These are the rules that remain consistent from competition to competition.
First, these are the rules about Posting:
You are allowed to submit
only one entry
. An entry normally consists of only
collectible card, plus any necessary additional material or commentary (explained below).
You are allowed to post in this Submission Topic
only once
, only to submit your one entry.
You may not delete ANY posts you make in this Submission Topic
, not even accidental ones you may make over your one allowed, such as by double-posting or by accidentally posting something here that you meant for the Discussion Topic. If you do accidentally post more than once, inform any of the Fan Creation Forum moderators via PM, and we will handle it.
Speaking of the Discussion Topic, that is where any discussion of this competition should go. This thread is for
submissions only
. If you want to discuss your card or ask questions about the competition rules or process, you can find a link to the Discussion Topic at the top of this thread. Plenty of folks there will be happy to help you out.
Once you have submitted your one entry, you are allowed to make
only minor changes
to it. Minor changes are things like correcting typos or making balance changes that do not alter the spirit of your entry as determined by we the moderators. If you want to make any changes and have any doubts as to their legality, ask us first.
These are the rules about your Submission:
Accompanying the image of your card, you may offer some
minimal additional commentary
to explain its design, balance, and/or other qualities. Flavor text is also welcome.
may not
submit any Gold cards or animated cards. (It's just a cheap attention grab tactic that makes it unnecessarily difficult to determine what class your card is for.)
Your entry must be a card of
your own creation
. We've been doing this for a while, so if you blatantly rip off somebody else's idea, we will know.
Remember that, although HearthCards is awesome,
you MUST host your card somewhere other than Hearthcards.
Save it and upload it to
, or some other similar site. HearthCards has a limited server space and will purge cards after a few days, and nobody wants your card disappearing part-way through the finals. We understand that there are some HearthCards memberships that will allow you to save your card there for longer (and you should totally get one of those just for general fan creation purposes, by the way), but we don't know who has those memberships and we can't tell from the URLs.
When you post your Imgur link,
make sure it's the actual image and not the hosting page!
You need to right-click and open the image in a new window/tab first; the link should have an "i" in front of it, "i.imgur.XXXX". HearthPwn won't be able to direct-post your card, otherwise.
Fun and even humorous entries are perfectly allowed, but "troll" entries will be disqualified. If you're worried that your card may be misinterpreted as a troll card, contact a moderator before you submit. Emote-related cards will be considered a troll entry.
We reserve the right to classify cards as "troll" entries as we deem necessary, even if the reasoning is
explicitly stated in the rules.
A Note on Group Submissions: if you team up with other people to submit an entry, you must enclose that information in your submission and
of you may upvote that entry.
That would be considered an unfair advantage and we will treat it as vote-manipulation. You are technically voting for yourself, and that is not allowed. Failing to tell us you're in a group is also against the rules, as we'll have no choice but to assume that you withheld the information to ghost-vote your group's submission.
Though not a rule exactly, we
recommend that you insert your images using this icon on the bar above the post text editor:
. Just click that button and put in the URL of your image. Cards that are uploaded and attached to your post are not disallowed, but in our experience they will not do nearly as well, so this is for your own benefit more than anything.
Finally, know that manipulating votes in any way is strictly forbidden. Any violators will receive an official warning, and will be banned from this and all future HearthPwn Card Design Competitions.
Competition Process
Preview Phase
(Starts Now! Ends 21:00 UTC 4/4/2019)
During this Phase, the Discussion Topic is made available, previewing this week's competition theme.
Entry and Early Voting Phase
(Starts 21:00 UTC 4/4/2019, Ends 21:00 UTC 8/4/2019)
During this Phase, the Submission Topic is made available for your submissions. You may also, of course, feel free to give early up-votes to any submissions that you like!
Voting Phase
(Starts 21:00 UTC 8/4/2019, Ends 21:00 UTC 9/4/2019)
During this Phase, the Submission Topic will be locked, so no more entries may be submitted. Instead, use this time to browse the submissions and up-vote your favorites!
