Welcome to Revendreth, in the darkest of seasons. Where ruthless eyes gawk for horrific reasons.
The entire Murder at castle Nathria adventure was based around one mystery: who was the killer of sire Denathrius? Unfortunately, this question still remains unanswered, but not for long! This adventure let's you uncover this mystery, uncovering clues, exploring the castle and questioning suspects as the master detective Murloc Holmes himself! Will you be smart enough to solve this murder mystery?
Murloc Holmes
In this adventure you are going to play as Murloc Holmes. Just like in any dungeon-run-like adventute, your hero starts at 15 maximum health, and gain 5 health after every encounter, but stops after reaching 50 health. Before the run starts, you can choose your class, one of three hero powers, and your starting deck... Well, we'll get to that in a second.
Deckbuilding & specific cards
Unlike most adventures, here you can actually manage your starting deck: there are five unique 5-card neutral packages, and five unique 5-card packages for each class. To make your starting deck you need to choose one neutral and two class packages. While class packages explore core aspects of the class, neutral packagesallow you to join one of Shadowlands covenants, or dive into detective's work even more! It is important to say that some cards in neutral packages some cards are new, and can be seen in brackets you choose throughout the game. Also, one of the core parts of MaCT expansion were locations: so here you can not only find all 10 locations from the expansion on starting packages, but you can also find 16 new locations (10 class and 6 neutral), 15 of which can also be seen in starting packages (those locations can also be seen in brackets throughout the game)! To sum it up, your starting deck contains 16 cards: 15 are chosen by you, and the last one is predetermined: your deck always contains your trusty sidekick watfin (who will also enter the game as a legendary card!)
New locations:
Neutral packages (I will upload class-specific later):
Bastion package:
Ardenweald package:
Revendreth package:
Maldraxxus package:
Detective package:
Also some cards are replaced with others for the sake of the adventure (yes, "destroy the enemy hero" isn't healthy for the adventure)
Changed cards:
Desroying your deck is too big of a price in the adventure, so te Jailer is changed. Big Detharattle druid was promoted during MaCT, so having Mounted Raptor in the core set was weird, so it is replaced. Orion is unfun to play against, and there is no way thar hearthsone ai is clearing him, so he is changed (future is everything after MaCT, present is hydra core and FitB-MaCT, and past is everything before FiTB). Finley now gives you one of Holmes' hero powers instead of downgrading your hero power (yes, you can play finley as just a 1/1/3, yippeee)
Because of the way starting decks are created, most of the time conditions of those threee cards won't be met. Objection is just... unfun. Biased judging works like objection, except you get you minion back for the price od your opponent drawing a card.
Stealing is really unfun. Heroes can be too polarizing, automatically winning control matchups, so they are nerfed (Guff is essentilly reverted, but now capped at 15 mana)
Destroy the enemy hero is bad. I decided to add more flavor to Xyrella, giving er elements of both "Shard" cards and ressurecting two of your minions, just like Xyrella ressurected her daughter and Naaru.
Once again, I don't want your deck to be destroyed in the adventure. Also I remade Pave the way because Holmes' hero powers dont gave upgrades: no the card does the same it did in standard functionally.
Whats a murder mystery without clues that navigate the detective? In this adventure the clues are playable cards that give you a hint of who the killer might be: to use those clues you have a passive "master detective", that adds all clues to your hand at the start of the game. You start with only one clue, Murder Scene, but you are going to unlock more as you progress throughout the adventure (some clues can be chosen, providing an "interactive story element"
Deckbuilding & Treasures
Just like in most dungeon-run-luke adventures, you choose a 3-card bucket after each of your bosses, however, here you stop choosing them after 7th boss in order to make your deck more consistent. The cards available are cards before March of the Lich king, and 16 new locations (though some warlock and warrior MotLK cards are available, because they push certain archetypes that were promoted during MaCT).
Since most Treasures from previous adventures didn't really fit the theme of this expansion, I reflavored some old treasures and made some new ones!
You choose a passive treasure after 1st and 5th boss, and an active after 3rd, 7th and 9th boss. You also get a special card after defeating the 12th boss.
