The deep sea is the biggest unknown of Azeroth, and mortals fear the unknown. For this reason, the seas were left mostly untouched by Azeroth's denizens for millenia. And now, we are going on an expedition into the ocean! Brace yourselves, for we'll discover hidden places unbeknownst to men for thousands of years, race against Elemental waves, Pirates, Murlocs and various Beasts, face eldritch horrors, and most importantly, find treasure!
The sea floor hosts many dangerous predators and mysterious creatures. Some of them are Submerged in deep waters, and may Resurface for different effects!
On Submerge/Resurface:
Submerge/Resurface works in a very simple way and they complete one another. When you play a minion with these effects, you will get a panel similar to Choose One. If the Resurface option is chosen, it will function exactly like a Battlecry, except for triggering Battlecry related stuff. If you choose Submerge, the minion will instead go dormant a la The Darkness and trigger its Submerge effect at the end of your turns, unless it's stated otherwise (for example, an aura effect). You can switch between these two modes by clicking on the minion in your turn if it has an unspent attack. So, if you played a minion and activated its Resurface to get an instant effect, instead of attacking with it next turn, you can Submerge it, and vice versa.
For example, you can play Bleakwater Ambusheras a 3/7 with Rush, or let it Submerge and wait for a turn to Resurface it as a 6/7 or maybe even a 9/7 or 12/7 if you're patient enough. Or maybe, after it attacked, you can let it go to hiding and attack later with it, even stronger than before!
Many residents of the ocean have some form of defense mechanism against the spellcasters of Azeroth. They utilize the waters to their full advantage, making them Evasive. These minions can't be targeted by spells or Hero Powers.
The depths have many different habitats, and when they hit the board, their effect continues for several turns. All classes get a spell that have a persistent effect for multiple turns.
All kinds of minions roam the seas, be it a Pirate, Murloc, Beast, or even Mech. Most types will get immense support cards to boot.
Call of the Ocean has 135 cards. Each class gets two Legendary cards and one class gets a new Hero Card. However, that's not all, as after I reveal all of the cards, there will be an Adventure with PvE encounters and even more collectible cards, with five more neutral Legendaries!
DRUID (10/10)
HUNTER (10/10)
MAGE (10/10)
PALADIN (10/10)
PRIEST (10/10)
ROGUE (10/10)
SHAMAN (10/10)
WARLOCK (10/10)
WARRIOR (10/10)
NEUTRAL (45/45)
Kisigar's Devolved Hero Powers
I hope you like the expansion! I'd really appreciate if you give some feedback. Stay tuned for more updates and reveals. Take care, and surrender yourself to the Call of the Ocean!
Good question. Tbh I quit playing games altogether so when I feel like killing time I resort to stuff like this. Putting out a product/creating a project has always been fun for me, and designing HS cards are also fun, so I tend to do stuff like this from time to time. And why not post it on the internet if I wasted that much time on it, right?
Great work! I also thought some time ago it would be a cool idea for an expansion featuring a lot of minions from the Cataclysm Addon for World of Warcraft, maybe something called "Depths of Vashj'ir" with all those Nagas and sea creatures. Nicely done!
Thanks! An underwater expansion is something HS desperately needs, and last WoW expansion already gave a lot of material for it. For Submerge, yes, it triggers at the end of your each turn, so it can stack. There are some exceptions, though.
More info and clarifications regarding Submerge/Resurface, and more importantly, new cards!
-Submerged minions are immune to all target effects (unless it's specified otherwise) and AoE damage. However, they are not immune to random destroy, transform or "destroy all" types of effects, much like Immune minions
-However, cards like Equality will not effect Submerged minions. They can gain stats while hiding in the depths, but not lose.
-The in-game activation to switch between Submerge/Resurface is to double click the minion. The minion has to be able to attack to switch between the two, if it already attacked, it can't Submerge, unless it has multiple attacks a la Windfury.
-Only minions with the Submerge/Resurface text can do this action. However, other minions can gain these abilities or achieve this action via other cards. Submerged minions can also gain additional Submerge or Resurface effects via other cards.
-Submerge triggers at the end of every turn, unless it's a constant aura effect or a conditional effect.
-Submerged minions can be summoned randomly in regular position, but when it's specified like "Summon a Submerged minion.", like in the case of Lady Vashj, a minion from the Submerge/Resurface pool is summoned in corresponding position.
I kinda went into designing cards without proper planning when starting this huge project. Paladin was one of the classes I experimented the Submerge/Resurface mechanic the most, besides a perfect match like Rogue. So, Paladin got a lot of synergistic cards with this mechanic. This mechanic will be explored even further in the Galakrond's Awakening-esque adventure that further gives each class a Common, Rare and Epic card as well as a bunch of neutrals. Look forward to royal guardians of Nazjatar and Azshara manipulating the waters to their favor.