Final Phase
(Starts 21:00 UTC 9/4/2019, Ends 21:00 UTC 10/4/2019)
During this Phase, the Discussion Topic will also be locked, and a new Poll Topic will go up. Discussion will be allowed to continue in the Poll Topic, and it will also include all the qualifying finalists and poll to decide the winner of the competition!
How do we determine the qualifying finalists? First, we'll pull up-vote data from each submission using the formula detailed below:
) / (
) =
= The total number of submissions on the same page as the submission.
= The total number of up-votes that the submission received.
= The total number of up-votes on the same page as the submission.
= The submission's final score.
The formula basically measures which cards stood out the most, with the necessary assumption that each page is about equal in overall submission quality. It will be the entries that receive the highest final scores that move on to the Final Phase.
The bottom line is that, although entries on the earlier pages of the Submission Topic are much more visible and thus receive many more up-votes than entries on later pages, you don't actually have to rush to get your entry in as soon as possible because the up-votes end up being weighted by what page your entry ends up on in order to determine its final score.
But wait, there's more! During each Weekly Card Design Competition, each Fan Creation Forum moderators will be given a
Wild Card
, which they can use to advance any one entry that they feel was initially overlooked or under-appreciated to the Final Phase, regardless of its final score. Wild Cards are our way of spicing things up a bit, but please don't ask to be given one or be upset if you aren't given one. These are just supposed to be fun.
(Also, it should go without saying that, while we moderators are allowed to participate in the competitions, we are not allowed to benefit from Wild Cards.)
Bragging rights are always awesome, but as usual, we do offer a couple of HearthPwn site rewards to competition winners:
Their card forever immortalized in our
Winners' Gallery
They will be allowed to select the next card design competition theme.
And a unique
Avatar Border
& "
Card Design Champion
" Title, as depicted below!
Looking for more information about the WCDC or Fan Creations in general? Why not check out this
to see if your question is answered there? You can also PM one of us Fan Creation Mods!
Behold, foolish interlopers! I am commanding this mortal to spread the will of the Scourge throughout the interwebs, encouraging you to seek out me, Archlich Kel'Thuzad! Now coming to you as the tenth class of Hearthstone!
I am a finalist in this Class Creation Competition, so if you could give it a look I would be greatly appreciative <3
The card's playstyle is that you managed to summon or generate a bunch of 0-Attack minions and then Jani, the Protector of Trash (things that people usually throw away) transform them into his champions for a massive swing turn.
Initially, I intended to make this card as a Priest card, but in the end I decided to make it Neutral, as it is a bit unfair and lame if only Priest get the support for resurrection mechanic.
Inspired by the durable plants of Vul'dun, and related quests to herb gathering, this card represents the toughness of the seeds that grow in hostile involvements and their potential to grow into something truly useful or deadly. Which will your druid cultivate?
This is the Submission Topic. The Discussion Topic is here.
Competition Theme: No Attack, No Problem
This week's theme comes from our overlord ShadowsOfSense , whose "Vanessa VanCleef" was the winner of our Decisive Action competition!
Competition-Specific Restrictions:
General Competition Rules
These are the rules that remain consistent from competition to competition.
First, these are the rules about Posting:
These are the rules about your Submission:
A Note on Group Submissions: if you team up with other people to submit an entry, you must enclose that information in your submission and none of you may upvote that entry. That would be considered an unfair advantage and we will treat it as vote-manipulation. You are technically voting for yourself, and that is not allowed. Failing to tell us you're in a group is also against the rules, as we'll have no choice but to assume that you withheld the information to ghost-vote your group's submission.
TIP: Though not a rule exactly, we highly recommend that you insert your images using this icon on the bar above the post text editor: . Just click that button and put in the URL of your image. Cards that are uploaded and attached to your post are not disallowed, but in our experience they will not do nearly as well, so this is for your own benefit more than anything.
Finally, know that manipulating votes in any way is strictly forbidden. Any violators will receive an official warning, and will be banned from this and all future HearthPwn Card Design Competitions.
Competition Process
Preview Phase (Starts Now! Ends 21:00 UTC 4/4/2019)
During this Phase, the Discussion Topic is made available, previewing this week's competition theme.