Passive treasures:
Active treasures:
Accuse means choosing an accusation spell from Maw and disorder to catr. What Conspiracy theory does will be explained later (if it is not, it will be added later)
Bartender Encounters
Just like in other adventures, here there are meetings with bartender who can help you to improve your deck. All cards during those encounters are the same, however, you won't see a familiar face: in this castle you will be assisted not by Bob, but by Butter Dribble! You encounter him after your 3rd, 6th, and 12th boss.
Infusing Bosses
Just like in the expansion, some bosses stole some life energy for their personal gain: when they reach a certain point of health (usually half) they infuse, getting a stronger hero power! Whenever you're fighting an infusing boss, a "feeling of anima" pops up at the start of the game, just like when fighting against splendiferous whizbang.
Unique bosses cards
To make the adventure feel more unique, a lot of bosses will have some special cards: the boss has two copies of his special card(s), and only one if a card has a dragon emblem. When the card(s) is (are) placed below several bosses (like suspicious shadow in tier 3), that means that all bosses of that category have two copies of that card.
Orion's help
This adventure consists of 16 bosses, and I understand that it would be cruel to make the player reset their entire run after one loss. So, after defeating 8th and 12th boss you receive help of Orion, Mansion Manager: he really wants to help you, but he cannot intervene in any way, so he will do whatever he can: if you die your consciousness will transfer back to the point of your last encounter with Orion. So, if you die during 1st-8th boss, you unfortunately need to restart your whole run, if you die during 9th-12th boss, you go back to your encounter with the 9th boss, and if you die during 13th-16th boss, you go back to your encounter with 13th boss.
Murloc Holmes get an anonymous invitation to Shadowlands, Castle Nathria, to investigate the tragic murder of Sire Denathrius. Upon his arrival chaos unfolds, as everyone suspects everyone - nobody knows who the killer might be. Fortunately, sight of detective Murloc Holmes calmes everybody: surely, he will be able to solve this case! Now, the fate of Shadowlands lies on Murloc Holmes' shoulders, so join him, solving this murder mystery!
Tier 1
You don't have much, so you question some guests or staff. Unfortunately, everyone in this castle has secrets, and they are not willing to reveal them so easily!
Tier 2
You still don't have much - the fact that somebody stole an extra donut can seem like a hedious crime for them, and they can be willing to protect this secret at all coats, but for you it doesn't really matter - so you continue asking.
The first time you are fighting 2nd boss you will fight priest of the deceased to introduce the player to the infusing bosses mechanic
Tier 3
Suddenly, you see someone running away from you, constantly looking back, so you start to chase them!
Choice of clues
You were right to chase them: they were running away with a piece of evidence! To catch a criminal, you need to think like a criminal (considering the fact that you don't have other clues, that is probably the way to go), so those clues have allied, to help you explore the killer's perspective.
Tier 4
You continue questioning
Tier 5
You continue questioning
Tier 6
Now it's obvious that it wasn't some staff that killed the Sire: it was one of his most important guests. So, you start asking them, but secrets they have are much more serious, and much more worth to fight for!
Yes, Risen Hunter is undead. Sorry for the typo.
Tier 7
You were told that a certain guest was deadly silent after the murder, just like he saw something and was to stunned to speak afterwards... Well, it will be hard to get something out of this one...
This boss consists of some "replicate the enemy board" and "destroy the enemy hero" puzzles.
Tier 8
Tight-lipped Witness told you, that he saw someone trying killing the Site, but the shock completely mashed his memories... Fortunately, he remembers who he saw.
The class of this boss is based on the last clue you chose. All bosses have a special single target removal to represent their killing of Sire Denathrius.
Just in case: no, Vault Guard isnt runned.
Choice of clues & Orion's help
After an intense questioning, your suspects opens to you and says that he was, indeed, trying to murder Sire Denathrius, but when he was trying to assassinate him someone jumped before him, and he ran away. He doesn't remember leaving anything though, he made sure there were no evidence...
You return to the crime scene, and look behind a corner where according to your suspect the true killer was. There, you find... (Insert choice of clues here)
Then you meet Orion, who (how I already explained) "saves" you, and, if you chose Shadow Arrow or ghastly mask, tells you that you will find your answers in other places, and teleports you to the Maw.
