Preview Phase (Starts Now! Ends 21:00 UTC 11/4/2019) During this Phase, the Discussion Topic is made available, previewing this week's competition theme. Entry and Early Voting Phase (Starts 21:00 UTC 11/4/2019, Ends 21:00 UTC 15/4/2019) During this Phase, the Submission Topic is made available for your submissions. You may also, of course, feel free to give early up-votes to any submissions that you like! Voting Phase (Starts 21:00 UTC 15/4/2019, Ends 21:00 UTC 16/4/2019) During this Phase, the Submission Topic will be locked, so no more entries may be submitted. Instead, use this time to browse the submissions and up-vote your favorites! Final Phase (Starts 21:00 UTC 16/4/2019, Ends 21:00 UTC 17/4/2019) During this Phase, the Discussion Topic will also be locked, and a new Poll Topic will go up. Discussion will be allowed to continue in the Poll Topic, and it will also include all the qualifying finalists and poll to decide the winner of the competition!
Discussion Topic Rules
To make sure that everything runs smoothly, we need to reserve the Submission Topic for submissions only. Everything else goes here. What is everything else, you might ask?
Rules or Process. Do you have a question about the competition's process? Do you need clarification about one of the entry requirements? Are you not sure whether your entry adhered to the rules? Ask here!
Feedback or Ideas. Do you have some ideas you'd like to run by others before settling on one? Do you need help balancing or wording your entry? Do you need help finding art that will fit your card? Or do you just want feedback from the community on your entry? You're in the right place! Remember, although you are allowed to make minor tweaks to your entry after you've submitted it, you're only allowed one submission per week, so make sure that you've settled on your card for sure beforehand.
Discussion! Do you have thoughts on other people's entries? Are there directions you don't like that you're seeing too many people take? Or directions you'd like to see more people take? Would you like to help others and contribute to a greater community understanding of Hearthstone card design and balance? This is where you want to be!
All of that said, please refrain from the following:
Posting TONS of Ideas. Discussion topics become an absolute mess if everybody is posting a dozen different ideas. Please post not more than 3 distinct ideas at a time. Any more than that and we'll have to delete your post.
Advertising Your Entry. Please don't pop in here just to advertise your entry only to never be heard from again. This includes only asking short, generic, or insincere questions like "Thoughts?" or "Do you think this is interesting?". Yes, getting feedback on your entry is one of the purposes of this topic, but we're not just here for other people to help you. We're here for you all to help each other. 12 hours after this competition begins, there should be plenty of other posts here for you to give specific feedback or for you to comment on a trend. If you post your entry for feedback after this time and do not also offer some form of substantial commentary, critique, or praise of others' work, you may find your post deleted.
Plagiarism. Many people post their ideas here before finalizing them in the submission topic. Directly plagiarizing those ideas to post in the submission topic yourself is absolutely not acceptable.
Looking for more information about the WCDC or Fan Creations in general? Why not check out this FAQ to see if your question is answered there? You can also PM one of us Fan Creation Mods!
Behold, foolish interlopers! I am commanding this mortal to spread the will of the Scourge throughout the interwebs, encouraging you to seek out me, Archlich Kel'Thuzad! Now coming to you as the tenth class of Hearthstone!
I am a finalist in this Class Creation Competition, so if you could give it a look I would be greatly appreciative <3
This is my first idea. I'm really happy with the idea, but I'm not sure if I worded it properly or not.
The idea is that you get a random Shaman spell to your hand, that when you cast it... adds another random Shaman spell to your hand, that when you cast it... adds another random Shaman spell to your hand, and this effect repeats indefinitely for that one spell.
The only thing is that it says it "gains this Battlecry", and I know someone is going to say "but spells can't have Battlecries". It's not getting one. It's getting the effect.
The spell generated by Rehgar would also have a special effects layer over the card (like all of the "Shifter" cards), so you would know which card triggers this effect.
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Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
This is what Im (most likely) going with; my original version had it with negative attack that healed for that amount then copied its abilities to a random minion, but that mechanic I felt is inherently broken and not satisfying to create.
Let's spread the love! Can't wait to see some of the ideas for this one. :) On that subject, here are my first ideas:
For the Infected Host, the minion has to survive being attacked by it in order to transform. And yes, this then means your opponent then gets one! The Hellish Infector can spread to any minion, including enemy minions.
What do you think about this idea? The first minion that this effect bounces to would only gain the deathrattle in addition to its own. For example if it bounced to Tirion Fordring, the abilities would be "Divine Shield, Taunt, Deathrattle: Equip 5/3 Ashbringer AND Deathrattle: Give this minion's abilities to a random minion". Then the next minion would gain the previous effects in addition to its own and they would keep stacking forward until all the minions on board were removed for once so there was no minion to bounce to.
Also void revenants are actually NOT DEMONS. Should I stay trustful to the lore or use the demon tag since all void minions in HS have been demons?