Entry and Early Voting Phase (Starts 21:00 UTC 4/4/2019, Ends 21:00 UTC 8/4/2019)
During this Phase, the Submission Topic is made available for your submissions. You may also, of course, feel free to give early up-votes to any submissions that you like!
Voting Phase (Starts 21:00 UTC 8/4/2019, Ends 21:00 UTC 9/4/2019)
During this Phase, the Submission Topic will be locked, so no more entries may be submitted. Instead, use this time to browse the submissions and up-vote your favorites!
Final Phase (Starts 21:00 UTC 9/4/2019, Ends 21:00 UTC 10/4/2019)
During this Phase, the Discussion Topic will also be locked, and a new Poll Topic will go up. Discussion will be allowed to continue in the Poll Topic, and it will also include all the qualifying finalists and poll to decide the winner of the competition!
How do we determine the qualifying finalists? First, we'll pull up-vote data from each submission using the formula detailed below:
( ab ) / ( c ) = x
a = The total number of submissions on the same page as the submission.
b = The total number of up-votes that the submission received.
c = The total number of up-votes on the same page as the submission.
x = The submission's final score.
The formula basically measures which cards stood out the most, with the necessary assumption that each page is about equal in overall submission quality. It will be the entries that receive the highest final scores that move on to the Final Phase.
The bottom line is that, although entries on the earlier pages of the Submission Topic are much more visible and thus receive many more up-votes than entries on later pages, you don't actually have to rush to get your entry in as soon as possible because the up-votes end up being weighted by what page your entry ends up on in order to determine its final score.
But wait, there's more! During each Weekly Card Design Competition, each Fan Creation Forum moderators will be given a Wild Card , which they can use to advance any one entry that they feel was initially overlooked or under-appreciated to the Final Phase, regardless of its final score. Wild Cards are our way of spicing things up a bit, but please don't ask to be given one or be upset if you aren't given one. These are just supposed to be fun.
(Also, it should go without saying that, while we moderators are allowed to participate in the competitions, we are not allowed to benefit from Wild Cards.)
Bragging rights are always awesome, but as usual, we do offer a couple of HearthPwn site rewards to competition winners:
Their card forever immortalized in our Winners' Gallery !
They will be allowed to select the next card design competition theme.
And a unique Avatar Border & " Card Design Champion " Title, as depicted below!
Looking for more information about the WCDC or Fan Creations in general? Why not check out this FAQ to see if your question is answered there? You can also PM one of us Fan Creation Mods!
Good Luck!
Behold, foolish interlopers! I am commanding this mortal to spread the will of the Scourge throughout the interwebs, encouraging you to seek out me, Archlich Kel'Thuzad! Now coming to you as the tenth class of Hearthstone!
I am a finalist in this Class Creation Competition, so if you could give it a look I would be greatly appreciative <3
Tokens Goblin Bomb
"Don't feed it past midnight, or it'll get more than 0 Attack and kill you all"
Arts Credits: JG-OBERON and Gleb Tagirov, respectively.
...Soul of Wyrm. Soul of Root. Heart of Void...
The card's playstyle is that you managed to summon or generate a bunch of 0-Attack minions and then Jani, the Protector of Trash (things that people usually throw away) transform them into his champions for a massive swing turn.
Click here to visit my Timestream Tracking Finalist Year of the Dragon in collaboration with Demonxz95
Class Creation Finalist: The Astromancer
Best cards vote by community:
"Don't worry kid! I'm gonna save you from that chicken stomach!"
Good luck to all you guys!
Counterfeit Coin and Gallywix's Coin also trigger the effect of this card.
Initially, I intended to make this card as a Priest card, but in the end I decided to make it Neutral, as it is a bit unfair and lame if only Priest get the support for resurrection mechanic.
My Hearthcards ID: kolozenzei
Inspired by the durable plants of Vul'dun, and related quests to herb gathering, this card represents the toughness of the seeds that grow in hostile involvements and their potential to grow into something truly useful or deadly. Which will your druid cultivate?
Just don't ask where the fertilizer comes from, you'll never get an answer...or be seen again
"Hit them very hard"
-Raid Leader