Tier 9, Shadow Arrow
You are transported to the maw. Apparently, some case is hold in the court there?.. Anyway, it is extremely important, so disorder is everything. You question some people about this case, but their response is a little... Harsh, to say at least.
Sorry, the boss is supposed to have 60 health:/
Tier 10, Shadow Arrow
After fighting you at least learned what was happening here - Sylvanas Windrunnee is facing trial for her many crimes. That is none of your business, but you suspect that this arrow is hers, so you need to speak with her. But you will need to get through her lawyer first.
Tier 11, Shadow Arrow
To get to Sylvanas you also need to go through the judge, Jailer himself, who seems to be a little bit on Sylvanas side.
Tier 12, Shadow Arrow
You finally got to Sylvanas!
Tier 9, Ghastly Mask
You are transported to the maw. Apparently, some case is hold in the court there?.. Anyway, it is extremely important, so disorder is everything. Strangely, when some people see you with that mask, they instantly start accusing you of some crimes and even attacking you. You gotta defend!
Tier 10, Ghastly Mask
You are accused again of many horrendous crimes. It seems that this mask keeps attracting people to you, and the fact that you are a well-known detective does not matter to them.
During that fight you also learn that the court session is about Sylvanas Windrunner.
Tier 11, Ghastly Mask
After barely convincing people that you are innocent you suddenly see Sylvanas... But how can this be, isn't she facing trial right now? You confront her about this, and she starts attacking you. Better defend!
Tier 12, Ghastly Mask
After the fight with Sylvanas, she rips her face off and revela that it was Maestra the whole time. You see a mask in her hand, the same one that you are holding: it explains why people were attacking you, you had one of Maestra's masks! Anyway, since Maestra committed a lot of crimes and a well-known detective just catches her, she decides that the best way to get out of this situation is to leave no witnesses.
Masks are tokens used by Maestra.
Whenever Maestra transforms, her deck gets destroyed. When she plays a hero card, she gets a pre built deck from Altered Valley for that class and draws 5 cards.
Tier 9, Sinfin & Secret Sinstone
You were told by Orion to continue looking in this castle, so you continue questioning.
Tier 10, Secret Sinstone
Suddenly, a huge amount of anima comes from the sinstone you found, summoning a huge dragon. Which sisnstone could have such powers?..
Tier 11, Secret Sinstone
A brilliant idea strikes you: if you got your hands on a strange Sinstone, won't it be smart to ask... Another Sinstone about it?
Tier 12, Secret Sinstone
With the help of halkias you understand that this is the Sinstone of Kael'thas. You find him, and seeing you with his Sinstone instantly makes him engage in a fight!
Tier 10, Sinfin
You decide to talk with the mutloc you found at the crime scene: he finally regained most of his consciousness. He sais that a lot of anima was used to enhance him and make him attack the Sire - but he doesn't remember anything of it, since his mind was twisted, he was like a puppet. You listen to him and start looking for anima marks to see where the puppeteer might be... But you aren't the only one looking.
Tier 11, Sinfin
You continue looking for anima marks, and find somebody , but he instantly hides in the shadows. Suddenly, he uses anima to rise another murloc to fight by his side, but this one... Is bigger than the last.
Tier 12, Sinfin
You finally find the puppeteer who was rising murlocs to fight by his side! As soon as you find him, he engages in a fight.
Special card, Another Clue & Orion's help
This suspect tells you the same story: they were trying to assassinate Denathrius, but someone got ahead of them. Fortunately, they tell you that say saw a strike of a sentient Venthyr Sword. It seems obvious that there were only one venthyr with such a weaponwho was close to Denathrius and was able to kill him - it was Renathal.
You also get a special card after defeating 12th boss: both Sylvanas and Maestra need a good comment about them on their upcoming trials (Maestra is going to face trial since you caught her), so they are eager to help, Kaelthas wants to escape from sanguine depths, where he was used to collect anima, and Murlocula, well, he doesn't want to help you, but fortunately, nutanus wasn't the first Murloc he tried resurrecting, so now you will be accompanied by Morgl.
Oh, and of course, Orion "saves" you, and if you were in the Maw, transports you back.
