I am curious what kind of decks you've been trying and testing since they rotated KoFT back into the Core Set!
So far i've played around with Prince Keleseth Token Druid (Crypt Lord ftw) and an bit more control styled Demon Curse Lock with the old DK.
What are your ideas for fun new standard decks? I've sorely missed OTK Uther, but sadly there is not a lot of support for the heropower/combo, besides Brewmasters and the anti-synergy with Cariel sucks so i didn't attempt doing that yet. I put Chillblade Champion into a Jailer Pala deck tho and it fits very well :)
Hunter seems pretty straight-forward, just slap Deathstalker Rexxar into any deck and maybe go for some deathrattle synergy.
Mage? Hmm, idk, maybe worth a try, because Frost Lich Jaina is cool, but not sure if there is enough elemental support.
I bet there is some combo potential with Valeera the Hollow, Thief Rouge could be a fun thing to explore.
Let me know your thoughts!
Edit: Evolve Shaman could be pretty strong, probably gonna give that a try tomorrow.
I've been having a lot of fun with Jailer Horseman Kazakusan Paladin. Not sure how viable it would be at high ranks since I'm new to Standard and still at low ranks, but it's got a high win rate so far and it's a lot of fun pulling off the horseman combo, although it is kind of a "win more" combo
I am curious what kind of decks you've been trying and testing since they rotated KoFT back into the Core Set!
So far i've played around with Prince Keleseth Token Druid (Crypt Lord ftw) and an bit more control styled Demon Curse Lock with the old DK.
What are your ideas for fun new standard decks? I've sorely missed OTK Uther, but sadly there is not a lot of support for the heropower/combo, besides Brewmasters and the anti-synergy with Cariel sucks so i didn't attempt doing that yet. I put Chillblade Champion into a Jailer Pala deck tho and it fits very well :)
Hunter seems pretty straight-forward, just slap Deathstalker Rexxar into any deck and maybe go for some deathrattle synergy.
Mage? Hmm, idk, maybe worth a try, because Frost Lich Jaina is cool, but not sure if there is enough elemental support.
I bet there is some combo potential with Valeera the Hollow, Thief Rouge could be a fun thing to explore.
Let me know your thoughts!
Edit: Evolve Shaman could be pretty strong, probably gonna give that a try tomorrow.
I've been having a lot of fun with Jailer Horseman Kazakusan Paladin. Not sure how viable it would be at high ranks since I'm new to Standard and still at low ranks, but it's got a high win rate so far and it's a lot of fun pulling off the horseman combo, although it is kind of a "win more" combo
I missed the memo, is this permanent or just for the Halloweenevent?
Frozen Throne cards go back to wild on December 6th when the expac rolls out.
Im really hoping they start doing stuff like this more often, I Feel most of the feedback has been positive so they likely will
This one has been enjoyable so far but when they brought back a few cards like N’zoth and Evolve a few years ago it was absolutely horrible
My decks haven't been based strongly on KFT as core cards, sadly.
Pain Warrior with Animated Berserker and Val'kyr Soulstealer ... but I'm not sure the deck actually improved with these cards.
Tempo (Naga) Priest with Shadow Ascendant ... which I eventually cut.