1: A very bad legendary in its current form. This rework is not meant to be a competitive card. It is to make it a lot more fun instead of just giving a random legendary. Also, a slight stat buff of +2 damage to make it reasonable to play for 6 mana
2: Epic Spell for Shaman. Please note that this will not target the same enemies twice. Very useful spell, 8 damage as a finisher for face and can also clear a small board.
3: Rhonin, one of many over costs minions with minimal payoff. This buff now makes the card somewhat viable and gives creativity for an Arcane Mage payoff!
4: An interesting Dual Paladin and Death Knight card. Very interesting. These cards are hard to design so may need a few changes. Feedback much appreciated
in progress
1: A very bad legendary in its current form. This rework is not meant to be a competitive card. It is to make it a lot more fun instead of just giving a random legendary. Also, a slight stat buff of +2 damage to make it reasonable to play for 6 mana
2: Epic Spell for Shaman. Please note that this will not target the same enemies twice. Very useful spell, 8 damage as a finisher for face and can also clear a small board.
3: Rhonin, one of many over costs minions with minimal payoff. This buff now makes the card somewhat viable and gives creativity for an Arcane Mage payoff!
4: An interesting Dual Paladin and Death Knight card. Very interesting. These cards are hard to design so may need a few changes. Feedback much appreciated