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The Great Dark Beyond Cards List & Guide
From dying to dead it seems.
This elemental can resurrect your minions from just ash! I hope it can revive this thread too.
Next give paladin, priest or shaman some card draw because they need it.
Gee, I can only imagine what a Heavy Bestowment would look like.
Next, create a minion that supports a Zoo Priest archetype.
The idea is that it's a well statted 1-drop that sinergyzes with buffs. 1 mana 3/5 with PW:Shield on turn 1.
Next make a card that enables a broken combo in wild but it's garbage in standard.
"Buy one, get infinite ones !"
Coldarra Drake is but one option to build a broken Hero Power combo. Not much HP refresh in standard tho so it's useless outside of maybe quest warrior.
Next, make a card that Zephrys the Great can't counter.
Zephrys players are SHAKING!
NEXT: Make a card that will make silence priest relevant again.
I will be more than happy to (maybe) revive this thread.
NEXT: Make a spell with the same keyword appearing twice.
Next: A high-cost highly enemy hand disruptive Spell
Glad to see at least a couple of people are trying to bring this back!
Next: A card that banishes/removes a minion from the game.
lol i like your idea
art is also amazing. careful hearthcards get deleted, use imgur
Next: A card that is thematically a ritual
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From dying to dead it seems.
This elemental can resurrect your minions from just ash! I hope it can revive this thread too.
Next give paladin, priest or shaman some card draw because they need it.
Gee, I can only imagine what a Heavy Bestowment would look like.
Next, create a minion that supports a Zoo Priest archetype.
The idea is that it's a well statted 1-drop that sinergyzes with buffs. 1 mana 3/5 with PW:Shield on turn 1.
Next make a card that enables a broken combo in wild but it's garbage in standard.
"Buy one, get infinite ones !"
Coldarra Drake is but one option to build a broken Hero Power combo. Not much HP refresh in standard tho so it's useless outside of maybe quest warrior.
Next, make a card that Zephrys the Great can't counter.
Zephrys players are SHAKING!
NEXT: Make a card that will make silence priest relevant again.
I will be more than happy to (maybe) revive this thread.
NEXT: Make a spell with the same keyword appearing twice.
Next: A high-cost highly enemy hand disruptive Spell
Glad to see at least a couple of people are trying to bring this back!
Next: A card that banishes/removes a minion from the game.
lol i like your idea
art is also amazing. careful hearthcards get deleted, use imgur
Next: A card that is thematically a ritual