Tier 13
When you look for Renathal, you see that the chaos unfolded: golems are destroying everything, every guest suspect each other, some even suspect you! If you want to stay on your path, the only choice is fighting.
Tier 14
You find Renathal. As you confront him he starts to fight you, though he isn't as aggressive as everyone before
Throughout the find Renathal sometimes hides in the castle, talking to you. He point on all strange details in this case: anonymous invitation, coneniently placed clues, so many suspects... Do you believe all this could happen by itself?
Renathal finds when he reaches 75, 50, 25 and 0 health, and you get a respective quest to find him.
Now it's obvious: this whole act was orchestratedby someone. And the only one who could do that is Sire Denathrius himself, who wanted to know more about motives of his enemies and even jail some of them! He cleverly orchestrated everything, but he wasn't expecting the collaboration of suspects and detective. But wait... How could he learn about the motives, if he wasn't there? If he didn't heard those conversations? He should have been somewhere near the entire time... But where?
From now on, Renathal is going to accompany you, being summoned on the start of your third turn.
Tier 15
You find a painting with holes for eyes: it seemed like the perfect place for somebody to stand beside it and watch what happens. You even think you once thought red eyes there! You try to investigate the painting, but suddenly, several traps activate.
Tier 16
When you rip the painting off the wall, you find a secret passage to more paintings for spying, but also an escape rout to the ball room, where you find a familiar face wearing an awesome disguise. Its time to confront the one who orchestrated all of this!
Call upon the Power of Revendreth means cast Goblet of Anima and summon two 1/1 Venthyrs with Rush and Lifesteal.
Rewards & Integration
The adventure will be available at the store for 3000 gold. When you purchase it, you get a Watfin legendary card, when you beat 3rd, 8th, 12th 14th and 16th boss for the first time, you get a MaCT pack, when you complete the 8th boss for the first time you get a special cradbaxk, when you complete 16th boss for the first time (aka complete the adventure once) you get signature Murloc Holmes, and when you complete it thrice you get a signature Sire Denathrius.
Welcome to Revendreth, in the darkest of seasons. Where ruthless eyes gawk for horrific reasons.
The entire Murder at castle Nathria adventure was based around one mystery: who was the killer of sire Denathrius? Unfortunately, this question still remains unanswered, but not for long! This adventure let's you uncover this mystery, uncovering clues, exploring the castle and questioning suspects as the master detective Murloc Holmes himself! Will you be smart enough to solve this murder mystery?
Murloc Holmes
In this adventure you are going to play as Murloc Holmes. Just like in any dungeon-run-like adventute, your hero starts at 15 maximum health, and gain 5 health after every encounter, but stops after reaching 50 health. Before the run starts, you can choose your class, one of three hero powers, and your starting deck... Well, we'll get to that in a second.
Deckbuilding & specific cards
Unlike most adventures, here you can actually manage your starting deck: there are five unique 5-card neutral packages, and five unique 5-card packages for each class. To make your starting deck you need to choose one neutral and two class packages. While class packages explore core aspects of the class, neutral packagesallow you to join one of Shadowlands covenants, or dive into detective's work even more! It is important to say that some cards in neutral packages some cards are new, and can be seen in brackets you choose throughout the game. Also, one of the core parts of MaCT expansion were locations: so here you can not only find all 10 locations from the expansion on starting packages, but you can also find 16 new locations (10 class and 6 neutral), 15 of which can also be seen in starting packages (those locations can also be seen in brackets throughout the game)! To sum it up, your starting deck contains 16 cards: 15 are chosen by you, and the last one is predetermined: your deck always contains your trusty sidekick watfin (who will also enter the game as a legendary card!)
New locations:
Neutral packages (I will upload class-specific later):
Bastion package:
Ardenweald package:
Revendreth package:
Maldraxxus package:
Detective package:
Also some cards are replaced with others for the sake of the adventure (yes, "destroy the enemy hero" isn't healthy for the adventure)
Changed cards:
Desroying your deck is too big of a price in the adventure, so te Jailer is changed. Big Detharattle druid was promoted during MaCT, so having Mounted Raptor in the core set was weird, so it is replaced. Orion is unfun to play against, and there is no way thar hearthsone ai is clearing him, so he is changed (future is everything after MaCT, present is hydra core and FitB-MaCT, and past is everything before FiTB). Finley now gives you one of Holmes' hero powers instead of downgrading your hero power (yes, you can play finley as just a 1/1/3, yippeee)
Because of the way starting decks are created, most of the time conditions of those threee cards won't be met. Objection is just... unfun. Biased judging works like objection, except you get you minion back for the price od your opponent drawing a card.
