After arena, you're often left with an extra 5g. This is not a problem if you play arena a lot, but if you're only a casual arena player, you're left with an extra 5g that you won't be able to use until you can get another 150g for arena, and win gold as your reward, and win x5g instead of x0.
One possible solution is getting 5g per win instead of 10g every 3 wins. This would mean hitting the 100g daily limit at 20 wins instead of 30.
Another would be having some quests award x5 instead of only x0, 45g instead of 40g for example.
I was wondering what everyone else thought? Good idea, bad? Thoughts? Alternate solutions?
I think it would be nice if when you have extra 5g one of your quests give other extra 5g. For example: That quest give 40g, if you have 5g remaining, the quest give 45g instead of 40g, if not, it still give 40g.
After arena, you're often left with an extra 5g. This is not a problem if you play arena a lot, but if you're only a casual arena player, you're left with an extra 5g that you won't be able to use until you can get another 150g for arena, and win gold as your reward, and win x5g instead of x0.
One possible solution is getting 5g per win instead of 10g every 3 wins. This would mean hitting the 100g daily limit at 20 wins instead of 30.
Another would be having some quests award x5 instead of only x0, 45g instead of 40g for example.
I was wondering what everyone else thought? Good idea, bad? Thoughts? Alternate solutions?
Another solution is fixing your OCD.
I think it would be nice if when you have extra 5g one of your quests give other extra 5g. For example: That quest give 40g, if you have 5g remaining, the quest give 45g instead of 40g, if not, it still give 40g.
Talk about worrying about frivolous bullshit.
S39 Legend - Quest Rogue, S38 Legend - Murloc Paladin, S37 Legend - Miracle Rogue, S36 Top 200 Legend - Aggro Shaman, S35 - Finished Rank 51 Legend - Aggro Shaman, S34 Legend - Aggro Shaman