You must create a card that provides you options as-to how to proceed, but it may not have Adapt, Choose One/Twice, or Discover.
Targeted Battlecries like "Deal X damage" are not enough: the card must create "the Discover window" or have different outcomes depending on the target.
We have whittled down ~50 valid submissions to just 8 of the community's favorites. Check out all the finalists below and vote in our poll (vote for as many or as few as you like) to help decide the winner and be sure to check back after the poll finishes for the announcement of the winner and the start of a new theme!
I don't mean to downgrade DestroyerR's submission, but the card is really weak imho.
For 2 mana you summon a 2/1 with poisonous, which can't attack, because it's summoned at the start of your turn. And when the opponent's turn begins, they can just ping it.
Anyway my favourite cards are Shadow's and Unicorn's.
I don't mean to downgrade DestroyerR's submission, but the card is really weak imho.
For 2 mana you summon a 2/1 with poisonous, which can't attack, because it's summoned at the start of your turn. And when the opponent's turn begins, they can just ping it.
Anyway my favourite cards are Shadow's and Unicorn's.
The idea of the card is supposed to be that 1. You play mind games with your opponent, letting him guess which Secret is it, and 2. Saving a Poisonous minion for whenever you need it, which can be very useful later in the game. Also: pinging it isn’t always available in all classes, and it might ruin their curve if they have to ping it, and there are ways of guaranteeing the Pit Snake gets value (Serrated Tooth comes to mind)
I think it would be perfectly fine if you guys choose to get rid of cards that are far too similar on the voting poll. Dark Fortune and Lazul along with the Researcher and Zoologist.
I think it would be perfectly fine if you guys choose to get rid of cards that are far too similar on the voting poll. Dark Fortune and Lazul along with the Researcher and Zoologist.
These are all completely different effects, I don't see how you can possibly think they're too similar to each other. Additionally, how would we choose which one to get rid of? Arbitrarily excluding entries like that would be silly.
I don't mean to downgrade DestroyerR's submission, but the card is really weak imho.
For 2 mana you summon a 2/1 with poisonous, which can't attack, because it's summoned at the start of your turn. And when the opponent's turn begins, they can just ping it.
Anyway my favourite cards are Shadow's and Unicorn's.
The idea of the card is supposed to be that 1. You play mind games with your opponent, letting him guess which Secret is it, and 2. Saving a Poisonous minion for whenever you need it, which can be very useful later in the game. Also: pinging it isn’t always available in all classes, and it might ruin their curve if they have to ping it, and there are ways of guaranteeing the Pit Snake gets value (Serrated Tooth comes to mind)
That's very nice, but:
1) Rogue secrets can be tested rather quickly and since there are only 3 of them, it's not really hard to distinguish them. It's not like playing around Counterspell and the real secret is Spellbender. Moreover, when people face certain archtypes and are aware of your deck's strategy, they will put 2 and 2 together and will exclude the unfitting secrets (like evasion in a tempo deck).
2) Come on, as if classes can't deal 1 damage to a minion. They can sacrifice a small token or use their weapon/HP/small spell. And what's better - to ruin your curve a bit or to ruin your tempo? Imho you ruin your tempo a lot more by sacrificing 2 mana for a slow poisonous minion.
As for the aforementioned combo - everyone can pull it off and it will be more optimal than this. In wild rogues can pull it off with Pit Snake from hand (they can also use it as a cheap combo activator) and in standard rogues already have Patient Assassin, who has Stealth.
I don't mean to downgrade DestroyerR's submission, but the card is really weak imho.
For 2 mana you summon a 2/1 with poisonous, which can't attack, because it's summoned at the start of your turn. And when the opponent's turn begins, they can just ping it.
Anyway my favourite cards are Shadow's and Unicorn's.
The idea of the card is supposed to be that 1. You play mind games with your opponent, letting him guess which Secret is it, and 2. Saving a Poisonous minion for whenever you need it, which can be very useful later in the game. Also: pinging it isn’t always available in all classes, and it might ruin their curve if they have to ping it, and there are ways of guaranteeing the Pit Snake gets value (Serrated Tooth comes to mind)
That's very nice, but:
1) Rogue secrets can be tested rather quickly and since there are only 3 of them, it's not really hard to distinguish them. It's not like playing around Counterspell and the real secret is Spellbender. Moreover, when people face certain archtypes and are aware of your deck's strategy, they will put 2 and 2 together and will exclude the unfitting secrets (like evasion in a tempo deck).
2) Come on, as if classes can't deal 1 damage to a minion. They can sacrifice a small token or use their weapon/HP/small spell. And what's better - to ruin your curve a bit or to ruin your tempo? Imho you ruin your tempo a lot more by sacrificing 2 mana for a slow poisonous minion.
As for the aforementioned combo - everyone can pull it off and it will be more optimal than this. In wild rogues can pull it off with Pit Snake from hand (they can also use it as a cheap combo activator) and in standard rogues already have Patient Assassin, who has Stealth.