Stealing is really unfun. Heroes can be too polarizing, automatically winning control matchups, so they are nerfed (Guff is essentilly reverted, but now capped at 15 mana)
Destroy the enemy hero is bad. I decided to add more flavor to Xyrella, giving er elements of both "Shard" cards and ressurecting two of your minions, just like Xyrella ressurected her daughter and Naaru.
Once again, I don't want your deck to be destroyed in the adventure. Also I remade Pave the way because Holmes' hero powers dont gave upgrades: no the card does the same it did in standard functionally.
Whats a murder mystery without clues that navigate the detective? In this adventure the clues are playable cards that give you a hint of who the killer might be: to use those clues you have a passive "master detective", that adds all clues to your hand at the start of the game. You start with only one clue, Murder Scene, but you are going to unlock more as you progress throughout the adventure (some clues can be chosen, providing an "interactive story element"
Deckbuilding & Treasures
Just like in most dungeon-run-luke adventures, you choose a 3-card bucket after each of your bosses, however, here you stop choosing them after 7th boss in order to make your deck more consistent. The cards available are cards before March of the Lich king, and 16 new locations (though some warlock and warrior MotLK cards are available, because they push certain archetypes that were promoted during MaCT).
Since most Treasures from previous adventures didn't really fit the theme of this expansion, I reflavored some old treasures and made some new ones!
You choose a passive treasure after 1st and 5th boss, and an active after 3rd, 7th and 9th boss. You also get a special card after defeating the 12th boss.
Passive treasures:
Active treasures:
Accuse means choosing an accusation spell from Maw and disorder to catr. What Conspiracy theory does will be explained later (if it is not, it will be added later)
Bartender Encounters
Just like in other adventures, here there are meetings with bartender who can help you to improve your deck. All cards during those encounters are the same, however, you won't see a familiar face: in this castle you will be assisted not by Bob, but by Butter Dribble! You encounter him after your 3rd, 6th, and 12th boss.
Infusing Bosses
Just like in the expansion, some bosses stole some life energy for their personal gain: when they reach a certain point of health (usually half) they infuse, getting a stronger hero power! Whenever you're fighting an infusing boss, a "feeling of anima" pops up at the start of the game, just like when fighting against splendiferous whizbang.
Unique bosses cards
To make the adventure feel more unique, a lot of bosses will have some special cards: the boss has two copies of his special card(s), and only one if a card has a dragon emblem. When the card(s) is (are) placed below several bosses (like suspicious shadow in tier 3), that means that all bosses of that category have two copies of that card.
Orion's help
This adventure consists of 16 bosses, and I understand that it would be cruel to make the player reset their entire run after one loss. So, after defeating 8th and 12th boss you receive help of Orion, Mansion Manager: he really wants to help you, but he cannot intervene in any way, so he will do whatever he can: if you die your consciousness will transfer back to the point of your last encounter with Orion. So, if you die during 1st-8th boss, you unfortunately need to restart your whole run, if you die during 9th-12th boss, you go back to your encounter with the 9th boss, and if you die during 13th-16th boss, you go back to your encounter with 13th boss.
Murloc Holmes get an anonymous invitation to Shadowlands, Castle Nathria, to investigate the tragic murder of Sire Denathrius. Upon his arrival chaos unfolds, as everyone suspects everyone - nobody knows who the killer might be. Fortunately, sight of detective Murloc Holmes calmes everybody: surely, he will be able to solve this case! Now, the fate of Shadowlands lies on Murloc Holmes' shoulders, so join him, solving this murder mystery!
Tier 1
You don't have much, so you question some guests or staff. Unfortunately, everyone in this castle has secrets, and they are not willing to reveal them so easily!
