I personally preffer when they show just shitt* cards, everyone thinks it will be the worst expansion and in the last week or weeks BOOM! Priest gets a good legendary BOOOM shaman gets more card draws BOOOOOOM the meta gets slower (none really happened)
But I want to see other people's oppinion so, please, tell me how would you order cards reveal if you were a dev or something like that :p.
I would probably prefer a few released over a period of time, let's say one week. They go 'here's the trailer, and for one week now we will show you cards each day'. Then they do a final stream and reveal the rest of the cards. I wouldn't like a 'boom here's all the cards' I like the build ups and frequent card reviews, however it feels like something is about to happen and everything has grinded to a halt. If they've run out of people to reveal cards, I would happily reveal one noticemepls.
I liked how they did the old reveals, with a different streamer or youtuber or dev revealing things each day for a month leading up to release. I forget which set that was for. I think maybe Old Gods they did that or TgT? Either way that was fun and we voted on cards based on the art alone for one set i think that was a good idea too.
They talked alot about not killing the hype with this set. I don't feel any hype. They're revealing pack filler commons as if they're "A NEW CARD" and its like, how am i supposed to get excited about a 3/3 lifesteal? Or a 2/2 for 2? Or a hatebear that wont even see play made to counter only one deck in the game? What happened to "deathknight hero week"? It's almost friday n there hasnt been any interesting or cool memes at all.
I would prefer if they would release the cards class by class, so you could see first the whole thing for priest, then mage, etc. Not this random reveal where you can never know if a card is bad or gets cards that support the archtype.
Yea we get these haphazard reveals for random classes from random people from random places every day or not every day or who knows anything?
Then the content creators do reviews without having all the information, then they make predictions based on vacuum objectivity rather than the context of the whole expansion or all the class cards together. Then in 3 months we make videos laughing at how wrong the predictions were. I'm always happy when I have to go away for weeks at a time during spoiler seasons because I won't have to go through this half in the bag review experience.
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I personally preffer when they show just shitt* cards, everyone thinks it will be the worst expansion and in the last week or weeks BOOM! Priest gets a good legendary BOOOM shaman gets more card draws BOOOOOOM the meta gets slower (none really happened)
But I want to see other people's oppinion so, please, tell me how would you order cards reveal if you were a dev or something like that :p.
I would probably prefer a few released over a period of time, let's say one week. They go 'here's the trailer, and for one week now we will show you cards each day'. Then they do a final stream and reveal the rest of the cards. I wouldn't like a 'boom here's all the cards' I like the build ups and frequent card reviews, however it feels like something is about to happen and everything has grinded to a halt. If they've run out of people to reveal cards, I would happily reveal one noticemepls.
I liked how they did the old reveals, with a different streamer or youtuber or dev revealing things each day for a month leading up to release. I forget which set that was for. I think maybe Old Gods they did that or TgT? Either way that was fun and we voted on cards based on the art alone for one set i think that was a good idea too.
They talked alot about not killing the hype with this set. I don't feel any hype. They're revealing pack filler commons as if they're "A NEW CARD" and its like, how am i supposed to get excited about a 3/3 lifesteal? Or a 2/2 for 2? Or a hatebear that wont even see play made to counter only one deck in the game? What happened to "deathknight hero week"? It's almost friday n there hasnt been any interesting or cool memes at all.
-_- here's valeera
-_- here's druid card
-_- here's thrall i guess
isnt this fun......
I want to see all the warlock cards. Really hope they rejoin the meta with the release of KFT.
I'm one of those players hoping for a control meta, warlock has had a lot of fun control decks in the past.
Is this me or reavealing cards slowed down a lot?