Below is the link to my custom class based on the tv show Rick and Morty. I do plan on making more cards to support some of the ones that I already made, and I plan to keep adding onto this class until I cannot anymore. Please let me know what you think (good or bad) because I am looking to improve, and this is the first custom hearthstone content that I have made. I am not a creative person and I do not know how to make a custom border for a card so pretend that every card you see is from an exclusive rick and Morty class. Also below are the images of the 5 treasure cards that many cards reference. Starting in Set 3 and on there is a card called the Alien Parasite. When building your deck there are cards with the (Alien Parasite) tag. You can choose one of those minions and secretly give them one of the alien parasites death rattles that will trigger upon death.
Note 1 - Indiana Jones Rick should say shuffle instead of Summon.
Note 2 - Insurance Rick has a typo that should say Destroy.
Note 3 - Agent Gribbles Summons a copy of it and does not add anything to your hand.
Note 4 - Teddy Rick should Destroy the top cards of the deck and not the hand.
Note 5 - Cool Rick should be Inspire not Invoke
Note 6 - Mr Frundles should say minion not minions
Note 7 - Blazen has a typo that should say Destroy
The expansions linked below this are expansions based on the mobile game pocket morties. There is a new mechanic that is only available to the Rick class and that is Rock Paper and Scissors. The understanding of the effect is that when you summon a Morty with either the Rock, paper, or Scissors tag, if you have another Morty with that tag then you activate the effect for both Morties. An example would be that you have two (Scissor) Morties and you summon another Scissor Morty, this would trigger the Scissor effect for all three of the scissor Morties. The effects are as followed; Scissors = +1 attack and Rush, Rock = +1 Health and Taunt, and Paper +1 attack and Life steal. When the effect is triggered for one of the morties it activates for all morties with the same tag. I will be adding expansions to both pocket Morties and the regular class above.
I like what you've got going on. I am not a fan of the show but it looks like you've put a lot of thought into this. I like that you've made a hero card. My favorite has to be the portal. It just looks cool and honestly a nice effect!
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Below is the link to my custom class based on the tv show Rick and Morty. I do plan on making more cards to support some of the ones that I already made, and I plan to keep adding onto this class until I cannot anymore. Please let me know what you think (good or bad) because I am looking to improve, and this is the first custom hearthstone content that I have made. I am not a creative person and I do not know how to make a custom border for a card so pretend that every card you see is from an exclusive rick and Morty class. Also below are the images of the 5 treasure cards that many cards reference. Starting in Set 3 and on there is a card called the Alien Parasite. When building your deck there are cards with the (Alien Parasite) tag. You can choose one of those minions and secretly give them one of the alien parasites death rattles that will trigger upon death.
Set 1 -
Set 2 -
Set 3 -
Set 4 - Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Set 5 - Set 5 - Imgur
Set 6 - Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Set 7 - TBD (Adding 5 new treasures with set 7)
Note 1 - Indiana Jones Rick should say shuffle instead of Summon.
Note 2 - Insurance Rick has a typo that should say Destroy.
Note 3 - Agent Gribbles Summons a copy of it and does not add anything to your hand.
Note 4 - Teddy Rick should Destroy the top cards of the deck and not the hand.
Note 5 - Cool Rick should be Inspire not Invoke
Note 6 - Mr Frundles should say minion not minions
Note 7 - Blazen has a typo that should say Destroy
The expansions linked below this are expansions based on the mobile game pocket morties. There is a new mechanic that is only available to the Rick class and that is Rock Paper and Scissors. The understanding of the effect is that when you summon a Morty with either the Rock, paper, or Scissors tag, if you have another Morty with that tag then you activate the effect for both Morties. An example would be that you have two (Scissor) Morties and you summon another Scissor Morty, this would trigger the Scissor effect for all three of the scissor Morties. The effects are as followed; Scissors = +1 attack and Rush, Rock = +1 Health and Taunt, and Paper +1 attack and Life steal. When the effect is triggered for one of the morties it activates for all morties with the same tag. I will be adding expansions to both pocket Morties and the regular class above.
Set 1 - Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Set 2 - Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Set 3 - Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Set 4 - Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Set 5 - Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Set 6 - Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Set 7 - TBD
Note 1 - The card Badge has a typo that should say Badge
I like what you've got going on. I am not a fan of the show but it looks like you've put a lot of thought into this. I like that you've made a hero card. My favorite has to be the portal. It just looks cool and honestly a nice effect!