Hi! Long time no see but I have returned to playing Hearthstone after a long time and got idea for a new class. Monk class was presented to World of Warcraft in 2012 with the Mists of Pandaria expansion. It is the only WoW class that hasn't been added to Hearthstone as well (not counting the new Evoker class). I think it's only a matter of time until it will. Blizzard is keeping the doors open and still hasn't brought Chen Stormstout to Hearthstone universe in any form. So hey Blizzard developers! If you're reading this, here's the inspiration you need!
New keyword: Meditate
I know what you think, but don't worry. This is not just a Battlecry one turn later as it's in most of the Monk concepts. Meditate gives a minion new action it can take instead of attacking. Only minions with Meditate keyword may do this action. If a minion meditates, it cannot attack that turn. If a minion attacked that turn, it cannot meditate. So you have to choose if you want to use the minion for attacking, or for meditating. A minion cannot meditate the same turn it was played, unless it has Charge (Rush is not enough). So in simple terms – a minion with Meditate keyword may meditate whenever it would be able to attack the enemy hero (if there were no Taunt minions or other special effects).
Why on earth would somebody meditate instead of attacking? Well, because it may give you some advantage like increase of stats or drawing a card. The effect is specific for each Meditate card.
And how to make minion meditate? Just drag it to your hero (like you were trying to attack your own hero) and that's it, the meditate effect will happen.
If a minion has Meditate and Windfury, it may attack and then meditate, or meditate and then attack, or attack twice, or meditate twice.
If a minion has Meditate and Charge, it may meditate the same turn it was played. If a minion has Meditate and Rush, it may not meditate the same turn it was played.
If a minion has Meditate, it may meditate even if it has 0 Attack.
Hero and Hero Power
Well, there is only one possible Monk hero and that is the famous Chen Stormstout, a legendary pandaren brewmaster. Monk cards are little bid weaker for trading, so his hero power Chi Burst helps him with board clear a bid.
Ok, let's see all those meditating madmans and beer adicts. Let's start with the common ones. Guardian of Peace and Dragon Turtle are basic defensive minions that can protect your other, more valuable ones. Guardian of Peace is one of that cards you want to have in your starting hand. You also need some card income, you can use Zouchin Librarian for that. He may look weird, but he's not that crazy as the other monks. To keep the board clear, you can use Blackout Kick to get rid of some huge monsters with insane stats, or Fists of Fury for all those stupid murlocs spawning from nowhere. For keeping your forces strong enough you have two option. You can either drunk them by Beer with Unwearying Brewmaster and Pub Crawl, or tell them to find their inner peace with Find the Balance (making religious fanatics even from Neutral minions). And if you or some of your mad cult members get low on health, you can still use Renewing Mist to get back in action.
Blackout Kick firstly deals damage, and then silences the target. So if the target minion has Deathrattle and 3 Health or less, the Deathrattle does trigger (the minion dies before it is silenced).
Find the Balance gives the Meditate to all your minions, including the ones that already had Meditate. If some of these minions meditates, both Meditates trigger.
Dragon Turtle gains Taunt first time it meditates. However it still can meditate again in the future, but nothing will happen, it will just get Taunt again.
Let's look at the rare cards. Patient Mistweaver makes sure all your tired monks will get on feet, no matter how wounded (or drunk) they may be. Thanks to the Staff of Harmony you can make at least some damage to the enemy hero when all your soldiers decided to meditate in the middle of battle. With Life Cocoon you have bigger chance to keep at least some of those meditating idiots alive.
The higher rarity, the more cringe dudes. Shado-Pan Agent is definitely a drug user. But it's good to have at least somebody who actually does some damaging. Zen Meditation gives your minions a chance to attack after their meditation stuff... but they will most likely just meditate again. And what about Drunken Barfly? How is he going to help? Well, you'll be glad to get rid of all those beers in your hand without a need of paying their mana cost.
Drunken Barfly's Battlecry discards all beers (including the ones made by Brewmaster Boof) from your hand and add apply their effect on Drunken Barfly.
And here we are, the most powerful monks of all Pandaria! Wait, what? Are you kidding me? Brewmaster Boof? Who is that??? You just took some random brewmaster and made him a legendary?! I'm afraid to ask what the second legendary card is... Storm, Earth and Fire? Ok, that sounds better.