Anyways, keep it 100 and stay tuned for more. Hopefully this'll get more views at time goes on tho.
Cool concept and all, but why would you waste your time on this? Don't quite understand.
Since day 1 of Hearthstone, people have been making up their own ideas for cards, whether it just be a buff, or their own little way of addressing their concerns/frustrations with the meta. Don't tell me you haven't seen someone on stream say "Oh, we need so-and-so kind of card" because of the meta.
Some people take it a bit further and do this for fun. To you, it seems like we waste our time. To us, it's just a little project we make for ourselves and maybe share with others. If you continue to think people who make their own Hearthstone cards are just squandering their time, then you're free to continue with that line of thought.
This is awesome great job. Takes a lot to put something this concrete and cohesive together. I wish Team 5 did the same thing and also use the ideas of players or fans more often. I've been praying for a halls of valor/hellheim expansion forever. Since i believe they will follow the theme of making all expansions in a year match each other story-wise the more expansions that have a connection with each other makes sense, which is why i wish they would mimic the actual WoW expansions more often because they usually have 3 major patches in them for the story and content.
Cool concept and all, but why would you waste your time on this? Don't quite understand.
Since day 1 of Hearthstone, people have been making up their own ideas for cards, whether it just be a buff, or their own little way of addressing their concerns/frustrations with the meta. Don't tell me you haven't seen someone on stream say "Oh, we need so-and-so kind of card" because of the meta.
Some people take it a bit further and do this for fun. To you, it seems like we waste our time. To us, it's just a little project we make for ourselves and maybe share with others. If you continue to think people who make their own Hearthstone cards are just squandering their time, then you're free to continue with that line of thought.
Well said. It's an extension of HS as a hobby. I rarely make new cards, but I love seeing others' ideas and thoughts on what *could* be.
Cool concept and all, but why would you waste your time on this? Don't quite understand.
How is enjoying yourself a waste of time? Don't quite understand.
Clearly you didn't know that life is only about getting free card backs, packs, and ranking up.
Games that take more than 3 minutes are also a waste of time... Getting 30 wins in a day for the extra 100 gold is also more important than anything else.
Hearthstone is supposed to be played like an addiction... Not for... Fun??!!
The deep sea is the biggest unknown of Azeroth, and mortals fear the unknown. For this reason, the seas were left mostly untouched by Azeroth's denizens for millenia. And now, we are going on an expedition into the ocean! Brace yourselves, for we'll discover hidden places unbeknownst to men for thousands of years, race against Elemental waves, Pirates, Murlocs and various Beasts, face eldritch horrors, and most importantly, find treasure!
The sea floor hosts many dangerous predators and mysterious creatures. Some of them are Submerged in deep waters, and may Resurface for different effects!
On Submerge/Resurface:
Submerge/Resurface works in a very simple way and they complete one another. When you play a minion with these effects, you will get a panel similar to Choose One. If the Resurface option is chosen, it will function exactly like a Battlecry, except for triggering Battlecry related stuff. If you choose Submerge, the minion will instead go dormant a la The Darkness and trigger its Submerge effect at the end of your turns, unless it's stated otherwise (for example, an aura effect). You can switch between these two modes by clicking on the minion in your turn if it has an unspent attack. So, if you played a minion and activated its Resurface to get an instant effect, instead of attacking with it next turn, you can Submerge it, and vice versa.
For example, you can play Bleakwater Ambusher as a 3/7 with Rush, or let it Submerge and wait for a turn to Resurface it as a 6/7 or maybe even a 9/7 or 12/7 if you're patient enough. Or maybe, after it attacked, you can let it go to hiding and attack later with it, even stronger than before!
Many residents of the ocean have some form of defense mechanism against the spellcasters of Azeroth. They utilize the waters to their full advantage, making them Evasive. These minions can't be targeted by spells or Hero Powers.
The depths have many different habitats, and when they hit the board, their effect continues for several turns. All classes get a spell that have a persistent effect for multiple turns.
All kinds of minions roam the seas, be it a Pirate, Murloc, Beast, or even Mech. Most types will get immense support cards to boot.
Call of the Ocean has 135 cards. Each class gets two Legendary cards and one class gets a new Hero Card. However, that's not all, as after I reveal all of the cards, there will be an Adventure with PvE encounters and even more collectible cards, with five more neutral Legendaries!
DRUID (10/10)
HUNTER (10/10)
MAGE (10/10)
PALADIN (10/10)
PRIEST (10/10)
ROGUE (10/10)
SHAMAN (10/10)
WARLOCK (10/10)
WARRIOR (10/10)
NEUTRAL (45/45)
Kisigar's Devolved Hero Powers
I hope you like the expansion! I'd really appreciate if you give some feedback. Stay tuned for more updates and reveals. Take care, and surrender yourself to the Call of the Ocean!
Check out my ambitiously horrific custom expansion, Call of the Ocean!
