balances the player going first winning more often, and promotes a healthier slower meta.
lets be honest, due to the mechanics of hs, one drops are team also makes them more op for some reason.
Just throwing this out there cause I'm so bored of hearthstone since the mean streets, and so are a lot of other people.hitting legend didn't even feel fun.
Sounds like you can't have had that bad a time if you're still hitting legend, to be fair. You will need to have beaten a lot of players playing 1-drops along the way.
Healthier slow meta? The meta will never be slow, thank god! If I wanted to play 20-30 minute games I would play MTG or anything else.. I do enjoy some long games, but if all games were like this, hearthstone would suck.. The meta is just fine as it is, some fast paced games, some long games and some medium.. You never know what you'll get ;D
Healthier slow meta? The meta will never be slow, thank god! If I wanted to play 20-30 minute games I would play MTG or anything else.. I do enjoy some long games, but if all games were like this, hearthstone would suck.. The meta is just fine as it is, some fast paced games, some long games and some medium.. You never know what you'll get ;D
^ This^. Exactly. People seem obsessed with slowing down the game as much as possible. different styles of decks keep the game fresh. fine tuning decks to fit whats popular, learning how to recognize your opponents decks and play your deck against them accordingly. If only one style of deck was possible, there would be a clear winner in that style, A best deck. but introduce the options to make midrange, and aggro, and you can make a deck to counter that deck, and eventually people will realize your deck is good, and people make a deck to counter it, but have to remember and account for the first deck, and so on and so forth, you can expand from there. sure we still have top decks, but they each have their own strengths weaknesses and play styles. It encourages creativity and constant growth, even disregarding new cards, as people attempt to make a deck capable of toppling the titans with people on their coattails trying to beat them, meaning the meta is always shifting and changing and prevents it from getting stale. sure it still does occasionally. but not nearly as much as the fatiguestone OP is proposing.
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balances the player going first winning more often, and promotes a healthier slower meta.
lets be honest, due to the mechanics of hs, one drops are team also makes them more op for some reason.
Just throwing this out there cause I'm so bored of hearthstone since the mean streets, and so are a lot of other people.hitting legend didn't even feel fun.
You will need to have beaten a lot of players playing 1-drops along the way.
well, there are LOTS of ppl not having fun hitting legend ;)
the idea is just bad, everyone would start bitching about those op 2-drops
If you need to QQ, go to group therapy.
Plus removing 1 drops? Then Locks would be screwed. The one drops they play also hurts them if they are strong...
Not that they need the help to get worse right now...
A "healthier slower meta" will be even worse because then jade druid just becomes unbeatable.
I say we remove all cards and let players duke it out with fisticuffs... like wot proppa gentlemens do, eh?
Healthier slow meta? The meta will never be slow, thank god! If I wanted to play 20-30 minute games I would play MTG or anything else.. I do enjoy some long games, but if all games were like this, hearthstone would suck.. The meta is just fine as it is, some fast paced games, some long games and some medium.. You never know what you'll get ;D
Yeah, a toast!
None of that namby-pampy lager lout stuff!
Sort you right out, that will! What!