Tokens - Brewmaster Boof
By brewing the perfect beer you construct a spell that costs 2 and gives some buffs to a minion. First, you choose between +2/+0, +1/+1 and +0/+2 stat increase. Then you choose between Taunt, Charge and Windfury.
Examples of a perfect beer
There are 9 possible results of the brewing. Here are two examples.
Tokens - Storm, Earth and Fire
This legendary spell summons three minions. Each of them gives some buffs to your hero.
Ideas on other cards
There is a plenty of possible mechanics for other cards. There could more interaction with the beers, for example a card that changes your hero power so it adds beers to your hand. Then you could use them as an additional resource (similar to DK's souls). I will maybe create some more cards later to show these mechanics more specifically. So I hope you liked this idea! Feel free to show your own cards for this class.
great work i can tell you put a lot of thought into this! my only concern would be the power level of meditate, from the cards provided it seems like it might just be a bit too weak? losing an attack is a pretty big deal, especially for bigger minions
but other than that it all seems really cool and i really love the flavor
great work i can tell you put a lot of thought into this! my only concern would be the power level of meditate, from the cards provided it seems like it might just be a bit too weak? losing an attack is a pretty big deal, especially for bigger minions
but other than that it all seems really cool and i really love the flavor
It seems like a control type deck vs and aggro deck. Natively every deck can play aggro midrange or control to some degree but hunter definitely encourages aggro and priest definitely encourages control. I think in this case looking at meditating it resembles a repeatable battle cry. In all honesty though I think it would be better to have it so you could use mediate on their summon but had certain cards that denied using mediate the first turn they were summoned with a tag "can not meditate the turn this was summoned"
0/4 taunt is interested but is it really an equal power to all the other 1 drops that basically have the equivalent of "must remove this immediately"? If the creature can't attack and meditate anyways it might as well be allowed to its first turn of being summoned
Meditate seems terrible. Minions usually live 1 turn on the board . So unless the minion is immune while meditating, they are just going to be removed before they get the bonus. But if you make them immune, its just a dormant effect.
Overall cool concept. I like the theme of the class, but I have some balance nitpicks because a lot of these are underpowered:
Guardian of Peace: Shieldbearer with upside is still bad. I don't think this would see play, but I think it's a cool design having it be 0 attack. You could make it a 0/5 and it would still be fair Pub Crawl: Compared to Bunch of Bananas, this is bad. It's 3 mana for +2/+2. I know there's synergy with Drunken Barfly, but this is still too weak on its own. The costs of the spell and the beers should still be 1 mana, so I think the beers could easily give +1/+2 and still be weak. Could even do +1/+3 Unwearying Brewmaster: Beer needs to be buffed, but this also needs to be 1/3 stats. Blackout Kick: The silence doesn't even work if it kills the enemy. Why? A 2-mana spell should do 3 damage with an effect. Frozen TouchLunar EclipseFrost Strike. Silence effects are generally weaker than drawing cards. (see DeafenGhostly Strike) It would be nice if this could also be used to go face though. Find the Balance: Hilariously weak. Compare to Mark of the Lotus. Idk what the intention of this card is, but this effect wouldn't even be good at 0 mana because you're sacrificing attacks to use the meditate. It would have to give a lot more stats to be useful. Giving +4/+4 or +5/+5 on the medidate would actually pose a real threat. +1/+1 and wasting a whole turn does nothing. Zouchin Librarian: Compare to Crooked Cook. This needs to have better stats if it's going to be wasting a full attack for the draw effect. I'd buff it to a 1/5
(ok splitting my post up into multiple posts seems to have gotten around the spam filter) (this site sucks)
Renewing Mist: Feels weak. Getting the 1 extra healing to your minions usually doesn't make that much of a difference, and spending 3 mana to heal 7 to your hero is not worth it. I would make it 8 to a target and 2 to all other friendly characters. So many other 3-cost heal spells heal 8, and the 2 to all friendly characters the extra effect it needs to stay competitive. Compare to Ice Barrier(8 health + secret synergy), Chill Vibes(doesn't even see play), and even cards like Healing Wave and Healing Rain do more healing than this. Fists of Fury: Why does this cost 6 mana? ConsecrationHoly NovaRemorseless Winter. Please just make this 3 mana. You aren't going to get the bonus of hitting taunt minions that often. Dragon Turtle: This compares unfavorably to Ancient of War. Also compare to Tar Lord. Or even Volcanosaur becomes a 5/12 with the 2 health adapts. You can easily make this a 5/12 or even higher. Life Cocoon: Very cool card. Guarantees that a meditate minion survives, but most of the meditate effects aren't even that powerful. Only being able to target meditate minions is very limiting. Why not let it target any minion? Staff of Harmony: You'd have to get off 2 meditates for this to be worth it. It seems slow and the meditate minions are already kind of weak. It has the potential to scale if you have a lot of meditate minions on the board, but this still seems rather weak unless you're trying to set up an otk. You could push it to 1/3 stats.
