Fan Creations

Share all your custom cards, classes, sets, and adventures with everyone!
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Presentation Tools 2.0 - Updated: May 4, 2021 >>
by Cogito_Ergo_Sum
25 20,737
Hearthstone Card Creation - A Primer >>
by ShadowsOfSense
39 44,521
Custom Class Competition #8 -- Finalist Voting Thread | Week Five >>
by McF4rtson
4 10,422
Weekly Card Design Competition - Winner's Gallery >>
by ShadowsOfSense
40 18,451
Unlimited Stats, probably still too slow. >>
by Kaioxys
2 315
Next expansion keyword >>
by Kudd
4 873
Murder Mystery: custom solo hearthstone adventure >>
by TSZ73
4 1,600
Fanmade Card - Harth Stonebrew (Innkeeper) >>
by Agithore
1 1,876
I made a custom whizbang card >>
by Breakfast1
0 670
Custom Class: Time Traveler (Updated: May 21st 2019) (Finished up to Rise of Shadows) >>
by Demonxz95
79 16,849
My Take on a rick and morty themed class >>
by HoMieGHitting
1 1,006
Buffs and rework of the OG Kazakus >>
by SilverBlooD
0 828
New Card Ideas and Reworks! >>
by Hshshhs
0 808
Five Artmade Epic & Legendaries >>
by Light_Dark
4 1,701
Fanmade DK Hero Card >>
by Light_Dark
4 1,292
This card idea just seemed too perfect... [The Librarian] >>
by Repeaterblox
5 2,454
Make the Card >>
by TheWamts
8,317 775,507
Monk class idea by Targus >>
by TargusCZE
11 4,217
I found a new source for card art! Custom card creators might want to see this. >>
by JeanTheMedicRat
1 4,270
by Dioxx333
3 4,860
Your best vanilla cards >>
5 3,465
Overwatch Heroes as Hearthstone Legendaries >>
by kittlish
10 8,048
Wildest Timelines - A wild set by me >>
by Morkosh
12 1,954
Buffing Useless Legendaries >>
by MarsGodofWar
7 2,606
Make the Keyword >>
by nurgling13
536 68,569