The card is designed to add a card to your hand that is not physically in the game but instead generated from other cards from any expansion. This includes things such as dream cards and death knight cards. Bananas, Imps, quest rewards, minions (from cards such as dragon soul or piranha launcher) This can also add things like the explore ungoro cards, Togwaggles ransom, coins, bombs ect. lots of low roll/high roll potential.
I think it's better than it seems and has potential in zoo, if you flood your board of imps you only have 1/8 of chances to die. Honestly at least that's better than Millhouse, and the payback's also great IMO.
Edit: This card will make you share your health with your opponent. For instance, if you restore 8 health then take 3 damage, your opponent restore 8 health then take 3 damage as well.
My very first card idea (with some noticeable changes).
Q: How does this work?
Imagine that you are about to die and the opponent throws a
or a charger (like
Leeroy Jenkins
) onto your face. Our little buddy here would sense the danger and would leap forward to save her master, sacrificing her own life. It doesn't matter if the dog is already on the board or still lies in our hand/deck, the effect will trigger in all of those cases. So this is like a neutral
Ice Block
, but unlike the mage secret it doesn't give you any immunity. So if the opponent has another way at killing you that turn, your hero will join your beloved Lassy in the after life.
Big thanks to DestroyerR, Cogito and the people in hearthcards for giving me their feedback.
in order to get level 6, you would need to copy a ritualist via facless manipulator or other copy cards. it also means you would need 6 1/3 minions which isn't great for board presence.
Originally 3 Mana, then 4 Mana (and +1/+1 buff to the mech selected) now 3 Mana again, because it has more flavor like this. I will pretend that
Omega Devastator
does not exist. :)
At 3 Mana a single one of these will result in
additional Omega Devastators (from hand)
12 Infinifactory cards played in total (when used on an existing board or a 1-drop from hand).
The card is designed to add a card to your hand that is not physically in the game but instead generated from other cards from any expansion. This includes things such as dream cards and death knight cards. Bananas, Imps, quest rewards, minions (from cards such as dragon soul or piranha launcher) This can also add things like the explore ungoro cards, Togwaggles ransom, coins, bombs ect. lots of low roll/high roll potential.
"That's what happens when you karaoke to much."
I think it's better than it seems and has potential in zoo, if you flood your board of imps you only have 1/8 of chances to die. Honestly at least that's better than Millhouse, and the payback's also great IMO.
Click here to see my custom pirate adventure, The Treasures of VanCleef!
"It contains the very power of darkness and you get to cast cool spells "-Prophet Valen
so... anything?
and no ban for meme?
let's see..
I get shot down, then I get up again...
My very first card idea (with some noticeable changes).
Q: How does this work?
Imagine that you are about to die and the opponent throws a Pyroblast or a charger (like Leeroy Jenkins ) onto your face. Our little buddy here would sense the danger and would leap forward to save her master, sacrificing her own life. It doesn't matter if the dog is already on the board or still lies in our hand/deck, the effect will trigger in all of those cases. So this is like a neutral Ice Block , but unlike the mage secret it doesn't give you any immunity. So if the opponent has another way at killing you that turn, your hero will join your beloved Lassy in the after life.
Big thanks to DestroyerR, Cogito and the people in hearthcards for giving me their feedback.
[edit] Bumped to 1/1.
You shall not shuffle!
level 1
level 2
level 3
level 4
level 5
level 6
in order to get level 6, you would need to copy a ritualist via facless manipulator or other copy cards. it also means you would need 6 1/3 minions which isn't great for board presence.
Originally 3 Mana, then 4 Mana (and +1/+1 buff to the mech selected) now 3 Mana again, because it has more flavor like this. I will pretend that Omega Devastator does not exist. :)
At 3 Mana a single one of these will result in
6additional Omega Devastators (from hand)12 Infinifactory cards played in total (when used on an existing board or a 1-drop from hand).THE END IS Shhhhhhhhhhhh!
He prefer to be called Silencer, but copyright says no. Somebody also call him Don'tsayer.
My Hearthcards ID: kolozenzei
Flavor: This is why you shouldn't shout your attacks out loud.
Entrance quotes:
"All life is to be treasured"
"I bring life... AND DEATH!"
"Showing the true consequences of peeking at gifts that aren't yours, since a long, long time ago."
Raaauuorgrlgelgshmurglefurgleauugburlge - May you eat many fish so that you are full and happy