What are your thoughts on balance? I mean an aggro deck wouldn't complain about their 3/2 turning out to be a 6/2 instead, but a control or value deck will be sad about a Ysera or Blastmaster Boom turning out to not have any (Battlecry) effect, so should this minion be bigger (and therefore more expensive)? It is a pretty good removal tool by itself^^
What do you think about this idea? The first minion that this effect bounces to would only gain the deathrattle in addition to its own. For example if it bounced to Tirion Fordring, the abilities would be "Divine Shield, Taunt, Deathrattle: Equip 5/3 Ashbringer AND Deathrattle: Give this minion's abilities to a random minion". Then the next minion would gain the previous effects in addition to its own and they would keep stacking forward until all the minions on board were removed for once so there was no minion to bounce to.
Also void revenants are actually NOT DEMONS. Should I stay trustful to the lore or use the demon tag since all void minions in HS have been demons?
Very interesting. Extremely broken under certain conditions I'm sure due to being neutral (getting this to go on Immortal Prelate, Da Undatakah and then Tirion Fordring come to mind), but very interesting none the less. Does it also keep any enchantments/buffs?
I don't think the tribe really matters that much. Blizzard themselves haven't been very consistent with them either. I'd say the tribe should generally match the card image so it visually makes sense.
What do you think about this idea? The first minion that this effect bounces to would only gain the deathrattle in addition to its own. For example if it bounced to Tirion Fordring, the abilities would be "Divine Shield, Taunt, Deathrattle: Equip 5/3 Ashbringer AND Deathrattle: Give this minion's abilities to a random minion". Then the next minion would gain the previous effects in addition to its own and they would keep stacking forward until all the minions on board were removed for once so there was no minion to bounce to.
Also void revenants are actually NOT DEMONS. Should I stay trustful to the lore or use the demon tag since all void minions in HS have been demons?
Very interesting. Extremely broken under certain conditions I'm sure due to being neutral (getting this to go on Immortal Prelate, Da Undatakah and then Tirion Fordring come to mind), but very interesting none the less. Does it also keep any enchantments/buffs?
I don't think the tribe really matters that much. Blizzard themselves haven't been very consistent with them either. I'd say the tribe should generally match the card image so it visually makes sense.
Very good points! I intended it wouldn't keep any spell effects, only "abilities". It's tough that the difference between an effect, an ability, an enchantment, a buff and a card text is very vague. I think I should change the word "effect" to "card text" although that sounds very lame. I know the card is capable to generate some broken combos but due to the randomness who gains the deathrattle, I think it balances the card (and makes it even crazier). Gonna increase the mana cost by 1 just to be sure! :)
Here's my first idea; not sure how balanced it is:
She just keeps coming back for more, but you have to keep losing your other minions to do it. I'm wondering if a larger stat-line would be more preferable.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Behold, foolish interlopers! I am commanding this mortal to spread the will of the Scourge throughout the interwebs, encouraging you to seek out me, Archlich Kel'Thuzad! Now coming to you as the tenth class of Hearthstone!
I am a finalist in this Class Creation Competition, so if you could give it a look I would be greatly appreciative <3
My initial ideas, two are previous ideas of mine and one is brand new. Would they count?
They should all count, yes. Of them I think I prefer G'Huun. Common Cold could conceivably continue forever, and The Nightmare is a Legendary class tech card which seems wrong to me.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Behold, foolish interlopers! I am commanding this mortal to spread the will of the Scourge throughout the interwebs, encouraging you to seek out me, Archlich Kel'Thuzad! Now coming to you as the tenth class of Hearthstone!
I am a finalist in this Class Creation Competition, so if you could give it a look I would be greatly appreciative <3
This is the Discussion Topic. The Submission Topic is here.
Competition Theme: Down With The Sickness
This week's theme comes from Thezzy, whose "The Assimilator" was the winner of our Stack the Deck competition!
Competition-Specific Restrictions:
Competition Process
During this Phase, the Discussion Topic is made available, previewing this week's competition theme.
During this Phase, the Submission Topic is made available for your submissions. You may also, of course, feel free to give early up-votes to any submissions that you like!
During this Phase, the Submission Topic will be locked, so no more entries may be submitted. Instead, use this time to browse the submissions and up-vote your favorites!
During this Phase, the Discussion Topic will also be locked, and a new Poll Topic will go up. Discussion will be allowed to continue in the Poll Topic, and it will also include all the qualifying finalists and poll to decide the winner of the competition!
Discussion Topic Rules
To make sure that everything runs smoothly, we need to reserve the Submission Topic for submissions only. Everything else goes here. What is everything else, you might ask?
All of that said, please refrain from the following:
Looking for more information about the WCDC or Fan Creations in general? Why not check out this FAQ to see if your question is answered there? You can also PM one of us Fan Creation Mods!
Behold, foolish interlopers! I am commanding this mortal to spread the will of the Scourge throughout the interwebs, encouraging you to seek out me, Archlich Kel'Thuzad! Now coming to you as the tenth class of Hearthstone!
I am a finalist in this Class Creation Competition, so if you could give it a look I would be greatly appreciative <3
This will be kinda tricky, but the task is really interesting. Respect to Thezzy and to the mods for coming up with something original.
Not sure how many entries we will get with the expansion just hitting but here goes for a nice theme.
