control decks with high mana win conditions because objectively there was nothing to craft other than fun timmy builds , so we finally have a stand-alone 10 mana card that's worth our time and investment and you guys are losing your heads, when if anything every class should have a 10 drop with the power of Ultimate Infestation, aggro players have been having fun since forever with broken 1 drops, it's time for players who enjoy high mana win conditions to have their turn at having fun.
Really I think that if the card were in anything other than Druid, it'd be super cool. The big deal is that it doesn't do anything too cool and isn't a win condition of its own, it just further enables the already powerful, already played to death Jade win condition.
I think more bonkers 9/10 cost cards would be cool. I very much liked Yogg, made the game exciting, and was on a bonkers power level (as a 10 mana card should be). Ultimate Infestation is just a card with lots of numbers The lets you further vomit vanilla stats on the board.
We need less 10 mana cards that reads "win the game" , wining a game must be a reward for taking the right decisions from turn 1 to turn 10+, not surviving until you have 10 mana and win with an OP totally unbalanced card, games should go toward to player who handled their turns the best no to whomever draws their 10 mana card first.
we've had 1 mana cards that literally read win the game, Stb,, undertaker, why can't we enjoy powerful 10 mana cards? and UI doesn't literally read win the game, it jsut gives you value, a lot of value, but it also makes you go near fatigue faster, in fact when jade rotates UI will have a very real weakness, powerful 10 mana cards should exist you have to draw into them anyways since you can't keep those in the mulligan unless you want to lose.
We need less 10 mana cards that reads "win the game" , wining a game must be a reward for taking the right decisions from turn 1 to turn 10+, not surviving until you have 10 mana and win with an OP totally unbalanced card, games should go toward to player who handled their turns the best no to whomever draws their 10 mana card first.
we've had 1 mana cards that literally read win the game, Stb,, undertaker, why can't we enjoy powerful 10 mana cards? and UI doesn't literally read win the game, it jsut gives you value, a lot of value, but it also makes you go near fatigue faster, in fact when jade rotates UI will have a very real weakness, powerful 10 mana cards should exist you have to draw into them anyways since you can't keep those in the mulligan unless you want to lose.
so your argument for 10 mana unbalanced cards is a card that, confirmed by the design team, never should have been printed
we've had 1 mana cards that literally read win the game, Stb,, undertaker, why can't we enjoy powerful 10 mana cards? and UI doesn't literally read win the game, it jsut gives you value, a lot of value, but it also makes you go near fatigue faster, in fact when jade rotates UI will have a very real weakness, powerful 10 mana cards should exist you have to draw into them anyways since you can't keep those in the mulligan unless you want to lose.
Literally ? LITERALLY ? Undertaker literally read win the game ? Small-Time Buccaneer literally read win the game ? and UI doesn't ?
Should I point out that the comparison with cards that were nerfed doesn't really help your argument ?
If you guys want cards that read "LOL I WIN" instead of cards that reward you for playing better then your opponent then yeah why not, if this is what you want the game to be, I do not.
Ui doesn't read win the game UI objectively reads "get to your win condition faster" , and you still have to wait to 10 mana crystals and a semi-empty hand to do that, because otherwise you'd burn your win condition, then you have to wait a turn to play your win condition in case you drew into it in the first place thanks to how decks work, you might not even draw into it with a single UI, plus you can't reliably keep 10 mana cards in your opening hand and expect to win, while undertaker and stb did objectively read "if you have this in your opening hand snowball this card out of control and win by turn 4 if your opponent doesn't draw prime removal that costs way more than this minion to deal with your 1 drop ",
besides UI is not a win condition, what's killing you in the current builds that run it is massive infi-Jades summoned into the board, once jade idol rotates UI will have a very real weakness
In druid infestation is just silly. It strenghtens the reward of ramping and removes the backdraw.
Speaking about hypotheticals that do not exist is irrelevant. Asking for some semblance of balance isn't whining, however much many of you are trying to paint as such.