Patient Mistweaver: Meditate effects aren't that common or powerful enough. This text is a minor effect so you can make his stats be 4/5 or 3/6. Zen Meditation: Meditation effects aren't powerful enough. Drunken Barfly: There aren't enough beer generation cards to justify running this. It's almost always just going to be a 3/3 rush because you won't draw your Pub Crawl. Even with Pub Crawl, you're paying 1 mana for +2/+2 stats. Not very good. Shado-Pan Agent: What's even the point of this card? Understatted (should be 5/4), and the meditate effect is the same as attacking face, so it's only useful for activate meditate synergy cards? I feel like it just doesn't do enough. Brewmaster Boof: Doesn't do enough. Bad tempo to get the perfect beer card in your hand. Perfect beer can give charge which is bad design because you can give ANY minion charge. Maybe that's fun just winning the game by getting a big minion and immediately going face with it, but the other choices are meaningless. Storm, Earth, and Fire: 8 mana Inara Stormcrash lol. I also don't know why the tokens all have that hand mechanic where they destroy themselves? What's the point? How often would that even happen?
Overall, a lot of these cards are incredibly weak. There are some cool ideas here, but it doesn't feel like a complete class with any real gameplan besides playing understatted taunt minions.
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Monk class idea by Targus
Hi! Long time no see but I have returned to playing Hearthstone after a long time and got idea for a new class. Monk class was presented to World of Warcraft in 2012 with the Mists of Pandaria expansion. It is the only WoW class that hasn't been added to Hearthstone as well (not counting the new Evoker class). I think it's only a matter of time until it will. Blizzard is keeping the doors open and still hasn't brought Chen Stormstout to Hearthstone universe in any form. So hey Blizzard developers! If you're reading this, here's the inspiration you need!
New keyword: Meditate
I know what you think, but don't worry. This is not just a Battlecry one turn later as it's in most of the Monk concepts. Meditate gives a minion new action it can take instead of attacking. Only minions with Meditate keyword may do this action. If a minion meditates, it cannot attack that turn. If a minion attacked that turn, it cannot meditate. So you have to choose if you want to use the minion for attacking, or for meditating. A minion cannot meditate the same turn it was played, unless it has Charge (Rush is not enough). So in simple terms – a minion with Meditate keyword may meditate whenever it would be able to attack the enemy hero (if there were no Taunt minions or other special effects).
Why on earth would somebody meditate instead of attacking? Well, because it may give you some advantage like increase of stats or drawing a card. The effect is specific for each Meditate card.
And how to make minion meditate? Just drag it to your hero (like you were trying to attack your own hero) and that's it, the meditate effect will happen.
If a minion has Meditate and Windfury, it may attack and then meditate, or meditate and then attack, or attack twice, or meditate twice.
If a minion has Meditate and Charge, it may meditate the same turn it was played. If a minion has Meditate and Rush, it may not meditate the same turn it was played.
If a minion has Meditate, it may meditate even if it has 0 Attack.
Hero and Hero Power
Well, there is only one possible Monk hero and that is the famous Chen Stormstout, a legendary pandaren brewmaster. Monk cards are little bid weaker for trading, so his hero power Chi Burst helps him with board clear a bid.
Chi Burst - Fireblast, Steady Shot
Common Core Set Cards
Ok, let's see all those meditating madmans and beer adicts. Let's start with the common ones. Guardian of Peace and Dragon Turtle are basic defensive minions that can protect your other, more valuable ones. Guardian of Peace is one of that cards you want to have in your starting hand. You also need some card income, you can use Zouchin Librarian for that. He may look weird, but he's not that crazy as the other monks. To keep the board clear, you can use Blackout Kick to get rid of some huge monsters with insane stats, or Fists of Fury for all those stupid murlocs spawning from nowhere. For keeping your forces strong enough you have two option. You can either drunk them by Beer with Unwearying Brewmaster and Pub Crawl, or tell them to find their inner peace with Find the Balance (making religious fanatics even from Neutral minions). And if you or some of your mad cult members get low on health, you can still use Renewing Mist to get back in action.