Cool concept and all, but why would you waste your time on this? Don't quite understand.
Good question. Tbh I quit playing games altogether so when I feel like killing time I resort to stuff like this. Putting out a product/creating a project has always been fun for me, and designing HS cards are also fun, so I tend to do stuff like this from time to time. And why not post it on the internet if I wasted that much time on it, right?
Check out my ambitiously horrific custom expansion, Call of the Ocean!
really like some of the cards.
+1 for all the work.
Great work! I also thought some time ago it would be a cool idea for an expansion featuring a lot of minions from the Cataclysm Addon for World of Warcraft, maybe something called "Depths of Vashj'ir" with all those Nagas and sea creatures. Nicely done!
The Submerge ability bonus is added per turn?
Cool artworks.
Thanks! An underwater expansion is something HS desperately needs, and last WoW expansion already gave a lot of material for it. For Submerge, yes, it triggers at the end of your each turn, so it can stack. There are some exceptions, though.
Check out my ambitiously horrific custom expansion, Call of the Ocean!
More info and clarifications regarding Submerge/Resurface, and more importantly, new cards!
-Submerged minions are immune to all target effects (unless it's specified otherwise) and AoE damage. However, they are not immune to random destroy, transform or "destroy all" types of effects, much like Immune minions
-However, cards like Equality will not effect Submerged minions. They can gain stats while hiding in the depths, but not lose.
-The in-game activation to switch between Submerge/Resurface is to double click the minion. The minion has to be able to attack to switch between the two, if it already attacked, it can't Submerge, unless it has multiple attacks a la Windfury.
-Only minions with the Submerge/Resurface text can do this action. However, other minions can gain these abilities or achieve this action via other cards. Submerged minions can also gain additional Submerge or Resurface effects via other cards.
-Submerge triggers at the end of every turn, unless it's a constant aura effect or a conditional effect.
-Submerged minions can be summoned randomly in regular position, but when it's specified like "Summon a Submerged minion.", like in the case of Lady Vashj, a minion from the Submerge/Resurface pool is summoned in corresponding position.
I kinda went into designing cards without proper planning when starting this huge project. Paladin was one of the classes I experimented the Submerge/Resurface mechanic the most, besides a perfect match like Rogue. So, Paladin got a lot of synergistic cards with this mechanic. This mechanic will be explored even further in the Galakrond's Awakening-esque adventure that further gives each class a Common, Rare and Epic card as well as a bunch of neutrals. Look forward to royal guardians of Nazjatar and Azshara manipulating the waters to their favor.
Anyways, keep it 100 and stay tuned for more. Hopefully this'll get more views at time goes on tho.
Check out my ambitiously horrific custom expansion, Call of the Ocean!
Nice. But Cult Propagandist should probably be 3 Mana and still would be quite strong. It's much better than Sandwasp Queen.
Blizzard should bring you on as a freelancer and report your income to you on a 1099-M. Good stuff here, mate.
Since day 1 of Hearthstone, people have been making up their own ideas for cards, whether it just be a buff, or their own little way of addressing their concerns/frustrations with the meta. Don't tell me you haven't seen someone on stream say "Oh, we need so-and-so kind of card" because of the meta.
Some people take it a bit further and do this for fun. To you, it seems like we waste our time. To us, it's just a little project we make for ourselves and maybe share with others. If you continue to think people who make their own Hearthstone cards are just squandering their time, then you're free to continue with that line of thought.
This is awesome great job. Takes a lot to put something this concrete and cohesive together. I wish Team 5 did the same thing and also use the ideas of players or fans more often. I've been praying for a halls of valor/hellheim expansion forever. Since i believe they will follow the theme of making all expansions in a year match each other story-wise the more expansions that have a connection with each other makes sense, which is why i wish they would mimic the actual WoW expansions more often because they usually have 3 major patches in them for the story and content.
Google search: Is Hearthstone free to play?
I'd love for Sunken Library to be real.
Well said. It's an extension of HS as a hobby. I rarely make new cards, but I love seeing others' ideas and thoughts on what *could* be.
'Murica, fuck yeah! That's why!
Abyssmancer Reze Resurface effect should give stealth only for one turn, to avoid plays like Mal'Ganis with Stealth.
How is enjoying yourself a waste of time? Don't quite understand.
I absolutely love the mechanic and the effort you have made here. It's a great concept and would make for an MVP set.
Sometimes I think they HS team are a little reserved with the new mechanics but yours balances new and exciting with simplicity.
Fantastic job. Keep the content coming!
There is only my justice now
Clearly you didn't know that life is only about getting free card backs, packs, and ranking up.
Games that take more than 3 minutes are also a waste of time... Getting 30 wins in a day for the extra 100 gold is also more important than anything else.
Hearthstone is supposed to be played like an addiction... Not for... Fun??!!
I made an Expansion with similar theme a while ago, but this one is much better executed. Good job!