We need less 10 mana cards that reads "win the game" , wining a game must be a reward for taking the right decisions from turn 1 to turn 10+, not surviving until you have 10 mana and win with an OP totally unbalanced card, games should go toward to player who handled their turns the best no to whomever draws their 10 mana card first.
Ultimate Infestation doesn't win you the game, but Jade Idol + Jade Blossom + Jade Behemoth the turn after probably do. In fact, the only reason why Ultimate Infestation is being discussed so much right now is because of Jade Druid. Other archetypes of Druid can't utilize it to its full potential, because of two main reasons. First, the spell's board control value is essentially a Firelands Portal for 10 mana (with no option for highrolling, i.e. getting a Taunt of Charger for more board control), but you gain the insane value of drawing 5 cards. Most Druid archetypes that want to run this right now can't generate insanely big boards the turn after this is played, meaning that you will be punished for the tempo loss of a very low board impact 10 mana play, i.e. most decks (Token and Ramp, as I said Jade Druid is the exception) can't utilize the 5 cards as effectively to immediately make up for the tempo loss of casting Ultimate Infestation. In my Ramp Druid I actually run only one of these or in another version I was trying that was minion light I ran 2x Ultimate Infestation and Medivh, the Guardian, but even then there was almost no game where I used both. So, in part people should also evaluate the drawbacks of this card. These drawbacks include: drawing it too early instead of an answer for the board, drawing 5 cards can be a lot depending on the situation and finally the immediate board impact of the card is very low and mostly ignorable for aggressive strategies.
The fact that this expansion is so control-oriented (in terms of cards provided) means that there will be a lot of experimentation with Control decks, which are Jade's favorite matchup and thus have caused the popularity of the deck to skyrocket and cast a negative light on all new cards for Jade Druid, namely Ultimate Infestation and Spreading Plague.
Considering all of this, i.e. that the meta is favoring this card and that it does have some severe disadvantages for most viable strategies (except Jade) I don't think this card needs to be changed. In fact, any card that has me sacrifice a whole turn should be pretty insane and that has been the case with all the 10 mana cards we have seen play so far, which act as win-conditions in their respective decks. This card is no win condition, but it accelerates the win condition of decks like Jade Druid, primarily due to their cheap big board generating capabilities next turn.
Besides most decks that want to play 10 mana cards have ways to go to the late stages of the game and to survive the impact of such cards, whereas earlier game strategies typically expect to win before your opponent get to 10 mana. In the end, I would encourage anyone who thinks this card is so OP, play with it in a non-Jade deck and you will realize that it is Jade Druid that makes this card insane and not the other way around.
To conclude, 10 mana cards should be insane, because if giving up an entire turn doesn't do something immediately relevant or game-changing there is no reason to even have such cards be printed. You don't want to run a card that makes your draws way worse in the early game if it doesn't at least pay off big time when you do play it. Let's also not forget that cards like the Old Gods are much stronger than Ultimate Infestation so a good value card like this one is hardly game-breaking (Anyfin Can Happen I would argue was more game-breaking than this and I didn't think it deserved some nerf).
We need less 10 mana cards that reads "win the game" , wining a game must be a reward for taking the right decisions from turn 1 to turn 10+, not surviving until you have 10 mana and win with an OP totally unbalanced card, games should go toward to player who handled their turns the best no to whomever draws their 10 mana card first.
In the end, I would encourage anyone who thinks this card is so OP, play with it in a non-Jade deck and you will realize that it is Jade Druid that makes this card insane and not the other way around.
In druid infestation is just silly. It strenghtens the reward of ramping and removes the backdraw.
Speaking about hypotheticals that do not exist is irrelevant. Asking for some semblance of balance isn't whining, however much many of you are trying to paint as such.
You are very late to the party when you think Team5 cares about balance at this point. They even went out of their way to up the powercurve with KFT (they worked with a MTG designer on the set), so if anything we will see even crazier cards then Ultimate Infestation in the future and I'm all for it as long as they aren't random (we got enough overpowered RNG cards).