Tier 2
You still don't have much - the fact that somebody stole an extra donut can seem like a hedious crime for them, and they can be willing to protect this secret at all coats, but for you it doesn't really matter - so you continue asking.
The first time you are fighting 2nd boss you will fight priest of the deceased to introduce the player to the infusing bosses mechanic
Tier 3
Suddenly, you see someone running away from you, constantly looking back, so you start to chase them!
Choice of clues
You were right to chase them: they were running away with a piece of evidence! To catch a criminal, you need to think like a criminal (considering the fact that you don't have other clues, that is probably the way to go), so those clues have allied, to help you explore the killer's perspective.
Tier 4
You continue questioning
Tier 5
You continue questioning
Tier 6
Now it's obvious that it wasn't some staff that killed the Sire: it was one of his most important guests. So, you start asking them, but secrets they have are much more serious, and much more worth to fight for!
Yes, Risen Hunter is undead. Sorry for the typo.
Tier 7
You were told that a certain guest was deadly silent after the murder, just like he saw something and was to stunned to speak afterwards... Well, it will be hard to get something out of this one...
This boss consists of some "replicate the enemy board" and "destroy the enemy hero" puzzles.
Tier 8
Tight-lipped Witness told you, that he saw someone trying killing the Site, but the shock completely mashed his memories... Fortunately, he remembers who he saw.
The class of this boss is based on the last clue you chose. All bosses have a special single target removal to represent their killing of Sire Denathrius.
Just in case: no, Vault Guard isnt runned.
Choice of clues & Orion's help
After an intense questioning, your suspects opens to you and says that he was, indeed, trying to murder Sire Denathrius, but when he was trying to assassinate him someone jumped before him, and he ran away. He doesn't remember leaving anything though, he made sure there were no evidence...
You return to the crime scene, and look behind a corner where according to your suspect the true killer was. There, you find... (Insert choice of clues here)
Then you meet Orion, who (how I already explained) "saves" you, and, if you chose Shadow Arrow or ghastly mask, tells you that you will find your answers in other places, and teleports you to the Maw.
Tier 9, Shadow Arrow
You are transported to the maw. Apparently, some case is hold in the court there?.. Anyway, it is extremely important, so disorder is everything. You question some people about this case, but their response is a little... Harsh, to say at least.
Sorry, the boss is supposed to have 60 health:/
Tier 10, Shadow Arrow
After fighting you at least learned what was happening here - Sylvanas Windrunnee is facing trial for her many crimes. That is none of your business, but you suspect that this arrow is hers, so you need to speak with her. But you will need to get through her lawyer first.
Tier 11, Shadow Arrow
To get to Sylvanas you also need to go through the judge, Jailer himself, who seems to be a little bit on Sylvanas side.
Tier 12, Shadow Arrow
You finally got to Sylvanas!
Tier 9, Ghastly Mask
You are transported to the maw. Apparently, some case is hold in the court there?.. Anyway, it is extremely important, so disorder is everything. Strangely, when some people see you with that mask, they instantly start accusing you of some crimes and even attacking you. You gotta defend!
Tier 10, Ghastly Mask
You are accused again of many horrendous crimes. It seems that this mask keeps attracting people to you, and the fact that you are a well-known detective does not matter to them.
During that fight you also learn that the court session is about Sylvanas Windrunner.
Tier 11, Ghastly Mask
After barely convincing people that you are innocent you suddenly see Sylvanas... But how can this be, isn't she facing trial right now? You confront her about this, and she starts attacking you. Better defend!
Tier 12, Ghastly Mask
After the fight with Sylvanas, she rips her face off and revela that it was Maestra the whole time. You see a mask in her hand, the same one that you are holding: it explains why people were attacking you, you had one of Maestra's masks! Anyway, since Maestra committed a lot of crimes and a well-known detective just catches her, she decides that the best way to get out of this situation is to leave no witnesses.
Masks are tokens used by Maestra.
Whenever Maestra transforms, her deck gets destroyed. When she plays a hero card, she gets a pre built deck from Altered Valley for that class and draws 5 cards.
Tier 9, Sinfin & Secret Sinstone
You were told by Orion to continue looking in this castle, so you continue questioning.