Blackout Kick firstly deals damage, and then silences the target. So if the target minion has Deathrattle and 3 Health or less, the Deathrattle does trigger (the minion dies before it is silenced).
Find the Balance gives the Meditate to all your minions, including the ones that already had Meditate. If some of these minions meditates, both Meditates trigger.
Dragon Turtle gains Taunt first time it meditates. However it still can meditate again in the future, but nothing will happen, it will just get Taunt again.
Guardian of Peace - Shieldbearer, Voidwalker
Pub Crawl - Bunch of Bananas, Banana Vendor
Blackout Kick - Frostbolt
Zouchin Librarian - Wind-up Burglebot
Renewing Mist - Holy Light, Healing Touch, Healing Rain
Fists of Fury - Blizzard
Dragon Turtle - Guardian of Kings
Beer - Bananas
Rare Core Set Cards
Let's look at the rare cards. Patient Mistweaver makes sure all your tired monks will get on feet, no matter how wounded (or drunk) they may be. Thanks to the Staff of Harmony you can make at least some damage to the enemy hero when all your soldiers decided to meditate in the middle of battle. With Life Cocoon you have bigger chance to keep at least some of those meditating idiots alive.
Staff of Harmony - Serrated Tooth, Light's Sorrow, Self-Sharpening Sword
Epic Core Set Cards
The higher rarity, the more cringe dudes. Shado-Pan Agent is definitely a drug user. But it's good to have at least somebody who actually does some damaging. Zen Meditation gives your minions a chance to attack after their meditation stuff... but they will most likely just meditate again. And what about Drunken Barfly? How is he going to help? Well, you'll be glad to get rid of all those beers in your hand without a need of paying their mana cost.
Drunken Barfly's Battlecry discards all beers (including the ones made by Brewmaster Boof) from your hand and add apply their effect on Drunken Barfly.
Drunken Barfly - Beastmaster Leoroxx
Legendary Core Set Cards
And here we are, the most powerful monks of all Pandaria! Wait, what? Are you kidding me? Brewmaster Boof? Who is that??? You just took some random brewmaster and made him a legendary?! I'm afraid to ask what the second legendary card is... Storm, Earth and Fire? Ok, that sounds better.
Tokens - Brewmaster Boof
By brewing the perfect beer you construct a spell that costs 2 and gives some buffs to a minion. First, you choose between +2/+0, +1/+1 and +0/+2 stat increase. Then you choose between Taunt, Charge and Windfury.
Examples of a perfect beer
There are 9 possible results of the brewing. Here are two examples.
Tokens - Storm, Earth and Fire
This legendary spell summons three minions. Each of them gives some buffs to your hero.
Ideas on other cards
There is a plenty of possible mechanics for other cards. There could more interaction with the beers, for example a card that changes your hero power so it adds beers to your hand. Then you could use them as an additional resource (similar to DK's souls). I will maybe create some more cards later to show these mechanics more specifically. So I hope you liked this idea! Feel free to show your own cards for this class.
great work i can tell you put a lot of thought into this! my only concern would be the power level of meditate, from the cards provided it seems like it might just be a bit too weak? losing an attack is a pretty big deal, especially for bigger minions
but other than that it all seems really cool and i really love the flavor
It seems like a control type deck vs and aggro deck. Natively every deck can play aggro midrange or control to some degree but hunter definitely encourages aggro and priest definitely encourages control. I think in this case looking at meditating it resembles a repeatable battle cry. In all honesty though I think it would be better to have it so you could use mediate on their summon but had certain cards that denied using mediate the first turn they were summoned with a tag "can not meditate the turn this was summoned"
0/4 taunt is interested but is it really an equal power to all the other 1 drops that basically have the equivalent of "must remove this immediately"? If the creature can't attack and meditate anyways it might as well be allowed to its first turn of being summoned
Meditate seems terrible. Minions usually live 1 turn on the board . So unless the minion is immune while meditating, they are just going to be removed before they get the bonus. But if you make them immune, its just a dormant effect.
Unfortunately, all of the images are broken. Is there a way to fix that? I'd love to see more of your concept!