I agree 100%. I think the problem is that it isn't easy to keep the game's balance on the same levels as before since the more design space is explored and the more synergy is introduced the better the options across the board get and it becomes less and less likely for standalone cards to be good enough to be run. I think that making powerful 10 mana cards with consistent effect should be encouraged and when those happen to be class cards they should complement your gameplan (in Druid you deplete your hand to ramp then use this for refuel). Not a good control card (but Druids aren't exactly known for that), but at least it reduces the negative impact of drawing dead card in the lategame once you have managed to get your Ramp going.
We need less 10 mana cards that reads "win the game" , wining a game must be a reward for taking the right decisions from turn 1 to turn 10+, not surviving until you have 10 mana and win with an OP totally unbalanced card, games should go toward to player who handled their turns the best no to whomever draws their 10 mana card first.
In the end, I would encourage anyone who thinks this card is so OP, play with it in a non-Jade deck and you will realize that it is Jade Druid that makes this card insane and not the other way around.
We are not debating whether its strong or not. We know it is. We are debating whether this card literally wins you the game and there are statistics around that prove that it doesn't (and that's only taking into account when you manage to play the card).
Since I mentioned statistics I will provide a link, keep in mind that you have to scroll to the side to see all content:
https://hsreplay.net/cards/#playerClass=DRUID&sortBy=playedWinrate, in particular check the played winrate of the card and keep in mind that you can't refine by archetype, at least I don't think you can since I suspect in Jade Druid the winrate after playing this is higher there than in other archetypes. In fact, the winrate is at about 65%, which is what you'd expect from a powerful 10 mana card.
Srems like another card that was carelessly made for trying how will people react, rather than tested, drawing 5 cards is already insane, and it totally eleminates the drawback of ramping if you play that card, yogg did the same, and was netfed.
I think this card is too powerful for that, should draw max 3 cards or maybe lower everything by 1 all around.
Srems like another card that was carelessly made for trying how will people react, rather than tested, drawing 5 cards is already insane, and it totally eleminates the drawback of ramping if you play that card, yogg did the same, and was netfed.
I think this card is too powerful for that, should draw max 3 cards or maybe lower everything by 1 all around.
The nerfs you are proposing are likely to make it see even more play rather than less, since you have a smaller concern of fatigue and/or clunky hands while retaining similar value. In fact, when Jade Druid rotates out, or in metas where it isn't good you will see much less of this card. I know from first hand experience since I have tried this in almost all possible archetypes, with the exception of Midrange Token (some Jade and mostly tried to make this work on Ramp and Quest, but only in the first one does it truly shine). Of course I suspect this will be very powerful some time in this or the next rotation should Quest Druid receive more support, but we don't know how strong it will be even then, since it takes quite some time to play Barnabus the Stomper.
I also think that comparisons to Yogg are unfair. First off, Yogg was insanely more game-changing and in particular its most frustrating aspect, which led to an eventual nerd was how unpredictable and hard to play around Yogg was. This on the other hand, provides low impact board control and a lot of value with a consistent effect and is unlikely to turn games you were losing on board to a win. Jade Druid's capacity to create huge boards the turn after playing this, is what makes it seem so OP now.
10 mana cards should be strong. They should almost win you the game, or otherwise they are not worth playing. This is a mistake that Blizzard have been making in the past, and it's about time they fix it.
The only issue I have is whether a class that's already strong needs such a strong card. If they gave it to hunter I would be very happy.
We need less 10 mana cards that reads "win the game" , wining a game must be a reward for taking the right decisions from turn 1 to turn 10+, not surviving until you have 10 mana and win with an OP totally unbalanced card, games should go toward to player who handled their turns the best no to whomever draws their 10 mana card first.
In the end, I would encourage anyone who thinks this card is so OP, play with it in a non-Jade deck and you will realize that it is Jade Druid that makes this card insane and not the other way around.
We are debating whether this card literally wins you the game
I always agree with the hermaneutic philosophers on this; you should always recount the opposition's argument well enough for them to agree with it. The card does not literally win you the game, that isn't a debate. I'm not that interested in the present discussion per se, but I will say that Ultimate Infestation is almost an auto-include in any lategame druid deck.