This is my first idea. I'm really happy with the idea, but I'm not sure if I worded it properly or not.
The idea is that you get a random Shaman spell to your hand, that when you cast it... adds another random Shaman spell to your hand, that when you cast it... adds another random Shaman spell to your hand, and this effect repeats indefinitely for that one spell.
The only thing is that it says it "gains this Battlecry", and I know someone is going to say "but spells can't have Battlecries". It's not getting one. It's getting the effect.
The spell generated by Rehgar would also have a special effects layer over the card (like all of the "Shifter" cards), so you would know which card triggers this effect.
Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
This is what Im (most likely) going with; my original version had it with negative attack that healed for that amount then copied its abilities to a random minion, but that mechanic I felt is inherently broken and not satisfying to create.
If you thought you knew what you think I know, then you'd know I knew you knew I know.
So far both cards are alright, although Apothecary Shane has very good stats for his effect.
Right now this is my only idea. Pretty flavorful but not brilliant, IMO:
as soon as i saw the subject, this idea popped into my head. yes, taunt stops the minion affected by this from attacking at all.
Here's my first attempt at the theme. I might get some crazier notions later.
Check out my Mech Undatakah Pally deck:
Difficult but cool theme... here's my first draft. Feedback is welcome :)
Let's spread the love! Can't wait to see some of the ideas for this one. :)

On that subject, here are my first ideas:
For the Infected Host, the minion has to survive being attacked by it in order to transform. And yes, this then means your opponent then gets one! The Hellish Infector can spread to any minion, including enemy minions.
What do you think about this idea? The first minion that this effect bounces to would only gain the deathrattle in addition to its own. For example if it bounced to Tirion Fordring, the abilities would be "Divine Shield, Taunt, Deathrattle: Equip 5/3 Ashbringer AND Deathrattle: Give this minion's abilities to a random minion". Then the next minion would gain the previous effects in addition to its own and they would keep stacking forward until all the minions on board were removed for once so there was no minion to bounce to.
Also void revenants are actually NOT DEMONS. Should I stay trustful to the lore or use the demon tag since all void minions in HS have been demons?
May your nets always be full! 🎣
You can create more copies with Holy Water and Mindgames, or get a (secret) copy with Thoughtsteal, Mind Vision, etc. The Deathrattle is secret for you as well though.
What are your thoughts on balance? I mean an aggro deck wouldn't complain about their 3/2 turning out to be a 6/2 instead, but a control or value deck will be sad about a Ysera or Blastmaster Boom turning out to not have any (Battlecry) effect, so should this minion be bigger (and therefore more expensive)? It is a pretty good removal tool by itself^^
Edit: Also pretty good with Shadowy Figure!
Very interesting. Extremely broken under certain conditions I'm sure due to being neutral (getting this to go on Immortal Prelate, Da Undatakah and then Tirion Fordring come to mind), but very interesting none the less. Does it also keep any enchantments/buffs?
I don't think the tribe really matters that much. Blizzard themselves haven't been very consistent with them either. I'd say the tribe should generally match the card image so it visually makes sense.
Very good points! I intended it wouldn't keep any spell effects, only "abilities". It's tough that the difference between an effect, an ability, an enchantment, a buff and a card text is very vague. I think I should change the word "effect" to "card text" although that sounds very lame. I know the card is capable to generate some broken combos but due to the randomness who gains the deathrattle, I think it balances the card (and makes it even crazier). Gonna increase the mana cost by 1 just to be sure! :)
May your nets always be full! 🎣
My initial ideas, two are previous ideas of mine and one is brand new. Would they count?
Here's my idea with its obvious inspiration. Feedback welcome, as well as how to properly word the cards that add the spell to your hand.
Here's my first idea; not sure how balanced it is:
She just keeps coming back for more, but you have to keep losing your other minions to do it. I'm wondering if a larger stat-line would be more preferable.
Behold, foolish interlopers! I am commanding this mortal to spread the will of the Scourge throughout the interwebs, encouraging you to seek out me, Archlich Kel'Thuzad! Now coming to you as the tenth class of Hearthstone!
I am a finalist in this Class Creation Competition, so if you could give it a look I would be greatly appreciative <3
They should all count, yes. Of them I think I prefer G'Huun. Common Cold could conceivably continue forever, and The Nightmare is a Legendary class tech card which seems wrong to me.
Behold, foolish interlopers! I am commanding this mortal to spread the will of the Scourge throughout the interwebs, encouraging you to seek out me, Archlich Kel'Thuzad! Now coming to you as the tenth class of Hearthstone!
I am a finalist in this Class Creation Competition, so if you could give it a look I would be greatly appreciative <3
@DestroyerR I really like the Nightmare, it's original and could break combos. Not sure if I would put this into my deck, though!
@GoliathTheDwarf Love the flavour, but why not make the turtle just a minion?
Here are my ideas:
"A gang for those who were banned from the Grimy Goons for being filthy rogues."
"In fatigue clawing to death is completely useless."
Not sure if the first one counts, I mean you're generating infinite Gang Goblins and "infecting your deck", but not sure if that's enough.
Click here to see my custom pirate adventure, The Treasures of VanCleef!