So cool!
wtf why it mark my post as spam?
Overall cool concept. I like the theme of the class, but I have some balance nitpicks because a lot of these are underpowered:
Guardian of Peace:
Shieldbearer with upside is still bad. I don't think this would see play, but I think it's a cool design having it be 0 attack. You could make it a 0/5 and it would still be fair
Pub Crawl:
Compared to Bunch of Bananas, this is bad. It's 3 mana for +2/+2. I know there's synergy with Drunken Barfly, but this is still too weak on its own. The costs of the spell and the beers should still be 1 mana, so I think the beers could easily give +1/+2 and still be weak. Could even do +1/+3
Unwearying Brewmaster:
Beer needs to be buffed, but this also needs to be 1/3 stats.
Blackout Kick:
The silence doesn't even work if it kills the enemy. Why? A 2-mana spell should do 3 damage with an effect. Frozen Touch Lunar Eclipse Frost Strike. Silence effects are generally weaker than drawing cards. (see Deafen Ghostly Strike) It would be nice if this could also be used to go face though.
Find the Balance:
Hilariously weak. Compare to Mark of the Lotus. Idk what the intention of this card is, but this effect wouldn't even be good at 0 mana because you're sacrificing attacks to use the meditate. It would have to give a lot more stats to be useful. Giving +4/+4 or +5/+5 on the medidate would actually pose a real threat. +1/+1 and wasting a whole turn does nothing.
Zouchin Librarian:
Compare to Crooked Cook. This needs to have better stats if it's going to be wasting a full attack for the draw effect. I'd buff it to a 1/5
(ok splitting my post up into multiple posts seems to have gotten around the spam filter) (this site sucks)
Renewing Mist:
Feels weak. Getting the 1 extra healing to your minions usually doesn't make that much of a difference, and spending 3 mana to heal 7 to your hero is not worth it. I would make it 8 to a target and 2 to all other friendly characters. So many other 3-cost heal spells heal 8, and the 2 to all friendly characters the extra effect it needs to stay competitive. Compare to Ice Barrier(8 health + secret synergy), Chill Vibes(doesn't even see play), and even cards like Healing Wave and Healing Rain do more healing than this.
Fists of Fury:
Why does this cost 6 mana? Consecration Holy Nova Remorseless Winter. Please just make this 3 mana. You aren't going to get the bonus of hitting taunt minions that often.
Dragon Turtle:
This compares unfavorably to Ancient of War. Also compare to Tar Lord. Or even Volcanosaur becomes a 5/12 with the 2 health adapts. You can easily make this a 5/12 or even higher.
Life Cocoon:
Very cool card. Guarantees that a meditate minion survives, but most of the meditate effects aren't even that powerful. Only being able to target meditate minions is very limiting. Why not let it target any minion?
Staff of Harmony:
You'd have to get off 2 meditates for this to be worth it. It seems slow and the meditate minions are already kind of weak. It has the potential to scale if you have a lot of meditate minions on the board, but this still seems rather weak unless you're trying to set up an otk. You could push it to 1/3 stats.
Patient Mistweaver:
Meditate effects aren't that common or powerful enough. This text is a minor effect so you can make his stats be 4/5 or 3/6.
Zen Meditation:
Meditation effects aren't powerful enough.
Drunken Barfly:
There aren't enough beer generation cards to justify running this. It's almost always just going to be a 3/3 rush because you won't draw your Pub Crawl. Even with Pub Crawl, you're paying 1 mana for +2/+2 stats. Not very good.
Shado-Pan Agent:
What's even the point of this card? Understatted (should be 5/4), and the meditate effect is the same as attacking face, so it's only useful for activate meditate synergy cards? I feel like it just doesn't do enough.
Brewmaster Boof:
Doesn't do enough. Bad tempo to get the perfect beer card in your hand. Perfect beer can give charge which is bad design because you can give ANY minion charge. Maybe that's fun just winning the game by getting a big minion and immediately going face with it, but the other choices are meaningless.
Storm, Earth, and Fire:
8 mana Inara Stormcrash lol. I also don't know why the tokens all have that hand mechanic where they destroy themselves? What's the point? How often would that even happen?
Overall, a lot of these cards are incredibly weak. There are some cool ideas here, but it doesn't feel like a complete class with any real gameplan besides playing understatted taunt minions.