We need less 10 mana cards that reads "win the game" , wining a game must be a reward for taking the right decisions from turn 1 to turn 10+, not surviving until you have 10 mana and win with an OP totally unbalanced card, games should go toward to player who handled their turns the best no to whomever draws their 10 mana card first.
In the end, I would encourage anyone who thinks this card is so OP, play with it in a non-Jade deck and you will realize that it is Jade Druid that makes this card insane and not the other way around.
We are debating whether this card literally wins you the game
I always agree with the hermaneutic philosophers on this; you should always recount the opposition's argument well enough for them to agree with it. The card does not literally win you the game, that isn't a debate. I'm not that interested in the present discussion per se, but I will say that Ultimate Infestation is almost an auto-include in any lategame druid deck.
As are all strong cards in the game. You can only pick the 15 - 30 strongest cards for any strategy and run those to maximize the power of your deck. It is only natural that people who want to win run them. Don't you agree? And if you do agree up to this point than isn't it natural that Ultimate Infestation see play in a class whose lategame decks deplete their hand in the early game to Ramp? Besides I think its better for new cards to see play rather than not see any play, since otherwise what would the point of new expansions be.
10 mana cards should be strong. They should almost win you the game, or otherwise they are not worth playing. This is a mistake that Blizzard have been making in the past, and it's about time they fix it.
The only issue I have is whether a class that's already strong needs such a strong card. If they gave it to hunter I would be very happy.
Well the main problem is that Hunter doesn't want to get to turn 10 and it probably can't get there consistently due to its card pool. Whereas, in Druid 10 mana cards will always be more prevalent than in other classes due to their ability to Ramp and thus get to 10 mana more consistently, which makes it so much more justifiable to run such cards in the first place.
Well the main problem is that Hunter doesn't want to get to turn 10 and it probably can't get there consistently due to its card pool. Whereas, in Druid 10 mana cards will always be more prevalent than in other classes due to their ability to Ramp and thus get to 10 mana more consistently, which makes it so much more justifiable to run such cards in the first place.
If there's a card strong enough to make them want to go to turn 10, they will. They just need to make CotW stronger so that it is worth 9 mana.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
People who refuses to play aggro out of principle are even worse than people who play exclusively aggro.
One should seek to become a complete player and play all archetypes, including ones that he despises for whatever irrational reasons.
Well the main problem is that Hunter doesn't want to get to turn 10 and it probably can't get there consistently due to its card pool. Whereas, in Druid 10 mana cards will always be more prevalent than in other classes due to their ability to Ramp and thus get to 10 mana more consistently, which makes it so much more justifiable to run such cards in the first place.
If there's a card strong enough to make them want to go to turn 10, they will. They just need to make CotW stronger so that it is worth 9 mana.
I think they messed up with nerfing Call of the Wild, sure it was strong, but they literally made it unplayable, unless you are playing lategame Hunter, which they didn't support sufficiently with this expansion and expansions in the past. In fact cards like Call of the Wild show how bad nerfing cards can be for a class. At 8 mana I could see Midrange Hunter being much more powerful and at least a viable archetype for Hunter mains. This is precisely why I was against a nerf for it, but it seems that with enough whining the playerbase always gets what they want and its quite sad to see (and I am saying this as someone who almost doesn't play Hunter).
Well the main problem is that Hunter doesn't want to get to turn 10 and it probably can't get there consistently due to its card pool. Whereas, in Druid 10 mana cards will always be more prevalent than in other classes due to their ability to Ramp and thus get to 10 mana more consistently, which makes it so much more justifiable to run such cards in the first place.
If there's a card strong enough to make them want to go to turn 10, they will. They just need to make CotW stronger so that it is worth 9 mana.
I think they messed up with nerfing Call of the Wild, sure it was strong, but they literally made it unplayable, unless you are playing lategame Hunter, which they didn't support sufficiently with this expansion and expansions in the past. In fact cards like Call of the Wild show how bad nerfing cards can be for a class. At 8 mana I could see Midrange Hunter being much more powerful and at least a viable archetype for Hunter mains. This is precisely why I was against a nerf for it, but it seems that with enough whining the playerbase always gets what they want and its quite sad to see (and I am saying this as someone who almost doesn't play Hunter).