Tier 10, Secret Sinstone
Suddenly, a huge amount of anima comes from the sinstone you found, summoning a huge dragon. Which sisnstone could have such powers?..
Tier 11, Secret Sinstone
A brilliant idea strikes you: if you got your hands on a strange Sinstone, won't it be smart to ask... Another Sinstone about it?
Tier 12, Secret Sinstone
With the help of halkias you understand that this is the Sinstone of Kael'thas. You find him, and seeing you with his Sinstone instantly makes him engage in a fight!
Tier 10, Sinfin
You decide to talk with the mutloc you found at the crime scene: he finally regained most of his consciousness. He sais that a lot of anima was used to enhance him and make him attack the Sire - but he doesn't remember anything of it, since his mind was twisted, he was like a puppet. You listen to him and start looking for anima marks to see where the puppeteer might be... But you aren't the only one looking.
Tier 11, Sinfin
You continue looking for anima marks, and find somebody , but he instantly hides in the shadows. Suddenly, he uses anima to rise another murloc to fight by his side, but this one... Is bigger than the last.
Tier 12, Sinfin
You finally find the puppeteer who was rising murlocs to fight by his side! As soon as you find him, he engages in a fight.
Special card, Another Clue & Orion's help
This suspect tells you the same story: they were trying to assassinate Denathrius, but someone got ahead of them. Fortunately, they tell you that say saw a strike of a sentient Venthyr Sword. It seems obvious that there were only one venthyr with such a weaponwho was close to Denathrius and was able to kill him - it was Renathal.
You also get a special card after defeating 12th boss: both Sylvanas and Maestra need a good comment about them on their upcoming trials (Maestra is going to face trial since you caught her), so they are eager to help, Kaelthas wants to escape from sanguine depths, where he was used to collect anima, and Murlocula, well, he doesn't want to help you, but fortunately, nutanus wasn't the first Murloc he tried resurrecting, so now you will be accompanied by Morgl.
Oh, and of course, Orion "saves" you, and if you were in the Maw, transports you back.
Tier 13
When you look for Renathal, you see that the chaos unfolded: golems are destroying everything, every guest suspect each other, some even suspect you! If you want to stay on your path, the only choice is fighting.
Tier 14
You find Renathal. As you confront him he starts to fight you, though he isn't as aggressive as everyone before
Throughout the find Renathal sometimes hides in the castle, talking to you. He point on all strange details in this case: anonymous invitation, coneniently placed clues, so many suspects... Do you believe all this could happen by itself?
Renathal finds when he reaches 75, 50, 25 and 0 health, and you get a respective quest to find him.
Now it's obvious: this whole act was orchestratedby someone. And the only one who could do that is Sire Denathrius himself, who wanted to know more about motives of his enemies and even jail some of them! He cleverly orchestrated everything, but he wasn't expecting the collaboration of suspects and detective. But wait... How could he learn about the motives, if he wasn't there? If he didn't heard those conversations? He should have been somewhere near the entire time... But where?
From now on, Renathal is going to accompany you, being summoned on the start of your third turn.
Tier 15
You find a painting with holes for eyes: it seemed like the perfect place for somebody to stand beside it and watch what happens. You even think you once thought red eyes there! You try to investigate the painting, but suddenly, several traps activate.
Tier 16
When you rip the painting off the wall, you find a secret passage to more paintings for spying, but also an escape rout to the ball room, where you find a familiar face wearing an awesome disguise. Its time to confront the one who orchestrated all of this!
Call upon the Power of Revendreth means cast Goblet of Anima and summon two 1/1 Venthyrs with Rush and Lifesteal.
Rewards & Integration
The adventure will be available at the store for 3000 gold. When you purchase it, you get a Watfin legendary card, when you beat 3rd, 8th, 12th 14th and 16th boss for the first time, you get a MaCT pack, when you complete the 8th boss for the first time you get a special cradbaxk, when you complete 16th boss for the first time (aka complete the adventure once) you get signature Murloc Holmes, and when you complete it thrice you get a signature Sire Denathrius.
I like the signature cards. They're an absolute must have!
When this is comming live?
It's custom made, so it won't enter the game as an actual adventure
thats a lot of work man, and I really hope blizzard is taking notes