Barnes is not good, its just another Yogg, with 1 try on RNG being good enough with the downside off the (well if i get a bad card at least is X Mana amount of stats worth. Don't get a dilusion by cards like that. Sure looks like a fun card, but its not good, but since there is more RNG with each card released, soon good and RNG will be the same.
Barnes is not good, its just another Yogg, with 1 try on RNG being good enough with the downside off the (well if i get a bad card at least is X Mana amount of stats worth. Don't get a dilusion by cards like that. Sure looks like a fun card, but its not good, but since there is more RNG with each card released, soon good and RNG will be the same.
barnes really isnt bad. 4 mana 4/5 in 2 pieces, and if you get a deathrattle or unique effect, even better. sure, what you pull won't always be great, but if you are running barnes your deck should be built around getting some sort of value off pretty much anything he pulls. im actually considering putting him in my miracle rogue in place of shiv. a little more early board presence helps and 4 quality deathrattles, a 1/1 charge in leeroy, the possibility of starting my miracle turn sooner, or bonus spell damage to maybe clear a zoo/shaman board with prep + fan or a 3 damage backstab.
yes, there is a RNG element to it, but any decent deckbuilder will give themselves a high chance of getting value, which is what this meta is all about.
Blizz really needs to find a mid point between far too easy and just plain unfair.
Firstly everything I'm going to say is going to assume heroic. It's been declared that normal is meant to be interesting and easy so that it's not a barrier to getting the cards. Normal mode is not meant to test or prove yourself worthy: instead it's just a way to deliver the cards to you. Ok that said:
That's not easy really. From what I've seen of CCG AI, you aren't really going to get too much into the way Normal players operate. As such the best I've seen AI systems do is to present a puzzle that doesn't work on normal decks. The idea is that you are meant to look at the rules and cards played and determine the deck setup required to beat the puzzle and thus the match. I've seen some setups where, for example, The opponent healed 30 every turn and had a ton of board clears, thus making mill the only way to win, heros that wil literally destroy any minoin that didn't have a specific mana cost, heros with lots of burn and an ability to kill you if you went below 20 health, and one crazy one that damaged you for every card you drew, played, or lost. Once you knew the deck the matches were easy, so the point was to NOT look them up and deal with the challenge on your own.
the question is whether the populous really would care for something like that. WE may but we're .001% of the population and NOT influential, so it is up to the question whether the extra benefit some will get from the challenge will overwhelm the ones that get frustrated over a hard design or disappointed since it's 'puzzle' based and not some possible-only-in-dreams epic battle that makes starcraft look like shoots and ladders.
I really dont understand people complaining that naxx was harder. Of course, you will do better when you have a lot much card choices. I’m sure that passing naxx with current cards will be much easier. Will you play wild ranked only with naxx, basic and classic sets? And why if not?
Barnes is not good, its just another Yogg, with 1 try on RNG being good enough with the downside off the (well if i get a bad card at least is X Mana amount of stats worth. Don't get a dilusion by cards like that. Sure looks like a fun card, but its not good, but since there is more RNG with each card released, soon good and RNG will be the same.
Barnes is the best no OP card release so far, but is more hard than Reno to make work.
you have to have a chance to clear it with a completly new account without any special cards but the basic things. if you cant do this, then its a shitty experience for new players.
dont get me wrong, the ladder is shittier for them, but still... :)
Note: not only the worst cards released on an adventure so far, but the worst adventure laddering too, no difficulty no fun at all.
actually this wing is the strongest as far as cards go, from any wing of any adventure, ever.
Not only is Barnes the most snowbally card ever. Winning games on turn 4 when it hits something good.
But Arcane giant now allows for giant OTK(with patrons) in warrior and buffs spell heavy decks by a ton. Kindly grandmother is a huge buff to hunter, helping in exactly their worst match-ups(against faster decks).
Shashburglar/Onyx are decent as well. For the burglar still need to wait on Ethereal Peddler though.
Well people should stop netdecking then...Come on is it that hard to build a deck by yourself? Like that you won't ever hit legend rank or you won't get any honor by hitting legend with the exact same deck and this is no retarded secret paladin meta...
I liked the idea of this wing as well even if it was easy sure but who cares you play it once and then no more, maybe in like 1 year you wan't to see this enemy again but anyway...
Personally, I would prefer to only see standard cards in adventure mode as well, I also want to divide arena into standard and wild format but who cares it is blizz and we won't ever get answers until the release...
Heroic Mode was quite challenging if you didn't netdeck like a pleb. :)
I beat 2 out of 3 bosses with a Ladder Deck (N'zoth Paladin) and didn't find it challenging at all... Both this and LOE are way too easy,I really hope the next wings will be more like Naxx and BRM....
I did the normal wing at first try with random decks, control ones, i did heroic wing at first try, yes net decked but still.
Naxxramas was at least 5 tries with best net decks, and 20+ with more affordable decks.
Note: not only the worst cards released on an adventure so far, but the worst adventure laddering too, no difficulty no fun at all.
Barnes is not good, its just another Yogg, with 1 try on RNG being good enough with the downside off the (well if i get a bad card at least is X Mana amount of stats worth. Don't get a dilusion by cards like that. Sure looks like a fun card, but its not good, but since there is more RNG with each card released, soon good and RNG will be the same.
Blizz really needs to find a mid point between far too easy and just plain unfair.
Teacup into barnes, play barnes into barnes brann into another one and another one. And they told be barnes wasn't good ;/
The deck is shit though since i have barely and good rogue cards.
G=Good B=Bad Do you see the pattern? Every second expansion is always trash.
G: Goblins V Gnomes , Old Gods, unguro
B: TGT, gadgetzan, Knights (Unreleased so MAYBE)
One does not simply walk into Mordor,
unless they want to be the best they can be.
Every wing is simple for new players. No losses yet with Agroe Shaman (normal).
I really dont understand people complaining that naxx was harder. Of course, you will do better when you have a lot much card choices. I’m sure that passing naxx with current cards will be much easier. Will you play wild ranked only with naxx, basic and classic sets? And why if not?
you have to have a chance to clear it with a completly new account without any special cards but the basic things. if you cant do this, then its a shitty experience for new players.
dont get me wrong, the ladder is shittier for them, but still... :)
yeah, i feel that way too
evern heroic is so ez
I just don't understand why anyone would netdeck on adventures.
The only fun to be had from them, and it is plenty of fun, is in solving the puzzle.
Do adventure netdeckers also look at the answers when playing Sudoku?
Well people should stop netdecking then...Come on is it that hard to build a deck by yourself? Like that you won't ever hit legend rank or you won't get any honor by hitting legend with the exact same deck and this is no retarded secret paladin meta...
I liked the idea of this wing as well even if it was easy sure but who cares you play it once and then no more, maybe in like 1 year you wan't to see this enemy again but anyway...
Personally, I would prefer to only see standard cards in adventure mode as well, I also want to divide arena into standard and wild format but who cares it is blizz and we won't ever get answers until the release...
Just remember the good times!
Heroic is just a joke. The only barely challenging thing was chess event. Nothing compares to heroic brm.
I completed at normal mode (extremely easy) and for me - its OK!
You are getting cards, you are having fun, you go play ranked. 10/10
If you want to have difficuld match - go play Heroic with your brains (not with perfectly fitted for this match deck).
What kind of loser needs to netdeck to beat ( heroic or no ) Adventures ???
Heroic Mode was quite challenging if you didn't netdeck like a pleb. :)
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