At 8 mana call of the wild was absolutely broken as fuck. The mana cost allowed you to hero power alongside it, and allowed you to play it right after you roughly run out of steam. Most of the time midrange hunters start topdecking around turn 7 or 8 so being able to close the game with a powerhouse card there before your opponent can do anything to react is really game-breaking and would make midrange hunter far too busted. I think the game's better off having another shit card than another OP card.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
That's Incredible!
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I see a lot of people complaing about Ultimate Infestation, and it actually befuddles me, we finally have a 10 mana card that doesn't suck balls while being stand-alone instead of build-around and is not dependant on the card pool, just think of it, the reason people never played high mana win conditions on the past since the Yogg nerf is because all of them have sucked monkey balls, N'zoth doesn't revive any high quality deathrattle in standard because there aren't any, nzoth decks haven' been competitive in forever, c'thun is actually very unreliable, and y'shaarj is as likely to pull a taunt or a doomsayer because of random, while aggro kept getting broken 1 and 3 drops and bitttertide hydra and massively powerful murloc and pirate sinergy which peaks at 4 mana .
Just think about it people no longer play aggro just because it's cheap, in fact unless you count token shamman, it's been long since aggro has been cheap, token druid, Pirate warrior and murloc Paladin use a hefty amount of epics and legendaries, so why did people craft those aggro decks if their cost was similar to some control decks anyways?, the answer is easy, the ladder system rewards aggro, and the high mana win conditions are almost non-existant, people didn't craft control decks with high mana win conditions because objectively there was nothing to craft other than fun timmy builds , so we finally have a stand-alone 10 mana card that's worth our time and investment and you guys are losing your heads, when if anything every class should have a 10 drop with the power of Ultimate Infestation, aggro players have been having fun since forever with broken 1 drops, it's time for players who enjoy high mana win conditions to have their turn at having fun.
Really I think that if the card were in anything other than Druid, it'd be super cool. The big deal is that it doesn't do anything too cool and isn't a win condition of its own, it just further enables the already powerful, already played to death Jade win condition.
I think more bonkers 9/10 cost cards would be cool. I very much liked Yogg, made the game exciting, and was on a bonkers power level (as a 10 mana card should be). Ultimate Infestation is just a card with lots of numbers The lets you further vomit vanilla stats on the board.
In druid infestation is just silly. It strenghtens the reward of ramping and removes the backdraw.
Speaking about hypotheticals that do not exist is irrelevant. Asking for some semblance of balance isn't whining, however much many of you are trying to paint as such.
Case in point: http://www.hearthhead.com/decks/saftas-rank-1-legend-frozen-throne-midrange-token-druid
Srems like another card that was carelessly made for trying how will people react, rather than tested, drawing 5 cards is already insane, and it totally eleminates the drawback of ramping if you play that card, yogg did the same, and was netfed.
I think this card is too powerful for that, should draw max 3 cards or maybe lower everything by 1 all around.
10 mana cards should be strong. They should almost win you the game, or otherwise they are not worth playing. This is a mistake that Blizzard have been making in the past, and it's about time they fix it.
The only issue I have is whether a class that's already strong needs such a strong card. If they gave it to hunter I would be very happy.
People who refuses to play aggro out of principle are even worse than people who play exclusively aggro.
One should seek to become a complete player and play all archetypes, including ones that he despises for whatever irrational reasons.
People who refuses to play aggro out of principle are even worse than people who play exclusively aggro.
One should seek to become a complete player and play all archetypes, including ones that he despises for whatever irrational reasons.
I agree with that completely. Call of the Wild should never have been nerfed.
People who refuses to play aggro out of principle are even worse than people who play exclusively aggro.
One should seek to become a complete player and play all archetypes, including ones that he despises for whatever irrational reasons.
That's Incredible!