Eh, you’re probably right. I won’t try too hard to make a case why this isn’t UP, because admittedly I was less concentrated on balance while making the card
I think it would be perfectly fine if you guys choose to get rid of cards that are far too similar on the voting poll. Dark Fortune and Lazul along with the Researcher and Zoologist.
Thing is, those people put effort to make those cards. Killing one of them like that would be pretty harsh.
I think it would be perfectly fine if you guys choose to get rid of cards that are far too similar on the voting poll. Dark Fortune and Lazul along with the Researcher and Zoologist.
Thing is, those people put effort to make those cards. Killing one of them like that would be pretty harsh.
Behold, foolish interlopers! I am commanding this mortal to spread the will of the Scourge throughout the interwebs, encouraging you to seek out me, Archlich Kel'Thuzad! Now coming to you as the tenth class of Hearthstone!
I am a finalist in this Class Creation Competition, so if you could give it a look I would be greatly appreciative <3
This Week's Finalists
Competition-Specific Restrictions:
We have whittled down ~50 valid submissions to just 8 of the community's favorites.
Check out all the finalists below and vote in our poll (vote for as many or as few as you like) to help decide the winner and be sure to check back after the poll finishes for the announcement of the winner and the start of a new theme!
Defias Bandit
by ShadowsOfSense
by MurderyUnicorn
by Shatterstar1998
by Wailor
by Sinthuja
Pit Snake
by DestroyerR
by linkblade91
by Demonxz95
Snake in a Boot
You can find me here! Good luck everyone!
Congratulations and good luck to all finalists! Glad I made it too! My favorites this week are Snake in a Boot and Fight or Flight.
I don't mean to downgrade DestroyerR's submission, but the card is really weak imho.
For 2 mana you summon a 2/1 with poisonous, which can't attack, because it's summoned at the start of your turn. And when the opponent's turn begins, they can just ping it.
Anyway my favourite cards are Shadow's and Unicorn's.
For some reason there's so few upvote this week. Guess everybody were too busy hyping up for the expansion.
Snake in a Boot is so close to getting my vote if it just use Emperor Cobra. Beside not being UP, the card will also using an evergreen Classic card.
Click here to visit my Timestream Tracking Finalist Year of the Dragon in collaboration with Demonxz95
Class Creation Finalist: The Astromancer
Best cards vote by community:
The idea of the card is supposed to be that 1. You play mind games with your opponent, letting him guess which Secret is it, and 2. Saving a Poisonous minion for whenever you need it, which can be very useful later in the game. Also: pinging it isn’t always available in all classes, and it might ruin their curve if they have to ping it, and there are ways of guaranteeing the Pit Snake gets value (Serrated Tooth comes to mind)
Didn’t even think about that! I guess I was just concerned with making it similar to the card’s art. Had you just said that in the discussion topic...
I'll be honest: It was one of those cards that I didn't think was UP until someone points it out. Not to mention I was busy with life.
Click here to visit my Timestream Tracking Finalist Year of the Dragon in collaboration with Demonxz95
Class Creation Finalist: The Astromancer
Best cards vote by community:
I think it would be perfectly fine if you guys choose to get rid of cards that are far too similar on the voting poll. Dark Fortune and Lazul along with the Researcher and Zoologist.
These are all completely different effects, I don't see how you can possibly think they're too similar to each other. Additionally, how would we choose which one to get rid of? Arbitrarily excluding entries like that would be silly.
You can find me here! Good luck everyone!
That's very nice, but:
1) Rogue secrets can be tested rather quickly and since there are only 3 of them, it's not really hard to distinguish them. It's not like playing around Counterspell and the real secret is Spellbender. Moreover, when people face certain archtypes and are aware of your deck's strategy, they will put 2 and 2 together and will exclude the unfitting secrets (like evasion in a tempo deck).
2) Come on, as if classes can't deal 1 damage to a minion. They can sacrifice a small token or use their weapon/HP/small spell. And what's better - to ruin your curve a bit or to ruin your tempo? Imho you ruin your tempo a lot more by sacrificing 2 mana for a slow poisonous minion.
As for the aforementioned combo - everyone can pull it off and it will be more optimal than this. In wild rogues can pull it off with Pit Snake from hand (they can also use it as a cheap combo activator) and in standard rogues already have Patient Assassin, who has Stealth.
Eh, you’re probably right. I won’t try too hard to make a case why this isn’t UP, because admittedly I was less concentrated on balance while making the card
Thing is, those people put effort to make those cards. Killing one of them like that would be pretty harsh.
Also, they're only similar thematically.
Congratulations to the boss-man, Shadows! The next theme is ready.
Behold, foolish interlopers! I am commanding this mortal to spread the will of the Scourge throughout the interwebs, encouraging you to seek out me, Archlich Kel'Thuzad! Now coming to you as the tenth class of Hearthstone!
I am a finalist in this Class Creation Competition, so if you could give it a look I would be greatly appreciative <3
CG Shadows!